Beth Chapman, Wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter, Dies After Battle with Cancer

Dog Chapman has confirmed that his wife, Beth, has succumbed to the cancer she has been fighting.

Beth, who starred with her husband on the long-running reality show Dog the Bounty Hunter, died Wednesday in the Hawaii hospital she had been in for nearly a week. She was 51.

“It’s 5:32 in Hawaii, this is the time she would wake up to go hike Koko Head mountain,” Dog tweeted Wednesday. “Only today, she hiked the stairway to heaven. We all love you, Beth. See you on the other side.”

The Chapmans’ rep confirmed Beth death’s in a statement, adding, “She was surrounded by family and Dog was there, holding her hand.”

Beth had been fighting cancer since 2017. In September of that year, she announced that she had been diagnosed with Stage II throat cancer.

“I have what is referred to as a T2 Tumor in my throat that is blocking my breathing,” she revealed at the time. 

After undergoing treatment (and documenting it on the 2017 A&E special Dog & Beth: Fight of Their Lives) the Chapmans revealed that Beth was cancer-free.

Her remission was short-lived, unfortunately. In November 2018, Beth underwent emergency surgery to clear a throat blockage that was obstructing her airway. The family announced that Beth was once again fighting cancer. The couple also announced that they would be starring in a new reality show for WGN America called Dog’s Most Wanted. Early promos for the show discuss Beth’s fight with cancer.

In early June, Beth posted a photo of herself, sitting at the couple’s bail bonds shop in Hawaii.

“Get up dress up show up! #cancerwillnotbeatme,” she captioned the photo.

However, on Sunday, Dog confirmed reports that Beth had been placed in a medically induced coma. Later, her condition was described as “grave” by various news sites, although Dog denied that all the reports were true.

“90% of what you’re hearing is fake news,” he tweeted on Tuesday. “I don’t mean to be nasty but some are filling in the blanks. @wgnamerica will be releasing an accurate update soon. Please keep prayers coming!”

He also posted a photo of his wife’s nails, which she took great pride in.

“You all know how she is about HER NAILS!!” he captioned the photo.

On Wednesday, WGN America posted a statement in regard to Beth’s death.

“We are deeply saddened by the tragic news that @MrsdogC lost her battle with cancer today,” the channel wrote on Twitter. “She was an exceptional woman, all of us at #WGNAmerica will miss her tremendously. Our thoughts and prayers are with @DogBountyHunter, her family, loved ones and millions of fans.”

WGN has not revealed whether it will still air ‘Dog’s Most Wanted,’ and, if so, when the show will air. It was originally slated to premiere this year but the premiere date has reportedly been pushed back.

Hawaii News Now reports that Beth died at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, and that funerals would likely be held in both Hawaii and Beth’s native Colorado. A spokesperson released a statement to the local news outlet.

“Duane and the Chapman ohana send their love and sincere mahalo to everyone who prayed for Beth throughout this journey.”

(Photos: Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images; Twitter; Instagram)

60 Responses

  1. I lost my mother in 2002 at the age of 44. So I know EXACTLY how those kids are unfortunately feeling. I take personal offense to any negative comments about a person/people after the loss of a loved one!!!!

  2. I feel for the Chapman family. Dog loved that woman to the ends of the earth! Her kids loved her so much. It’s sad all around. RIP Miss Beth, you will be missed!

  3. Crazy as it sounds, this is one of the few celebrity deaths to bring a tear to my eye.

    The Chapmans come across as an incredibly loving family and Beth was an absolute spitfire. The world would be so much better with more people like her in it.

    Bless Beth and her family. I really worry about how Dog will cope without his rock. Much love to them all.

  4. ? I am so sorry for the families loss. Beth was a good woman, a heart of gold. Devastating news. Rest In Peace Beth. You will be truly missed.

  5. So sad. Beth was as real as can be, never put on any airs. Was honest about mistakes made when she was young. Great mom and so caring.

    1. I’ve been praying ever since she went to the hospital my heart just hurts so badly and I pray for her and her family and hopefully they find some peace she was a really good lady

    1. I totally agree! Some people are just pure vicious and nasty ! Imagine if this had happened to one of their loved ones……I’m disgusted! My mother passed away last week the 24th of June, My father passed away last year on the 24th of July,
      So I have lost both of my parents within 11months.
      The only thing that’s stopping me collapsing in a heap , is knowing that they’re both pain free and back together.
      My heart is broken, and when I read the file comments that people leave …….I’m speechless!

      1. I’m so very sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you.

        I lost my mother to cancer, it devastated me.

        And my father dropped down dead heart attack, they divorced when I was young, so I didn’t see him that often.
        My mother was the constant parent in my life.
        My heart goes out to you Andrea xx

        1. I’m feeling really lost at the moment, my “babies” are 31 and 33 and I have an 11 year old grandson. I’m 50….. But at the moment I’m feeling like a lost little kid that just wants their mum and dad .??

          1. I’ve always been “mum’s girl. We were really close, ….. I’m going to miss her so much !
            I read about your niece, what an amazing little girl ? Bless the donors that came forth, they’re truly special people,coming forth and extending a little girls life.
            May your niece continue to thrive and live a long happy and healthy life….
            My love and best wishes to you all xo

          2. Thank you so much, Shd is doing good thank god.

            I too was a mamas girl ❤️

          3. I CAN NOT believe some of the disgusting hateful vicious comments people have left on “Beth the bounty hunters” post! How people can be so twisted and nasty is beyond me ! They make me sick !.. .. I’m wondering how they would react if it was someone they loved!

      2. Please to the Ashley report quit putting the negative comments of people they are small-minded people who talk bad about people are very small-minded

        1. These people who are leaving such nasty insensitive heartless posts might think twice if it was one of their loved ones going through this …..TRUST ME , Its not pleasant, Its heartbreaking.
          So if you cant find it in your heart to leave a decent sensitive comment, then please refrain from posting at all. You never know……… One day you might be on the receiving end of these comments !

  6. So sad to hear this news. I love the Chapman family. I’ve been watching since “Take This Job”:in ’03. Thinking of you.

    1. I totally agree! Some people are just pure vicious and nasty ! Imagine if this had happened to one of their loved ones……I’m disgusted! My mother passed away last week the 24th of June, My father passed away last year on the 24th of July,
      So I have lost both of my parents within 11months.
      The only thing that’s stopping me collapsing in a heap , is knowing that they’re both pain free and back together.
      My heart is broken, and when I read the file comments that people leave …….I’m speechless!

      1. I remember the dog in 1 episode took Beth out for their anniversary and it was by the ocean and it was so beautiful he made Beth so happy that was probably one of the best shows always did beautiful stuff with her and I remember their daughters I think I believe it was her graduation her 18th birthday they had a big party and gave her a card Beth was so happy oh she’s such a proud mama you have to remember the good times

        1. I only ever watched a couple of episodes, but you could tell how much they loved each other.
          Every one is entitled to their own opinion, but in cases like this nasty comments should be kept to themselves!

    1. I don’t get it either. These downvotes are ridiculous. All I said was that I felt sorry for the family, and that I’ve always been a big fan. That’s nothing to download anybody over. For Pete’s sakes people can’t we all feel bad? We don’t need to get downvoted.

      1. If I were you I would ignore all those negative comments like I say people that talk about people have small minds

        1. I agree with you Mollie, and people like that obviously have not ever lost a loved one…or if they have they’re totally cold and heartless!
          It’s a very sad time when you lose a loved one…. but having nasty , bitter hateful comments made during this heartbreaking time is totally unacceptable!….These small minded people should be ashamed of themselves!!!

          1. They should be more than ashamed of themselves let’s just hope that they don’t have to go through something like this which in life everybody does

          2. I’m sure their attitude would be somewhat different!….. WELL , I bloody hope it would be ! Because if they were that heartless to strangers and treated people that were close to them that way…..then their pretty low !

  7. my body when I heard, I’m so so sorry for your loss Dwayne, my thoughts are with you all at this time.

    I lost my mother to cancer, it’s the hardest and saddest thing I’ve ever gone through.

    I won’t say time heals, because it doesn’t, I really am so so very sorry, my heart goes out to you all.


  8. I felt a cold feeling thru my body when I heard, I’m so so sorry for your loss Dwayne, my thoughts are with you all at this time.

    I lost my mother to cancer, it’s the hardest and saddest thing I’ve ever gone through.

    I won’t say time heals, because it doesn’t, I really am so so very sorry, my gears goes out to you all.


  9. While sad anyone goes thru cancer I don’t have much sympathy or empathy. They were racist and I don’t feel much for people who hate others because of the color of there skin.

      1. Please keep the bad kid comments off of the internet we don’t need this in time of the families need please keep that comments the bad ones to them there are bad people themselves to even say anything bad

    1. Did you watch any of there home footage?!! To say they are racist is just wrong. They were nothing of the kind!!!! They only said inappropriate things while they were on the chase because when your adrenaline is pumping you say and do things that you wouldn’t normally do (it’s perfectly understandable)!!! As far you say that you don’t show them any empathy or sympathy, I hope that IF this happens to you then you are shown more loving kindness than you are showing these WONDERFUL people!!!! To quote them, “Where Mercy Is Shown Mercy Is Given”. I really thought I had seen it all, but you my dear Melina are THE MOST DESPICABLE person EVER!!!!

      1. I completely agree these people that have negative thoughts should not be writing on the internet keep it to yourself your inhumane

  10. We love you Beth very very much. The good Lord must have needed a very special angel to have took you at such a very young age. You will forever be in our hearts!!!??? Out to family and friends.

  11. I am also really sad to hear this news. She was such a good person and always wanted to help others. She fought all the way up to the end. RIP sweet Beth.

    (I hope that these comments can be respectful and that The Ashley will delete any trolls, negativity and hateful comments out of respect for Beth and her family)

    1. I hope so to. I have read some really nasty disgusting comments today!
      How people can be so horrible, nasty and cold is beyond me !

      1. I cannot fathom all the down votes to those of us marking our respect on here.

        Wether people liked this family or not, stop being so disrespectful…

        If you can’t be nice about this, then why come on here to mark down, messages of condolence’s.

        I hope you never lose anyone to cancer or other terminal diseases.

        Shame on you all.

        I’m truly sickened at the lack of respect.

        RIP Beth

        1. I TOTALLY AGREE 100%. It’s obvious that these nasty people haven’t been touched personally somehow by this horrible disease…and if they had then they’re cold heartless individuals. Unfortunately this disease doesn’t discriminate, and watching a loved one suffer through it is not something you would EVER want to do. So think twice before commenting with such nasty comments……because you just never know! One day it could be one of THEIR loved ones being spoken about like that.

          1. My 14 month old niece was diagnosed with aplastic anemia.

            And she has had blood transfusions, platelet donation, chemotherapy, lumper punch.
            And then after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting for a match, she had a bone marrow transplant and bone marrow biopsy!!!!!

            And on her 5th birthday, there was a big party and her bone marrow donor and her daughter, flew from Germany to the United Kingdom, to meet us all,
            It was a happy/emotional day for us all.

            (She is a special lady, who saved my nieces life.) and I can never ever thank her enough.

            Thanks to her my niece will be 8 years old this year.

            So to all the down voters, stop and think.

            ( In a flash someone you or a loved one, could get sick, and turn your life in to chaos and devastation, and praying the unthinkable doesn’t happen )

        2. However I do believe that for every passing a new life is entering, I’m expecting my second grandson in September. ?

  12. God bless Beth. Fly high as you are free from your earthly pains. Love to the family as they start a new life without the matriarch of their family. I hope you can come together rather than pull apart.

  13. I heard of her passing at 11:30 am this morning my time she was one of my favorites and I had been crying since I heard she was a good wife and mother with a good heart and now she doesn’t have too worry about suffering anymore she will be sadly missed RIP Beth ??

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