8 Funny Things Reality TV Stars Tweeted This Week

“I just tweet what we all think, OK?”

Our favorite reality TV shows love to spend time on Twitter, pouring out their innermost thoughts, throwing shade at their co-stars and, of course, making us laugh (whether they’re being intentionally funny or not…)

The Ashley has concocted a list of the funniest reality TV star tweets from the last seven days!

‘The Challenge’ star Jemmye Carroll discussed the pain all of us creepers have felt before:

‘Teen Mom 2’ star Chelsea Houska admitted her parenting weakness:

New ‘Bachelor’ Colton Underwood had a hard time explaining the whole “Fantasy Suite” concept to Granny:

Former ‘Bachelor’ Sean Lowe just described what The Ashley will be like as an old lady… and/or next year:

Former ‘Bachelorette’ star Diggy Moreland discussed a scientific phenomenon:

Khloe Kardashian made fun of her sister Kourtney’s bougie tweets:

Former ‘Survivor’ star Tyson Apostol made sure we knew that he was not the now-“sausage”-less dude in the Walmart meat department:

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ bartender Wells Adams highlighted a sad but true fact:

RELATED STORY: 10 Funny Things Reality TV Stars Tweeted This Week: Thanksgiving & Black Friday Weekend Edition!

(Photo: MTV)

3 Responses

  1. Jemmye always sounds like she has snot dripping from her nose, but at the same time has cotton balls stuck in her nostrils. I can never catch my breath when I hear her speak. I always feel like I have a stuffy nose.

  2. Kourtney Kardashian reminding the rest of the world that she can and will go any place she wants at the drop of a hat…as if we all forgot. ?

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