“90 Day Fiance: The Other Way” Star Evelin Villegas Reportedly Dumped by Fiance Corey Rathgeber…Via Instagram

“You can still send me a gift though!”

Corey Rathgeber reportedly celebrated his birthday on Wednesday a newly single man!

The 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way star reported dumped his fiance, Evelin Villegas, via an Instagram block on Wednesday. Soap Dirt reports that Evelin was in her native Ecuador when she informed fans that Corey had dumped her…via the social media site…on his birthday.

On her Instagram Story, Evelin asked her followers to wish her former fiance a happy birthday, since she couldn’t because she was blocked.

The former couple is currently starring on the “The Other Way.” In a recently aired episode, the death of Corey’s father was addressed. In her Instagram Story, Evelin discussed the tragedy. (When his father died in January, Corey returned to the United States, but Evelin had to stay in Ecuador, as she’s not allowed to enter the U.S. right now.) She also called out those who thought she was disrespectful to Corey during that time.

“That happened a long time ago and we all suffered for it…people shouldn’t use that as an excuse to be hating on me,” she said, in addition to posting videos of herself out partying.

Soap Dirt reports that Corey most likely dumped Evelin due to something that will be shown later this season on “90 Day Fiance: The Other Way.”

“[The] Tell All [episode] will be brutal on Corey Rathgeber,” Soap Dirt reported, crediting a production source. “We were told TLC had Corey sign a mental health waiver and then showed him – with cameras rolling – previously unaired footage of Evelin Villegas and her ex-boyfriend she cheated with. Reportedly, Corey broke down crying and spent time backstage being counseled by a shrink the network brought in.

“Given that they had him sign a waiver and had a shrink on standby, production knew this would devastate Corey. And it did. Now, just a few weeks after taping, and Corey Rathgeber’s blocked Evelin Villegas on Instagram and her behavior certainly confirms the split.”

While Evelin was ranting on Instagram, Corey was posting photos of himself celebrating his birthday with friends and family.

On Thursday, he posted a message to his fans who are asking him about the status of his engagement to Evelin.

“I know a lot of of you have questions about me and Evelin, but that is personal and strictly between me and her,” he wrote on Instagram. “Thank you for understanding and respecting our relationship. And thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. I appreciate all the love and support.”

“90 Day Fiance: The Other Way” is currently airing Mondays on TLC.

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

83 Responses

  1. This is personal? Wtf you put your whole relationship on tv for the world to see and now you say your relationship is a personal private matter?

  2. Corey leave her your to good doe her. You can find someone in the states he will love and respect you. You have been disrespected for ao long you deserve better.

  3. I’m glad Corey broke up with Evelin. He was very generous and she used him. But, Evelin consistantly stated she did not see herself having kids with him and being married. I hope Corey finds a nice woman that can reciprocate the love Corey has to give.

  4. Seriously guys. C’mon. Think about it. TLC and Corey/Evelin is frauding us. For a possible spin off. Why would TLC do this to them and no other couple? Ratings. They’ve been married for years. Years. TLC knew it but they are the couple people want to see this season. They had Facebook posts going back at least to 2015 from what I’ve seen. Quit being so naive. I was still I started sleuthing. These 2 are the fakest of the fake. Ijs

  5. He is way to sweet and way too good looking for her. She was so evil and used him… 100% rude b- word she is. Good luck corey on finding your true love. Try America this time!

  6. I’m glad he dumped her. She was untrustworthy for sure. He needs to be with his mom after his fathers passing. Good Going. you Did Good!

  7. Personally I thought Evelin was a bitch and talked down to Corey just about every time he opened his mouth. Having said that, Corey is EXTREMELY naive. I am not shocked that they didn’t make it because I never saw them happy and in love. I think it’s the definition of insanity for these people to go across the world that are poor, wars happening, They are uprooting their families for someone they don’t know. It’s good that Corey got out before she got pregnant. But, my heartbreaks ? for the kids that are being forced to go.

  8. She is the loser as Corey is the sweetest young man ever. He really loved her and gave up so much to be with her. Would be proud to have a son as nice as Corey. She is a fool and not a good person.

  9. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    That’s good for her. She was so mean to him. I mean, he was dumb too for letting it go on that long. But I guess they had to do that for the show. Glad he moved on. That s@!t was not gonna work.

  10. I wish I knew how to register for this show. It’s an awesome adventure. But, you don’t do senior’s looking for love do you?

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Its about time he dumped her! She treated him terribly. All that money wasted on someone who never loved him back. Lesson learned…I hope so

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    So she ripped him off for all that money and the show knew she was playing him. Well bezt thing is she ia gone.To bad a good kid had to get played.

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    I am so glad he dumped her..she was an asshole….so mean to him..bye bye Felicia fool

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Glad you dumped her Corey. You deserve so much better. All I saw was her flippant attitude towards you and her hand out. Best wishes to you and your family.

  15. Evelin really screwed up…cheating on Corey while he was grieving his father who just died. I wonder if that ex-boyfriend is going to stick around in Ecuador with her?

    She may end up with nothing and nobody.

  16. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    Evelin was a very dishonest and untrustworthy person. Glad you dumped her. You deserve a good person, certainly not her. She is a user!

  17. You are a much better person than her. She is a user and we all could see that but you because you were blinded by love like a lot of us have. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on. You are a handsome guy and there is a nice girl out there for you.

  18. I did read that too. But she as a very acerbic communication style that makes it hard to see that she is nice. Sometimes it almost seemed like she was trying to see har far she could push him or how much he would take. So maybe that is what they mean. Overall I think she was toxic for him, but she was nice when his dad died.

  19. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    i thought she was mean to you the day you got to her country

  20. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Life is full of lies an dishonest people but we all learn!!!!

  21. People they’re faking. They’ve been married for years. Fake as hell. They want their own spinoff like The Family Chantel.

      1. Look at their old social media. They’ve been married. Bar has been up and running for years. Corey at the airport alone when Evelin wouldn’t pick him up was fake. He knew his way around. Old social facebook posts they both are wearing rings. All the way back in 2015. Do your research. Easy find

        1. So that would mean the show is fake AF and we should stop watching and supporting this BS, right ?…I’m gonna research and if you’re correct I’m gonna start a petition to have it cancelled. It’s the only right thing to do.

  22. I’m so glad he cut her loose. She was truly toxic for him. good riddance to bad rubbish!! I hope he finds someone who will love him the way he loves!!

  23. All she wanted from you was your money….you must be running low on funds…..she got that little bar out of you that’s more than she had before… Corey you can do SOOO much better….find a good woman that hasn’t been with every man around you…in the states i think it’s referred to a doorknob and everybody getting a turn

  24. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    He deserves better than her . He seems to be a good guy with a nice family . He’s a cutie too . All the best Corey

  25. Evelin was never good enough for corey anyway. All she wanted was his money. She dissed him anytime she could. I was angry how she treated him time and time again

  26. I couldn’t even watch their segments. It was painful to watch how she treated him. Evelin, take your nasty single self and TAKE A SHOWER!

  27. I’m so happy you’re not with her …i new from the beginning she was up to something…Have a beautiful and bless bday…your the best… don’t let nobody take your Joy away…Your friend and fan always…Ellen Figueroa…Austin. Texas

  28. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Cory you are a handsome great guy and in mourning over the loss of your father! I never thought Evelin was right for you. She is not a very nice person and you are just the opposite. You deserve better. I think you did the right thing. Take care of yourself and time will find you someone that respects and loves you!

  29. She was absolutely awful to him. She used him for money and material possessions, cheated on him in full view of everyone in her town, refused to pick him up from the airport when he traveled so far to be with her, and straight up lied to him about so many things. He was smart to cut his losses and leave her. I hope he was able to get a return on the beach bar he paid for, but I’m guessing she kept all the profits from that since he isn’t a Brazilian citizen. Even if he did take a loss on that, at least his not paying for her lifestyle anymore.

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Even more than money wasted, the biggest tragedy is that he spent time with someone who was undeserving when he could’ve spent those last days with his dad. He’ll always regret it.

  31. Corey you seen to be a real stand up guy you have a great loving family and dont deserve anyone to disrespect your love and happiness I’m sure you can find a beautiful smart girl right here in the usa keep the faith she might be right in your own state god bless shes out there in our country sorry for your loss of your father

  32. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Corey you seen to be a real stand up guy you have a great loving family and dont deserve anyone to disrespect your love and happiness I’m sure you can find a beautiful smart girl right here in the usa keep the faith she might be right in your own state god bless shes out there in our country sorry for your loss of your father

  33. How do you get to say your relationship “is personal and strictly between me and her”…when you’re on a reality TV show where the whole focus of the show is your relationship? I’m glad he finally did get rid of her though and will admit I’m curious how/why.

    1. What he should’ve said is “I’m under contract to TLC so I cannot let you know what happened yet, so please continue to watch this crap fest and find out for yourself!

  34. It’s all fake. Corey and Evelin have been married for years. Their bar has been open for years. Corey, Evelin and TLC traded us all with their fake storyline. Corey is playing the idiot and Evelin is playing the nasty fiance

  35. Glad he finally treated her the way she deserves to be treated. She’s honestly the biggest bitch that has ever been on any of the shows.

    1. I can’t believe TLC would just blind side him like that?And make them sign a paper before they destroy people’s lives…

  36. I read on another site that she is actually a very nice person and the show is edited to make it seem like she is using Corey !

    1. While that may be true, you can’t edit that every man in Ecuador has seemed to have a crack at her. Even when she was with him.

    2. You can’t edit someone to be a cheater if they aren’t actually a cheater. She should have asked Laura for some help in getting a B.O.B. to supplement when Corey isn’t around instead of sleeping around with her every ex.

    3. I did read that too. But she as a very acerbic communication style that makes it hard to see that she is nice. Sometimes it almost seemed like she was trying to see har far she could push him or how much he would take. So maybe that is what they mean. Overall I think she was toxic for him, but she was nice when his dad died.

  37. Corey your a sweetheart & u deserve alot better U bent 4wards & backwards 4her. I Always wonder how &why I can’t end up with a Corey twin. Good luck Sweety &My Condolences go out To U &Your Family Stay Strong & Stay Sweet az u r &Your very handsome. U don’t no a wat a good thing u have until its gone.

  38. Good for him!!! She treated him like dirt and he was so good to her. She never wanted to marry him and stated that several times on the show behind his back plus she admitted to cheating on him with her ex!! I say good for Cory….move on sweet guy, your person is out there and it surely isn’t that selfish chick!!

  39. I have watch some of the shows and they are ridiculed some of the girls on the show they think there are hot shit some are are being play stupid age diferente s impossible never work ladies ugly thinking whom knows you never send money to anyone like the some of the stupid guys low self steam

  40. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Glad he smartened up. She was using him from the get go. Most of the time she was just a smart-ass, rude, disrespectful, cheating, shit talking, gold digger.

  41. She used him for his money I’m happy he started to see the evils person she is , she is a bitch , it’s pain my heart to see how she abuse the good man. money hungry disrespectful ditch

  42. Finally he grew some balls and dumped this bitch. The only time I seen Evelin affectionate towards him was when his dad died. Maybe she was sad that her walking ATM had to go back to the US.

  43. She isn’t good for him, anyway. He stern’s like a nice and kind man. She stern’s like a tramp and a whore. Just calling it as I see it.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
      I have watch some of the shows and they are ridiculed some of the girls on the show they think there are hot shit some are are being play stupid age diferente s impossible never work ladies ugly thinking whom knows you never send money to anyone like the some of the stupid guys low self steam

  44. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    U were too good for her. All she wanted from you was the money.im glad you left her.she was cheating on you n had no sympathy for you when your dad died.good luck to you.please dont take her back.

    1. She used him for his money I’m happy he started to see the evils person she is , she is a bitch , it’s pain my heart to see how she abuse the good man. money hungry disrespectful ditch

    1. To everyone saying they were married already. He had on a ring because he explained he already felt married to her. He met her a few yrs back while hiking with other friends, stayed until he had to leave the country…they continued a long distance relationship then she came to the US for 6 months, then a few more months went by and then he was approved to go. I truly don’t believe they were ever officially married. And he even said he wore his ring but she always forgot hers and then finally she admitted it was lost.
      I don’t believe social media…I want to see marriage license and divorce filings to believe they were ever legally wed. But, he is sweet and too naive for her cunning manipulation

      1. Just say you’re talking to me. I get that’s what Corey said about him wearing the ring. However like I said. I looked at his facebook going back at least 4 years and they’ve BEEN MARRIED. TLC and Corey and Evelin is grading us. Period. You can’t be this naive.

    1. Dear Cory;
      I’m praying for you and your family.
      You are a great guy.
      From an outsider looking in Evelyn was a money hungry snake.
      I hated how she treated you.
      You my dear deserve a wonderful wife and children.
      You can get everything back you lost and more.
      God be with you. A devoted fan

  45. So happy that this romance is over with. Corey deserves a nice American girl. He’s a good looking man. And he needs to be close to his mother. His dad was devastated that Corey went south.

  46. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Why participate on a show about your relationship then say info about the two of you is personal and between “me and her”. That’s a bunch of bull.

  47. LOL. This show blows my mind. I can’t believe the shitholes these idiots are willing to move to just to be treated like crap by some third world loser.

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