‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Parties With Baby Mama Jen Harley Days After Calling the Cops On Her & Accusing Her of Extortion

“Can’t stop, won’t stop, though seriously need to make it stop…”

Well, here we go… once again. 

According to TMZ, Jersey Shore Family Vacation star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his baby mama Jen Harley were involved in yet another altercation this week that ended with the cops being called and both parties taking to social media to air the other’s dirty laundry. Two days later, though, the anger-management-impaired pair was seen boating together with friends in Miami.

Let’s back it up to recap the last few days in the life of Ron and Jen….

The latest altercation, which went down Thursday night, allegedly began when Jen went to Ronnie’s house to pick up their daughter, Ariana, and Ronnie’s aunt would not let her in the front door. 

Naturally, Jen decided to air her and Ronnie’s never-ending chaos on social media for all to see. 

How long before that glass of water ends up in someone’s face… glass and all?

“You want the drama here it is,” Jen wrote in her Instagram story. 

Jen’s defensive Instagram message came after Ronnie posted a video calling her out for leaving their daughter and Jen’s 12-year-old son (from a previous relationship) home alone so she could go out drinking. 

“Tired of it always put on me,” Jen continued on Instagram. “He has held my daughter for days and won’t give her back. So crazy Ronnie and his aunt are trying to fight me. I want to show you guys the truth and how it really is. They’re asking me to get out and fight them when I’m trying to pick my daughter up. I’m tired of being blamed for the violence.” 

In Jen’s video from the tumultuous attempted-pickup, Ronnie and his aunt can be seen (and heard) from the doorway of Ronnie’s house. Ronnie’s aunt can also be heard called Jen a wh0re and accusing her of creating drama only to make “Instagram money.”

“Hey, these extensions aren’t gonna pay for themselves!”

“Yep, I’m gonna sell this mother f**ker tonight. I’m selling this video tonight, and I’m going out with it,” Jen responds,as her friends laugh in the car.) 

The same day, Ronnie reportedly filed a battery report, presumably for the black eye incident The Ashley told you about earlier this week. This is, of course, the same shiner that Ronnie had insinuated on Instagram was courtesy of Jen. 

At the time, Jen took to Instagram to deny fault for Ronnie’s black eye and also accuse her baby daddy of being a drug addict. 

Jen and Ron then both posted screenshots of their text conversations to Instagram (as you do). In the convo Ron posted, it appears that Jen is asking him to give her $20,000 to go away. Ronnie captioned the screenshot, “Isn’t it illegal to extort someone in America?”

Ronnie (writing in blue) posted this convo with Jen to his Instagram…

In the text conversation that Jen posted to her Instagram, she Ronnie calls the incident “double sided” and offers to post something that may help clear Jen’s name. (This convo must have happened while the on-and-off-couple was “on” again.)

When someone advises Ronnie to NOT air his messy relationship drama online…

“U want me to post something say thing that I reacted out of anger and that it was a double sided incedent and we are working at making things better so we are never back in that situation again,” Ronnie’s text reads. (The Ashley has left in Ronnie’s spelling and grammar errors to maintain the Ron-ness of it all…)

Jen posted this convo with Ronnie as “proof” that she was not responsible for his black eye… or something…

When Jen declined Ronnie’s offer to “fix” the situation out of concern that it would make it appear that he only did it out of fear, Ronnie responded with, “no bc it’s the truth.” 

“It was double sided and tag post made it look like it wasn’t,” he continued. 

This week’s turbulent events are just the latest in a long string of dramatic altercations between Ron and Jen.

As The Ashley previously reported, Jen was arrested in June on charges of domestic abuse after allegedly dragging Ronnie with her car while he was exiting the vehicle during yet another fight. 

Later that month, the cops were called during the filming of ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ after Jen showed up unannounced and allegedly got physical with Ronnie. In April, the couple also broadcast their breakup-turned-physical-altercation over Instagram Live. 

Despite all this drama from Thursday and Friday, it appears that Ron and Jen may have forgiven each other– AGAIN. On Saturday, each posted video to Instagram stories that showed them on a boat in Miami. Since both videos feature the same people with them on the boat, we can assume that they are there together.

Stay tuned– these two are bound to bring more drama!

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

15 Responses

  1. See!!! After all the stuff that ronnie put on istsgram and abour jen leaving the kids alone and the black eye , they are back on thry were spotted at a halloween party. See, after putting shit on instsgram, fighting after fighting. They still together. I think thry are doing this crap for money. Pictures are thousands of dollers. So im thinking they get money when selling on the pictures and how many people comment.both of them are doing it. They dont care about the kids they would have stop fighting and putting their dirty laundry on instagram a long time ago. I think that’s what ..it is…. Pictures are worth money.

  2. I hope one of the grandparents/aunts/uncles (someone) takes the kid until they can get anger management classes and parenting classes done. This child will grow up in chaos and have a very twisted idea of “love”.

  3. What is wrong with nevada? If this many police calls, arrested, public altercations happened in nys they would’ve had a restraining order put on them whether they wanted it or not. And cps would be monitoring the situation. I don’t like to get into people’s personal stuff but these kids deserve better. It looks like Ronnie, might actually have a shot at beingreat a decent parent if he didn’t think drama with a woman equals love? Love your daughter, take care of her and yourself, and go to therapy to figure out why you think women need to be crazy for you to love them. Normally I wouldn’t bash Jen either without knowing her but there is more than enough history that she herself insists on putting out there, that shows she has no business being a mother or a human in general population at this point.

  4. Ronnie really met his match in this chick……….yikes. And I wouldn’t even care that much if it wasn’t for the kid involved, poor thing was just born and she is already dealing with insane parents. No one of them should raise her until they get counseling tbh.

  5. Where is the father of Jen’s 12 year old? Or where is Jens own mother? This has to be so embarrassing for this poor kid. Hope there’s a responsible family member around who can step in.

  6. Gawd. What kind of ish did Ronnie see growing up that makes him think that this is an ok way to go about raising his daughter??

  7. like I said in the last post they deserve each other yes she is bad but he got physical with sammi in multiple seasons broke every item she owned yet he sat here and tried to portray ronnie the victim

  8. absolutely heartbreaking seeing that baby screaming on the bed all alone. SHAME ON THEM BOTH. That baby needs to be taken away IMMEDIATELY!!! Ron and Jen can go jump off a cliff holding hands for all I care. Good riddance.

    1. Seriously – they’re Janelle / David level trash. Pretty sure I heard Ronnie’s Aunt calling Jen muff cabbage in the background of the video.

  9. poor baby. they are ruining her life already. and its disturbing to hear this girl has a 12year old son too. trash. what a disgrace. Ron’s family should just get the baby. that girl has no right being a mother.

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