Mackenzie Edwards Lashes Out At Jenelle Evans For Posting Clickbait Article About Ryan Edwards Being Abused in Jail

It’s the brawl we’ve all been waiting to see…someone fill up the mud pit and call Barbara to referee…

Mackenzie Edwards says her husband Ryan Edwards is not being “abused in jail”…and she’s fightin’ mad that Jenelle Evans recently reported that he was!

On Monday, Mackenzie lashed out at the Teen Mom 2 star over a clickbait article that Jenelle (and, to be fair, most of the other ‘Teen Mom’ stars) posted to her social media accounts. The article stated that Mack’s hubby, Ryan, was suffering while in jail due to the conditions of the jail he’s in.

“Is Ryan Edwards getting abused in prison?” Jenelle wrote as the caption to entice her followers to click on the article. (For the record, Ryan is not in prison. He is in county jail and will be there until next month.)

The clickbait in question…

Mackenzie was none-too-happy that the ‘Teen Mom’ stars frequently post fake stories about her husband, and she used Jenelle’s post as an example.

“I’m over this. I’m so sick of seeing this clickbait bulls**t,” Mackenzie wrote on Instagram stories, before directly addressing Jenelle.

“I think you have enough drama going on in your own life to worry about what’s going on in mine,” she continued. “I’ve never even met you and I actually stood up for you when asked how I felt about your actions and decisions supporting your husband. Well bitch this is [my husband] and I will support and defend him. But hey, anything to make a buck, huh?”

Mackenzie ended her rant with a final clapback aimed right at Jenelle and her husband David Eason, who has been accused of being abusive to his family.

“And you’re probably the last person who should be talking about abuse!” Mackenzie wrote to Jenelle.

Mackenzie has been outspoken in the past about her hate for the clickbait posting. Nearly all of the ‘Teen Mom’ girls (and some of the guys) use a clickbait article serving company on their social media accounts to make loads of easy, instant money. (Not all of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise stars do participate, though. Young and Pregnant star Ashley Jones has criticized the girls who do it, and Maci Bookout recently stopped posting the clickbait articles to her accounts. Chelsea Houska has never used the clickbait service.)

“If Mackenzie and Jenelle do end up fightin’ can someone make sure to film it for YouTube? I’d like to watch it in my jail cell!”

Jenelle has been surprisingly quiet regarding Mackenzie’s attack on her; however, in the past she (and some of the other girls) have stated that they have no control over what clickbait articles are posted on their accounts, as they are automatically done by a posting service.

RELATED STORY: 5 Weird Things We Learned from ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Mackenzie Edwards’ Latest Instagram Live Q & A Session

(Photos: MTV, Instagram) 

17 Responses

  1. This is ridiculous, and obvious, attention seeking behavior. She’s obviously looking for a reaction! Like Heather said, she’s desperate for a storyline. It’s not even funny anymore, just sad. Go take care of your kids while you wait for your cheating husband to get out of jail…

  2. Don’t blame Janelle, David is always “spotlighting” with his friend in the woods not answering his phone.

  3. I mean, she’s not wrong.

    But, really, they both suck. Jenelle just happens to suck more than Mack.

  4. I’m mad at Mackenzie for making Jenelle look sane. There was no need for her to lash out and call Jenelle out of her name over something so stupid. She came after Jenelle, because Jenelle and/or David usually respond to stuff like that, and Mack needs some attention…she’s not slick. She’s a troll.

    1. Why are you getting downvoted? You’re absolutely correct. I think Mack has been creeping The Ashley.

  5. Chelsea is the biggest whore of all the tm2 girls. She and her punk ass husband needs their asses handed to them for abusing Aubrey.

    1. Whoever said chels is a hoe and what not…. come on… I commented before but got deleted…. not only is she beautiful she’s also left her past BF/buttholes behind and taken dang good care of her kids. Haters are always going to be jealous…. Good for you Chelsea!!!

  6. I can’t stand Jenelle, either, but “[…] anything to make a buck…” says the woman who married a known drug addict, and then had his child just, to be in the spotlight. Please take several seats, Mack. Jenelle is already full of bad decisions and drama, so no need to stir the pot.

  7. Mack is getting more and more desperate to get her own storyline on the show. This woman is so thirsty.

    1. She’d better watch herself. Keep publicly defending a known, repeated relapsing heroin addict, and her storyline may be defending herself to CPS.

  8. She has a good point there……Chinelle is the last person who should be judgey regarding abuse issues! As the giver and the receiver. Good point Mack.

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