Kail Lowry Says ‘Teen Mom 2′ Ratings May Suffer Due to Jenelle Evans’ Firing; Comments on Jenelle Losing Custody of Her Kids

“We may be losing viewers but we’ll also be losing the drama…and the need to wear bulletproof vests at Reunions…”

Kail Lowry is in New York City this weekend, far away from the drama happening in the North Carolina courtroom where her former co-star Jenelle Evans has been fighting to win back custody of her kids; however, the Teen Mom 2 star was still asked by TMZ for comment on Jenelle’s latest drama, including her recent firing from the show!

While Kail admitted that the ‘Teen Mom 2′ ratings may suffer without Jenelle there to bring the drama, she said she’s happy that the show won’t be bogged down with the Easons’ swamp-level shenanigans!

“I think that people did watch the show for Jenelle,” Kail— who has battled for years online with Jenelle and her husband David Eason— told the site. “I don’t think that can be denied.” 

Kail told the reporter that she did not want to talk about what has been going on with Jenelle’s family, in terms of her losing custody of all of her kids right after being fired from ‘Teen Mom 2.’ However, she would state that she was glad Jenelle’s latest custody drama would not be featured on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“No, I think the drama is hurting the show and it’s unfortunate for those who have built really hard to rebuild our reputation.”

Kail’s Coffee Convos podcast host Lindsie Chrisley chimed in as well, telling the reporter that, “there’s a difference between daily drama and the drama that involves criminal activity.”

“And hurting living things,” Kail added, in an obvious reference to David killing Jenelle’s dog Nugget earlier this month.

Lindsie stated that she thinks David “definitely needs to seek help,” although she doesn’t have much hope that Mr. Jenelle Evans will be able to change.

“I think by the time you’re like 30 years old you’re pretty much set in your ways,” Lindsie said. 

Kail doesn’t appear to be worried that ‘Teen Mom 2’ will get the ax due to lack of drama. She promised that she, Chelsea HouskaBriana DeJesus and Leah Messer have plenty of drama on their own.

“I definitely think the rest of us have enough to keep the franchise going, and I hope that’s what happens,” Kail said. 

“Um…did you not see the on-stage brawl we gave you at the last Reunion? I think we’re gonna be just fine in the drama department, guys…”

Eventually, the TMZ reporter got Kail to comment on Jenelle’s current (lack of) custody situation. She stated that fans have been asking her to take custody of Jenelle and David’s two-year-old daughter, Ensley. (The Ashley doesn’t even have to tell you that this rumor is absolutely ridiculous and there’s no way in holy hell that this would EVER happen.) 

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“People are messaging me asking me if I’ll take Ensley!” Kail said. “I’m like, ‘Ohhhh, I don’t want to get involved! I’m not considering it at this time but I hope that [the kids] are happy and healthy overall.”

As The Ashley told you, Jenelle and David will be back in court on Wednesday, trying to get custody of their kids Kaiser, Maryssa and Ensley back.

Watch Kail and Lindsie’s interview below!

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Forced to Reveal Her Huge ‘Teen Mom 2’ Salary During David Eason’s Recent Child Support Hearing: Their Frivolous Spending Exposed!

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

64 Responses

  1. I saw the clip of the Monster Mom storming out of the reunion. They are due back in court Wednesday.

  2. Oh my oh my………

    Jenelle Evans is “freaking the f**k out” after being fired from Teen Mom 2.

    According to a new report, the mother of three has “zero savings” and could be in jeopardy of going broke, especially after allegedly leaking a story that may have cost her a gig on WEtv’s Marriage Boot Camp.

    “She depends on that quarterly check from MTV,” an insider told Radar Online on May 7.

    While MTV would reportedly be open to welcoming Jenelle back to Teen Mom 2 if she divorced her controversial husband, David Eason, the source said she is “staying with him.”

    1. TMZ has pictures of the monster mom and her monster dog murderer at Lowe’s on Sunday. They had a shopping cart full of stuff and they said she had on her wedding ring? Does she not wear it?

      1. I pray they never get those kids back, and I pray that all remaining animals get removed and taken to safety.

        I am gutted that poor nugget had to suffer though.

        My god my 3 dogs ( all rescues) are loved and are given the best life I can possibly give them, since I can’t have kids, my fur babies are my kids.

        I can’t bare animal cruelty or child cruelty.

        1. My kids are grown and out of the house, so my husband and I do cat rescues. We shelter elderly cats, and we tend to several feral colonies. I cherish my kids, my grands and people always say that when they die they want to coma back as one of my cats. And then those monsters did what they did. Wasn’t that one baby having his school graduation today? I pray they didn’t show up and cause a scene.

    2. They were not going to cast Janelle and David anyway after the dog incident, because of they were afraid of backlash and their ratings

  3. I don’t think it’s losing ratings due to Jenelle’s firing… I think people are sick of this shit show..

  4. Maybe CPS thought befor Janelle would get out of it of have her kids not taken way permanently because of her fancy court shoes and lawyers she could afford but now that MTV isnt backing her,they know they cant keep fighting for the kids so instead of having then taken away and given back this is cps chance to take them and highest chance to win

    1. Maybe… but Nathan, Doris, Whitney, and Babs certainly have a better shot now without Jenelle having MTV money

    1. This was supposed to be at the end of my post about CPS but it wouldn’t let me.
      Bottom line all agencies need to work together not against each other.

  5. I can’t believe Kail thinks she could actually be given Ensley. Girl get real she would be given to a relative. If anything to David’s mother or Barbara. Kail acts like she could possibly be this great earth mother and take her in. Kails sons are sweet, but that has a lot to do with their extended family. It’s time to pull the plug on this show. Hey MTV, they aren’t teens!

    1. kails kids are probably scared of her. Jenelles kids are sweet too. Kids with neurotic parents tend to act like that. We have seen that Kailyn has issues with anger, rage, and violence also. Kailyn dates calm soft spoken men that let her bully them whereas Jenelle s dates hot tempered, drug/steroid fuel bullies. Kailyns is very skanky and selfish too. These women are delusional if they think their life decisions are “goals” and that they are positive role models. Without TM money most of these women would have already lost custody of their kids.

    2. Kail was asked a ridiculous question and answered in a way to say ‘no’ without hurting the people’s feelings who asked her the dumb question. I think that was actually nice of her to phrase it that way.

  6. As long as this TM series is on the air Jenelle and David will be relevant just like Farrah.They can stay in the media by associating with the show. MTV needs to pull the plug on this,whole series and stop the bleed.

  7. It’s time they pull the plug…..
    We all know Jenelle was the main one people tuned in for. Now that she’s gone….it’s time to close that chapter and focus on the other shows they’re trying to shove down the newer generation’s throats.

    No wait……just axe the entire franchise.

    1. I agree, I am disgusted that CPS hasn’t been called before about things that have aired on the show let alone there was someone else said that they were shooting cats underneath his house this should have been long gone way before. not people watching this show to watch a bunch of I don’t know what I just really don’t know what to say….. I’m disgusted

      1. CPS was called a lot. They visited so frequently that Jenelle joked about it. They had a big case file but nothing that would compel a judge to order intervention.

        1. That’s sad and it makes me think that the CPS isn’t doing their job how can you be yanking your kid around by the arm not feeding it and all this other stuff that I’ve read about and watched on YouTube unbelievable

          1. I don’t know anyone that would yank a child around by their arms! You suck MTV! You filmed all this and thought it was okay? If I had been there filming, I would’ve called the police! Did MTV film that monster dog murderer snatching that baby Nugget up by the scruff if it’s neck, and slinging Nugget around and slamming that baby into a table? You all suck! I am in tears once again!

          2. They don’t do their job most of the time until it’s to late.Thats why they are a joke to Law Enforcement.
            And most of the time Law Enforcement can’t do their job because the States Attorney won’t let them.Imagine trying to do your job and others prevent you from finishing it. And you see things like this everyday. It sucks. You get to the point where you feel why bother arresting people.

    2. Honestly, shut up Kail. This situation is bigger than you and it’s serious. Obviously the kids would never go with you. Stay out of it and hope for the best.

  8. “ I’m not considering it at this time” Really Kail? I find that very much insulting to the fan base, she is indicating that she is so special that taking Easley is an option for her. Sorry Kail, I don’t care if your shitting golden eggs … we all know that’s never happening.

    As far as having enough drama to keep the show going; you lost a lot of sponsors that may not advertise with you any longer. I think there’s a whole lot more to keep the complaints going like baiting in teenagers to watch Kail have three kids with three different men, all born out of wedlock. The whole show is really a fraud.

    My next isn’t a legitimate complaint as far as complaining to sponsors but it needs to be said.. Kail, please stop talking with your mouth full of food , it’s every damn week and pretty gross!

    1. I think you misunderstood why Kail would say that. Her and Jenelle havent been friends in many years. Jenelle burned a gift on Instagram that Kail had sent to her. Why would Kail even be asked to take Jenelles kids? They aren’t family and don’t speak. Kail uses Jenelles drama for her podcast ratings.

      1. It clearly reads “ people are messaging me asking if I’ll take Ensley, I’m like ooooh I don’t want to get involved and am not considering it At this time but hope the kids are happy and healthy overall “
        Kail is nothing any young girl should look up to, she’s a horrible influence that needs to get over herself.
        As for the opinions that think she’s a great mother, you’re intitled to your thoughts as am I , for having three young kids she sure is out of town all the time, this season alone she was parting in NYC, in Texas twice for her half sister, LA for Pod cast, Costa Rica with Leah… sorry, that’s not my ideal mother.

        1. I totally agree, Kail is def. not a great influence for any kids, sorry but just sayin’. It is time for the show to end, it was different when they were 16 and we watched them mess up and come out great others don’t fare so well. But by us watching it still all we are doing is making them richer and richer, and for what? Now it is like we are watching Random people doing random things. Why do we continue to watch these trainwrecks? and when will we stop?

        2. The part about about the OP misunderstanding why Kail would say that was based on OP’s statement, “I find that very much insulting to the fan base, she is indicating that she is so special that taking Easley is an option for her.”

          How is Kail’s statement insulting to the fan base?

  9. Well I think it is time to end the show Done some of these moms are not good roll models and they are not Teens anymore Hello time to END THE SHOW especially look what happened with Jenelle and Asshole David he needs to go to Jail that poor dog he is a sorry person of a human being.

  10. She needs to learn how to say “no comment”. We hear from with almost all the other girls stories.

  11. Kail says “ohh I don’t want to get involved”. Girl please. Every time Jenelle does anything you’re the first to involve yourself either on podcast, Instagram, interview, etc. ?

    1. I was wondering the same… is it just the weight gain?! Because she looks completely different in that above picture with Jenelle

  12. Kail on video verses Instagram. Two drastically different images. Wow!! Be honest Bri got Hell from her plastic surgery. Kail used the same surgeon. Kail doesn’t look good either. No you shouldn’t make fun of people’s looks but come on Kail choose to have surgery. Not to mention Kails page is full of click bait about Jenelle. Kails a bitch. I don’t see why people like Kail. Like Jenelle she’s hitting 30 too. Kails not any better than Jenelle. MTV doesn’t show all Kails drama because the Hulk scares them. Shut TM down. TM is boring as hell now. This whole season was boring.

  13. I love how Kail tries to act like she’s so above it all. You may not have an album of mugshots honey, but over the years you’ve been a key ingredient in the TM s**tcake recipe for sure.

        1. Winter…
          Don’t forget she’s trying to build a house within close proximity of Chris.

          Certified stalker.

    1. I don’t watch this horrible show, so who is Chin? And that heavy set girl with the dirty blonde hair, looks like she got lip injections. She almost looks as bad as Brielle Bermann or that horrible Lisa Rinna. They at least are on a better network, and they are also adults…not dumb teen age girls. But this girl is 27? Is that a teen? That’s almost a 30 year old, so why is she on this show?

      1. Chin refers to Jenelle, aka Chinelle. I don’t call her that because she has so many glaring, blaring, enormous character flaws that her looks aren’t even on the radar as far as I’m concerned.

        1. I can’t even look at the monster mom and I really can’t look at the monster dog murderer. They both make me sick to my stomach! They are just the worst kind of abusers ever, and MTV paid them 6 figures to do it. Hey MTV, I shelter elderly cats and tend to several feral colonies. Pass some money this way! That’s right, they condone bad behavior and animal killers and lest we not forget, child abusers. You have stolen that oldest girls soul, and broken her spirit. And that poor baby boy, he never needs to go back there.

  14. Let’s hope Adult Mom ,aka teen mom goes bye bye, not because of jenelle being gone but it’s just time.

  15. Just submitting this so I can subscribe to all the comments. I needed to check that box.

  16. Teen Mom needs to be shut down! MTV is an accomplice in all these abuse stories. Can you imagine what they didn’t show to save their asses? There is a petition being drawn up to end Teen Mom. I will sign it. So little girl, whoever you are, if it happens, and you don’t have an income, you can blame the monster mom and the monster dog murderer.

    1. You sure have figured it out and have a lot to say for someone never seeing a episode.
      You definitely don’t want to watch any reruns of Jennelle or Farrah.

      1. I know that a little dog died and those children are not safe. I don’t live under a rock. I really don’t care what they do, but I really care about the abuse and death of Nugget. I don’t
        even go to extremes about things, but then I saw the petition. read it, and thought about that poor little dog screaming while that monster did what he did! He needs to pay for this!

  17. Hopefully the show will be cancelled. This show is about 27 year old women being mothers. Nothing special to watch. Jenelle was a ratings draw because she was in worst shape at 27 than she was at 16. People watched Jenelle for the drama. Time to put this show out of its misery. The orignal kids will be teens soon and they need their life back and some privacy.

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