Amy Duggar Blasts Fan Who Tells Her to “Pick Up the Pace” & Have More Babies Like Her Cousins: “A Woman’s Body Is Not a Factory!”

“Did my Uncle Jim Bob write this?”

Amy Duggar let her followers know that, just because she comes from the famously fertile Duggar family, she is no baby-making machine!

 The Duggar cousin revealed on Instagram over the weekend that one of her followers sent her a message demanding to know why she hasn’t gotten pregnant again, now that her son Daxton is over a year old. Amy shared a screenshot of the message on Instagram and clapped back at the message’s author, as well as anyone who thinks she should make like her famous Duggar cousins and keep having back-to-back babies.

In the message, the anonymous person wrote, “Hello Amy I would just like to say [you’re] a good mom but aren’t you a little behind some other famous people having 4 babies by the time they are 20? You only have one. He’s so cute. I think your body is fine to have more. I like you have a fun life but don’t be selfish with your life. Pick up the pace you should have been pregnant again like yesterday. Ok gurl well if you need help losing weight, I can help you. Just dm.. so much love”


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Whew! Ok..I’m just going to leave this here… I tried so hard not to post this . But . I literally had to speak my mind! ( when have I not?) This is a message I received yesterday. I think what really got to me was the fact that this total stranger apparently knows my body so well!?? and literally tells me that my body is ok to produce more childen. Ready for my rant!? Of course you are!! ◇ First off I’m flabbergasted that someone would have the audacity to type these words to anyone!! I mean. Who in their right mind says ” I think your body is ready to pop out more kids” to a total stranger?!? This is for all the “Karen’s out there.” ◇My body has been through alot and it gave me the sweetest boy ever. Yes of course it was worth it. But I still need to heal. C- sections are no joke and vertigo is/ was very hard on me. I still get dizzy sometimes but I’m getting stronger everyday. ◇ Also. I AM TIRED. Anyone else!? This pandemic has been so rough on so many people and my business has taken a hit just like so many others. I need to be on my A game. I need to give it my all . I need to stay creative and focus on 3130. Children are such a blessing, but I can’t imagine being pregnant again right now. I’d be unmotivated, emotional, stressed out and not in a good head space and that’s ok to admit. ◇ I’m a very hands on mom, and I also want to give my son my full attention. This toddler stage is so amazing and I don’t want to miss a thing!◇ A women’s body is not a factory!! Yes our bodies can do miraculous things! But I hate that phrase” pop out” umm. No. It’s WORK. And our bodies go through alot! ◇ I am an only child, and I think I grew up just fine. So cheers to the mama’s who decide to have one child! Honestly we are teetering on that idea. ◇ Some women are designed not to have large families. I am one of them. Too much noise, chaos , it’s just not for me. But kudos to those mama’s who do! God gave you super human strength ◇ Deep down even though in a way it terrifies me I’d love to foster or adopt. ◇ It’s exhausting always being compared to other people. I’m in my thirties now, away from that show and I’m so over it. It just has to stop.

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Amy addressed her response to “all the Karens out there” and went on to say her “body has been through a lot” and detailed the many reasons she hasn’t followed in her famous family’s footsteps.

“Children are such a blessing, but I can’t imagine being pregnant again right now,” Amy wrote. “I’d be unmotivated, emotional, stressed out and not in a good head space and that’s ok to admit.”

“A women’s body is not a factory!” she added later in the post. “Yes, our bodies can do miraculous things! But I hate that phrase” pop out” umm. No. It’s WORK. And our bodies go through a lot!”

As “Cousin Amy” on 19 Kids and Counting, it’s easy to see why some might assume she would want to have as many kids as possible, just as her Aunt Michelle Duggar and some of her Duggar cousins have done. However, Amy assured her followers that she is nothing like her famous family when it comes to reproduction.

“Some women are designed not to have large families. I am one of them. Too much noise, chaos, it’s just not for me. But kudos to those mama’s who do! God gave you super human strength,” she wrote. “Deep down even though in a way it terrifies me I’d love to foster or adopt. It’s exhausting always being compared to other people. I’m in my thirties now, away from that show and I’m so over it. It just has to stop.”

The legitimacy of the message was called into question by several followers noted that the screenshot posted was obviously sent by Amy, not sent to her. The message was on the right side of the chat as a “sent” message. Many of Amy’s followers found the anonymous message to be a bit unbelievable and accused Amy of sending it to herself for attention.

Amy responded to her followers saying she didn’t want to call out the original sender and because it was sent to her business page, she simply copy and pasted it to herself. Despite Amy’s explanation, many of her followers still aren’t buying it. Many asked why not screenshot the original message and crop the name out? And why does it end with one of Amy’s favorite sign offs “much love”?

While it’s unclear who actually wrote the offending message, Amy made sure to let her fans know that she and her husband Dillion King are not planning to take the Duggar path of family planning! Amy highlights in her response that she is taking her time, is a very “hands on mom” and thinks there is nothing wrong with being “one and done!”


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M O T H E R + B A B E ? @ford_and_wyatt

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Amy’s post got plenty of support, including a surprising comment from her cousin-in-law, Anna Duggar, who is married to Amy’s cousin Josh. Anna— who has been called a “baby machine” herself for pumping out six kids so far— commended Amy on her post.


“I’m disappointed people would say this,” Anna wrote. “Amy you are a wonderful momma, wife, daughter, cousin and friend! Love ya!”

It does not appear that any of the other Duggars “liked” the post on Instagram.

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(Photos: TLC; Instagram)

One Response

  1. I mean, I do believe someone could have sent this to her…even to Jill people are rude because she “strayed” from her family or whatever. Some people need to mind their own business!

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