Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag Speak Out on Brody Jenner & Kaitlynn Carter’s Split; Spencer Says Brody “Was Like a Hostage”

“Umm, of course we’re going to use this news to get some more publicity for ourselves!”

Just days after it was revealed that Brody Jenner had split from wife Kaitlynn Carter, the couple’s The Hills: New Beginnings co-stars are speaking out to share their reactions the news. 

And to literally no one’s surprise, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are among the first to share their thoughts on the surprise split.

Heidi and Spencer used the latest episode of their Make Speidi Famous Again podcast to share their opinions on what went wrong in Brody and Kaitlynn’s marriage, which, as The Ashley already told you, was never a legal marriage to begin with. 

“I’m not surprised,” Spencer said regarding the split. “I feel like I said it, maybe it hasn’t aired yet, but that he almost was like a hostage. It felt like he was trying to tell me, ‘Get me out. Get me out.’” 

Later on in the podcast episode, Spencer mentioned an incident that was shown on an earlier episode of ‘The Hills’ this season where viewers saw Brody choose not to drink during a pool party and subsequently get shamed by Spencer because of it. 


While Spencer may have seen Brody and Kaitlynn’s breakup coming, Heidi said she was surprised by the news, even though she was aware that the couple had been having “ups and downs.” 

“I didn’t see that coming though, I thought they just had extreme ups and downs, I didn’t know it would end like that,” she said. 

Heidi went on to say that maybe Brody and Kaitlynn will reunite in the future, though Spencer said he doesn’t see it happening. Heidi also patted herself and Spencer on the back (of course) for keeping their 13-year relationship going strong despite their critics, including Brody and Kaitlynn. 

“It’s fascinating that I felt [Brody and Kaitlynn] tried to say digs at us about marriage and certain things on the show,” she said. “We’ve been together for 13 years. We’ve been through multiple reality TV shows and you’re being weird about us? We’re not trying to say anything about your relationship.” 

“Not everyone can be #CoupleGoals like us!”

Well, except for now 

Heidi admitted that Brody and Kaitlynn were “very secretive on-camera about their relationship, not really off-camera,” while Spencer flat out doubted the authenticity of the relationship all together. 

“I don’t think they were ever really together, I mean, they only were allegedly fake married for one year… ,” he said. 


Heidi said she wishes both Brody and Kaitlynn the best, noting that “all relationships are hard.” 

“ … You always want the best and you know, sometimes the best is not being with that person,” she said. “For them, if that’s what’s best for them, I fully support that and I hope they both find true happiness and love or whatever they’re looking for.” 

As for Spencer, true to form, he’s just looking forward to the potential drama Brody’s breakup will bring to the next season of ‘The Hills: New Beginnings.’

“I see lots of MTV checks in my future.”

“I think Season 2, we’re going to get to see real Brody and the show is going to be freaking incredible,” he said. “I think he has way more fun, he’s way less intense. I feel like has a lot going on, obviously, based on what’s he talking about on the show, so I just hope we to see relaxed Brody, having fun, BBQ, for real Brody … .” 

‘For real’ Brody has yet to publicly respond to Heidi and Spencer’s comments about his split.

RELATED STORY: ‘The Hills’ Shocker! Brody Jenner Splits with Wife Kaitlynn Carter; Reveals They Were Never Legally Married 

(Photos: MTV, Instagram) 

9 Responses

  1. I hate how pathetic they have Audrina looking over JB. That whole friendsgiving thing was so LAME. I wish they would just dead that story line already. Stephanie is annoying, she’s like Speidi rolled into 1 and it’s too much. At least Speidi’s behavior is dispensed between 2 different people. All of that in 1 person is exhausting, and not entertaining.

    I think next season with Brody single and Brandon single, and Kaitlynn talking about her feelings with the break up will be the saving grace of the show. They’re the only story lines that have kept me watching for this long. I see why Spencer is so happy that this happened to Brody…it’s a new fresh story line…They won’t have to use the same lame recycled story lines from 2009.

  2. I like Brandon Lee. They should have just made a show about Brandon Lee featuring the rest of the cast.instead of this reboot. He seems so humble and appreciative. Thats rare bit,particularly rare for a kid who grew up so privileged. Audrina is still being victimized by her own poor choicest. I’m creeped out by Stephanies face and huge chiclet veneers. What the heck did she do and why does it look so wonky?

    1. I’m so confused by how much I like Brandon. And I feel I owe Pamela Anderson an apology because I was NOT expecting her son to be so humble and likable.

  3. Remember when Heidi’s family really thought Spencer was keeping her hostage. Might want to keep it shut, Pratt Daddy.

  4. I’m ready for this to be highly unpopular but keep in mind that I know about the show and people in it but have never watched it. Spencer and Heidi have been obnoxious fame loving whores BUT for some reason I kind of like them. Awhile ago I caught a where are they now where they talked about their financial & personal struggles post The Hills. They detailed the outrageous amt of money they blew through thinking the money would never run out and were living in a house rent free provided by his dad. This story is a common one for reality stars, etc. What did impress me was their acknowledging how stupid they were and not pointing fingers and blaming others for their downfall. They did the work to overhaul their spending habits and create a budget downsizing where needed. Staying together during the harder times and being married for 13 years is rare in the reality and “celebrity” arena and is something for them to proud of. I also love the fact that they called their podcast make Speidi famous again. Obnoxious and narcissistic-yes but hey they r not trying to dance around the fact that it is what they r there for. I had no idea I would be commenting on this topic ever & Im sure you all could tell me several stories/examples of why they are so hated. Just wanted to share what I thought based on what I have seen & see if I get even one upvote. Don’t bag on me too hard-love this site and feel like I can actually post an unpopular opinion without a ton of trolls telling me to kill myself or something. Lol.

    1. I’m with you on this one. They may be massive idiots and huge famewhores, but they have never tried to portray themselves any differently – and that to be is refreshing!

  5. His dad turning into his worest nightmare aka mommy Caitlin truly fucked with his mind and his little bishop. What a dick of a Daddymommy .

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