Vee Torres wants to be the star of her social media, and says that she’s not down with exploiting her daughter, Vivi, and family members online.
The former Teen Mom 2 cast member– who’s married to and shares a daughter with Kail Lowry’s ex Jo Rivera— recently spoke with In Touch Weekly about her approach to content creation and what followers should expect when checking out her social media accounts.
“Honestly, this is my page,” she said. “Like, this is my space, and that’s something that I try and let people know. Like, [Jo] has his own Instagram. If he wants to post that he could post it. But this is like my space… everyone knows I’m married to [him].”
Vee– who hosted a podcast with Kail until recently, when the two had a falling out— told the outlet she aims to respect her social-media-shy family members, as well as protect her daughter from being exploited online.
“I also have to remember that it’s not just me, like I have a family, and I have people around me who don’t really, necessarily want to be on social media,” she told the outlet.

“I don’t want [my daughter Vivi] to grow up in the future and be like, ‘Oh, my gosh, like you had me all over your social media, and I didn’t really want that or anything,'” Vee said.
Still, Vivi regularly appears in posts with her mom, including sponsored posts. In a statement, Vee offered her justification for featuring the nine-year-old online.
“And until this day I asked her, ‘Hey, do you want to do this video with me? Or do you mind if I post this?’ every single time because I don’t want her to feel like I’m, like, not exploiting her.”

“I think I’m still working on the balance and, like, trying to figure out what exactly that is till this day, because I think there are times where you’re so used to sharing with people on social media because they become like a community,” Vee said. “They kind of become, like, part of you, where it’s, like, every day I’m excited to talk to these people and show them new things.”
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(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
14 Responses
I don’t think this was Farrah speak at all. More like nerves or she was trying to find the right words. I think that’s why she was overusing the word “like” too. I know it sounds unintelligent but when I struggle for words I’ll overuse “like” to fill the space. I hate it and I know other people do too. It just happens when I’m nervous. It doesn’t mean that’s how I normally talk when comfortable. I think the same goes for Vee.
Vee puts up with kails shit and remains neutral and classy just like Kristina does it for amber
I remember Gary also did Leah’s social media handles but only allowed her to use them as of recently. These two know everything a kid can be exposed to and want their kids to avoid that.
Also, I have a theory as to why Vee and Kail had a falling out. As she couldn’t be mad at Jo cuz he is a great dad to Isaac, she fought with his wife.
Vee is good people, it’s only too bad she got mixed up with Kailyn Lowry🤮
I’m so glad her daughter isn’t exploited like some of the other mom’s do. Farrah is a great example. Farrah exploits her daughter on a daily basis. Maci should really give Bentley a choice because he’s old enough as well. Anyway that’s my opinion.
Let’s not forget Farrah lets her daughter get creepy messages from grown men…who want her feet pics or something.
Vivi is such a doll!! So cute! And Vee is a classy gal, I have always liked her. Joe sure married up, that’s for damn sure!
But Vee we only know who you are because of who you married, because you chose to be featured on TM and then chose to air your business on a (very successful) podcast with Kail. And you are still choosing to feature your minor child on your social media. Your whole income is based on exploiting your family.
While most of the time I’m with you, there are definitely times where it leans a bit more Regina George. Picking just to pick. I also think naturally nerves can make us stumble on words, you have it in your head but when you go to articulate it nerves get the best of you and we end up using filler words while trying to re-grasp our thoughts. It’s not article worthy, though Vee’s point is a good one and one I share. I used to post my kids all over my social media and I suddenly started to feel more uncomfortable with it after reading articles on effects as well as hearing some seedier stories about how parents pics of their children can end up being used. In addition, my oldest children were around the age of discovering their identities. This combination led me to make one of my accounts family and friends we knew only and that was our family account for updates and what not. I still asked my children’s permission before posting about them. My personal accounts shifted to just me. Honestly I did find I enjoyed having a space dedicated to my own individuality to express my personal thoughts, interests, and opinions and I believe that’s the point she’s trying to make as well.
Perfectly put!!
I agree. What a waste of an article. Don’t pick on people just to pick on them. It is like Regina George. We all stumble on our words- she doesn’t come close to speaking like Farrah- where it’s practically unintelligible at all times. Stick to the real stories.
I do however agree with KailsFifthBaby- the epidemic of using like in between every other word is insane. But I attribute Vee’s use of like to nerves since I don’t know how she normally speaks, as I have never heard her podcasts etc.
Like like like like like like like. Ffs the epidemic of people using the word ‘like’ makes my eyes bleed. They can’t even verbally speak without dropping the ‘like’ throughout their sentences.
I wouldn’t quite call that Farrah-speak.
“Or do you mind if I post this?’ every single time because I don’t want her to feel like I’m like not exploiting her.”
Vee probably meant to say, “because I don’t want her to feel like I’m exploiting her.” One word changed it.
A fluff article, regardless.
♥️ Vee, she is a real one. She reminds me of my childhood bestie, who will always be angelic in my memories. ♥️