11 Funny Tweets That Summed Up the Actions of Peter Weber & His Mother Barbara on Last Night’s Finale of ‘The Bachelor’

Peter’s mama was NOT happy last night…and she made sure to let everyone know it!

Peter Weber‘s “journey to find love” on The Bachelor came to an end on Tuesday night and, while his flip-flopping between final girls Hannah Ann Sluss and Madison Prewett made for hours of fun (literally hours…and hours…and hours…), it was Peter’s mom Barbara who really stole the show! 

From her overreaction to basically everything (such as when she acted like Peter was returning home from a years-long deployment, even though she had seen him literally days before), to her almost obsessive campaigning to Peter to pick Hannah Ann (whom she called “a dream come true,”) Babs was over-involved and overbearing.

However, she saved her best reactions for the After the Final Rose portion of the episode. (Stop here if you haven’t watched Tuesday’s finale yet. You can click here to read Tamara Tattlesrecap of the episode here to catch up.) 

Barb was not happy that Peter ended his engagement with “angel sent from above” Hannah Ann to reunite with Madison, and she was not afraid to show it via eye rolls, catty remarks and a straight-out roast of Madison and her relationship with Peter.

Naturally, Twitter was loving it all, so The Ashley has compiled her Top 11 Barb- and ‘Bachelor’-related tweets below! 

The Ashley thinks Babs will be Microsoft Paint-ing Madison out of these pics ASAP:

Barbara got her sign from God…then threw it back in Madison’s face:

The Ashley will soon be begging MTV/ABC/anyone to make this dream show happen:

Over/under that Peter also drinks his coffee out of an airplane-themed sippy cup?

Windmill sex apparently makes Peter’s mom proud:

The Ashley is hoping ABC gets cameras into the Weber home for Easter because we know it’s about to go down!

It may be moving day at the Webers’…

Madison nailed it…

Well…she definitely had the haircut for it…


I honestly don’t know the answer to this question…

(Photos: ABC, Twitter) 

4 Responses

  1. It seems Peter has all the red flags, not Hannah or Madison. Both girls need to run far away from this boy.

    Unless his mom sees red flags, (which at that time alls she needs to do is politely point them out), then butt out!

  2. Since mom is so convinced the relationship will fail why doesn’t she stfu, chill and be there for her son when it does? IN addition her son seems incapable of having a successful relationship anyway. And now we know why.

  3. Peter schooled his mom but she is definitely the woman who loves pain. Peter’s dad not so much. He is already signed up for Marriage Bootcamp.

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