Court Battle Lost! Farrah Abraham Ordered to Pay $12,000 for Backing Out of Celebrity Boxing Match

“You can’t get yourself out of this fight, Farrah!”

Farrah Abraham may have avoided a knockout after pulling out of that celebrity “anti-bullying” boxing match in November, but now she’s facing a different kind of hit… and this one is to her wallet!

According to The Blast, court records reveal that celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman has been granted a default judgement after suing Farrah over money he paid for her to hop into the ring.

Damon—who promised earlier this year to hunt Farrah down if she didn’t pay up the alleged $100,000 she “stole” from investors and sponsors of the fight—- has been awarded $12,000 plus another $170 to cover his court costs. Farrah was apparently a no-show in court.

“Back off, Damon… I have places to go and injections to get!”

Had Farrah fulfilled her boxing obligations, she would have gone head-to-head with Flavor of Love’s Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander November 10 in Atlantic City.

In November, Farrah’s dad Michael Abraham told The Ashley that Farrah pulled out of the fight because the promoters were not complying with their contract, nor were they following through with promises to promote “anti-bullying” with the event.

A copy of Farrah’s actual contract for the fight obtained by The Blast reportedly disproved Farrah and Michael’s accusations. The contract also allegedly called for Farrah to win the match against Hoopz, regardless of her performance.

Farrah’s latest debt comes just days after she was sued for more than $100,000 for unpaid store rent.

When you realize you’ll be posting waist trainers ads on Instagram until you’re 45…

In other words… prepare for paid-advertisement overload on Farrah’s social media feed for the foreseeable future.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

44 Responses

  1. Whether I love her or hate her or whether I agree or disagree with the commentary on here, there are definitely some funny people on this site and I have enjoyed reading the comments and responses. Thank you to everyone who posted. You have definitely kept me laughing!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. And how could I forget to thank yours truly… Farrah thanks for all the dumb Sh*t you do and say. It definitely keeps me laughing!

  2. Ashley, can you please do a story on Simon Saran’s responsibility in the lawsuit Farrah has going with both Sophia and the furniture store closing in Lakewood, Texas. From what I read, Simon had might have had some money invested in the stores. Is he being sued as well??? Please do a story on this.

  3. Hope they confiscate her passport.

    and bring this botched up bitch down to plant earth.


  4. It’s funny that whenever she gets aued or arrested and has to go to court Michael is always like “Farrah has done no wrong. She will be vindicated in court” and then she doesn’t even show up.

  5. I’m sure this issue as well as the issues with her businesses and the money owed etc. are not her fault. I’m looking forward to the “Farrah-speak” as she explains why this isn’t her fault and someone is out to get her… she will tell everyone she is being targeted because she is a celebrity and ppl are making up lies to get money out of her and doing so because they are jealous. I will then look forward to the interviews Michael will do (paid interviews of course) to clear up the matter and let the public know that Farrah did everything right (as usual) and everyone else is an idiot. The outcome is always the same… she is still an idiot.

  6. AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! All her “businesses” have failed, she’s back to doing shitty reality tv with MTV. She’s such a failure. I cannot wait for the bankruptcy case info to go public for her (because we know that’s next).

    1. That is what I wondered about, because she don’t seem worried about this at ALL.
      I would have knots in my tummy, and be a mess if someone (more than 1) coming for me.

    1. Yes? I’m sure she’s been advised to wait for the default on the leases to get their judgments against her, she’ll tap out alll her credit cards and file bankruptcy on ALL of it! For once Farrah can say “ God Bless America “ appropriately.

      I’d be very surprised if Farrah has any homes or expensive autos in her name right now… maybe I wouldn’t be as she’s such an idiot. Before Michael starts using this for some fake “ make Farrah look good” bullshit let me say that the stores went under due to poor management and lack of funds. Any law suits that have been filed could have NEVER have been filed against her stores , the store were a business separate from Farrah the person, she failed at business period.
      I hope this helped MSLUCY… its s shame how people get away with it, especially the filthy rich. With the exception of government funded loans , child support, back taxes you can wipe out just about anything.

    2. Yes, she could file bankruptcy and have all debts against her wiped out. The only thing that isn’t bankruptable are student loans, and with her IQ and educational level, I doubt that she has any student loan debt.

    3. Not all court judgments are covered under bankruptcy, many are, but not all. Even ones that do fall under dischargeable are not always solid or cut and dry. There can be caveats that prevent them from such, but they depend on the situation, too. Court costs themselves are rarely ever dischargeable. Criminal case costs nearly never fall under bankruptcy, not that this is one (but civil cases can become criminal, or can run concurrently with a connected criminal case). A failure to pay it, including filing bankruptcy can cause all kinds of hell for someone, and in the end cost far more than the initial judgment. Bankruptcy can’t fix the issues it causes 😉 Most who file will eventually find themselves in the same position in the future.

      Bankruptcy won’t, for instance, typically cover a habitual offender, at least not anymore, it used to be quite different. The judicial system is, surprisingly, cracking down on a lot more habitual offenders than it ever has in the past (too bad they don’t with most criminal cases, but. that’s a whole different topic, lol). A judge has every right to decide which of your debts are dishchargeable and which ones are not, *especially in cases where someone is intentionally not paying and makes that very well known, in public. Not showing up to court for the initial debt hearing is a red flag in most courts today-as are any other intentional acts of ignoring the debt and the court entirely(which she is doing and like the dumbass she is..told everyone she is doing). It WILL be taken into consideration when you try to file bankruptcy.

      This is Farrah we’re talking about here, as much as bad of a rep as she has now-and doesn’t seem to realize-the rep she’ll have after intentionally not paying debts and then filing bankruptcy, will be far greater a punch to her ego. It will literally prove she’s as poor as the rest of us peons 😉

      TLDR;, that’s my long winded way of saying people need to stop relying on bankruptcy, it is truly NEVER the fix you think it’ll be…it’s not even a bandaid, really. You will more than likely cause yourself more headaches and issues down the road. She very well could get it discharged too, but it won’t look good for her either way, really. Any debts called out/created, or any judgments made after bankruptcy is approved, won’t be covered without filing yet again (like the business debts she now has, if they don’t go to trial or get a judgment before she is given bankruptcy, if she is…she’s fucked).

  7. Farrah’s an ass, but I kinda think that she had every right to back out when Dorito was announced as the ref. Your mortal enemy is going to ref your match. I dont think so.

    1. She’s not her “mortal enemy”, you’re exaggerating as much as Farrah does, lmao. They may hate each other and both talk shit, but, mortal enemy is taking it a bit far, lol.
      She was also literally guaranteed a win (so, the ref would’ve had no choice BUT to side with her), no matter what else happened. This is a piss poor excuse for backing out.

  8. I’m sure Farrah can pay this off easily with the proceeds from her Froco yogurt sales, now in supermarkets according to Michael.

    Oh, um, wait a minute….


  9. She lost this one, and I bet you she’s going to lose the one about her unpaid rent…That’s a lot of money she’s about to be losing…I see another “leaked sex tape” in her near future.

  10. By this point, losing a court case seems to be the only way Farrah can get spanked and told she’s been a bad girl.

  11. Nice to know that the organiser of the fight was happy to enter into a contract where Farah was always going to win. Sounds like a ligit and sincere business man to me ?

      1. A copy of Farrah’s actual contract for the fight obtained by The Blast reportedly disproved Farrah and Michael’s accusations. The contract also allegedly called for Farrah to win the match against Hoopz, regardless of her performance.

    1. He didnt
      Farrah sent him the contract that included her a guaranteed win. When he refused thats when/why she backed out

    2. He didn’t. Farrah wanted to add that to her contract after signing a contract with him. He never signed Farrah’s new contract so she pulled out with some lame excuse.

      1. I don’t have ave a a link handy but I’m sure it’s easily searchable. Farrah was talking about Sophia’s acting classes on Instagram Live vid this week and Sophia cut her off saying “that’s not true, you just like to lie about things on social media”.

        She said that Farrah gossips about her and embarrasses her all the time, and with really heavy sarcasm said “ yeah you’re a great mom”.

        Farrah tried to laugh it off with her awkward “this isn’t really happening” act.

        1. Lol. Well, Sophia is getting older now and she will soon start treating Farrah the same way Farrah treats Debz and maybe even worse. Sophia is probably going to get away from her as soon as she’s 18 and Farrah will end up broke and alone.

  12. It’s a shame that “one of the top celebrities in our nation” ? will default on this $12,000 judgment as well as the $101,000 debt to her landlord…because you know she’s not paying either of them.

  13. Good. Let her have some consequences for her bad behaviour for once. She’s so rich, it shouldn’t be a problem for her! (Ha)

  14. Good she needs to be held accountable for something that she completely took his money and that storage building or whatever is in San Antonio!!!

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