Andrew Glennon Responds After Amber Portwood Posts She’s “Heartbroken” Over Him Allegedly Texting Another Woman: “You’re More Than Welcome to Have a Pity Party!”

“You’re not gonna bust out the trusty lie-detector test are you? The cuffs are still warm from when Matt used it!”

Amber Portwood returned to social media on Tuesday to let her followers know she’s “heartbroken,” following the publishing of a Radar Online story that stated her baby daddy Andrew Glennon had been texting another woman following Amber’s arrest on July 5.

However, Andrew seems to be telling a different story in his response to the cheating claims!

The Teen Mom OG star— who has only posted to Instagram once since her arrest— has not made any statements in public or in the press in regard to her arrest or relationship status with Andrew. On Tuesday, she posted a photo of a shattered heart to her social media accounts, along with the caption, “I am so heartbroken right now…omg? Wow I guess the truth always comes out.” (She later deleted the second sentence of that caption.)

Amber’s original post on Wednesday…

When a ‘Teen Mom’ fan posted the link to one of Andrew’s old Instagram posts, informing him that the story about him texting another woman had posted, Andrew actually responded. While he didn’t deny that he had been texting a woman, he did imply that it wasn’t in a romantic way as the Radar story suggested.

He stated that the texting story was “taken out of context and blown out of proportion per usual.”

“[It’s] sad that [Amber] believes the ‘headlines,'” Andrew wrote in the comment section of his verified Instagram page. “I thought she’d know better after 10 years [on TV].”

He then wrote a message seemingly addressed to Amber.

“You’re more than welcome to have a pity party for literally nothing, but I’ve no time for the nonsense, and the extent of my energy spent talking on the sordid topic ends with the period of this message,” he wrote. 

“You wanna come at me with that fancy Malibu Speak? You’re in Indiana now, home of the Real Woman!”

Anyway, Andrew has responded to a few other comments on his Instagram, including one that stated the alleged domestic violence episode (in which Andrew claimed Amber hit him with a shoe and her fist, and then came at him with a machete), was false.

“No, it was very real, and very very scary,” Andrew responded.

Andrew’s response to conspiracy theories that the alleged attack by Amber was fake…

Andrew also stated that, since the news of Amber’s arrest broke, some rabid fans of the show have posted his phone number to various Facebook groups that support Amber. According to him, this has resulted in him getting scary phone calls that he has since reported to the authorities.

“I did receive threatening phone calls…seems this was a high enough profile case for them to care about my and James’ safety,” Andrew told one fan. “My actions are merely a response to one’s extreme decision to broadcast my personal information to the world and jeopardize our well being. Thank you for you unbiased concern.

“It’s in the hands of the FBI now,” he told another person on Instagram.

As for Amber, she is receiving support from her ‘Teen Mom OG’ co-star Catelynn Lowell, who stated on Twitter that she is on her way to see Amber in Indiana. 

“There is always two sides to every story… u r only hearing one side sooo [peace] out I love you @AmberLPortwood I’m on my way to you now,” Catelynn wrote on Wednesday, later adding, “I DO NOT condone abuse! I AM supporting a friend in need! That’s what friends are for. When I went through all my crazy mental illness stuff my friend helped, me supported me, and loved me!!! And I’m going to do the same!”

Amber’s next court date is scheduled for Thursday.

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood’s Ex-Fiance Matt Baier Answers Questions About Her Anger Issues, ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ & More: “Amber’s Biggest Fear is Going Back to Prison”

(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Twitter)

68 Responses

  1. I truly believe Amber needs professional mental help. Prison is not the answer right now. Let her get the serious help she needs by court order. Then if the court decides to add time on later then so be it. Everytime she was on tv she talked about her mental issues and it appears her cries for help were going unheard. MTV only appears to care about the ratings, well I hope this one was big for you. This is real life people and too many of these young woman on this show for the last 10 years cries for help have gone unheard.

  2. I think Andrews response was pure gold.
    And I am soooo sick of Catelynn. This girl makes sure she is relatable to every female group. Oh, you’re considering adoption? I can relate to you! Oh, you had a miscarriage? I can totally relate to you! Oh, you’re thinking about abortion? Girl, I can relate! You have mental Illness issues? Me too! You’re struggling with addiction? I know all about that too!

    This girl makes sure she has all of her bases covered to be able to “bring awareness” to every social issue out there! Ugh I’m so sick of her!

  3. My favorite recent Amber quote: “Is he also in the industry?” The only industry she’s in is the bad decision industry, and business is booming!

  4. Your height requirement comment made me spit out my Dr. Pepper.?? The guys are definitely not cute, but whatever.

  5. Everything is always “out of proportion” with him. He said the same thing about the women who took out restraining orders against him as well “out of proportion” or something like that. I don’t trust this guy at all. Guy got soul custody, child support, her home, her cars, and now found a new woman all with in two weeks. Guy moves quick. There are two sides to every story. She’s innocent until proven guilty.

  6. Honestly I think this what Andrew ultimately wanted. He now has the ability to take her money in the form of child support :/

    No excuse for Ambs behaviour of course but I never liked the dude and I think he only wanted her money.

    I hope Amber gets the help she needs

    1. I truly believe Amber needs professional mental help. Prison is not the answer right now. Let her get the serious help she needs by court order. Then if the court decides to add time on later then so be it. Everytime she was on tv she talked about her mental issues and it appears her cries for help were going unheard. MTV only appears to care about the ratings, well I hope this one was big for you. This is real life people and too many of these young woman on this show for the last 10 years cries for help have gone unheard.

  7. Geez Ambo, that’s another child of yours being taken away by the dad. Move on to another man and get pregnant, maybe the third time is a charm.

    1. I am so tired of these teen mom drama shit. You all have kids that will grow up and see these shows. All of you should b ashamed of urselves. As far as amber, she has hit on her other baby daddy so its prob somewhat true this time also – which is very sad she has not really changed. Let the court’s deal with this now.

  8. I haven’t watched this sh*t show franchise in a LONG time! It destroys brain cells in viewers. I let @theashley do all the “dirty work”, and I just read her timely, accurate and trustworthy updates!

  9. I don’t know what she expected. Andrew did what ANYONE who has been attacked/abused should do – GET OUT AND STAY OUT. Amber is getting what she deserves. Karma is a b*tch, Girl!

    1. That his version of events. I don’t think this guy is a dumb innocent abuse victim like everyone think’s he is.

  10. I don’t even think he needs to defend himself? Whatever he did, it gives her NO RIGHT to attack him like she did, I mean, Amber, stop trying to make him look bad while you look WAY WORSE!

    1. I agree 100%. His response to her was right on. He has no reason to defend himself in any way whatsoever. I don’t care if there was cheating issues (which conveniently comes up AFTER this incident). I don’t care if he was doing it with an entire cheerleading squad. If Andrew was so bad to her then end the relationship. You don’t throw things, hit, or swing a machete at the man who is HOLDING YOUR BABY! Amber, you f*cking moron! I’m so mad at all these dimwits!

  11. But guys- she helped people when she was in gel. Just think how many more she’s going to be able to help this time around. Commissary for everyone!

    1. ROTFL! Yes!! That’s exactly what she would say. She just doesn’t realize that we’re not buying what she’s selling.

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I do get why everyone is so hard to come down on Amber. However, as a person who struggles with BPD on a daily basis, really makes me feel for her. I felt that I had to talk because it’s completely unfair to just say she’s a horrible mother and whatnot. Trust me, she NEVER would wish to feel the way she does. It’s never ok to abuse anyone. Often BPDs get pushed away. That’s one of our biggest fear. I am in no way saying if what they say Amber did was true that it’s ok. But you all need to be better educated on mental health. BPD is no joke and it’s a hard, rigged road to walk. Please be kind with words.

  13. Now that the Jenelle saga has ended we continue on with Amber. I stopped watching teen mom 2 years ago because I have more important things going on in my life. I always read and appreciate The Ashley for updates as she rocks! You provide true info and research the truth and I really appreciate that Ashley

  14. Amber and Cate deserve each other, they are practically the same sad basic bitch, just attached to a different couch. They are both selfish, inconsistent, whiney, uneducated, negligent, lazy, egotistical, irrational. The poster twins of right fighters that are always wrong, emotional hemophiliacs, and attention-seeking mental health hypochondriacs incapable of taking personal responsibility for a damn thing.

    1. I spit out my drink at “the same sad, basic bitch, just attached to a different couch.” You win the internet today.

  15. Yes, there are two, and sometimes more, sides to a story. However, that in no way, shape or form justifies or excuses physically assaulting another person with hands, shoes, a machete, or anything else, as well as traumatizing and endangering the life of her innocent child. Regardless of her serious mental health issues, Amber needs to take responsibility for her actions and suffer the appropriate consequences.

    1. If she really attacked him or the baby with a machete, don’t you think him and the baby would be seriously hurt??? They are both physically fine and unharmed, especially the baby! Maybe, just MAYBE, he’s lying and making up this outlandish story??? Anyone ever think of that????

      1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
        Yeah and maybe, just maybe, they were locked at the other side of the door while amber tried to get to the other side using the machete..

  16. once a nut…………always a nut
    get your fat butt off the couch, stop abusing people and complaining
    amber doodle , you my dear are a mess

  17. Catelynn thinks of any excuse not to stay home with her babies. For someone who regrets putting her first up for adoption, you’d think she would spend all the time she could with her children. Anything to get out of raising her kids. No wonder Nova has melt downs. Amber doesn’t need Catelynn’s help She needs to take her medication. Amber needs to quit drinking. Pull the board out of her azz and act like a mother. A mother always put their kids first and does what’s best for them. These teen moms have no love or respect for their kids. They will always put themselves first.

    1. Catelynn and Amber can sit on the couch and commiserate about what rough lives they live. Catelynn saying “Oh Amber it’s ok that you attacked Andrew with a shoe and fist and then continued with a machete while Andrew was holding James. You just drank too much as usual because we’re all under so much stress and no one understands what we have to go thru. You did nothing wrong and I have your back and will stay out here for awhile cause I desperately needed a vacation.”

  18. I feel for Andrew! I think he was walking around on eggshells!! She would always give him a hard time. I think she is a loser. I use to applaud her for all she went through and she was getting a better LIFE. It can’t be her way always! She should have taken a break,from men and concentrated on her daughter first and foremost! I still wish the Best for her but not with another relationship!

  19. She’s heartbroken over him texting another woman, but not over not being able to see her son. Her priorities are fucked. Kind of like the only way Delusionslle would ever leave Lurch is if he would cheat on her.

    1. Meh, Amber has always been the kind of woman who puts her man first before her child. When she only had Leah, Matt was always her priority and not her daughter. Thank God Leah has Kristina and Gary (who are a stable and awesome couple, she also has a little sister she loves now), James has only Andrew but he seems to be stable enough to get custody. I hope he wins.

  20. Cate couldn’t wait to jump at the chance to leave her responsibilities and kids on Tyler yet again.

  21. Amber knows right from wrong , she has nothing that excuses her actions. Every notorious criminal in the world had some sort of mental illness and childhood trauma,, it doesn’t make you exempt from the punishment fitting the crime. The percentage of people that are found not guilty by reason of insanity is extremely low, I don’t see Amber getting away with it as a defense.
    I’m not understanding this “ two sides to every story”, Amber herself told the officer that she hit him ( the law doesn’t care that the object was a shoe) that was all they needed to hear to read her her rights.

    1. Thank you! Mentally ill people do know right from wrong, in most cases, and I’m sick of reading that as an excuse.
      My daughter is bipolar, has been from birth. I know of which I speak. Take your medicine as ordered Amber, and put down the liquor!

  22. Amber all pissy because Andy moved on to fast. Let’s see how long was it between Matt and Andy? A day, a week? Anyone want to refresh Amber’s memory.

  23. North Carolina cops and courts are watching how Indiana handles this and thinking “Damn, y’all work too hard. Just let that shit go. That’s what we do.”

  24. Well, two things here.

    1. Catelynn will find any excuse to get away from those kids.

    2. My bro Andrew is getting more ass then a toilet seat. Not sure how?

    1. 1. Nova needs to break into Caitlyn’s phone or email to get Brandon and Theresa’s contact information and explore the possibility of going to live with them. They seem like they actually WANT to be around kids and not constantly run away.

      2. I too am stumped about Andrew’s success vs. a toilet seat, Nibsy.

    2. I can’t believe it. Cate is leaving her kids behind? NO. WAY. Surely they’re going with her, right? Seems so out of character for her. Said nobody, ever.

    3. There must be a height requirement. With that being said, these girls get paid a lot of money, so how come they don’t get with better looking guys? If the show was Teen Dads you know they would get with pretty girls because they have money. I know looks aren’t every thing but some of these guys are failing in the personality department too.

    4. Damn, Andrew doesn’t mince words! Good for him, a pity party is exactly what Amber does all the time.

  25. Catelynn and Amber’s brother’s whole “there are two sides to every story” bullshit is so stupid.
    NOTHING condones coming after your partner with a machete while he is holding your child. NOTHING. So I’m waiting to hear what the “other side of the story is” considering he drove around for 3 hours with the baby in the car until Amber “calmed down” and 3 hours later she was still a mess.

    1. So…I’m just going to make a suggestion. It really seems like some of these ladies’ mental health issues are compounded by the fact that they spend their lives onscreen and feel they need to justify their actions in their relationship to the public. If Amber was a regular person not in the spotlight, she would be dealing with her emotions and relationships on a personal level in therapy without having to worry about what complete strangers think about her. Same for Catelynn. Mental health issues are real, and I can’t imagine dealing with them in the public eye. These ladies probably need to step away from social media and the cameras for a while and deal with their stuff on their own. They may need to accept that at certain points in their lives the fame may be doing more harm than good, count their blessings for what it has afforded them to this point, and seek other ventures.

  26. Definitely two sides to every story. Two bad baby James gets stuck in the middle. I’d be curious to see a picture of the door she’d allegedly stuck a machete in. Interesting the people who know amber best say she is not physically violent. She also seems to truly love her baby. Hard she would do anything to jeopardize her relationship with him. What a horrible mess. Kudos to catelin for supporting her friend, wether amber is guilty or not, she needs support.

    1. My thought on why she could have snapped. There could have been 2 reasons that would have sent her off to the deep end.
      Cheating and threatening to take her son from her.

    1. And who’s going to access the phone records, the court? For what? To see if she had a reason to attack him? Get real! As if him texting anyone is a reason for her to come after him with a machete.

    2. they broke up. after she assaulted him with a machete while he was holding the baby. Hes free to talk to who ever he wants?

  27. All this over a Radar Online story? I don’t know any legit reporting that has ever happened on that gossip site.

  28. Well, Andrew definitely seems totally fed up with Amber…I kinda feel bad for the guy…I don’t think that he was cheating on Amber, but Amber is very insecure, so any interaction between him and another woman, no matter how platonic it may be, sets her off. Never forget her “Daddy’s a cheater!” line when she thought Gary was cheating, and she made Leah clap along with her. Although his past is sketchy, Andrew seems like a gentle Giant, and now he’s stuck with her for at least another 16/17 years. I see this getting super ugly.

    1. Gentle Moocher you mean? Andrew is a tool. He picks up on Amber, remember during that Marriage Bootcamp show. What scuz works that kind of show? Then he’s supposed to be some camera / lights guy who works in Hollywood, but the minute he seals the deal with Amber, he moves into HER house. Now she’s cray cray, but he’s moochie moocher. As far as the gentle giant part, I think he’s stoned most of the time, so he isn’t one to fight back because of it. If you ask me, both of them deserve each other. He’s a loser who has obviously mooched off his family’s money and now Amber’s. I’d go after him with a machete if I wanted him to leave my house after I thought he cheated. OK, maybe a butter knife, but still…

      1. Yup. He did, and hasn’t had one since…that’s why I said his past is sketchy, but in present years he hasn’t been in trouble with the law. If he were harassing and chased Amber around with a machete, it would be an entirely different story.

  29. I hate how these 2 (amber and Catelynn) think mental illness is an excuse for EVERYTHING!! Violence, being a shitty parent, using drugs, etc…

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    I think all you teen moms need to get off tv and focus on your life and your kids. The only normal and healthy mom is Maci. You all need to take a lesson from her, she and her husband are awesome.

  31. Even though she’d never admit it, Jenelle and Amber have so much in common. Both have terrible co-dependency issues, both live lives fueled by drama and chaos, and both use social media to drum up attention/sympathy then delete and expect it to go unnoticed and both have unchecked anger and rage issues, but still claim to be “great moms”. I’m assuming her therapists have advised her to stay off social media and she needs to heed this advice. Both of them send out a bunch of ridiculousness on social media and use the responses from randoms to boost their egos/validate their opinions etc. rather than having real life healthy relationships with people who will give them constructive criticism when necessary. I really think Gary and Kristina are right to keep Leah at a healthy distance from Amber and all her chaos.

  32. Please Granpa Matt, stay the fuck out of this. Last thing Amber needs in her life right now. Andrew is a good man, she blew it. Besides having addiction problems she’s self absorbed and treats people like shit. She needs to take a good long look at herself and decide how she is going to live her bestlife going forwards and bethe best mother, all around person. No more pity parties Amber. Its time to grow up.

  33. Of course Cate is on her way. She jumped at the chance to leave her kids, again. I still don’t understand how Andree saw how Amber behaved on Marriage Bootcamp and decided that this was a good partner.

  34. Yo, no. I don’t care who you’re texting or not texting, no one deserves to be hit or attacked with a MACHETE. That’s abuse. A lot of people have mental illnesses but not all of them attack their spouse. That’s absolutely whack. Excusing her behavior as mental illness is insulting to all victims of abuse. I do not recall Catlynn supporting David Eason.

    1. I agree with everything you said. Also, didn’t Shawn say that Andrew didn’t cheat? Well, abuse is not okay for ANY reason. Do you get that, Amber?

    2. I agree! if they are going to excuse Amber attacking someone with a machete because she has a mental illness, they need to excuse David for all his antics because he is obviously suffering from one as well. Plenty of people in this world have a MI and do not attack people with machetes or kill the family dog. There is no difference between what they both did. wrong is wrong.

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