Cory Wharton Calls Out Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad David Eason For Turning Down Celebrity Boxing Match: “He Wants to Talk a Big Game!”

“Fresh sod or not, man… no one is willingly coming to The Land.”

Teen Mom OG dad Cory Wharton and former Teen Mom 2 dad David Eason won’t be taking their drama to the boxing ring anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean they won’t take it to social media.

In the latest round of the ‘Teen Mom’ dads’ feud, Cory fired back at David for insisting the two dads duke it out on The Land instead of in an organized boxing match for charity (à la Farrah Abrahamwell… almost) as Cory recently suggested.

“The only way I’ll do it is if it’s in a professional environment because dude is crazy,” Cory told Radar Online. “He told me to come to his house. I’m not dumb. I’m not stepping on his property!”

The beef between David (who is Jenelle Evans‘ husband) and Cory (who is Cheyenne Floyd‘s baby daddy) started when Cory told TMZ in November that, if he could box anyone from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise, he’d chose David. In late December, David caught wind of what Cory said, firing back that he felt Cory is a racist, Cheyenne is a racist (and a hoe), and that Cory can come to The Land if he wants to fight him.

Cory says he has no interest in going to David’s swampy lair of weapons.

“He wants to talk a big game. He wants to have all these guns by his side,” Cory told Radar. “If you want to do something, we can do something. The only person running is you, David! All I need is security to pat you down and make sure you’re not carrying.”

“Sorry, I just can’t risk injuring my trigger-pulling finger.”

Cory’s concerns are warranted, given David’s previous threat to shoot any trespassers on The Land—the same sort of comments that The Ashley revealed has some ‘Teen Mom 2’ crew members refusing to film Jenelle Evans’ segments.

Despite David’s apprehension to engage in a publicized beat-down, Cory remains down for the cause.

“Some people need a good ass-kicking,” he said. “[David] is one of those people. I don’t like him and Jenelle. I don’t like the way they parent or what they stand for. He’s proud to be a s**tty person. How can someone have pride on being so s**tty?! People want to see me fight David. Who wouldn’t want to see me kick David’s ass in the ring.”

The answer? David.

Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman posted a screenshot to Twitter this week of an alleged Facebook message conversation between himself and David. In the exchange, it appears that Damon presented the boxing idea to David in November and David turned it down (while simultaneously making us all completely nauseated).

“Do I look like a f**king boxer to you?” David allegedly wrote in a response to Damon’s request to have him fight another ‘Teen Mom’ dad. “I got more important s**t to do like getting my d**k sucked. Tell you teen mom father he can go rub his sweaty arm pits on someone else.”

All of us as we picture various ‘Teen Mom’ dads rubbing their sweaty armpits on each other…

David has yet to respond to Cory’s latest take on the boxing brawl.

RELATED STORY: David Eason Accuses ‘Teen Mom OG’ Stars Cory Wharton & Cheyenne Floyd of Being Racist; Challenges Cory to a Fight on The Land

(Photos: MTV; Twitter; Instagram)

25 Responses

  1. David’s response is exactly what I’d expect from him. But I still couldn’t help but cringe. It’s disgusting to hear someone talk like that (in a roundabout way) about their wife. Have some fucking respect or common decency to at least ACT or PRESENT as something other than a douchenozzle.

  2. Ugh, two fame whores found each other. Don’t get me wrong, David is waaaaaaaaaay more insane but Cory is meddling himself all the time now that he is “a big star” of Teen Mom 2. He is becoming Javi. Just shut up, both of you!!!

  3. Wait.. I’m confused…
    David is calling Cheyenne a ho?
    What’s Jenelle? With her 3 baby daddy’s, all her engagements, and different “Soulmates”. Anyone that would take on that disaster is clearly a disaster themself.

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    David continues to prove that at the end of the day, he’s nothing but a little bitch. He talks all kinds of shit and then when he’s held accountable for it he tucks his tail between his legs and won’t step up. Cory offers to step in the ring, David is too busy demanding BJ’s from Jenelle (cause he’s SOOO not gay you guys). The FBI/Secret Service show up, he was just saying he supports bump stocks and waits until they’re leaving to tell them to get off his laaaaand. He’s questioned about the towing incident, he claims it was just a youtube stunt to get more followers.

    He’s nothing but a punk ass hill billy who is just hiding in the meth mansion. He can’t be bothered to go up against people that may actually win in a fight. He’d rather smack around Jenelle’s children, Jenelle, and talk shit on people from behind his computer. They’re much easier targets for him.

  5. This just goes to show how much of a punk bitch David really is. Has no problem jumping on top of tiny Jennelle and snapping her collar bone by a fire pit on the land, or beating little Kaiser….but he won’t meet Cory (a grown man) in a boxing ring. I understand exactly what Cory is saying…I wouldn’t fight David either unless it were in a professional setting. David’s such a little bitch, we all know once he started losing he would pull out some kind of weapon.

  6. Man that’s methed up. Who does this Cory guy think he is trying to fight poor little David.
    No guns, knives or grenades?
    No woman to swing on first?
    What about all the small children he has to abuse first to make himself feel big and tough?
    But.. I have been waiting for someone to finally mop the floor with that scraggly ass beard of his.

    He’s a fat, drunken, cracked out hill billy. Probably wouldn’t be much of a fight anyway, it would be like a cartoon fight, he’d be seeing stars and birds on the first hit.

  7. I know Janelle probably does not care but the comment that David made about getting his Pen** sucked was kind of disrespectful and also inadvertently my mind went places it should not have. =-[

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    David is the biggest pussy, hes only brave when he has a gun. What a loser. He wont fight cory because David only beats up women. Disgusting coward!

  9. SwampDick David only hits women, children and the disabled elderly because he is the epitome of a little bitch.

  10. Cory is playing with fire. He needs to shut up. You don’t taunt somebody that obviously is out of their mind and has an obsession with guns. Just sayin’.

      1. Haha Trust me, I’m not Jenelle. I’m not team David at all. Maybe I should have worded it differently. All I was saying is that David is crazy and I don’t think it’s a good idea for someone to be challenging him to a fight. I wasn’t expecting people to disagree with that but I guess I was wrong lol.

        My point is that I just want everyone to be safe and judging by David’s behavior the last few months and the MTV crew refusing to film around him due to his antics, I wouldn’t be doing what Cory’s doing but that’s just me.

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOR NATHAN TO CHALLENGE DAVID!!! THEN WE CAN SEE WHO THE TRUE BIOTCH IS!!! remember david saying Kaiser was a bitch like his dad (or something like that)

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Well David’s words speak high volume! HE IS A SCARED LIL MAN!
    He has to have plenty of LAND and MASS weapons to back him up! Wimp!!!!!
    David suffers from severe inner… LITTLE MANS SYNDROME!
    Words of wisdom David…dont talk no stuff. .there be no stuff!
    Before u speak down to anyone be sure u can throw hands! No knives or bullets!
    Lmbo seems as tho u met ur match! Put ur bug boy pants on or just stfu already!!!!
    As for ur trashy mouth…its sickening, pathetic and shows ur true level of maturity!!! I have NEVER witnessed any REAL DAD talk such filth! Even if u say the kids doesnt hear it…I don’t believe that but if its true it’s still irrelevant cuz its proof of how u feel! Ur mentality!I don’t understand why any of these stupid girls would be seem with your ugly, mishaped self! No looks…no body…no morals…no heart…now we see NO ASS #ChickenButt
    Je needs to run from him!
    Most men that cant fight hide behind their girl and then takes all his frustration etc out in her behind closed doors! Boy can’t be a real man so they bully their girls! Hence to his control and security isaues!!!

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Eason is a straight bitch Cory would thrash him!! See with out easons guns he’s nothing just a bag of shit..

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Corey is not a helpless child so of course David won’t go up against him !

  15. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    David knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows if he does and says outrageous things people will talk about him and thats what he wants. He wants to be famous.

  16. What a damn little girl. Yep, Jennel you got yourself a great little man there. I bet you’re real proof of him now. Just think instead of being afraid to leave him all you have to do is beat his as* up.

  17. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    As my Dad often said “He’s got an elephant mouth and a canary ass”

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    David calling Cheyenne a hoe! Priceless……as Jenelle has three different baby daddies ….and….has had bisexual relations! He should look at his own shit!!!

  19. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    He calls Cheyenne a hoe?!!! Who’s woman has had all kinds of boyfriend’s & aired em on tv & has different daddies for each of her babies? Get it straight, David! U just a scared ass Lil boy, hiding behind ur guns! & Ur correct, u don’t look like no boxer! U can’t fight, that’s exactly y u hv all them guns…..P*$$Y!!!! Listen u Teen Wolf look a like fool! Nobody’s interested unless u step up & step in that ring! But we all know u won’t….ur only used to hitting one thing, & that’s ur WIFE!!!!!

  20. Seems like David’s hobby is making himself more and more unemployable.
    Good luck after you get Jenelle fired buddy! I’m sure you’ll Divorce when the show is over but this reputation will follow you forever.

  21. David is a pu**y. He won’t fight Cory or any other man with his fists because that’s what he’s got Jenelle for. A woman as his punching bag. Cory is right, men like David y’all a ton of noise and have to hide behind weapons because his bark is bigger than his bite. I have no doubt that if given the opportunity, Cory would put David on his ass and/or neck. Even on a bad day.

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