David Eason Has Verbal Altercation with Nathan Griffith Outside Courthouse After Jenelle Gets Into Argument with Mother Barbara (Exclusive Details)

“This is no fair dude! We even, like, apologized!”

Let’s get ready to ruuuuumble!

The Columbus County Courthouse parking lot was full of excitement on Tuesday, thanks to former Teen Mom 2 stars Jenelle Evans and David Eason. The banned-from-MTV couple were at the courthouse to get their reunification plan from the judge and learn what steps and actions they need to take in order to get custody of their kids back.

After leaving the courthouse, TMZ caught up with Nathan (who currently has temporary custody of Kaiser, his son with Jenelle).

“Nathan was explaining to the cameraman that he isn’t able to say much about the case,” a witness tells The Ashley. “As he was talking to the cameraman, Jenelle and David saw him, drove by and David started screaming at Nathan.”

The Ashley’s witness says that the TMZ cameraman got footage of it.

(UPDATE! TMZ has posted the footage of David hangin’ out his best friend’s ride, tryin’ to holla at…Nathan. Unfortunately, the audio only catches some of what David says. Click below to watch.)

Jenelle also got into a spat with her mother, Barbara Evans, who currently has full custody of Jenelle’s son Jace and temporary custody of her daughter Ensley. TMZ cameras captured the mother/daughter spat on-camera.

Jenelle saw Barbara and Ensley in the parking lot and went to hug her daughter, which technically isn’t allowed, as Jenelle and David can only see the kids in a court-approved visitation center. Barbara begins to protest that her “bitch of a daughta” isn’t allowed to see Ensley, but Jenelle tells her she doesn’t care.

“Well Juh-nelle…I seen ya wif Ensley!”

“I’m saying hey to her!” Jenelle tells a worried-looking Barbara who appears to say this is not allowed.

“I’m right here outside the courthouse and I’m giving my daughter a hug,” she tells her mom. “If you have a problem with it then go get an officer because obviously she’s not scared. I’m hugging her!” 

Later in the video, Barbara mentions that Jenelle is supposed to see Ensley (and the rest of the kids) at the visitation center, but Jenelle says she’s not doing it today, thanks to Barbara, Nathan and the kids.

However, The Ashley’s source tells her that it was actually Jenelle who caused the visitation to be cancelled.

“She was trying to reschedule the visit but CPS refused to reschedule just to accommodate Jenelle and inconvenience [all the caretakers],” the source said. “So the visit for Tuesday was cancelled.” 

Barbara did not come to play “happy family picnic” for the cameras, though. When Jenelle tells the TMZ cameraman she’s happy she “got this moment” with her daughter, Barb cackles that it’s “all for the cameras!” 

Jenelle is upset that her older brother, Collin, posted a video of Ensley crying in her diaper to his Snapchat.

“Your son is posting naked pictures of my daughter online,” Jenelle tells Barb.

(The Ashley has viewed the video, and Ensley is not naked, as Jenelle says. The two-year-old is wearing a diaper.) Barbara claims that she was in the shower at the time he did that, and Jenelle tells her mom that she is reporting it to DSS (aka Department of Social Services) because CPS has basically shut out Jenelle and David.

“They need to give me some respect, dude!”

“CPS doesn’t want to answer their phone, they don’t want to want to answer when I go to their office,” Jenelle says. 

The Ashley’s sources tell her that Jenelle and David are due back in court on June 25. 

The Ashley will update this story when she gets more info! 

Watch Jenelle and Barbara bicker in the courthouse parking lot in the video below! 

UPDATE! After her parking lot argument with Barbara, Jenelle spoke to Us Weekly about what happened and her relationship with her mom. Click here to read what she had to say! 

RELATED STORY: Exclusive! Maryssa Eason’s Stepfather Speaks Out About the Custody Case, David Eason and Maryssa’s Mom Whitney Johnson

(Photos: MTV)

199 Responses

  1. Geeeeeeze David….What a tough guy you are! Yelling abuse at Nathan out of a car window! Everybody knows that Nathan would tear you to pieces!

  2. Hey @theashley,
    Please let us know if there’s any truth behind Janelle saying there’s a new judge? I wouldn’t believe her usually but you can hear Barb saying that she now needs to find a new lawyer. Did Janelle find a way to get the judge and her moms lawyer removed from the case? And if so, how? That must have been one heck of a bribe!

    1. Janelle did say she wanted a new judge because the original judge that requested the kids to be removed and the last few times she still didn’t get her kids back. Janelle is in denial she doesn’t realize how serious this shit is, she’s calling CPS on Barbara, she’s making herself look very unstable, I don’t even understand why she keeps going back and forth to court

    2. Ohhhh God ! I hope not!….If they have I’d like to know what they bribed them with, surely they’re running low on $$$$$$$$

    1. Sorry DEJESUSGAWDLEAH my overweight bloody finger hit the down vote, but I hit the up vote afterwards, I hope that cancels it out !

  3. Dude I’m sick it’s my MOLECULES.
    Just leave me alone.
    Me and David are happy, we never argue, me and my MOLECULES stand by him, TIL the day I die.

  4. I don’t know if Barbara reads these things but PLEASE be aware that when Janelle walked over to David she said to him “I put it in her bag” and it definitely looked like she put something in Ensleys bag when she was in the car!

  5. I hope this gets back to the judge.
    Your allowed SUPERVISED VISITATION you dumb BITCH!
    It doesn’t say if you see your child your allowed to harass the child and your mother who has stepped up and taken your child so she doesn’t end up in FOSTER care! Be appreciative of what your mother has done for your kids and you you ungrateful piece of shit! This is showing that she doesn’t care what a judge says and she thinks she is above the law.

  6. Well…technically you aren’t hearing, you are reading. And technically, the name is Jenelle and not Janel. But I can’t say I’m too surprised since anyone who would support her at this point has to be short on brain power, not to mention common sense and decency. Regardless, I am prepared to be generous and give you a handy-dandy solution to your problem: don’t go to a gossip site if you don’t want to “hear” gossip. Just go back to shooting up or whatever other activities you do to murder the remaining half a brain cell that still seems to function. Oh, and say hi to “Janel”! Have a feeling you two are pretty close. 😉

    1. I’m so damn tired of people talking about Barbara needs protection, look Janelle has been going through this custody thing with Barbara since he was a baby not to mention involving every dude in the mix of it, it took Nathan to finally see the truth, but when you’re a dead beat dude with no job, and Janelles your sponsor of course you’re going to ride the victim train with her, and for the record Janelle is stupid and chooses fucked up dudes but she’s not crazy, Janelle has burned bridges with her whole family for years, she’s the victim remember

  7. TMZ was trying to make Barb seem bad for blocking her since she has Janelles kids, well she’s probably blocked because she’s fucking disrespectful like ALWAYS, Barbara could have allowed her kids to go to foster care, she’s already raised her own children. And when Janelle calls she is probably telling Barbara to not follow the courts decision and Janelle gets mad and calls her mom a bitch. And David is in the background talking shit, so that’s why she’s blocked

    1. I bet that Monster Mom does call her. The Monster gets riled about something and probably just starts calling Barbara. Or she’s high and drunk/drug dials. Those poor kids! I got so sick of her in that parking lot carrying on. She thinks she’s so entitled. And canceling visits with the kids? Does she think all the people following the rules should just cater to her schedule? She is one nasty piece of shit!!!

  8. Now Barbara, Nathan, Maryssa’s Grandmother, and even Doris will need police escorts because people can not follow rules. This is ridiculous. That situation is traumatic. I still remember things that happened to me and in front of me when I was 2 years old. Because they were traumatic. No one had to tell me it happened, I eventually revealed to my mom that I remembered certain events and her response was either to deny it or ask me how did I remember that. Truthfully it was traumatic. Even though the events are vivid in my mind I’m glad there is not video evidence but in the case of Ensley, y’all pray for that child. Pray for the children.

    1. I am truly sorry Max. I had some bad childhood trauma myself. It just made me a better, more protective and loving mother.

  9. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Notify us when she OD’s or there’s a murder suicide. Idc to see this scum breathing.

  10. They don’t call her Delu-Jenelle for nothing. He truly believes she and David are the victims. She believes she is a good enough mother to these children. It’s actually frightening how out of touch she is.

        1. OMG her tantrum because nobody cared that she was seeing molecules was epic. And as funny as it was on film, her Twitter rants that day were nothing short of legendary.

  11. I would literally have to be bleeding out of my eyes before cancelling what little time I had with my babies. What could’ve been their reason?

  12. This bitch…She can’t even behave long enough to make it out of the courthouse parking lot. Real class act there.

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I have a few questions…

    1) Have Janelle and UBT actually managed to get a new judge, or is Janelle lying again?

    2)3) How did Janelle find out about Ensley being left in a room alone while Barbara was showering? Barbara wouldn’t have told her, Ensley can barely speak, and Jace most likely wasn’t home or he would have been able to watch her, so how does Janelle and UBT know whats happening inside Barbaras house? Are they stalking her house? Hidden cameras? Have they bribed Colin for information? How are they getting this info?

    3) Janelle says Jace wrote “drugs are good” or something like that on the Barbaras car so she’s called CPS on Barbara, but how did Janelle know about it? Janelle said Barbara didn’t even know about it, so it wasn’t Barbara who told her. If Jace really did write it, then either
    a) Jace told her, which means he told her in their supervised visits in front of court appointed officers which would be highly unlikely.
    b) Jace told her in a private conversation, which means she’s somehow having unsupervised contact with him, (maybe by phone or online?), which would be in contempt of court.
    Or c) Once again, Janelle and UBT stalking Barbaras house and/or car and found it?
    Or c) Janelle or UBT are the ones who wrote it on her car, and are blaming Jace, because they think it will get Barbara into trouble.
    Or e) again, bribing Colin to “work” for them, in either him writing it, or him telling them that Jace did it?

    And I’ll admit these next two questions are a little more “conspiracy theory” but they are genuine questions given the two lunatics we’re talking about…

    1) It seems strange that Janelle went up to Ensley alone. Usually David is with her. Was she intentionally stalling Barbara, and keeping the paparazzi cameras facing her, while David was up to something with Barbaras car, like maybe writing “drugs are good” on it etc?

    And 2) Was Janelle planting something in Barbaras car while putting Ensley in her seat? It looked like she put something in Ensleys purse as soon as she got into the car. Was she planting drugs or something in Ensleys bag, or maybe somewhere else in the car, that she will then “report” to the police/CPS/DSS etc to try to get Barbara in trouble? It seemed strange how long it took her to buckle her into her seat, and after, she went straght to David, said something quietly to him and went back into the courthouse… maybe to report her or something?

    Personally the most obvious answer is that Janelle and UBT are stalking Barbara and most likely planting things like jace writing on the car about drugs to try to frame Barbara because they are dumb enough to think that will get them Ensley back, but I’m curious to know what everyone else thinks.

    I also hope that if anyone agrees with me, and they have an instagram account, can they maybe go post a comment on Barbaras page that she needs to be on the lookout for Janelle and UBT trying to set her up, and to check her car and Ensleys purse for anything they might have put in it or on it, as it seems that she is reading her comments at the moment and it might help her to keep an eye out for anything out of place etc.

    1. Yes Zoey! Might just be conspiracy theories but I wouldn’t put it past jenelle or David! Love the comment and it really makes me wonder! Unfortunately she’s on track to have Ensley and possibly jace put in foster care and then she will NEVER get em back! How stupid can she be?!?! Must be the meth brain?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

      1. How can Janelle put Jace in foster care, Jace is not involved in this court situation, his grandma has had him since he was born, the courts have Barbara custody, and Janelle signed over custody to Barbara after he was born, and I’m so tired of folks saying that Barbara is afraid of Janelle, Barbara is not allowing Janelle to trick her in a situation which will cause her took look bad,that’s why she wasn’t arguing with Janelle outside of the courthouse, she is letting Janellehang her own self

      2. Someone stated that CPS has a job to do and will not judge Janelle and David, look these are real people, and they are going to treat their case just the same, and they are going to judge them, for one they have earned millions, and their behavior represents entitlement, CPS workers are human,and they also go home to a family pet and have to be reminded if what David did, they are going to be professional because that’s the law,these people are looking for EVERYTHING to allow those kids not to be returned to Janelle, they are on social media also, they see the videos, hell employers can hire and fired based on social media

  14. So b/c Jenelle cancelled the supervised visit with her daughter for the day. She took it upon herself to further traumatize her daughter buy seeing her for 3 minutes as she is suppose to be eating lunch. And she is acting like a badass about it? What a warped sense of reality. She was egging Barb on to go get the authorities. I’d love to hear the legit news that there is a new judge and did anyone else hear that Barb has to hire a new attorney?

      1. You’d get a new car too, if drug sniffing dogs got the munchies just from getting near your old one.

  15. When is Jenelle going to grow up and realize this world doesn’t revolve around her? I just can’t understand why she is so mental. Jenelle you have what 3 kids now time to grow up and be a loving and caring mother to these poor children. You have already let them see way to much so more then likely if they do come back to you and David they are going to turn out just like you. Thank god your mom got Jace when he was young so you couldn’t imprint on him to. Just grow up and be mature.

  16. I will not hear another unkind word about Janel ANYMORE! You gossip hungry mongrels are berating this poor girl and she’s trying to turn her life around. LEAVE JANEL ALONE!!!

    1. Pmsl trying to get her life on track, spay my coffee out reading your barely literate comment.

      Jenelle, her name is jenelle!!!!!!!
      If you don’t like other people’s opinions and views, then get the fuck off this site.

      Go get an education and learn how to spell

      1. I don’t understand why Janelle lawyer is not being truthful, her prior attorney which she’s had for years quit 2 months ago. Look Janelle case is severe, there are assault weapons in their home, David has beaten the 15 pound family puppy in front of the children and drug it in the woods and shot it, the kids told the courts he has blood on him. 1st of all before she’s even assigned a case worker, a 911 trace is done from her present address and prior, they have records and recordings

      2. I’m so tired, I work at an adult detention facility here in Atlanta, and the Ashley is still emailing me with comments, I guess yall are still awake, just got finish eating hot wings, shift changes in 2 hours, watching Netflix on my phone

  17. maybe she seeing how much she can get away with Barb, then one day she will kidnap ensley and they will run..

  18. I wonder if anybody’s called CPS to tell them that she violated the order. and called the courthouse to tell them about the antics that went on out there

    1. Barbara will let the social worker know and Ensleys court appointed guardian when they visit Ensley at her home, she has to report it so she won’t be accused of violating a court order, plus the courts have access to Janelle and David social media, that video will be given to the courts

      1. I sure hope so. Because I’ve been debating if I was going to email the CPS. I found a email for their director something I don’t remember what it said now. I’m so disgusted with these people I feel like I don’t even know if I can even continue to pay attention I am beyond sick of them and their antics is just ridiculous. She’s 27 years old not 7 and she needs to grow up shes got kids for Christ sakes

          1. Give me the email…I’ll do it. And I will also send the petition #justicefornugget

        1. I included her on several tweets the last few months.along with the States Attorney and the Attorney General. And anyone else I thought might help.

        2. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU DID? Jenelle is NOT the only one that is expected to abide by the agreement. The FIST thing they are going to think IF they look at this video is, is Barb capable of protecting Easley?
          Jenelle tells her mom “ we are right here, in the courthouse parking lot, go ahead and get an officer” Barb should have taken Ensley away from Jenelle , she didn’t . CPS is going to think of Barb is afraid of Jenelle on government grounds, how will she protect her elsewhere??? Maybe we need to rethink this placement. CPS is NOT going to discriminate against Jenelle by expecting ONLY her to follow the rules.

          It’s one thing for us to get on here and share our thoughts and disgust, it’s another to start calling government agencies and sending emails .. we don’t know these people personally and this is a very real life sensitive situation .
          You can all go ahead and continue with this absurd behavior, just know, so far all you’ve done is fuck over Barb.. what are they going to do to Jenelle, take her kids away ?

          1. If that’s the case then so be it.she shouldn’t have been there talking to Jenelle she should have went in there and got an officer. Yeah we don’t know them personally but this is ridiculous. it’s just like everything else in the world people don’t know a lot of people but they sure do have a lot to say and then a whole bunch of people decide to do something about it and then change happens.

        3. No, no you should not all email. You become part of the problem and validate Dumbbells claims that it’s just internet haters causing her problems. All authorities, CPS, sheriffs department etc have commented that they don’t react based on social media frenzy. Do you people really think the court is unaware that this happened and needs Susan from Ohio to drop them an email? Cps has PLENTY of other things to be doing besides filtering through reports from “fans”

          1. “FANS” A NO. No one is a fan. I wouldn’t even know about this stupid piece of s*** if it hadn’t been for that a****** killing the dog. I had no idea that this child abuse is being shown on MTV and that they just went ahead and had nothing to say about it wasn’t until he killed the dog and people had a fit then MTV decided to do something.

    2. STAFF

      Michelle Winstead
      Phone: (910) 798-3400
      Mary Beth Rubright
      Assistant Director of Social Work Services
      Phone: (910) 798-3575
      Tonya Jackson
      Assistant Director of Economic Services
      Phone: (910) 798-3631
      Brian Bocnuk
      Program Manager, Child Welfare Services
      Foster Care and Adoption Assistance
      Phone: (910) 798-3545
      Amber Garner
      Program Manager, Economic Services
      Food & Nutrition Services, Child Daycare and Work First
      Phone: (910) 798-3718
      Alyssa Harrell
      Child Support Services
      Phone: (910) 343-5291
      Lori Harvey
      Program Manager, Economic Services
      Adult and Family & Children Medicaid
      Phone: (910) 798-3747
      Program Manager, Child Protective Services
      Phone: (910) 798-3575
      Susie Sprenger
      Adult Services
      Phone: (910) 798-3507
      Michael Bennett
      Transportation Services
      Phone: (910) 798-3482
      Gwendolyn Williams
      Community Services & Facility Coordinator
      Phone: 910-798-3470

  19. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Janelle should work on relationship with her mother because there are some serious problems there, always has been. Also I believe she should be single for awhile and focus on herself as well as getting her kids back.

  20. I do hope she doesn’t breakdown. Jenelle always had 1, maybe 2 things to do to fix situations and just does not do it.

    She looks good here and Ensley seemed glad to see her. I understand its hard to stay off SM, but she really needs to at this time! Ugh this girl.

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    She needs to be punished for using intimidation on her mother like this. It’s no wonder she blocked her number, god knows what would happen if she didn’t

  22. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Please Janelle dont mess it up for your daughter. CPS can put her with strangers….please think

  23. I don’t think Janelle and her husband should get those children back both of the parents is unstable let them stay where they’re at

  24. David violates a custody order for his son, Kaden, at the grocery store and Jenelle violates the custody order for her daughter at the court house.

    So. Much. Class.

  25. So, this is Jenelle’s idea of “making progress” in the custody case? What a trash bag of a human.

  26. There’s a video on Radar Online that picks up where TMZ video cut off. More lies spewed by Jenelle about calling 911 and DSS on Barbara. Does she think that if Barbara looses custody that they will go to her? Because that won’t happen. It was nice to see Nathan and Barbara getting along.

  27. why is she even allowed to do that? why didn’b barb call an officer its no contact unless supervised? also janelle is going to call on barb with her daughter giving her a bath wtf again its ok for her husband to kill a dog in front of her wtf

  28. That was totally illegal she can get in a lot of trouble for that. Its not allowed she has supervised visits for a readon. Oh god i hope the judge sees that video. Jenelle you are a moron! Be a goddamn mother instead of a drama queen. Stand on your own before you stand with a man. A real man not the moron your with now! Such a waste of space both of you idiots.

    1. She was never a mother. David didn’t make her a moron. She’s always been one and found her moronic match.

  29. Hi Your Honor, We’re the Easons and we caused several scenes in the parking lot right outside of this room, moments after we swore we’re trying and we love our kids. Also moments before we canceled ANOTHER supervised visit with the kids we “miss so much”. Please just understand, Your Honor. We’re just a couple of utter losers. Don’t punish us, punish our kids by giving them back to us.

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    Frist off this judge seperated6 these siblings . I hope they get their kids back!!! David shooting a dog on private property in the woods aways from tje kids does not warrant theae kids to be taken away. Their daughter has been perfectly fine since she was born same with her son!! I feel like this judge and CPS over stepped they are doing the kids more harm than good having them all separated from each other.

  31. Wow this girl is truly a nut. She just cancelled another visitation then went against court orders and held her daughter in parking lot while insulting her mother the whole time! She didnt show any love to her daughter she was more worried about bashing her mom on camera and arguing then fighting with nathan in front of kaiser. Wow she needs help

  32. I grew up with an abusive mother who was married 6 times and had 3 kids by different fathers and I can’t even listen to Jenelle speak anymore because she reminds me so much of my own mother. She’s a horrid person and I hope she doesn’t get her kids back.

  33. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    She should be arrested for contempt (defying a court order).

    Her actions today are the very definition of contempt.

  34. Sorry I was remiss, berated her 66 year old mother for missing her son’s award ceremony and btw claimed the judge was disturbed with granny

  35. In a 30 second sound bite, this nut accused her brother of child porn, accused her mother of blocking her calls, accused CPS of not answering her calls, defied a judge’s order, cancelled another visitation, accused baby daddy #2 of being a bad parent because he may or may not have a car, dragged her child across a parking lot while yelling at her mother and for the finale screamed at Daddy #2 on her way out? Outstanding kudos for imploding your life further in about 30 seconds. Am I missing anything?

    1. Sorry I was remiss, berated her 66 year old mother for missing her son’s award ceremony and btw claimed the judge was disturbed with granny

      1. People forget Barb is currently raising three grandkids not just Jenelles two… Kudos to BABS for stepping up so her grandkids are safe. A baby Ensleys age is very adoptable and if reunification fails and she was in the foster system that would be the next step for her. ..

    2. One more thing…she had no real affection or emotion for sweet Ensley, as a true mother would. Her inability to connect with her children, but rather fake it for the cameras, is just plain sad.

    3. LOL!! You’ve gotta hand it to her…it’s kind’ve impressive she was able to squeeze all of that in in less than 3 minutes….Girls got some skills when it comes to making herself look like a jackass.

    4. Janelle and David both love drama and confortation, and they both feel like they can control situations.All those videos and social media posts, those social workers and the kids guardians of the court, each child is given a guardian that speaks for each child and does visits like the social workers, the guardians provided by the court have their court appointed attorneys, they are usually against the parents getting the kids back.

  36. I think it was all for the camera on both parts. That was the most civil “argument” I have EVER seen between them lol

  37. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I used to be a foster parent and I had to quit because of awful CPS workers and judges who kept allowing these parents to screw up over and over and over again. My experience is often they got their kids back even though they didn’t follow through with the judges orders. It happened in two of the cases where I fostered. While I agree with all of you and of course want the kids to be safe, happy and healthy, and I don’t think Jenelle or David can do that.

    But even with all the antics, there are no guarantees the judge will find out about all of it and even if he/she did find out and it ticked them off I have seen time and time again where it had no bearing on the judge’s decision and they gave the kids back anyway. All this stuff that happens outside the courtroom I just kind of ignore because I am not convinced it will make a difference. They always want reunification and are sometimes blinded by that.

    I would think Nathan getting Kaiser would be a no-brainer, but I have seen cases just like this where the best parent or caregiver didn’t get the children. It’s heartbreaking.

  38. But it’s ok when Jenelle posts pictures of Kaiser in just a diaper right? Ironic she posted one right after this ?‍♀️

    1. She’s never getting her kids back, she’s too confrontational, and she thinks she’s going to convince a judge to give her kids back just because she has a pic from Barbara house with Ensley in a diaper, what is she thinking, and what she doesn’t know is she’s making her own situation worse, she should be focused on herself instead of causing drama and havoc, because if her kids didn’t have Barbara or Nathan’s, they would be in a foster home with strangers, she should focus on her well being and thank God her kids are somewhere with family and they’re safe

      1. Wow this girl is truly a nut. She just cancelled another visitation then went against court orders and held her daughter in parking lot while insulting her mother the whole time! She didnt show any love to her daughter she was more worried about bashing her mom on camera and arguing then fighting with nathan in front of kaiser. Wow she needs help

      2. My mother is very much a Barb and my half sister is very much a Jenelle. And this is exactly what my half sister did when her kids got placed in custody with our mother by CPS. She hounded her relentlessly. Her and her loser boyfriend basically stalked the house taking pictures and videos. If my mother took the trash out and the kids were inside, she would call the case worker to report that they were left alone. My mother has an elderly neighbor that she helps out. She went over to take her the newspaper and breakfast cause she had made extra, the nutbag sister just appeared out of nowhere with her phone filming, went up in the neighbor’s yard screaming how she was calling the cops to report child endangerment. It was legit crazy. Cops show up and had to bite their tongues to keep from laughing as my half sister ranted and pulled out her proof. When they came inside to check on the kids, they found me at the breakfast table with one of the kids, the other one was still sleeping. The nutso sister had no idea that I had came down to help with the kids until the CPS stuff had settled.
        In the end my half sister created such a hostile and unsafe environment, cps ended up putting them in foster care until I was able to get a kinship placement. I had lived in another state, so I moved and got a home there. The children’s guardians and the case worker both felt that I was capable of handling my half sister and would do a better job of keeping the children safe.
        Even though the kids were placed together and in one of the better foster homes, it’s still damaging. It’s still a really fucked up thing and 3 years later, we’re still working through the aftermath of being ripped out of their homes and bounced around not to mention all the abuse and chaos they lived in.
        My Jenelle like sister ended up getting no visitation, no contact, no nothing when the judge decided to award my husband and I full custody. So if Jenelle keeps it up, she’ll end up not getting anything, even if they don’t terminate.

    2. It’s not a recent pic, I hope. He’s damn near 5 and should be potty trained, for his own sake.

  39. It’s really sad. I’m feeling for Ensley how I used to feel for Kaiser watching them. Every kid deserves parents that cherish them.

  40. Why the hell is this idiot trying to make Babs look bad for missing a ceremony for Jace, and said the judge is mad about that….meanwhile this case isn’t even about Jenelle getting custody of Jace, it’s about the other kids…she doesn’t even have custody of Jace in the first place??? I swear this girl has got a bird brain.

    At this point, with the out bursts and continuing to do and say what they want, these 2 fools are either really TRYING to not get these kids back, they’re really just that stupid, or both….I’m going with both.

    1. She is talking bad about her mom missing 1 ceremony for jace when she has raised him since birth and is very busy attending all these court dates plus raising another kid, but yet she is cancelling ANOTHER visit with her kids that she has limited time to see. What makes her think a judge will give her custody back if she can’t even make it to a 1 hour visit when she has no job. Screws are definetly loose.

  41. OMG!!!
    Just fucking act right!!!
    She has the mentality of an entitled, spoiled, rules don’t apply to me 12 year old!! She needs an ass whoopin’!! YOUR MOTHER IS TAKING CARE OF FUCKING KIDS CUZ U DON’T KNOW HOW!!!
    Respect the woman u stupid piece of shit! Damn she needs a good shake and slap to the face!
    Disgusting shit head man! She doesn’t deserve kids… She hasn’t grown up… She never will.

  42. Why is she rescheduling visitation to begin with?!? She has no job, no kids at home, there is absolutely no reason for her to be rescheduling..

    1. Exactly. What could possibly be more important than seeing your children for the 1 hour a week you’re allowed?!?!

    2. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
      She breaks all court orders right on camera as if she doesn’t care at all that this is going to be reported back to the judge

  43. MTV should be ashamed that they partake in this train wreck! It’s so appalling on so many levels all for the love of money! ( and ratings) shameful…

  44. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    She should not have been allowed to hold her or walk with her! Jenelle is s worthless piece of crap! I hope she never gets custody if any if her kids!!

  45. Something is seriously wrong with Jennelle. Any woman that would chose a man that is unstable over her kids don’t deserve to get them back.

  46. At least they were smart enough to keep Lurch tied up somewhere and away from Barbara because he like a rabid pit bull. He would have gone to prison tonight if he had of been running loose thru that parking lot.

  47. Barbara’s patience is UNPRECEDENTED. Wow. Maybe she’s a pro now after dealing with Jenelle for all of these years but I would have exorcised my rights so fast her head would have spun. You want to see your kid? That YOU don’t have custody of through YOUR actions? Go to visitation.

    1. Janelle does not seem to understand what a gift it was that Barbara allowed her to walk back to the car with them. She had a few precious moments with the child she does not have custody of and she wasted them insulting Barbara.

  48. I just cannot fathom what goes through her head. The next Paul Bernardo and Karla homolka

    1. They did a special on them last year on one of the true crime channels. “The Ken and Barbie Murders” She has been released from prison and has a baby. She ran from the cameras. Unlike the monsters who kill defenseless animals and abuse children. They think they are celebrities. Get this straight you two pieces of shit. You are both hated by everyone!!!

          1. Her parents do talk to her. I read an article that they forgive her and don’t want to lose two daughters. The only reason she is out of prison is because the police/attorneys made a deal with her since they thought Paul forced her to commit the crimes. Once they watched the tapes they realized how wrong they were. The deal was already done. I’m from the area where the murders were committed, so awful.

  49. I’m glad Jenelle spent the couple precious moments she had with her daughter usefully by having a meaningful interaction with Ensley. Oh lol she just spent the whole time ignoring Ensley and trying (failing) to make Barb look like the bad guy. It’s AMAZING how unsympathetic Jenelle and David remain.

  50. Just like you refuse to answer your phone to cps jenelle.

    You morons will never change, you do not deserve and custody or access to the kids

  51. I’m going to guess they keep skipping scheduled visits because they legitimately don’t know how to talk to or be around their kids like normal parents and without fighting. I mean, she’d have to actually interact and play with them, she can’t possibly do that without being high first, dude!

  52. Her attorney obviously knows about this stunt she pulled today, and the stunt her and David pulled with Nathan. If he’s smart and wants to keep his good reputation, he will drop her now and have the hefty bill waiting for her. It’s clear that she will do whatever she wants, and can’t keep her damn mouth shut, or abide by the judge’s orders.

  53. This bitch has absolutely no consideration for her elderly mother (who is constantly bailing her out), nor for her toddler daughter. It’s all about appearances. Problem is she’s quite transparent, and not nearly as smart as she thinks she is!

    Chinelle we can see right through you!

    1. Barbara is court mandated to stick to the strict guidelines.. They gave Jenelle an opportunity tis visit with her at this if visiting center and she declined it..Jenelle Is not going to be happy until Ensley gets pulled from Barb winds up in foster care family that doesn’t even know here..?

  54. I hope this visit was reported. She has no desire to regain custody. She just wants to spite they system and the other parties involved. She’s going against legal advice by getting into verbal spats with the kids temporary caregivers, approaching the children outside of an appointed location/time, and blatantly skipping out on the small window of time she does get with them. All while rejecting 2/4 of the kids! I hope every bit of this is being recorded and put towards the case.

  55. I’m just waiting for David to flip the f*ck out and go on SM and do a live video losing his sh*t. You know he is boiling right now. And, he loves to talk. Both of them are going to get into a drunken violent fight, and one of them is going to call the police and cry that the other one hit them. Just wait for it. It’s coming. No way are either one of them going to attend the marriage, and parenting classes; and hell no is David going to do a psych evaluation. This sh*t is going to be epic this Summer.



  57. Hopefully this unauthorized parking lot visit with Jenelle and Ensley was reported to the judge. During the brief unauthorized visit, Jenelle should have been focused on the child instead of arguing with Barbara and hurling false accusations for the camera to pick up. Barbara was right that this was all about Jenelle (as usual) and an act for the cameras. For any additional court appearances and/or scheduled supervised visitation, Barbara should have a guard escort her to and from her car at all times.

  58. If Ensley was just in a diaper then he shouldn’t have posted a video of her. Some parents don’t post their children photos unless they are fully dress.

    I do feel bad for Ensley. She just want her mom. I wish Jenelle will just wake up and put her children first. I bet it will be a lot easier for her to get custody back of st least Ensley if she file for divorce.

  59. Of course!!! She gets a quick shot of seeing her sweet little girl and she’s aggressive and spending that time arguing with her mother!! God this bitch has literally ZERO motherly instincts. If she cared about that baby her whole attention would have been on her. She is so awful OMG!!!

  60. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    David & Jenelle are shitstains ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

  61. I remember David posting a picture of Kaiser in a diaper with his hands down his pants and saying bad things about it. And what’s wrong Jenelle I thought everyone at CPS was your friend and you were on first name basis with them?
    Maybe they got fired for not doing their job or on thin ice right now.

  62. COS documents everything she will not get those kids back anytime soon, she won’t even go to visitation, the courts are allowing them both to have visits with the kids and their too busy keeping shit up. Janelle knows she was not suppose to go near her daughter, she was just doing it for social media

    1. Does it really matter to the judge when she sees them, outside of the allowed times? I’m seriously curious. I dont have any experience with this and have always wondered.

      1. My understanding that they are only allowed supervised at a visitation center at this time. So, if they attempt to see the children outside of this court ordered time, they could be considered in contempt of the court.

      2. Yes ma’am They are set up for visitation. The judge will be told that they keep missing visits. They have to coordinate with the other parents and or guardian as well as a CPS supervisor.

      3. When a judge rules that you are only to around the child during supervised visitations, then yes, a judge does care. Because you are in violation of the court order. This is a serious issue and needs to be brought to the judges attention ASAP. The judge can have her arrested. 99% sure the judge is going to do something about this stunt she pulled today. And, also with her and David screaming at Nathan when they drove by. Nathan better let the judge know what happened.

      4. Judges DO NOT LIKE when their orders are ignored. They tend to take that kind of thing personally

      5. Supervised visitation is a court order, so attempting contact outside of appointment times would be a violation.

        Just when you think this POS can’t look any worse. I love how that BS stunt backfired. She spent that ‘moment’ with Ensley talking down to the woman keeping her child out of foster care. Although, Jenelle and David would consider their children ending up in foster care as a victory for them. They care more about spiting the temporary guardians than anything else.

        Nathan doesn’t have a car’…you don’t have morals, David doesn’t have sanity, WTF is your point?! Nathan can call an Uber, what can you do to make up for the things you don’t have. Best of luck on David’s upcoming psych evaluation.

        So supervised visitation was cancelled because ‘Kaiser was here already and left’, and the reason you don’t have visitation with Ensley?! What excuse do you have for that? Given Jenelle and David are only concentrating on 2/4, clearly visitation doesn’t include an all or nothing policy.

        ‘The new judge is mad you missed Jaces award ceremony’ Really?! If he is upset about one award ceremony, I imagine he would frown upon you missing the last 9 years of his life

  63. Looks like Jenelle and David are here. You can always tell when they are on The Ashley reading their stories and comments. The only two down votes you ever see on comments.

      1. Hey there, You nasty dog murderer and the ex-teen mom childless unemployed piece of shit!!! When are they going to arrest you for murdering that baby puppy dog you big jackass mother fucker!!! I hope you beat that monster stupid ass moron monster wife of yours like you did that dog. You better be looking over your shoulder because there is a blog that is saying they now have Nugget’s body! An autopsy is being done and they will be knocking on your door you monster dog murderer!!! #justicefornugget

        1. You seem entirely too caught up in this. While we are all outraged and deeply concerned about those children, you appear to be fixated on Nugget’s death and I find your comments are a little extreme. I gently suggest that you take a few deep breaths and emotionally detach. The intensity of your response doesn’t seem healthy or appropriate.

    1. Lurch and chinelle ??????You.
      You vile disgusting pair of tears.

      I hope you never ever get the kids back.

      You two scum suckers deserve each other, so if your trolling these comments, I hope you fkn kill one another

  64. Jenelle you are going to get yourself in trouble for not listening or even importantly enough following the damn rules if you want to visit your precious kids. What’s up with your attitude, Jenelle? Leave David already and in order to get your kids back then you need to grow up a little more and start being a mature parent. But so far you’re not following the rules to get your kids back. Keep up and you won’t see your kids again.
    Grow up and stop being a cry baby.

  65. The fact that Ensley wasn’t scared when Jenelle was handling her while talking aggressively/yelling at Barbara was unfortunately very telling of what the poor little girl must be used to.

  66. SHe has a once a week chance to spend with her kids and THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME SHES HAD IT CANCELED. what the actual hell. Mother of the year right there.

  67. I would have never walked outside without a police officer or an officer of the court. I don’t think the children should have been there. How does this horrible monster hold hands with a dog murdering monster? This is one fucked up couple! I can’t even look at him. I just see this bully killing that poor little dog, and I hate him so much!!!

    1. I actually have to agree with Jenelle that Colin should not be around Ensley unsupervised. He seems sketchy to me.

      1. I agree. I’d like to see he wouldn’t do anything, but he seems so unstable on some of his videos that he posts at times.

  68. Barb probably looked worried because letting Jenelle see the kids outside of the supervision center could jeopardize her custody of them. Honestly the court should be giving them escorts out of the courtroom to make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen.

  69. Okay. Show of hands, all those who believe that with this kind of nut cake behavior and thumbing their noses at court rulings, Prince and Princess Dumbass a.k.a Jenelle and David are just wasting their already slim cash on lawyers because they’ll probably NEVER get these kids back. (Which of course is a good thing.)

    And that’s simply because this is in no way delusional on their parts. These two asshats ACTUALLY think they’re above any judges orders.


    1. I would love to agree completely because that is what should happen. But I live in NC and have worked as a victim advocate. I currently work in mental health/substance use. So I have dealt with our legal system here a lot. And I gotta tell ya-it is completely broken. Breaking into a coin-operated machine is a more serious offense than charges associated with abuse, domestic violence and stalking/harassment. But here’s to hoping you turn out to be right!

  70. seriously, what a mess.
    Jenelle misses her kids so much that she keeps cancelling visitations. Seriously, mother of the year!

    1. But no, it wasn’t her fault. It was everyone else’s. Same shit different day. You just want to look at her and say, “shut the f*ck up!!! Shut up!!! You’re f*cking delusional thinking that anyone believes the sh*t that comes outta your mouth! No one believes anything you say, you dumb b*tch!!” Acting like Nathan doesn’t have a car??? B*tch you are about to lose yours! And, you have no freaking job! Or, that inbred cross eyed husband of yours.

  71. Any moms out there who regularly like to “say hey” to their little kids??
    Did that drive anyone else insane? You say HELLO to your kid, this is not high school, that’s not your buddy. “I’m just saying hey to Ensley”, who says that…

  72. no footage yet hasnt been realeased only the confrontation between barbs and jenelle
    and in that video jenelle said that no visits with kai today because he sick and I got the impression nathan wasn’t at the court house because kai was sick. ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

  73. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    She didnt care when UBT posted inappropriate pics of Kaiser in his diaper online…

  74. Evil Jenelle knew exactly what she was doing, trying to deflect all their custody wrong doing by her sick mind of lies, twisting them onto someone else to make them look better. David and Jenelle are sick individuals!

  75. I’m sure arguing with the caretakers is really going to help your case, Janelle. Jesus, God!

  76. Jenelle….
    The court specifically said you’re only suppose to have contact with Ensley at a visitation center…

    That’s exactly why you don’t have any of your children.
    You make excuses.
    You don’t abide by anything.

    Like damn, woman. ?

  77. She’s not allowed to be around any of the kids without CPS supervising. She needs to get in trouble for this. She is clearly ignoring the judges order to not be around any of the kids unsupervised. They better do something about this. Again, Jenelle is acting for the cameras and blaming others. She honestly thinks anything her or David say to the courts is going to matter? Again, her and David’s actions show they will still put the kids in the middle of their BS, and picking fights with others. Ensley did not need to be around this today. Judge, do something about this!!!! Haul them back in and put a restraining order against them to be around their children and others now! Take away their supervised visitations! They run out or cancel them anyhow.

    1. Wow, she is so disrespectful. She should be THANKING Barbara for stepping in and taking care of Ensley, during this time. None of this is Barara’s doing, and to outright ignore a court order is despicable. The more she pulls this crap, the less kind a judge will be to Jenelle in the future. CPS already shut her out, the courts will be next.

  78. REPORT this Babs! Tell them that Jenelle is in violation of the court order by trying to hold Ensley!! This shit has got to stop. Jenelle has gotten away with too much for too long. Those few minutes in a parking lot is more than enough time for an abduction or something worse to go down. Jenelle and David are entitled and unstable. Current caregivers, like Babs, need to be vigilant and proactive when dealing with these two asswipes in ANY capacity.

  79. She could have spent that entire walk talking to Ensley, reassuring her that she is loved and safe but instead argues with the person who has raised her son since birth and is now carrying for her daughter, too. What a piece of work.

  80. Wow , just wow. Instead of speaking to her poor confused daughter , she walks and fights with her mother. Hug your daughter and ask her how she is. Show you care Jenelle for her , not just about yourself. Who cares about Nathan’s car, how is your daughter. Look what you did to her and your mother. Jenelle is on another planet and it is only about her. Poor babies.

    1. But she doesn’t care about her daughter, that’s the thing. She cares about Jenelle and only Jenelle. And apparently a dog murderer and abuser. That’s it.

  81. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    Please keep my updated about Jenelle Evan’s stupid self!!!

  82. Janell teaching her daughter she doesn’t have to follow the rules. Just do whatever the hell you want. “I caught you coming out so I could see my daughter,”. How about going to the visit? If the boys aren’t there you could have had one on one time with ensley. How much do you want this little girl back?

    Barb, next time just leave the little one at home since her mother keeps cancelling visits. Then there will be no “accidental” show offs for thecamerss.

  83. Man, I do not want this POS getting any of them kids back

    Barbs isn’t perfect but she’s far better than Jenelle and Davidthed*ck….Barbara is getting older and Jenelle is obviously intimidating her/not wanting to start anything in front of Ensley.

    I feel sad after seeing that video

  84. Okay, phewwww. I didn’t want to ever look up that video of Ensley that her uncle took of her but janelle was lying. Of course.

    The uncle is nuts somwouldnt be surprised if cps tells babes to relocate him for the sake of the investigation.

    1. Yeah, that son of hers is a weirdo for sure. He acts like Jenelle. Saying, how proud he is of HIMSELF for being such a great uncle. Wtf?? All her kids are messed in the head. Babs needs to kick him out while she has the kids. He is going to do something stupid and screw it all up for Babs having Ensley.

  85. Hopefully the courts see these videos and she gets in trouble for violating the order. You can’t just ignore the law like that. Babs should’ve gotten an officer or had someone else go grab one.

  86. I’m sure the judge is going to be thrilled with this latest development. Jenelle was ordered by the court to stay away from her children outside of CPS supervised visitation, but her she is carrying Ensley away. She can’t obey the simplest of rules. I hope that none of her children are ever returned to her. Babs was absolutely correct: Jenelle is only a parent for the cameras.

    1. Makes you wonder how Jenelle even got her hands on Ensley to hold her? Why is Barb letting Jenelle take her or pick her up from the stroller? I wouldn’t let her touch Ensley and I would’ve walked back into the courthouse and asked to be escorted to my car.

      1. She was probably afraid that it would escalate the situation further and become dangerous for herself and Ensley if she tried to physically pull her away

  87. SIGH. As a parent, I get that nothing would keep me from my babies. HOWEVER, I don’t put myself in situations to lose my kids and if I did, I would try my damndest to comply to get them back as soon as possible and not miss a visit because it’s inconvenient to me.

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