Kate Sisk‘s journey on Married At First Sight has been difficult…and at times, difficult to watch for the show’s viewers. Kate— who met and married Luke Cuccurullo at the beginning of the Season 8— has dealt with her husband telling her that he is “repulsed” by her, and his refusal to have little to no physical contact with her. In addition, on a recent episode Luke accused Kate of possibly having a drinking problem.
In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Kate reveals how she felt betrayed by her new husband and discusses her alleged drinking problem.
Kate and Luke’s relationship is perhaps the most-talked about this season on social media, with many ‘Married At First Sight’ fans expressing anger over the way Luke has treated Kate. She says she agrees with the show’s fans regarding how Luke acted toward her.
“I agree Luke was treating me poorly, absolutely,” she told The Ashley. “I felt bullied. But, I believed the best way to handle it was to be patient, and figure out why Luke was bullying me, and to not let his actions deter me from treating my husband with grace and kindness.”
The episode in which Luke told show expert Dr. Pepper that Kate “drinks a lot” and that she may have a drinking problem was particularly hard to relive, says Kate.
“This scene brings up a mix of emotions. The first is sadness,” she said. “It’s really hard to watch this scene. It kind of puts me back in that place where I was sad, watching myself hurting. I also feel betrayed that my husband would make such an allegation on national television without discussing it with me first.”
Viewers praised Kate for handling the situation so well.
“I feel proud that I was able to stand up for myself and dismantle the allegation,” she said.
Kate stated that– for the record– she does not have a drinking problem. However, she does understand how Luke may have come to that conclusion.
“I do admit [I was] drinking more wine than I usually do at that time,” she said. “Living with a stranger, a husband that is not attracted to me, that sometimes says hurtful words is challenging. But it was shocking to hear Luke thought I was drinking ‘a lot’ because I was drinking the wine Luke gave me as a housewarming gift.”
For Kate, Luke’s accusations may have long-term, real-life repercussions.
“This situation was handled poorly. I’m not sure Luke understood the implications of his actions, telling a producer on national television he thought his wife drank too much,” Kate said. “Of course I’m not happy that this will be tied to my name now. But, I’m on reality TV. It’s the good, it’s the bad. These are things that happened to me and I’m not regretful that I put myself out there. Yes, drinking will be tied to my name, but hopefully so many other, good things will be too.”

Luke’s lack of attraction to his wife has resulted in the couple having little to no physical intimacy, and Luke stating that he felt he was being pressured into having sex with his wife. While Kate agrees that Luke was feeling the pressure, she denies that it was coming from her.
“The pressure was coming from the fact that he knows that as husband and wife, it is expected to be physically intimate,” Kate said. “He knows that in our marriage, he doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do, but I understand the pressure there is on him to be physically attracted and intimate with me.
“[His] lack of attraction [to me] is hard for both of us,” she said, adding that Luke is “exactly” the type of guy she would normally date, physically.
She also added that, despite how it looks to ‘MAFS’ viewers, she and Luke have had some good times, even though many of them did not make it onto the show.
“I was disappointed they didn’t show Luke and me surfing in Costa Rica,” Kate said. “I feel like a big part of why we were matched was our love for adventure and trying new things. Luke grew up surfing and it has always been a big part of his life. I have never tried it and it took some courage to just got for it! But after a short lesson, I stood up a few times. It was a really great moment for us on the honeymoon that no one ever got to see.”
Kate says that ‘Married At First Sight’ fans have been very kind to her, which has helped her deal with the difficult episodes.
“I just want to thank all the viewers who have sent me sweet, encouraging and loving messages – I read them all and they make me smile,” she said. “I’ve also gotten a lot of really kind messages from fans that really keep my spirits up!”
It has not yet been revealed if Kate and Luke chose to stay married on Decision Day (which will be shown on a future episode). Their relationship continues to play out on ‘Married At First Sight,’ which airs Tuesdays on Lifetime.
Watch a sneak peek clip of tonight’s new episode below, in which Kate talks to Luke’s mother about their relationship!
(Photos: Lifetime, Instagram)
24 Responses
So happy she’s done with him he’s a typical narcissist he’s a bully and he put her down and the way that he wanted to omit certain things
I am so proud of you Kate for handling the horrible way you’ve been treated by Luke I’m so many episodes. You have such class and dignity and not once did you try to demean him or his dignity. We could all take a lesson from y! You’re beauty is not only on the outside but from within. You’re such a beautiful sweetheart of a person and any man would be blessed to have you! ♥️
In tbe first episode didnt he confess that even though he was going toget married he emailed her or her friend that he wanted to go out? Then he gaslights her, bullies her. I see this with every cheater. Dodge the bulket Kate you can do better!
If Luke isn’t attracted to Kate, he needs to leave Kate alone. Stop the show. End the fake marriage!!! It’s obvious Luke can’t stand Kate!!
He hasn’t touched her. Hasn’t kissed her and has actually been mean to her!! Just STOP
I have always loved this show! But watching Luke bully Kate week after week was SO very wrong! With 3 experts there…….. it made it So much worse! With SO much bulling going on everywhere, we DO NOT need to have this on tv, with experts. It looks like it is Ok to treat people like this! I am SO upset with Luke’s horrible behavior and the fact that his mom approved is deplorable ?
Doesn’t anyone yet realize that Luke is a cruel, deceiving, and manipulative chip off the old MOMMA block? He was raised to be this way. The fraudulent “experts” on this program do not have a clue. They are so ignorant. Luke sets up circumstances for Kate to fail: bring her wine; call her an alcoholic when she drinks it. He and his Mother are both experts in the old bait-and-switch, talking out of both sides of their mouths, and acting deceptively to produce their desired result. Each time Kate starts to get smart about the reality of her situation, Luke reels her back in by playing the victim. The “experts” should all be banished, whatever licenses they have should be revoked, and they should NEVER be allowed to have any responsibilities that will allow them to give any advice or to have any power over anyone else’s lives. I hope the poor dupes who have suffered on this program will get together and file a class action suit against these bogus frauds. (Definition of an “expert”: an “ex” is a has-been; a “spurt” is a drip under pressure. Never have I seen three nebishes who so totally fit this definition!)
There is no possible way that these charlatans could have done any due diligence on these people. Witness Luke’s bullying and manipulation and poor AJ’s angry outbursts. Did they not look at AJ’s medical records? Did they not see the possibility that his motorcycle accident caused a brain injury that could definitely lead to his erratic anger behavior? I am sure that all they did was pull eight names out of a hat and they had this season’s suckers. AJ and Stephanie and Keith and Kristine seem to be attracted to each other and to be working hard on their relationships. I hope they make it. Jasmine and Will do not have a chance; Kate is doomed. Luke needs to be institutionalized … prison springs to mind.
Doesn’t anyone yet realize that Luke is a cruel, deceiving, and manipulative chip off the old MOMMA block? He was raised to be this way. The fraudulent “experts” on this program do not have a clue. They are so ignorant. Luke sets up circumstances for Kate to fail: bring her wine; call her an alcoholic when she drinks it. He and his Mother are both experts in the old bait-and-switch, talking out of both sides of their mouths, and acting deceptively to produce their desired result. Each time Kate starts to get smart about the reality of her situation, Luke reels her back in by playing the victim. The “experts” should all be banished, whatever licenses they have should be revoked, and they should NEVER be allowed to have any responsibilities that will allow them to give any advice or to have any power over anyone else’s lives. I hope the poor dupes who have suffered on this program will get together and file a class action suit against these bogus frauds. (Definition of an “expert”: an “ex” is a has-been; a “spurt” is a drip under pressure. Never have I seen three nebishes who so totally fit this definition!)
There is no possible way that these charlatans could have done any due diligence on these people. Witness Luke’s bullying and manipulation and poor AJ’s angry outbursts. Did they not look at AJ’s medical records? Did they not see the possibility that his motorcycle accident caused a brain injury that could definitely lead to his erratic anger behavior? I am sure that all they did was pull eight names out of a hat and they had this season’s suckers. AJ and Stephanie and Keith and Kristine seem to be attracted to each other and to be working hard on their relationships. I hope they make it. Jasmine and Will do not have a chance; Kate is doomed. Luke needs to be institutionalized … prison springs to mind.
I am disgusted by the way Luke treated Kate. Throughout all of the abuse she acted like a lady. Luke has shown his narcissistic behavior all through the show.
Kate dump this guy he doesn’t deserve you, your a class act. Someday a man is going to come into your life and treat you the way you deserve. Your a very beautiful woman Kate, don’t let him take your sunshine away.
I believe this song was made for you. Blue ain’t your color by Keith urban listen to it. God bless
Mrs. Kate, how many guys have contacted you, begging for a chance to show you how a real man would treat you? DO NOT sell yourself short. You are the catch of a lifetime, in any guys book…Trust me, young lady, if I were 30 years younger, I would show you how it’s done.
I wonder if he’s gay Sorry but he acts like it
I feel like Kate and Luke are already divorced…….if you pay close attention to the wording of the article you’ll notice that everything Kate said is in past tense
He’s such trash. I hope he never gets a date again.
He is ridiculously immature. I think when he realized she didn’t recognize him from the speed dating thing he hosted that his ego took a hit.
Kate is a wonderful person and she deserves respect and someone who truly will love her for who she is…she needs to get rid of luke and they need to find someone else for her that will give her all that she deserves. She is too good for him.
OMG! What’s Luke’s problem?! If he’s so repulsed by his wife, then he should admit to her the REAL reason WHY. He should grow up too!
Definition of martyr.:
1.)a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle.
Karen is definitely special. Seeing what she is made of this early, going through this painful, emotional torture, you know she has what it takes to see a marriage through the “rough” times. Those so called rough times should be a piece of cake for her after what Lukes has put her through. Kate is definitely marriage material but is Luke?
I would have packed my bags and started the annulment the minute I landed home from the honeymoon. He is a total effing tool. Let’s be real, Luke is very close to his mother and that meet the family dinner was very painful to watch. I get we don’t see the whole thing that goes down, but I am a 100% sure that Luke has spoken to his mom about his feelings. His mother was giving Kate so many hints about preparing herself for the eventuality that her son decides to split. If I were his mom, I would be disgusted and disappointed in my son. Granted she is not your usual choice, which quite frankly seems to be an open playing field if you believe what he told Pastor Cal, but as someone’s son, brother, etc. he should have been more considerate of her feeling. We know why his past relationships didn’t work out….it’s because he’s a total tool. I feel bad for Kate to an extent but it’s kind of wearing off. How long do you allow someone to treat you that way because you are desperate to be loved and not left behind. She should have gotten a ton of counseling for her abandonment issues prior to even trying to find someone to settle down with. She needs to grow a pair of balls and walk away from his manipulative ass. He is a total tool and manipulator. Everyone and their mama sees it. Once this show ends and they split, I hope every single woman that crosses paths with him gives his ass a wide berth. There is never any reason whatsoever to demean and hurt someone like he has.
IF she stays married to this fool, I will not feel sorry for her. She will NEVER be able to change him. He NEVER should have applied to be on this show, and I am so curious as to WHY he did it? Tonight’s episode of Kate talking to his mom was alarming as well. its as if, Luke has been talking to his mom a lot. She acted like she definitely KNOWS what’s up! I am just sooo uncomfortable watching their “story”. PRETTY KATE will have NO problem finding LOVE after this television program is OVER and she is DIVORCED! Guys are probably beating down the production doors to get to her!!!!!
Kate is a class act. She absolutely has nothing to be ashamed of when all is said and done. She sees beautiful both inside and out.
This character, Luke is a bum and dirt bag. How dare him say anything like that to any man or woman, let alone his wife. I was disgusted and wanted to cry for her when he verbally abused her like that. That is something that no man or woman would ever be able to get out of their head!! If I were Kate I would have called him out, and then telephoned one of the “experts” and told them I’m done with this idiot, Luke and want an immediate divorce.
Couldn’t agree more! And let’s be serious – she’s the one that’s unattractive?! LOL! He’s ugly and a creep! Kate is so pretty and very sweet. She deserves so much better!