Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer are back in front of the cameras, 17 months after quitting Teen Mom 2.
The couple announced that Friday was the first day they were filming for their upcoming home renovation/design show, Farmhouse Fabulous. The show— which will air on HGTV— is due to premiere in the spring of 2023.
Chelsea spoke about how scared she was to have her mug in front of the camera again after so much time away.
“It is an exciting day here in South Dakota. I’m nervous, we start filming today!” she said on Instagram Stories.
“If you missed our announcement, we are going to have a show on HGTV, which is freaking amazing. Anyway, we’ve been working so hard on things and today is our first day of filming.
“I’m very nervous,” she continued. “It’s been so long since I’ve filmed that I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I think there will be some familiar faces as far as the crew so that makes me feel better…I do not know why, I’m just so nervous.”

Cole seemed to be super-excited and ready to bring his cow skull designs to the masses.
“Today’s the day folks, first day of filming with HGTV. Beyond excited, ready to do this. Cameras are here!”
As The Ashley previously reported, HGTV has ordered six episodes of ‘Farmhouse Fabulous’ (with more being a possibility.) Chelsea’s father Randy Houska will appear on the show, as will some of Cole and Chelsea’s kids. However, unlike ‘Teen Mom 2’, this show will not focus on the kids or the family’s personal life.
According to HGTV, the show will follow Chelsea and Cole as they launch a “full-time renovation and design business and help local families makeover their homes.”
“After building our dream farmhouse in Sioux Falls a few years ago, we realized we have a real knack for design and home reno and it’s evolved into our passion,” Cole said in a press release from February, stating that he will combine his construction experience with Chelsea’s design talents.
“We can’t wait to take our fans along this next crazy journey of building our business from the ground up — with four kids in tow — showing all of the highs and lows on the renovation site and at home,” Chelsea said.

Chelsea and Cole’s new show is produced by RTR Media, the same company behind many of the other HGTV shows including Home Town.
RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer Announce Their New Show on HGTV Network: Get Details!
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
36 Responses
I think you and your husband are amazing people you’re a wonderful mother wonderful father he cares so much for your children and it’s so glad to see it used to are doing great and believe me we miss you seeing you on TV can’t wait to see the show looking forward to love you and your family love Donna
I know people like them but the baby talk, the “dramas for nerds” bs.. they’re so annoying to me. But whatever
The same Chelsea & Cole who claimed to have left MTV for more privacy? IMPOSSIBLE! That would make them liars & frauds!! #ChelseasChoices
More privacy for the kids.
This is just them, not the whole damn family.
“Chelsea’s father Randy Houska will appear on the show, as will some of Cole and Chelsea’s kids.”
Okay @LOL/ReadTheArticlePeople, will the custody stuff with A-d-a-m or their everyday family life be talked about like on MTV?…NO.
That’s what was meant by needing privacy. Aubree is a teenager and her other kids are getting older. The family needs privacy in that aspect.
Chelsea & Cole getting a design & remodeling show? Interesting… They must have been anointed with some magical design talent when no one was looking because, if their previous house’s style & decorating are any indication of what they can offer to viewers – – no thanks. Their house before the newly constructed one was cluttered, dark a tad messy, & definitely not stylish or current.
I like them both & wish them well, but a home design show? I don’t think so, at least not for me.
Boring! Bring back the fighting with Adam and I’m in
I wonder if they are funding the production for this show. Seems odd that two people with zero design/construction skills would get a show on HGTV. They have no client base or portfolio to point to.
Cole is a construction worker, sounds like skill to me
He was a traffic control specialist. https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/teen-mom-dad-jobs-126081/
I know, I’m talking about before him and Chelsea got together.
Also, of course they don’t have a client base or portfolio, the damn show ain’t started. You can’t have a business without permits and you can’t have clients without a business.
The business is just starting so as the business builds client list will too.
I find it extremely belittling to us actual professionals with DEGREES in Interior Design and other professionals who have been in this actual BUSINESS with REAL Clients on a daily basis for, in my case 34 years, many years that some so called “personalities” with absolutely NO talent or experience are given a TV show to “help” people decorate when quite honestly they have absolutely NO IDEA what they are doing. I forsee nothing but problems for us actual professionals to fix and/or clean up the mess to. Also let’s show America what tasteless hicks from the Midwest decorate like with dead animal carcasses because we obviously according to the DeBoers don’t have any better taste or class!! Great job HGTV in choosing a couple of hacks whose only talent so far and only job skills so far was getting knocked up in High School and being mostly supported by a father who also is as much of a fame hog as she is. Way to find talents and skills among people who have NEVER actually worked in a design business of any kind or in customer service of any kind. Seriously makes me rethink watching anything on your channel. Just wow!
You don’t need a degree to do interior design. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, that’s like saying a person needs a degree to blow their freaking nose!!!
Anyone can do design, I don’t think Joanna Gaines has a degree either but she goes off of likes from the clients and designs a home based on that. And they are BEAUTIFUL!!
But Chelsea DOES have a degree in Cosmetology and Fashion, so Interior Design isn’t much different.
Y’all shoot her down before seeing what she’s capable of. Like HER or don’t like HER, but at least she’s TRYING to make something out of her life!! She’s not mooching and begging for handouts.
I don’t like them and their style is basic and overpriced.
It won’t be them, it’ll be designers behind the scene. Their own house was probably done that way too.
I’ll at least check it out since I like them. But would probably only continue to watch if nothing else was on.
I don’t understand why they would have a show. Their home was a new build and they are rich…can buy whatever they want in design and fixtures. I don’t like their house design in or out and i love the farmhouse look. But, to each his own.
Honestly, HGTV seems more into having personalities than talent these days. Yesterday, I watched a re-edited version of Hometown where it was mostly just the hosts talking. I kept wanting them to go back to the scenes of the actual construction but all they kept showing was hosts answering questions that an unseen producer was asking.
I agree with you about wanting to see more of the actual construction & redesign processes & less of the people yaking to the cameras. That said, I think what you watched was a revisit type show where the hosts sit down & narrate a previous episode where they supposedly give behind the scene info & explanations & further details about what took place while making the show.
A lot of series are doing a similar thing. It’s easy & cheaper than filming a new episode & it’s filler for empty slots in their schedules. I noticed it really ramping up on all networks around the time Covid roared in & many production crews had to cancel filming. It’s similar to the “90 Days” franchise show’s “Pillow Talk” where cast members watch episodes of the franchise’s other series & comment on what they’re seeing.
Jenelle could never!
Somewhere in the Carolinas, Jenelle is absolutely seething lol
When did Chelsea become Latina?
nah but fr, i’m latina myself and i’ve noticed so many white girls dying their hair black and getting spray tans in the past 4 years. even rhine’s wife mackenzie did the same
Me too! She looks like every girl in my neighborhood!
Glad to hear hispanics stopped dying their hair blond, that looks really fake.
They don’t have a farmhouse…a true farmhouse is old, creeks,doesn’t have an open concept….people keep saying they have a farmhouse truly do not live in a farm house….
Wishing you all the luck in the world! You both have worked extremely hard and I love watching your family thrive.
I thought everyone hated how they did their house lol
Chelsea looks different. Good but different.
I think she’s just aging. And her face shape is changing. As do we all.
Its the face shape. Longer and thinner.
She looks great, just different.
She has direct access to filler.