Luke Valentine Finally Addresses His Removal From ‘Big Brother’ House; Fans Blast Him For Claiming Lack of Sleep & Food Caused Him To Say Racial Slur

“Just when you thought my face couldn’t get any more punchable, here we are.”

One week after he was booted from the Big Brother 25 house for using a racial slur, Luke Valentine is finally speaking out about what he says caused him to say what he said. In an Instagram Live session on Wednesday, Luke pointed to lack of food and sleep as the reason he used the N-word while in the house.

Luke never really apologized for what he said, and instead stated that he feels the show’s producers made the wrong decision by booting him. Luke said he does regret saying the N-word— but only because it caused him to get kicked off the show.

In the comment section of Luke’s post, the 30-year-old illustrator was absolutely scorched by fans, who were put off by Luke’s lackadaisical attitude about the incident and for his poor excuses.

As The Ashley previously reported, Luke committed the offense while he was talking to Hisam Goueli and Cory Wurtenberger, as well as Black cast member Jared Fields, in a conversation caught on the show’s Live Feeds, when he casually dropped the N-word.  He quickly appeared to realize his mistake and giggled before correcting himself and saying, “dude.” In a conversation with Jared later that night, Luke called it a “little slip of the tongue” but acknowledged, “Well, I’m in trouble now.” 


Later that day, Luke was evicted from the ‘BB25’ house. Aside from a cryptic post to social media earlier this week, this Live marked the first time Luke has spoken about being removed from the house and his use of the racial slur.

During his Live, Luke said he hasn’t been tuning in to ‘Big Brother, because he’s “too sad” to watch the episodes now that he’s been booted. However, he said he doesn’t blame the show’s producers for kicking him off.

“I’m not upset at the production,” Luke said. “Their hands were tied. They had to make a sacrifice, I understand why.”

Luke– in between chuckling and taking puffs off a cigar—did say that he finds his removal from the show “upsetting.”

“I think they made the wrong decision,” he said. “I think a slap on the wrist would have been a much better thing.”


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Luke said he did, however, regret using the slur…but only because doing so got him kicked off the show.

“I felt bad about what I said the moment it happened,” he told his followers. “Because they booted me off the show and it was the most fun I ever had in my life!” 

Luke said after he said the slur, he was placed in a room “for seven hours” and had to speak to the show’s Human Resources team. 

“And then they shipped me back home. And it was devastating. It was very upsetting, very sad,” he said.

When those on the Live commented to Luke that he didn’t seem remorseful about what he said, and only regretted it because it got him cut from the show, Luke responded, “I care pretty deeply…it’s pretty clear that I meant no malice. It’s pretty clear that I had no ill intent. It was directed at Cory.”

He then attempted to explain the reason why he said the slur.

“It was after about a week of malnutrition, a week of sleep depravation,” he said. “I was getting probably two-and-a-half hours of sleep on that cheese block [bed I had]. You don’t really take into account the psychological stress of being under studio lighting 24/7, and not knowing who your friends are and who your enemies are.

“What happened happened,” he added. “Do I regret it? Obviously. But I feel like it happened for a reason.”

Luke’s followers were not moved by his explanation for using the racial slur. In the comment section of the video, ‘Big Brother’ fans skewered him.

“You do realize hundreds of people have gone through more days in the house than you & none of them have said a racial slur?” one person wrote.

“Being stressed out is not an excuse to be racist,” another person commented. “Are you really this dense?”

“Even if you meant no ‘malice’ the way it came out of your mouth so effortlessly, shows it’s a word you use in your daily life,” another person wrote. “You are not remorseful in any way, and yes, you do look like a douche! Thankfully this is the most attention you’ll ever have…”

“The utter lack of remorse or comprehension of what you did wrong speaks volumes,” someone else wrote. “This is a piss poor apology. Thank God you were sent packing…”

During his Live, Luke was asked if he thinks any of his castmates will stay in touch with him after the show. He said it’s unlikely, due to the backlash surrounding him.

“Maybe you can join up with Tom Sandoval, bro?”

“Apparently I’m radioactive,” Luke said. “I mean, it’s blowing over pretty fast. I’m getting far less descriptions of medieval tortures that people would want me to go through. I’m getting a lot less hate comments, thankfully, and a lot more support. I think ultimately [the hate toward me] is dying down, but I think everyone on the show…they kind of have to hate me.” 

As for who Luke is rooting for to win ‘BB25,’ he says he hopes Red Utley will be crowned the season’s champion. 

“He’s a very chill fella,” Luke said. “He…really reached out to me and he’s the only reason I survived on slop as long as I did.” 

You can watch Luke’s full Live below! 


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RELATED STORY: ‘Big Brother 25’ Contestant Luke Valentine Kicked Off Show After He’s Heard Using N-Word On Live Feeds

(Photos: CBS; Instagram) 

8 Responses

  1. SOOO you’re the victim? Using the n-word on national TV should only get a slap on the wrist? Trying to downplay and normalize using the n-word. You shouldn’t feel comfortable saying that word at all. So we know what he does when the cameras aren’t rolling. Disgusting.

  2. Lame. He didnt say it w/the hard “r”. Rappers say that word 100x/song & its ok? Stupid he got kicked off for tthat. It wasnt malicious. Doesnt mean hes racist either.

    1. Doesn’t matter. He shouldn’t use in any capacity. That word is not his or for him to say. But it seems a large number of American white alwayz want to push boundaries and see how much they can get away with saying the n-word. Instead of being respectful and mindful, knowing it’s painful history and not say it at all. And then those same people act dumb when they get confronted.

  3. Anyone have this guys number? I think this is the Prince Jenelle from teen mom has been waiting for to take her away. Racism, delusional, dumb as a rock (I don’t take insulting rocks like this lightly) and inflated sense of worth. She must be somewhere salivating.

  4. I’m sorry? Is he really blaming that he didn’t go nighty night enough or didn’t eat right & that made him say the most disrespectful racist thing you could say? Really?! Surely he doesn’t think anyone buys that BS excuse.

  5. there’s no excuses to ever make a racial slur, he’s so disgusting and i hope his downfall continues especially since he’s not showing any type of remorse

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