Ryan Edwards is back behind bars!
Radar Online broke the news that the (former?) Teen Mom OG dad was arrested on Wednesday on a charge of “theft of services under $1,000.” At press time, Ryan was still in jail, being held without bond.
A county clerk confirmed to Radar Online that Ryan was also charged with possession of heroin, but in Red Bank County. (The theft charge came out of Hamilton County.)
“According to the clerk, a warrant was likely out for his arrest in Red Bank at the time of his arrest. He is being held on no bond for the drug charge,” Radar reports.
TMZ shed more light on what caused Ryan to get thrown in the clink initially.
Apparently, Ryan— who, mind you, just got out of an intense in-patient rehab program less than two months ago– was doing a little day drinking at a bar back in December. The police documents state, according to TMZ, that Ryan allegedly started guzzling Jack Daniels around noon at Bud’s Sports Bar (as you do) and stayed until 4 p.m. During that time, the bartender claims Ryan racked up a $36 bar tab for his six drinks.
Ryan then got up and left the bar without dropping that MTV cash to pay his tab.
TMZ reports that the bartender then called the police who “recognized his face from photos in the Criminal Justice Portal.”
(Surely, having his mug on ‘Teen Mom’ for nearly a decade didn’t help Ryan stay incognito either.)

The cops located Ryan and for some reason waited until Wednesday to arrest him for the alleged December drink-and-dash.
However, it seems that the cops discovered that Ryan had a pending charge for heroin possession in nearby Red Bank, Tennessee. Radar Online reports that “the warrant for that [heroin] charge was likely already out at the time of the theft arrest.”
Ryan is still behind bars at press time. His new mugshot shows him looking much more put-together than his previous mugshot from last summer did. In the new mugshot, Ryan wears a plaid shirt, has his hair styled and looks a lot like the “old” Ryan we met in the early years of ‘Teen Mom.’

Ryan’s ever-faithful wife Mackenzie has been silent on social media since news of Ryan’s arrest broke.
Ryan will likely remain behind bars until his Red Bank County court date (for the heroin possession charge), which is next Monday, January 28. He will face the theft charge in a Hamilton County court room on Wednesday, February 6.
UPDATE! The Hamilton County Police Department has released a statement explaining more about Ryan’s arrest.
“On January 23, 2019, Ryan Edwards was reporting to Hamilton County Probation Office at which time he was arrested due to outstanding warrants,” the statement reads. “Edwards was on probation for a prior conviction of Simple Possession out of Red Bank, Tennessee.”
It appears that the heroin possession charge was not a new charge. It was the charge he was on probation for. He violated his probation when he was arrested for theft. This explains why he was arrested yesterday, as opposed to when the alleged drink-and-dash occurred in December: there was a warrant for his arrest put out that day, so when he showed up to his probation meeting on Wednesday, he was taken in by police.
“Edwards was arrested on January 23, 2018 at 2:19 pm by Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Fugitive Personnel and was booked at the Hamilton County Jail the same day at 4:57 pm,” the statement reads. “Edwards remains in the Hamilton County Jail on a no bond after a Petition to Revoke was issued by the Red Bank Court. As noted above, his revocation of probation stems from a prior charge in Red Bank for Simple Possession on March 3, 2017.”
Read the full statement below:
(Photos: MTV, Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department)
63 Responses
I was really hoping that he got arrested for not paying to a haircut. Before the real story came out, there were some speculations online on what he stole because the police report said Thief of Services. His hair in his new mugshot does look very fresh compared to his previous mugshots.
Thanks The Ashley for setting the record straight
Did anyone expect any differently? He wasn’t interested in his first kid, he’s not going to be interested in this one, especially with an increased drug problem. Mackenzie is reaping what she has sown.
Somewhere Mac is singing, “Stand by your man” again….
Bro has almost as much gray hair as Leah’s boyfriend.
That’s some reasonable prices to rack up $36 in 4 hours.
I was thinking the same thing! Where I live that $36 will get you 2 drinks with tax and tip, outside of happy hour.
Wow, he aged quick!
So sad! Come on dude, get your shit together!
Why is his hair gray, though.
Some men start going gray very young. I knew a guy that started going gray at 27.
My mom started to turn grey around 28 as well. Both my brother and I got lucky and inherited our dad’s hair genes, so we won’t turn grey until 52-55. But honestly, after reading this article the last thing on my mind was his gray hair. I’m questioning how quickly Ryan fell of the bandwagon and how Mackenzie is responding to all this mess.
My cousin started going bald at 21, his dad’s been bald since I’ve known him so it was genetic. He’s in his 30s with a shaved head, pulls it off well.
Lol…well at least he has hair…most guys at his age hairlines have started receding back to their ears…but he needs to slow his roll….he use to be so cute, but now he’s aging rapidly.
He’s barely 33. I don’t know many 30 year olds with receding hairlines,
I know…by then they’re totally bald…
Am I surprised?
He was probably tossing back the Jack bc he realized his under the influence bride named their child Jagger. Mack truck is lucky her family continues taking her in with 2 children while she continually derails her life for 15 minutes of fame.
Wtf is this loser doing at a bar for four hours in the middle of the day with a new baby at home?!
Jesus God Leah!!
He hates his wife.
Soooooo correct me if I’m wrong, buuuuttt…wouldn’t drinking in a bar from noon to 4:00 constitute not being sober??? Sounds like someone needs to head back to rehab!
Different people have different definitions of sobriety. For some, it’s alcohol, drugs, prescription meds, and caffeine. Amber drinks and is on behavioral meds, but still considers herself sober even though she doesn’t act like it (she’s probably been using for awhile though). For Ryan, maybe it was just being off drugs. It’s not uncommon for addicts to switch one addiction for another. For example, Ryan was high at his first wedding and drunk at his second.
Ryan obviously did not take sobriety seriously. He should only head back to rehab if he really wants to be clean and sober. Not doing it for anyone, but himself. Obviously his kids suffer, but addicts who try to get sober for “someone else” will relapse.
Yet we can’t get hail time for Janelle and her psycho husband!!!!
It’s not surprising to any of us that he was in a bar drinking( swapping one habit for another ) he got out of rehab and went right back to the life he was running from. Mackenzie needs to take a look back at what Javi went through- you can’t force someone to fall in love with you.
Something is messed up with the bar story though , I see these charges dropped after he pays. Ryan sat there drinking for four hours ( obviously not paying per drink) and they didn’t swipe a card to open a tab??? Four hours of GUZZLING jack Daniels would make one blitz enough to forget about the tab, highly doubt he tried to ditch his $36 bill.
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I have been to this bar before… they don’t swipe your card to keep a tab there. It’s not a huge place and they bill you at the end.
Forgetting any of the more serious reasons he should stay away from drugs just looking at that hair cut in the mirror should be a wake up call. Is his barber also a junkie?!
If my husband, son, uncle, brother, friend was struggling with addiction, I’d make sure he was supported. Now, I’m not suggesting I’d follow them around, but if I’d supported and stood by them, I’d set some guidelines! The fact he was in a bar drinking, is not good. Most new parents would want to spend time with their new baby, especially if they weren’t there for the birth!! McKenzie is crazy if she thinks he’s going to change! Deep down, Jen knows he’s made mistakes, and if she wasn’t so soft, he wouldn’t be in denial about it all. I know if one of my children had any issues I would do everything to support them, even if they hated me for a while for tough love. He wasn’t ever a teen dad, wasn’t he 20 when Bentley was born? He’s a bad role model to his children. Bentley is old enough to realise, especially when he sees how a father should behave when he sees how his step dad is. My sons father is a big drinker, and gambles too. He hasn’t had a job for well over a year, and prior to that, he went from job to job, loosing them for various reasons. I’ve never bad mouthed him to my son, and I never would. He’s 14, and for the last 5 years has started to realise that it’s not normal behaviour. He sees my husband working 5 days a week, looking after the house and him and his siblings, plus taking care of me whilst I’m going through chemotherapy. He said recently “I want to be like Ethan when I’m older. I’ll always work, whatever the job, I’ll do it.” Im glad that these children, have positive role models in the likes of Taylor, Cole, Christina and Vee. I’m unsure about Andrew yet. He seems to just sit around, does he have a job?
Well said. I’m glad your sons have Ethan to look up to, as well as the TM kids to the positive role models you mentioned. I think Andrew has random gigs doing camera work in LA.
I mean we all kind of guessed it when it became clear that he barely even recognizes Mackenzie when she’s standing in front of him that “Ryan” is gone. He was never a good person, but he used to have a personality and at least some interests. That guy is dead. There’s just a blob of blood and guts wandering around trying to get fucked up left over.
What a doofus. When you are on probation, it’s probably a good idea to not break the law. He couldn’t pay $36?! Come on.
I was thinking he had a job. What was I thinking? ?
Everyone saying he has to want to get sober is absolutely right. Detox helps you with the awful physical withdrawal. Rehab gives you tools to stay sober. You have the choice whether to carry that forward into life. Even if the heroin arrest is from before, he shouldn’t be drinking. It shows he doesn’t take his sobriety seriously when it should be his priority. That’s the only way it’ll stick
I have a feeling that Ryan is going to be one of those people who are in and out of jail their entire life. Kinda like Butch. Just can’t abide by the rules of society. Ryan is very entitled and seems to think that rules and laws are for other people, not for him.
Ugh that is heartbreakingly true…he is turning into a Butch, and as entertaining as Butch can be, that is such a sad situation. Thank God for Maci and Taylor, but Mack’s a delusional idiot and would keep her kids in that shit to prove everyone “wrong”.
My brother who is a recovered drug addict isn’t allowed to drink, gamble etc as it’s seen as another addiction and harmful to you staying clean. So I see Ryan isn’t taking his sobriety seriously or never wanted to get clean in the first place. Pity he can’t put his children first for once and grow up.
Was it ever mentioned who the girl was he was going to meet up behind a restuarant quite some time ago?
You mean it wasn’t our fellow commenter Food City Floozy? :D:D:D:D
You rang?
Lol. But really you guys who are these women? Who was his tinder date also? I wonder if at home mack is like “Not again ryan!”
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All these thumbs down, Mack must’ve already been here!
Wonder if Mack still accuses Maci of being in love with Ryan — and jealous of her.
(Or…if ANYBODY would actually envy her for that matter.)
Sobriety seems to be going well for him.
He did ask that one girl from Tinder if she was interested in coke, so who knows if he is really done with the drugs. Ryan is having some real issues, and I hope he is able to get it together for his sons. They deserve a good dad.
I’m just gonna say it: Ryan will never be really clean and sober. Which is sad because Jagger will never know how his father actually is.
I don’t think Ryan has any idea who Ryan actually is.
I can’t wait to hear what Mackenzie’s excuse is for this arrest.
well obviously it will be Maci’s fault!
I am STILL waiting to hear what dirt they have on Maci! Remember one episode where Ryan and his dad were talking about this? But they never said what it was.
They don’t have anything they’re stirring up shit
Bet you’re wrong ..?
There is a dirty secret about rehabs and that is they have only like a 15% success rate. Very few alcoholics and drug addicts truly recover. It is a chronic disease. Just because someone goes through cancer treatment does not automatically mean the cancer will be removed or won’t come back.
A lot of people addicted to drugs think its ok to drink because they didnt have a problem with alcohol.
Yeah you didnt have a problem with alcohol because your busy getting high. So now they can go away for alcohol.
There’s only so much a rehab facility can do for you the addict needs to want to get clean. My brother after many times lying to us was off drugs finally put himself in rehab because he realised he was ruining his kids lives. He has now been clean 3 years and has become a drug councillor. Unlike cancer a person doesn’t choose to get it, Drug addiction is a disease but you can’t compare it to cancer. As a drug addict can beat the addiction if that’s what they want.
Rehab isn’t aimed at treating the disease, as it cannot be treated. It’s aimed at detoxing, education & utilizing coping skills to remain sober. Addicts have a VERY high relapse rate, so of course it won’t seem that rehab is successful on paper. However, that’s not the case. The addict has to WANT that change. If they are serious about staying sober, they will stick to their program & continue with follow-up care. Ryan clearly isn’t going to change & I feel very sorry for both of his children.
What an entitled jackass…skipping out on a bar tab, like no one was going to recognize him?? And then drinking hard liquor while fresh out of rehab…The guys at rock bottom, and doesn’t seem to want to climb out
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Wow! Ryan ! It’s like he is hard pressed on not getting his shtttttt together..SMH.
He looks like shit. Also, how long before Mack blames this on Maci
So is the heroin warrant out a red bank a new charge or his old one from the 2017 arrest?
I’m thinking the same thing..I heard he got arrested like last April or something for herion.?? Same charge? Damn. . he gets arrested so much , its confusing
At this time it isn’t clear if it was from before or after his most rehab stay
I heard it was from before, this isnt a new arrest
He didnt complete what he needed to (meetings, probation or fines)
How horrible is it that one of the things I focused on the most in this story is how cheap drinks are there! 6 for $36 is pretty cheap for hard alcohol.
Boy I can’t wait for the Mack and Jen spin on this one! Lemme guess, Maci made him do it?
I fear that Ryan will have to be one of the many that will DIE, from the disease of addiction! Ryan needs to realize that ingesting ANY “mind altering” substance (alcohol, included), if you are an addict, is dangerous, and a relapse, down the slippery slope to death!
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He needs to stay in jail for a long time until he learns to stay
Out of trouble. He is a bum and should have to stay away from his son with Maci.