“90 Day Fiancé” Star Ashley Martson Says Estranged Husband Jay Smith Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers

“You don’t really want a divorce, do you?”

Ashley Martson‘s much-publicized divorce from Jay Smith is reportedly being derailed… by Jay himself! 

The 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? couple is estranged but still legally married, a fact that Ashley says is due to Jay refusing to sign the divorce papers.

During an Instagram Q&A session over the weekend, Ashley told her followers that Jay won’t sign the divorce papers  because he’s “requesting half of everything” Ashley owns. 

“Fine. Jay can have the ‘Mr.’ wall decor from our house, but I’m keeping the ‘Mrs.'”

As fans of the show may recall, Ashley initially filed for divorce in January but quickly withdrew the papers, only to re-file in April. 

As of July 3, Jay has been detained in an ICE detention facility in York, Pennsylvania after violating a PFA order filed against him July 1 by Ashley. While a GoFundMe was created by a friend of Jay’s in order for him to hire an immigration attorney, Ashley told In Touch that Jay “will be deported, but immigration takes their sweet time. It could be a few months to over a year.” (This has yet to be confirmed, according to the site.) 

Ashley is currently facing some legal issues of her own after allegedly throwing a fire extinguisher through Jay’s apartment window last month (as you do). She has officially been charged with one count of simple assault (a misdemeanor offense) and one count of criminal mischief. 

“I told you guys we were a perfect match!”

Despite the pending legal woes and Jay’s pushback on the divorce, Ashley remains optimistic about the situation with her future ex-husband.

“My attorney is a savage,” she told another fan during the Q&A. “You should see the cease and desist letters that just went out. I’m not worried about anyone taking anything. I may have made a bad decision but I’m not stupid.” 

“I guess being burned in the past helped me in this situation,” she added. “A little advice from me is to save EVERYTHING!! Receipts don’t lie. I saved it all from Day 1 and thank God I did. If your significant other goes through your phone email the stuff to an email they don’t know about. Be smart!” 

RELATED STORY: ’90 Day Fiancé’ Star Ashley Martson Says Ex Jay Smith’s Possible Deportation is “Payback”; Jay Promotes GoFundMe to Raise Money to Free Him From ICE Detention Center

(Photos: TLC) 

64 Responses

  1. Maybe Trashley could start a GFM to get money for a hitman to break Jay’s fingers or kneecaps if he won’t sign.

      1. Oooooooooohhhhhhh I didn’t know Nicole had done it twice!!!! Poor little May , I feel so sorry for that poor little girl! Shame on her!

  2. I can’t believe that Go Find Me allows these scammers to set them up or that people actually contribute to them. GFM isn’t supposed to be for anything illegal. . .excuse me, if you need money for an attorney (or multiple attorneys in Larissa’s case)..that is a good sign it involves the law .

    1. But i think they shouldn’t even be allowed to do that UNLESS they have gotten their green cards. If people want to come into a country and become a legal citizen DON’T FUCK IT UP! I think its being disrespectful, if you cant do the right thing by a country that you want to accept you …then you shouldn’t be entitled to put your hand out for money !

  3. COMPLETELY OFF THE TOPIC, But I’ve been watching some YOU TUBE clips with Azan and Nicole and I’m left scratching my head ….IS IT POSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE TO BE AS DUMB AS NICOLE???????????? WTF

      1. My god!!!!!! It’s embarrassing at how utterly stupid she is !
        And you know what ?….. I Honestly believe a box of rocks would be more intelligent ??????

        How are you doing my friend?

          1. Stormy, you’re right. To all the boxes of rocks in the world, I humbly apologize. I just can’t figure out what Nicole’s issue is.

          2. I can’t either but she stepped out on Azan twice…nope, not once but twice and then there is May and May has a father who Nicole doesn’t have contact with. Wonder how far he had to move to get away from her. I feel bad for May…she’s stuck. Nicole gets around. I would say dumb blonde but it’s more like dumb purple head. How can she look in the mirror and think that purple hair looks good?

          1. She’s DEFINITELY an attention seeker that’s for sure!!!!!!!. To even put up with what Jay did to her, but then having him “hang off her” at the tell all was ridiculous! HER way of trying to prove “I’m gorgeous I can keep him dangling”
            To be honest I don’t think she’s that pretty, She looks like a bit of a cartoon character ??

  4. Hi, Andrea! I wouldn’t think of you as à bitch. You would have to be really awful for me to ever think that. It’s been 30 years, and I still laugh about what happened that day. By the way I hope your friend’s little boy has an awesome support system.

  5. Thanks. There’s a story behind it. I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at eleven months old. Anyway, when I was a senior in high school, I needed a new wheelchair. There were quite a few colors to choose from. I wanted pink, but my mom suggested red or yellow, because she thought pink was for babies. My argument was that I didn’t want a chair that a dog could mistake for a fire hydrant.
    So I chose yellow, and what do you think happened? At camp that summer, one of the maintenance man’s dogs peed on my chair, with me in it!!??
    I LOVE Ali’s chair.

      1. FIRST OFF , I would just like to say that I’m sorry to hear about your Cerebal Palsy; that’s a horrible disease to have.
        I have got close friends that have got 5 year old twins and the little boy was diagnosed with C/P about a year and a half ago.
        You seem like you have a pretty upbeat and positive attitude, and a great sense of humor ? So power to you !
        I looooooove the story behind the wheelchair and I must admit that I cracked up laughing!
        But at that age you were a smart little cookie to think of that! Now whenever I read your posts I’ll probably have a bit of a giggle ( but not in a nasty way by any means) so please don’t think I’m bitch.
        Thanks for sharing your story, That means alot.

      2. Awwwwww that’s lovely… THANK you. My friends have got a great support network ; but I remember how hard it was for them when they found out. It certainly took it’s toll, it put their marriage to the test but everything is all good now. He’s the sweetest little boy. I’ll actually have him with me for a couple of hours here and there so she can go shopping or get her hair done or whatever…… I love it?
        My kids are adults 31 and 33 and I’ve got an 11 year old grandson (another on the way in September) but they live interstate so it’s nice to have little ones to fuss over?

        1. Did I tell you that I’m a twin also? My brother and I were born at 26 weeks. my mom says that when I was diagnosed, she and my dad had never heard of it. Don’t worry, there are lots of good hospitals. I don’t know what’s available in Australia. But hopefully, he will have good schools and camps and that sort of thing. Stuff like that really helps.

          1. WOW, no I didn’t know you were a twin . That’s the same as my girlfriend’s the twins are a boy and a girl ???
            We’ve got some awesome hospitals here , the main one being ” The royal children’s hospital ” Its fantastic and they have a set up called “Ronald McDonald House” which is directly across the road from the hospital. It provides accommodation for families of children requiring on going treatment that live a long distance away from the hospital. It’s run by charities and fund raising.
            Every year they have ” The good Friday appeal” and it’s a marathon that people ring and donate and $1 from every Big Mac sold goes to those funds ?

      3. It’s also funny, I watch teen mom 2 and I can’t believe how complicated and fucked up their lives are and the amount of drama …..
        Bloody hell , I was 17 when I had my son and 19 when I had my daughter!
        I had none of the drama that seems to follow these girls !
        A few of them I admire, others..not so much lol

  6. Come to Florida,Over here he does not need to sign here.In Florida is enough that one of the 2 parties wants to ge a divorce, that’s it!. He does not need to sign anything. And you can enjoy South beach

  7. This Bimbo is pretty quick at throwing “rape accusations” around! She should be very very very very careful with shit like that !

    1. She thinks she can say whatever she wants now that jays in jail, and she has the PFA out on him. She’s a real piece of work. She’s the type of chick that would completely ruin someone’s life and not think twice about it.

      1. Ooooooooohhhh When did he go to Jail? We’re a bit behind here in Australia LOL. You’re 100% right about her though…Her and her accusations could totally destroy someone’s life!
        She’s already accused TWO innocent men of rape. BOTH were exonerated, but imagine the distress that would have caused them and their families. She’s nothing but a cheap media whore who I would put in the same “class bracket” as Farah !!!!

  8. They’re both awful!! Ashley calling the high school kid that Jay cheated with was out of line. Ashley’s very immature. Just as bad as Nicole.

    1. LOL, I just had a thought ( and I don’t know why it came into my head ) but wouldn’t it be funny if it WAS Nicole that Jay cheated with!
      I know it’s completely random , and not possible…But it just popped into my head and I started laughing ??????

  9. Pretty sad that one has to ‘keep receipts’ from a marriage. ? I actually hope jay gets what he wants from her, couldn’t happen to a more mentally unstable, psycho, trashy mouthed bitch. She’s trying to claim on insta that jay raped her! Come on now, and she lets her ‘rapist’ take her kids around? I’m never one to doubt a victim, but I don’t believe this trick at all.

      1. Did she really say that? She needs to realize that she’s not making things any easier for REAL victims. Ashley, please, grow up!

        1. Yeah , I read about her mother and Jays father/ stepfather somewhere but I can’t remember where I read it.
          Now she’s trying to accuse Jay of raping her ! I don’t know what she’s hoping to achieve with that one , but it’s disgusting!
          I haven’t got much time for Jay, but at the end of the day he’s 20 years old!!!!she knew what she was getting into , She knew he was a player, It was all a matter of show for her “LOOK AT ME , IM 32 AND IM SO HOT I CAN GET A YOUNG HOT GUY TO LOVE ME ” Pleeeeeeeease!
          But these rape allegations are bullshit! She could really damage a person’s life with accusations like that !!!!

        2. You’re exactly right !!!!!! That is such an insult to REAL survivors of rape!!!!!
          How disgusting. I wouldn’t spit on that bitch if she was on fire, FKNG SKANK!

    1. She claimed that she was “raped” once before, the story was that full of holes it was like a fishing net. She accused one guy who was completely exonerated due to DNA evidence….So then she tried to say it was another guy, SAME story he to was completely exonerated due to DNA evidence!
      Shes an attention seeking slag!!!!!!
      She could have completely ruined TWO innocent guys lives ! FOR WHAT ????

  10. He needs to be deported. All he will ever is a liar and a user. He used her to get here and now he want people to send his find money. NO WAY I’d give him a can’t. Give him a canoe and send him on his way, out of our country. We have too many freeloaders as it is. She can do better.

      1. I can’t believe the nerve of some of these people trying to set up “GO FUND ME” accounts!!!!!.
        ESPECIALLY the ones that try to scam their way into certain countries! FFS !!!!

    1. I agree he’s got to go, but she should be careful about what stories she throws around!
      The guy is 20 years old….SERIOUSLY! Did she honestly think he’d be able to keep it zipped up? CONSIDERING how much he bragged about the women he could get !

  11. She disgusting but he’s an ass. They were married for less than a year, what would he be entitled too besides the Mrs and Mr sign? She is a freaking bar maid who probably get mostly cashed tips good luck getting your hands of her unclaimed cash tips, Jay. Third she has kids. He would,be taking from her kids when he made no onctributiins to the household finances at all. He needs a male role model. You can tell he was raised in a single woman household.

    1. Not sure because I think his mom has lived here for awhile according to her mother, then moved in with Ashleys mom.And then his step dad moved in and somewhere in this story raped Ashleys mom.

  12. “I may have made a bad decision, but I’m not stupid”.

    Yes you are, Ashley. Yes you are.

  13. I hope after this season I never have to see these two ever again. I honestly don’t know who’s worse.

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Can we please make them both go away?!!

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