The Sister Wives gang is back….and so is the turmoil that comes with them!
On Tuesday, TLC released the first trailer for the much-anticipated upcoming 19th season of the show, where we find Janelle and Meri both officially ending their hanging-by-a-permed-hair marriages to Kody. As per usual, Robyn, is distraught about the family breaking up, and Kody is thinking about himself.
“What did I do to deserve this?” a visored Kody asks after we learn that Wife No. 1 and No. 3 are both officially peacing out of their polygamist poop-pile-of-a-marriage.
“What did I do wrong?!”

Speaking of things Kody did wrong, Season 19 will also examine the catastrophe that is Coyote Pass— the expansive (and still empty) Flagstaff, Arizona, property Kody & Co. purchased years ago to build the Brown Family compound. We hear Christine— who has long since moved away from the family and its drama— tell us that Coyote Pass needs to finally be paid off. Janelle explains to Christine that she wants no part of the cursed property and is hoping that Kody will buy her out of the mess.
However, in typical Kody fashion, he refuses to speak to Janelle about it.

“We’ve got to pay it off, but he’s not talking to me about it,” Janelle says. “So I think I’m gonna have to lawyer up.”
Kody tells us that Janelle is bringing “such a teenage drama” to the situation. He later compares the situation with his ex wives to a “total civil war.”
The trailer also shows Meri explaining to Kody and Robyn’s youngest kids, Solomon and Ariella, that she is high-tailing it out of Flagstaff in search of a better life in Utah, where she owns a bed and breakfast. (This scene would have likely been filmed around April 2023, which is when Meri officially relocated to Utah.)

While Janelle is supportive of Meri finally leaving Kody and Flagstaff behind, Robyn is not thrilled.
“I feel like the idiot that got left behind!” she tells the camera, before the trailer immediately cuts to a shot of Robyn sitting solo on a bench, staring out at a barren property. (Well played, TLC, well played!)

We then cut to a conversation between Meri and Kody, which seems to be Kody’s final jab at Meri before she leaves. (One might even say it could be a final ‘knife in the kidneys,’ eh?)
“It’s not the divorce that sucks, it’s marrying the wrong person!” Kody tells a surprised Meri, who then tells the camera, “What sucks is marrying the wrong person and then not having the decency to tell her until 32 years later!”
“I wish I wouldn’t have ever married her!” Kody says evilly to the camera, after telling Meri that things were never right between them— a statement Meri calls “bulls**t.”
“Blame yourself if I don’t love you, OK?” Kody tells the camera of Meri.
Meanwhile, Christine is in Utah, living her best life— and dating the man she would eventually marry, David Woolley.

(Although TLC aired footage of David and Christine’s October 2023 wedding for a wedding special in January, this season will back things up and let viewers watch as the couple meets and starts dating.)
We also get to watch as Meri, Kody and the rest of the Brown clan meet David for the first time at a family party. Seeing her sister wife happy with a new guy makes Meri realize her loins have been neglected for way too long.
“I need to find a man!” she sighs, before telling us that she refuses to “take sides” with “the Ex-Wives Club” (aka Janelle and Christine) or the “Kody and Robyn Club.”
Speaking of the “Kody and Robyn Club,” there appears to be some trouble in polygamy-less paradise.
“I’m having a hard time, like [I’m] losing respect for you!” Robyn says as she’s on the verge of tears.

“Robyn, I can’t even get it straight with you right now!” a beanie-wearing Kody replies.
The new season of ‘Sister Wives’ premieres Sunday, September 15 on TLC.
Watch the full trailer below!
(Photos: TLC)
12 Responses
I’ve always loved your blog and snark, but this one is truly outstanding. The captions were particularly stellar.
Well done!
Robin Brown: You are correct, you said it yourself that you are stupid!!! Can’t imagine a mother locking herself in the bedroom for hours with your “shared” husband prancing around in your extensive collection of expensive Victoria Secret outfits while your older children watch the younger ones!!! Your faith does not match your actions. You say one thing and do the complete opposite. You are not fooling anyone but yourself. Take a good hard look at your middle-aged self and apologize to the women in your life you have body shamed. You my dear are a major liar, fraud, manipulator, gold-digger—a disgrace to all women. We are grateful your time for more “spirit” babies has gone; you did not serve children well.
When you have 3 failed marriages and most of your children don’t talk to you but everyone else is the problem and you’re the victim. You might just have narcissistic tendencies.
How can you the common denominator in all of the failed marriages and families not see the problem is YOU!!! he needs help honestly he is a complete and total narcissist!!
When Kody is like what did I do to deserve this…
I want to sit him down and make him watch the entire sister wives catalog, and be like this is going to take some time, please rearrange your next two years.
The visor of Respect. 😂
LMAO at the captions!
Kody Brown is a total jackass! He’s a narcissist. Blames the wives for every mistake in the relationship. When in reality it is all him. The mind games he plays with each of them. A horrible husband and father. The wives and most of the kid’s did the right thing. Get as far away from him. Robin wake up! Stop being Kodys door mat and mental punching bag! Robin think of your children. They deserve better then Kody.
Damn, those kind of men are the worst. When all they do is blame you. Well, f*ck you Kody, they deserve so much better than what you have given them! (And that wasn’t a lot) Hope Meri and Janelle (didn’t she say she wouldn’t mind to be a sister wife again? Just like…not with HIM) eventually find happiness too.