‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: A Date Night & A Ding-Dong Exposed

“Surprises are cool…and stuff…”

Grab a Bud Light (or eight) and throw on a TTM T-shirt, because it’s Teen Mom OG time!

The Ashley‘s been a bit behind on the recaps, but those of you who sat through the recent crapisodes know that the girls seem to have all kinds of problems these days–- from baby daddy dippin’ their doo-dahs into new girls, to relapsin’ fathers and, of course baby daddy drama! 

We first check in with Cheyenne, who tells us she’s feeling “a bit more comfortable” with Cory dating his ex Taylor, since she has a new man herself and does not want to take another ride of Cory’s disco stick any time soon. She’s not thrilled, however, that Cory is planning to be pumpin’ and humpin’ Taylor in St. Lucia during the exact time his mother is coming to town. Cheyenne’s pissed that Cory will be rubbing his, um, coconuts all over some chick while she has to “clear her schedule” to entertain Granny Wharton!

Cheyenne discusses Granny Wharton’s trip with her mom and oddly named sister, R. Kelly Clarkson, who both agree that Cory’s kind of an assgrab for choosing, well, ass-grabbing over hanging out with his mama. 

(Fortunately for Cory’s mom, she’ll still have plenty of opportunities to see her son by way of the oversharing he will be doing on social media… spoiler alert.)

My reaction to Cheyenne saying she had to clear her schedule…

Before jetting off to take care of his obligations as a “social media influencer” (Insert BIGGEST EYE ROLL EVER), Cory takes Ryder to lunch with Taylor at the “Bru’s Wiffle” restaurant. (That name sounds like something your phone would auto-correct to after you tried to type “Bro’s Waffle”…should you ever need to type “Bro’s Waffle.”)

While at the restaurant, Cory calls his mom to remind her that he will not be around during his mother’s visit. 

“So you chose a vacation and Taylor over me?” his mom asks when he calls her.

“Well, yeah…but I’m mad that I’m missing you!” he tells her.

I think that’s nice…

“I think you need to be wearing one of these shirts too, Dad, based on your recent actions…”

(The St. Lucia Tourism Department should really use this scenario to its advantage. I picture them plastering a pic of Cory on their latest marketing materials, along with the tagline: “St. Lucia: It’s Ditch Ya Mama Fun!”)

We next head to Indiana, where Amber has recently found out that her daughter Leah is possibly having panic attacks. She said she wants to spend more time with her daughter. (But, of course, we all know Amber is “in the industry,” which makes it hard to see Leah and other non-industry folk.)

Amber (whose eyebrows really deserve their own “torn piece of paper name tag thing this episode) is an old hat at the panic attacks (among other kinds of attacks), so she thinks she will be able to help Leah through this. She calls Gary who tells her the recent panic attack Leah had was only the second time it had ever happened, though Amber tells him that Leah said it had happened eight times.

“That’s the last time I use one of Jenelle Evans’ eyebrow kits!”

Gary tells Amber that six of those incidents occurred when Leah was in trouble, but Amber argues that they need to believe Leah and help her learn how to cope with the issue.

“I just don’t like to put a label on our daughter,” Gary says. “I don’t like saying that she’s having this issue so it’s probably because she’s crazy.”

Gary’s choice of words leave Amber shook. (She is literally shook; she does that little head shake/eye bulge thing she does right before she turns into Ambo, the incredible shrieking, television-throwing hulk!) 

We ALL know this look…

Andrew is standing there, watching it all go down. He has a terrified look on his face and appears to be getting all sweaty. He even has to take his glasses off to wipe the perspiration from his brow.) 

Over in Tennessee, it’s time to party! (Or, as Maci and Taylor would say, it’s Monday.) 

Taylor’s 30th birthday is coming up and Maci is unimpressed to find out that her husband’s idea of a party is having dinner with her, Bentley and the Oopsie Babies. Sensing Maci’s judgement, Taylor gives a lame attempt to redeem some cool points by asking for a dirt bike for his birthday, but Maci shoots down that idea, fearing that Taylor will end up in a body cast, rendering himself unable to help with their toddler circus.

“If he’s in a full body cast, though, at least he can’t impregnate me, so there’s that!”

Maci won’t allow (um?) the dirt bike, even after Taylor argues that “sometimes the fun things are a little risky,” which is apparently the official slogan of everyone Maci has procreated with.

“Well, he ain’t wrong.”

Maci decides to plan a surprise party for Taylor at a baseball game. When meeting up with a mutual friend to discuss details, Maci says she’ll pull off the surprise by telling Taylor they’re going to the game to celebrate a character trait award that Bentley received at school.

Maci wants the party to be PERFECT so her and her blond friend that models for their weird T-shirt company brainstorm (over Bud Lights, of course). 

Finally, we check in with Catelynn and Tyler. In an effort to keep their marriage afloat and momentarily distract themselves from the house of animals and screaming offspring they’ve created, they’re making plans for a date night of facials, massages and dinner. 

(Seriously…these people get rubbed and scrubbed more than any other people I’ve ever seen on the TV, even those Kardashians! How many “spa breaks” does one need in a month?!)

Nova is not happy about the plan. She’s whining and crying (while pulling a poor dog around on a leash). The enraged screaming becomes even louder when Tyler frees the pup from Nova’s clutches.

OK, now I see why they need so many massages and “breaks.” Nova is…a lot.

If her head starts spinning around, I’m out…

Later, Ty and Cate take their litter over to Tyler’s mom Kim‘s house for dinner. They explain the plan: dump the kiddos at Granny April’s House ‘o’ Ciggie Smoke and then head to the spa to get facials and massages.

Tyler is really excited for the facial…like, really excited.

“This is my excited face.”

Cate is trying to justify that every married couple needs to have date night.

“I mean, don’t you and Bill think it’s important to go out for dates?” Cate asks Kim.

Kim looks confused. I’m sure the only time her and her husband Bill get ‘massages’ is when they take turns rubbing a can of Mountain Dew into each other’s backs.

Kim does agree, though, that they should have date night ‘once a month.’ Tyler argues that their therapist told them to ditch the kids and get rubbed together whenever possible.

“The more the better!” he exclaims. 

Meanwhile in California, Cheyenne and her sister, R. YouAfraidOfTheDark, talk about Cory’s latest act of social media influence, which consisted of him accidentally posting a “d**k slip” while filming Taylor twerking in the bathroom in St. Lucia. (That may be, hands down, the classiest sentence we’ve ever written.)

Cory (and his exposed ding dong) are in the top right corner, but they’re blurred out, you sickos…

After Cory returns from St. Lucia, he and Cheyenne meet up to hang out with Ryder and Cory wastes no time in addressing the elephant in the room. 

“I mean, sometimes the world needs a little bit of wee-wee,” he tells Cheyenne, who looks grossed out that she ever procreated with a man who says ‘wee-wee.’ “I’m so stupid for that. I didn’t even look in the mirror.” 

“The one time this man doesn’t look in the damn mirror!”

Cheyenne tells Cory she’s glad nothing happened with Ryder’s health while he was away—as it did when he was on his previous “social media influencer” trip to Mexico. Cory tells her he was worried about that happening the whole time he was away.

Sure, Jan….

Cory tells Cheyenne that when Ryder ended up in the hospital last time for issues related to VLCAD, she never told him to come home from Mexico. Cheyenne argues that her just telling him that Ryder was in the hospital should have been enough to make him come home, but Cory disagrees. 

Cory tells Cheyenne if that happens again in the future she needs to just tell him, “Cory, get your a** here.”

We’d like to go ahead and add to that, “Cory, put your d**k away.” 

Over in Indiana, Amber is meeting up with Gary to talk about Leah. Naturally, they choose to meet up at a sketchy and eerily vacant park. (Luckily, Amber is a “real woman” and can probably take any sort of trouble-causing vagrant that may approach them.)

Gary is downplaying Leah’s possible panic attacks, but Amber is worried. She says that Leah may benefit from seeing a therapist. She reminds Gary that she and him both had trash-heaps of childhoods and they both could have greatly benefited from seeing a therapist back then. Gary agrees, and says he’ll go along with the plan for Leah to see a therapist.

“I mean, she sees Dr. Drew at ‘Teen Mom’ Reunions. Isn’t that basically the same thing?”

Amber also tells Gary that wants all of the time with Leah that she’s entitled to—-even when Leah may not want to come over. She’s worried that Leah will not feel connected to her if she doesn’t see her often.  

Later on, Gary tells Kristina about his chat with Amber in the creepy park. He expresses his concerns about people judging Leah for suffering from panic attacks. Meanwhile, Amber shares with Andrew that she’s pursuing more time with Leah. Andrew tells her he knows how much it hurt her not being able to see Leah in the past, adding that it was “tough to watch.” 

Also tough to watch: Gary pretending to reciprocate this embrace.

“That’s a mom, though,” Amber tells him. “That’s a mom. Like, you can’t just give up on your children. Ever.”

Um…no one told Amber to give up on Leah but….OK…

Over in Tennessee, it’s the night of the party/baseball game. Maci, Taylor and Bentley arrive at the field. Maci has a suite full of “Over the Hill” balloons (as well as ones that say “Let’s Party Man”), with many of their friends and family there to celebrate Taylor turning 30. (Naturally at least 40 percent of the party-goers are dressed in Things That Matter gear. The others are wearing shirts with Taylor’s face on them.)

Taylor is totally surprised by the party, and thanks Maci for putting so much effort into celebrating his birthday. He does not get the dirt bike her requested, but Maci does give him permission to buy himself a dirt bike, though.

“See, aren’t you glad I completely ignored everything you asked for?”

In the middle of the surprise-party storyline, we check in with Ryan and Mackenzie. Ryan tells Mack he is open to talking with Maci, but due to the no contact order, he can’t do so without running the risk of going back to jail. We also learn that Ryan is considering starting his own landscaping business. 

It’s riveting television.

In Michigan, it’s a few days before Tyler and Catelynn’s big date night. Cate is home with the kids while Tyler is out getting his bloody Batman tattoo to honor their new daughter Vaeda…as you do.

“So it’s like Batman…and he’s got, like, blood on him and like battle wounds and he’s holding a baby,” Catelynn explains to a confused Producer Kerthy. “It’s like he had to go through all this rough stuff to get a baby!” 

Kerthy trying to figure out if Cate is serious about Ty’s tattoo…or if they’re punking her…

Producer Kerthy and Cate talk about the rough 18 months Cate and Tyler had as a couple, including when Cate was considering getting an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with Vaeda. She says she now feels guilty about considering abortion, and that she plans to talk to Tyler about what she’s going through during their date night. 

A few days later, it’s date night! Before they hit the town, Cate and Tyler make a pit stop at April’s house to offload their kids—- but not before Cate scars Nova (and basically all of us ‘Teen Mom OG’ viewers) for life by cheerfully singing to Tyler, “date night, I’m gonna f**k your face” during their drive. 

Tyler…looking for an escape route…

They arrive at Casa de April (with that Virginia Slims smoke pouring out the door when they open it.) April’s house is a magical place full of green fish tanks, junk and a lifetime supply of Burger King collectible plastic cups.

Nova starts to throw a fit when she finds out Ty and Cate are leaving. However, when they inform her that Granny April has already dug out a hole for Nova to sleep in inside one of the bedrooms, she allows her parents to go without too much fuss.

“I got rid of that junkie Butch but I didn’t get rid of the junk!”

Ty and Cate have people rub them, then head to a restaurant. Once at dinner, Cate talks to Tyler about the issues they had in their marriage and Tyler admits that the news of Cate’s pregnancy made him want to work on things. They also talk about Cate considering an abortion, which Tyler was very much against. 

“Remember what I said? ‘Absolutely not,’” he tells Cate. “Because you know what’s crazy? I knew in my heart, I knew in my spirit, I knew in my soul, ‘No, no.’ Because I knew we were going to be together and have this baby.” 

Tyler also assures Cate that Vaeda won’t be affected by what was going on between the two them while she was in the womb. At least not until she’s old enough to use Google, that is. 

Luckily, the Date Night footage cuts off there, and we do not have to witness the  “face-f**king” Catelynn promised would come later. Thank the Jesus God Leah! 

Until next episode…

To read The Ashley’s previous ‘Teen Mom OG’ recaps, click here!

(Photos: MTV) 


75 Responses

  1. I only watch this show because of Cheyenne. I think she is a wonderful mother and one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Corey is crazy for not wanting to be with her and her current boyfriend is crazy for not wanting to move in with her. She has more class than the rest of the girls on the show put together! Plus, it seems like Cheyenne comes from a very well grounded and successful family.

  2. Cate, that baby needs to be swaddled!
    And to go on and on and on about the reasons breastfeeding is such a bother… You don’t work! your husband does not work! You can breastfeed half the day if need be! Try to breastfeed, work, tend to two other kids a husband and a home! Geezzz it’s so frustrating to watch, I guess I need to stop watching….

  3. This episode was a creepfest btwn Cates disgustingly graphic attempt to flirt with her own husband, to Rhines new fang, to Ambys less-than-believable performance in the Park Where Childhood Dreams Go to Die, to having to see Taytay shake her wizard sleeve for Coreys blurred out dingaling. *Calling Dr Drew* cuz I swear we’ll all need either a therapist or an exorcist to help finish this season if this keeps up.

  4. Hey, Bailee. I don’t know what Gary’s source of information is, but talking about panic attacks in that way is idk what word to use… Ignorant and irresponsible.

  5. Cate has no motherly bond with her beautiful girls. My blood pressure was rising watching her bobble that baby around. Vadea was fussing from being uncomfortable, as soon as Cate pulled her close to her chest she was content.. that lasted not a minute before she’s being held by the back of her head and butt again. The same thing again this week, cate comes in the kitchen holding a sound asleep baby across her arm- for no reason Cate grasps the baby under her little arm pits ( still sleeping) and lets her body swing in the air.
    Nova is just-WOW! From the outside looking in, it really appears that Cate gave Tyler kids ( like, hers your gift from me) and she’s just helping him out with the girls here and there…doesn’t even want to breast feed that gorgeous baby.

  6. A vasectomy is much less invasive than a hysterectomy. Guys just have it easier than we do. A hysterectomy is still a major surgery.

    1. Again. I’m not saying that a hysterectomy isn’t an invasive procedure. And I DEFINITELY agree that guys have it easier than we do. I’m saying that, in her case especially that I think a hysterectomy would be more EFFECTIVE than a vasectomy.

      1. Hysterectomy is not birth control. Its serious surgery that is not done unless its unavoidable.

    2. Vasectomys are still something to consider. Alot of men lose fertility completely plus for some men it makes sex painful afterwards. Fact is any permanent forms of birth control needs to thought about seriously. Especially when youre still young. There are non hormonal forms of birth control.

  7. The only thing I’d like to say is, Gary, panic attacks don’t mean a person is, “crazy.” I really wish he would quit saying that.

    1. @ Ali’spinkchair :Yeah what’s up with Gary lately? How about ignoring chest pains? I know Leah is very young , but still.. you should never ever ignore a complaint of chest pain.

      1. Exactly. This is NOT something that should just be brushed under the rug. Amber did that for far too long and look where she is and what is going on with her.

  8. This question is about last night’s episode. Maci said she wanted to see about getting off birth control because of her PCOS discomfort and because she is set on not having anymore (biologically) and she was pushing for Taylor to get a vasectomy, but why doesn’t she just get a hysterectomy? That seems simpler. No ovaries/no pain, right?

    1. I believe that is a much more invasive procedure as opposed to a snip visit. And a vasectomy is reversible with varied success rates.

      1. A vasectomy isn’t a 100% full-proof method for not having anymore children. I was Maury religiously and men are always claiming that they can’t the fathers of children because they had a vasectomy years before. And neither is tube tying (Gary’s wife Kristina had a tubal pregnancy that required emergency surgery) or birth control (women are constantly getting pregnant on the pill). A total hysterectomy is a more invasive procedure but it just seems warranted from BOTH perspectives. If a person has their ovaries removed cysts can’t form (therefore no PCOS pain), and “no ovaries, no tubes, no more children.” No pain AND no gain.

    2. Hysterectomy would put her into menopause and at 30 she’d have to be on hormone replacements etc as well as longer recovery time. Vasectomy is easier and has fewer side effects for the man. She could get her tubes tied but it’s more invasive and has longer recovery time as well. Pcos often effects your entire body so it’s not always as simple as removing ovaries and being cured.

      1. Seems like menopause (mood swings and hot flashes) would be a small price to pay for not having pain and discomfort. Hell, periods cause mood swings (trust me I know) and terrible pain. I literally BEG my gynecologist to perform a hysterectomy on me. Hopefully I day I’ll FINALLY get one!!

      1. “Hysterectomy for noncancerous reasons is usually considered only after all other treatment approaches have been tried without success. The ovaries may also be removed — a procedure called oophorectomy — or may be left in place. When the tubes are removed that procedure is called salpingectomy. So, when the entire uterus, both tubes, and both ovaries are removed, the entire procedure is called a hysterectomy and bilateral salpingectomy-oophorectomy.” -web md

        Obviously the latter is considered major and radical surgery, with a long recovery and serious possible medical complications, and thank god Maci doesnt need that! Her family planning makes sense to me.

        1. I never realized that there were so many different kinds of hysterectomy. My dr won’t perform one on me, so we’ve never discussed the options. I always just assumed that there were only two (partial and total). Thanks for the info.

      2. Honestly @DUUUUDE, does it make you feel good to attack a person? Does it make you feel like a big man? Because to me it just makes you look like a pussy. It’s one thing to agree or disagree with an opinion or comment that someone has posted (that is ultimately what this site is for). But it’s completely different to make wisecracks about THE PEOPLE themselves!!

        And as for your “educate yourself” crack, I would just be looking stuff up on Google. And let’s face it, Google isn’t always 100% accurate in what they tell you. So it is best to get your information from someone who knows what they are talking about. So again @mathamphetamiin “thank you for the info.”

        1. First of all @Hannah I am not attacking anyone, that is more your multiple personalities on here style, I am simply stating you should educate yourself because you sound so absurd and ignorant it is unbelievable.
          Second of all, I am not a man so nothing makes me “feel like a big man” but your statement, along with other statements you have left here, certainly reflects your disdain for men.
          So just to let you know, it wasn’t a wise crack it is an actual suggestion. Before you get on a platform and spew nonsense you should educate yourself on the topic otherwise you make a complete fool of yourself.

          1. First off, what I do do/say is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. And secondly, I just asked a simple question and got the answers. So, in a way, I did “educate myself.” Just not the way your sorry ass had in mind.

          2. And @DUUUUDE,before you open your stupid mouth and “comment” (if you want to call it that, when it comes to you I call it bitching), that was between me, @LEXII and @OOPSEY!, it nothing to do with you so keep your 2 cents to yourself because I don’t give a damn.

          1. How do you think a person should feel when a comment or in my case QUESTION (that got answered and I got “educated” with more information than I had originally just assumed) is supposed to feel when what they say gets made fun of? And DON’T sit there and b.s. me about how you DIDN’T make fun of me because you did.

            It sounds to me like YOU need to “educate yourself” on how to be decent. And don’t give that crap about how I wasn’t decent, I am decent (to those who deserve it, and in my opinion YOU DON’T)

            Now, for the last time, shut the hell up because I don’t care about your opinion of me, what I know or what you think I should know. Thank you and good-fucking-bye!!!

          2. Yes I realize that it is a public forum and everything that is said is made public, and it gives people the right to agree or disagree. But most can do it nicely. I can do it nicely, and have started off replying nicely, but when someone (ANYONE) replies meanly to me then that gives me the right to reply the same way!!!

    3. because its a difficult surgery and its not birth control you have to have a reason for it. she could get her tubes tied not invasive at all the same as a vasectomy

  9. That’s why Gary is apprehensive about Leah having these issues. He’s seen Amber at her worse and doesn’t want Leah going down that path.

    1. I agree. However, he did have a kid with her. If he knew there was a possibility of her issues being passed down to Leah, he should’ve kept it his pants or at the very least put a cap on it. And Amber is guilty too. She knew she had issues, so she should have said “no glove no love”

  10. So Cate is so worried that Vaeda heard what she said in utero, but then decided to discuss it at length on tv? Sounds about right.

    And, Amber, Leah already isn’t connected to you. Also, very interesting that she has “panic attacks” when she’s in trouble. It’s almost as if she thinks that saying you’re having a panic attack/mental health issue will get you out of trouble. Where could she have learned such a thing….

    1. So much yes. I am 100% pro choice, but Vaeda CLEARLY did not hear you discussing aborting her in the freaking womb Cate, and now it’s just incredibly insensitive and stupid to blast it all over TV so she can just later realize what a shit show she was conceived in and born into. Ugh.

    2. Nailed it.

      I really feel like the only reason cate was even discussing this was to get a rise out of tyler, she keeps that man on pins and needles

  11. This was excellent. I laughed out loud at Amber getting literally shook with her eye bulge ahahahahaaha.

  12. OMG I kept waiting to see a picture with a hilarious caption but it never happened. I can’t believe it!

  13. Caitlyn bitching about how much time it take to breast feed, how it interferes with her life, etc. What a damn loser she is. All she does is sit on her ass all day every day, so the least she can do is breast feed her infant. These girls are so lazy that they disgust me.

  14. Know what else is ditch ya mama fun? The Ashley’s recaps of this garbage fire.

    And the only reason I think Nova is “a lot” is because she’s got severe abandonment issues because her mother looks for any reason to ditch her and when she can’t find something she whines about having to spend time with Nova. Plus, it’s gotta hurt knowing that your mother doesn’t want to play with you, but it’s just a punch in the junk to know that your dog doesn’t want to play with you either! #savenova

  15. Do you realize they are paid somewhere around $25,000 per episode to be on that show. I don’t watch this crap anymore. Makes me sick that they are paid that much money for nothing.

    1. Agree! I haven’t watched the last 2 seasons, next step stop reading about them at all! Baby steps haha!

  16. I just cringe at the words and phrases these girls say. Disgusting. Caitlin takes the cake tonight

  17. Cory seems very self absorbed. Who goes on vacation with their girlfriend of a few months, when their parent plans a trip across the country to come and see them…and then expects their BM to entertain the parent. I swear he doesn’t let anything come between him and his trips with Taylor….not Cheyenne, not Ryder, not his mom….nothing. I don’t think he’s a bad dad or person, but he needs to do some re-evaluating of his priorities.

    1. The trip was planned before Corey’s parents arranged a visit. They had already booked the flight and hotel. Some of that downpayment stuff is nonrefundable!!!

      I personally love Corey/Cheyenne. They are stand up parents and coparent rather well together. They aren’t like these other parents that court appointed mediation to set a visitation schedule.

      And why should he put Cheyenne first? His life shouldn’t revolve around making her happy. Ryder, yes. His family, yes. But Cheyenne, hell no.

      1. Did we watch the same episode?…Because while Cheyenne was at the nail salon she said that his mom sent him the dates that she was coming BEFORE his trip was planned. In the instance that HIS MOTHER is coming to visit HIM, and he planned a trip AFTER his mother had already chosen her dates and booked flights, and air bnb’s to come see HIM and her grand daughter, and he expects Cheyenne to drop everything to entertain HIS mother…YES. In that situation, he should have put Cheyenne 1st…then he had the nerve to complain that Ryder doesn’t spend enough time with his family…well his mom came in town and they could have done family things, but he decided to bounce and go on a thotty trip with his girlfriend, and swing his dick around in the mirror…so there’s that.

        He’s very lucky to have Cheyenne as his BM, because not many women would have done that for him…They do co-parent very well, never said he was a bad person, or a bad dad…but that doesn’t change the fact that he has self centered tendencies…This is the 2nd time in 1 season he’s picked a trip over his family…and FYI. Cheyenne IS a part of his family…she is the mother of his child.

        1. You said it right the first time, “in the instance that his mother came to see him”. She hadn’t committed to anything. Why should he plan around her? If there is one thing my mama taught me (God rest her soul), it was to make time for yourself because WHEN/IF you’ll ever have the change again.

        2. @LEXI Its obvious you have serious issue being a baby momma. Baby Mommas playing games is not cute. If judges find that a parent is playing those games they will punish them. It doesnt help the kid when one parent uses the kid to punish the other. Cheyenne is sneaky and jilted and she feels some type of way. Lets be honest she didnt even realize it was Corey’s kid until the blood test because she had a boyfriend at the time. COrey and Cheyenne both need to grow up but lets not pretend like these baby momma baby daddy situations are ideal because they are not. Neither of them planned to be parents or to have Ryder and they are adjusting to that reality. Bashing is not necessary. This world is gonna be full of nutcase kids who were caught in between the parents drama and felt unloved because the crazy mom or dad used stupid shiat to say “see your daddy didnt love you because he didnt do …” Grow up, the drama and damage thats being inflicted is real and these kids will grow up to hate both parents for using them as pawns.

          1. I’m sorry…but what game did/does Cheyenne play? Did she have Ryder do something specific that would cause her to get the flu and have to be admitted to the hospital, just to ruin Cory’s trip? You do realize that Cheyenne has no say in Ryder being admitted to the hospital right?…It was Ryders doctors that did that, and it was out of Cheyenne’s control…that’s hardly her using Ryder as a “pawn”. And from both Cory and Cheyenne’s mouths, neither have ever held Ryder over the others heads.

            I say that he seems self centered because this is the 2nd time in 1 season that he has gone on a trip for pleasure when he should have been home. The first time his kid was sick in the hospital and he told Cheyenne she needed to tell him to come home instead of using intuition, taking initiative and dropping everything to come home. It’s not like Ryder broke a bone…the flu can kill people, especially children, and considering Ryder’s condition it could have been way worse…if it is severe enough that physicians admitted her to the hospital, no one should have to tell you to get your ass home ASAP and see about your kid. Even Jeremy dropped everything, came home, and went to the hospital with Leah when Addie had huge lymph nodes.

            And the second time Cory went on vacation knowing his mother was coming in town, and again left everyone to fend for themselves. Cory can have all the fun he wants, he’s young and unmarried…but when your kid is sick, and your mother is coming in town, and you decided to stay wherever you are and keep partying while you have other people picking up the pieces, it comes off as selfish.

            For the UMPTEENTH TIME. CORY IS NOT A BAD GUY OR BAD DAD…I’m literally spelling this out for yall…He is a first time dad, and his priorities are out of whack. He thinks with his “wee wee” and does not use common sense…the guy didn’t even have sense enough to realize he was buck naked in the mirror while he was filming Taylor.

      2. And the fact that he has to be TOLD to come home because his child is in the hospital…once again shows that he picks a trip with Taylor over anything. He comes off as either self centered or an airhead. I get that he’s a new dad, but there is a such thing as common sense.

        1. Regarding Ryder and the hospital, I saw the episode and he said, “I saw a flight I like, booked it, came home, but by the time I got home, Ryder was home.” To which Nelson said, “I bet wasn’t happy that she had to leave early?” And Corey, “No she was not. She wasn’t happy at all.”

          1. Another thing that happened on that episode is when he got home. Corey and Nelson were discussing all the comments Cheyenne posted on Instagram labeling him a bad father, and when Nelson asked Corey if he thought Cheyenne posted out of spite Corey replied, “Maybe a little out of spite.”

            It’s jealousy pure, plain and simple. Cheyenne wants Corey but he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. They have a good thing going so Corey doesn’t want to mess that up by getting together. It’s okay for Cheyenne to get her a piece of man-candy but the second Corey gets him a little sidepiece Cheyenne has a bitch fit to beat all bitch fits. It’s a total double standard, “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

        2. I bet every time Corey has a get away with a female. He will get an emergency call from Cheyenne. Those two need to stop playing and learn to respectfully co parent. Cheyenne is not his family. She is his kids mother. PERIODT.Cheyenne didnt have to entertain Corey’s mom. She just didn’t want to leave Ryder with her. She could have set up one of her infamous family gatherings for the Coreys mother to meet Ryders other family but she didn’t because they aren’t family. They both will move on and have spouses and more kids. Their list of responsibilities and priorities will continue to grow so they really need to work on balancing the coparenting now and stop making this personal. Leah and Corey and Kailyn and Jo and Krisitina and Gary have a good balance on how to co parent without all the emotional drama. Maybe they should write a book about it.

          1. Again…did we watch the same episode?? Because in ANOTHER scene, Cheyenne and R Kelz were having another conversation where Cheyenne said that Ryder was with Cory’s mom at that moment, so clearly she had no problem leaving Ryder with Cory’s mom…And no she didn’t have to entertain Cory’s mom, but she did so that Cory could go on his vacation. That’s why I said that he’s lucky to have her as his BM. Also, I’m preeeeetttyyyyy sure that Ryder being hospitalized for the flu is an unforeseeable EMERGENCY. People don’t get admitted to the hospital for the hell of it…and both parents should do their best be there for the kid…nobody should have to tell you that your baby needs you. Common Sense.

          2. Let that have been Cheyenne who pulled that crap on Cory…people would be calling her all types of a bad mom, and a bad parent who chooses her boyfriend over her kid and family…but because it’s a dude, he was doing his “best”. I will say it again. Cory doesn’t seem like a bad person or a bad father, but he’s either an airhead, his priorities are out of wack, he’s self absorbed, or a mixture of all 3.

          3. Yes @Lexii I saw the episode, and like I said, “When Cheyenne FINALLY (24 hours later)let him know that Ryder was hospitalized he booked a flight and came home and by then Ryder had been discharged. Look, it’s clear that you are pro-Cheyenne so let’s just drop it and agree to disagree.

          4. @Hannah/Lillian or whoever you’ve decided to be today, being a “guy” isn’t an explanation or an excuse for anything.

          5. @LEXII, I’m not saying that as an excuse. I agree, he is an airhead (at times), self-absorbed (almost always), and he has his priorities out of wack (at times). What I am saying is that (to me) this is the very definition of a guy.

  18. If you need to be told to leave your vacation because your child is in the hospital, you should probably sign over your rights and get a vasectomy.

  19. They really don’t show that much of maci and her family. Whenever they show them I forget she has a husband and kids.

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