‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Maci Bookout Buys Giant New House Despite Still Having a Tax Lien Against Her

“I’m livin’ in luxury, y’all!”

No matter what itsyoursexlife.com says, it pays to get pregnant as a teenager…at least if you’re Maci Bookout!

The Teen Mom OG star and her husband Taylor McKinney just plunked down over $600,000 on their new “Tennessee mountain home.” (Kudos to you if you caught that Dolly Parton reference, by the way…)

According to Radar Online, Maci and Taylor purchased the 3,500-square-foot, four-bedroom home on September 14 for $625,000.

The MTV-paid-for mansion boasts cathedral ceilings, an in-ground pool and his ‘n’ her master bedroom walk-in closets (offering plenty of room for Maci and Taylor to hang their leather-pocketed T-shirts!)

Other features include a media room complete with movie screen and projector (perhaps to watch ‘Teen Mom OG’ on?), a master suite bathroom with a jetted tub (for Maci to relax in after a day of fretting about her baby daddy Ryan Edwards), and, of course, plenty of patio space (for those impromptu beer pong matches!)

The home also has an “outbuilding,” which at 2,240-square-feet, is bigger than most of the homes in the area! The “outbuilding” is essentially a guesthouse that sits behind the main house on the property.

(Um..was a HIGH! HIGH! Kieffa in charge of the paint scheme?)

As The Ashley previously reported, Maci and Taylor put their former home up for sale this summer for $370,000. During an interview in August on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast, Maci explained that she and Taylor weren’t really planning on moving, but when they came across their new home, they had to have it.

Maci said that she and Taylor own a piece of land and were merely looking at houses for inspiration before they began to build when they fell in love with this house and decided to make the purchase.

“Can I sleep in your outbuilding? Just kidding but…can I?”

Although Maci was able to shell out over $600,000 to purchase her new home, she is still plagued by the pesky state tax lien she was hit with in August 2017. According to Radar Online, Maci owes $12,569 in state taxes for the years 2012 and 2014. A clerk for the Sacramento County Court Recorder’s Office in California confirmed to Radar that the tax lien against Maci was still active as of last month.

This is, of course, just the latest tax lien Maci has dealt with since starting with MTV in 2009. In 2013, she was hit with a lien of $78,308, and in 2015 received another lien for $5,249. Both of those tax liens were paid off in 2015.

The Ashley has explained in previous posts why so many of the ‘Teen Mom’ stars have dealt with tax problems. All of the show’s stars are all considered “independent contractors” and not employees of Viacom (which owns MTV). That means that the girls are essentially freelancers, just like a writer or an artist would be, and that no taxes are taken out of their MTV paychecks.

Basically, the girls are given a big lump sum at various times during the season, and it is their responsibility to save the appropriate portion of that sum to pay quarterly taxes and avoid getting stuck with a huge tax debt at the end of the year. If they are not being proactive in paying their taxes (or paying off big sums at the end of the tax season), they will likely run into problems with the IRS.

RELATED STORY: Maci Bookout Reveals Why She’s Moving & Discusses Ryan Edwards’ Latest Arrest During Coffee Convos Podcast Interview

(Photos: MTV, Twitter)

32 Responses

  1. Must be fuckin nice! But ffs pay your dang taxes!! $12k?!.but you can buy a $600k house?? Does. Not. Compute.

  2. Its not sour grapes, what’s right is right especially the pay checks and extras they get? Its really irresponsible and obnoxious to just ignore something like that. Lost the respect I had for them

    1. These people should not live in a nicer house than their doctor, who actually works hard and benefits society.

  3. Oh yes, this is how “teen moms” usually end up.

    In a 650k home with a pool.

    So now………..all of the girls who are vulnerable and watch this show, can think they they too can have the dream. Just get knocked up at 16.

    What a joke. Getting nuvo riche on MTV for having a child at 16.

    Um……here’s reality. I did have a child at 16, was homeless, abused, barely a high school education, baby daddy is a demon. Shall I go on? Let me tell you from experience, this is NOT REALITY.

    Sure, it’s nice for her, and I like Maci. It’s just NOT realistic

    1. Exactly! It’s not that I’m sour grapes or “jealous”. I think the home is beautiful! Plus, I like the McKinney clan. But no, no more real and true struggles of having had a kid that young. And without an education beyond high school as it is in Maci’s case. Any other person who had a kid at 16 with only a HS diploma would either still be at home with their parents at this age or in an apartment.

  4. If Macy is smart ..she’ll pay for the home outright and just Pay the taxes and home owners insurance on it..it’s doable.

    1. On a $600k+ house though? I can’t imagine the taxes, the upkeep, and insurance (usually that continues to go up). She would have been better off with a $300k-$400k home, IMO – but I base that on not thinking TM will last another 3 years and I’m not sure how well thier clothing line is doing.

  5. Yes, the house is beautiful but does she really need it?! It’s just to show off how wealthy she now is. These girls have no sense of reality at this point, when the show ends and money dries up, she will have to work an ordinary job for minimum wage. And sell the house ofc.

    1. All of then are delusional but Chelsea. Sure Maci can maintain a 600 grand house after Teen Mom is cancelled because being a teen mom is such a marketable skill. Oh well they can pay for it 1 t-shirt sale at a time.

      1. I agree! I’m sure even after the show ends, Chelsea and Cole will be 100% safe when it comes to finances. They do the LEAST extravagant things with their money and it’s very responsible and practical. Chelsea still has the same home she purchased a few years ago, even before she met Cole. She’s only had 2 major vehicle changes since starting the series. And that was only to make room after she had Aubree and when she was having Watson. Plus, do they even take super luxurious trips? I’ve only seen them take a few family trips and they’re always to regular places here in the States. Not to mention Cole is still working at his job that’s hes had since before Chelsea.

        They’re smart. Period. 2 paid off vehicles, paid off modest home and that’s all they need. If my husband and I were to ever come into money like that, this is how we would live. Splurge every now and then, but mainly keep it simple.

          1. Oh my really??? Lol! Totally foot in mouth moment for me. ??? I still couldn’t afford a $450k house right now to pay outright… or ever!

  6. No one needs a 3500 square foot home. Sorry, not sorry. You will never use all that space. Never. Just to store your junk that will end up in the landfill.

    1. She might actually need all that extra space. Where else would she keep the unsold inventory of her ugly overpriced clothes?

  7. Can’t wait till we here about Jenelle’s tax problems now that they own property.
    Can’t see them paying taxes on time.

    1. I was just thinking that! I’m in the Bay Area. I pay 2,800 for a 2 bedroom apartment. I haven’t seen a house for less than 700k in a long time, much less a house that looks like that!

  8. Gorgeous home and property,,, but what’s wrong with a 200K dollar home??
    There is this gorgeous 3 bedroom home listed at 225K down the street that I want but can’t right now! I’m not greedy!

  9. The house is gorgeous but am I the only one with a brain wondering how they’ll pay property taxes? I mean they put down the 600k to purchase it but I’d imagine the yearly taxes in a house of that cost are outrageous. What’s gunna happen when the gravy train runs out of gas Maci?!

    1. Tennesee actually has pretty low property taxes. I just did a quick Google search and it shows the taxes on a $600,000 house in Chattanooga would run about $5400. I realize that the tax liens against Maci don’t do much to show her as financially responsible, but putting aside $500 a month for taxes shouldn’t be that difficult, assuming she and Taylor turn a decent profit from the T-shirt business.

  10. Her house is gorgeous. But as I always say, it’s time to end this show! None of the girls display a life of struggle anymore. This goes for the TM2 girls as well. They all own homes that are worth $300,000+ and they own them outright. Most people don’t finish paying off homes until very later in life. Most people definitely don’t own mansions in a lifetime. This is ridiculous. Even the new girls on the Young and Pregnant series will all end up with new cars and homes by their 3rd seasons.

  11. Its gonna suck for Macy when Teen Mom ends again like it did the first time and they were all broke and begging for the show to continue. Thats when Farrah started doing porn. Oh well, some people never learn. Maci like to buy all her men and Tayler apparently has expensive taste.

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