Jenelle Evans’ son Kaiser was recently the victim of a crime, and the fired Teen Mom star is being criticized not only for allowing it to happen, but for telling the world about it.
On Thursday, Jenelle’s manager-turned-booooooyfriend, “August Keen” gave an interview to Celebuzz about Kaiser recently being robbed by older kids at a park near Jenelle’s Las Vegas home. Although there was no actual need to share this news with The Interwebs, “August” still regaled the clickbait site with the tale how the 10-year-old had his bike and money stolen.
“Me and Jenelle were in the house and Kaiser came upstairs crying,” Jenelle soulmate-ager, “August” told the clickbait site. “Kaiser was at the park and basically some group of kids came up to him and they roughed him up a little and threw him off the bike and stole his bike. And they also took his money that he had in his wallet which was like fifty bucks.”
According to “August,” the money-grabbing hooligans were a group of about five older kids.

Before running to the clickbait site to cash in on Kaiser’s traumatizing event, “August” and Jenelle did call the police. (The Ashley can confirm that a call was made to the police last weekend, regarding a robbery near that park.)
According to “August,” he and Jenelle went to the park to meet with police and talk about the theft.
“[August] explained that their entire family was there together with police,” the article reads.
“The police advised us to go to local middle schools and high schools and look at the bike racks to see if one of the kids rode the bikes to school,” Jenelle’s new soulmate stated, adding that they are also calling on Kaiser’s high-school-aged half-brother, Jace, to look for Kaiser’s stolen bike at his school.
According to “August,” Kaiser is handling the situation well.
“He’s good. He’s a tough guy,” “August” said of Kaiser.

“He hasn’t asked to go back to the park, so I think in that sense he’s a little nervous to go back to that same park,” he added. “He doesn’t seem shaken up. He was cool, calm and collected. He won’t be going to the park any time soon by himself and we’ll be looking for these kids.”

“August” then bragged that such crimes are rare in the “high-end neighborhood” in Las Vegas that Jenelle is currently shacking up in.
“It’s listed as one of the safest places in all of Las Vegas,” August insisted. “Two of the police officers live in the same neighborhood and go to the same park.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle has stated that Kaiser has struggled since moving to Las Vegas last year. Back in September, Jenelle sent Kaiser to Tennessee to live with his paternal grandmother, Doris Davidson indefinitely; however, Kaiser’s visit was short-lived. After fans started criticizing Jenelle for shipping her kid off (and for the way she did it), Jenelle reversed her decision and flew back to Tennessee to fetch Kaiser.
Since then, Kaiser has been living with Jenelle in Las Vegas.
Jenelle’s fans were not thrilled that the ‘Teen Mom’ star decided to use Kaiser’s unfortunate incident as a way to make quick cash via the clickbait site.
“Dang Jenelle, I like you but this is monetizing your child,” one person wrote in the comment section of Jenelle’s post about the incident on Facebook.
“Why is she using this for content?” another asked.

Many fans also opined that Kaiser, at 10, may be too young to be allowed at a park by himself.
“Why is your 10yr old at the park alone and y’all were upstairs? Not even like outside the house, walking around,” one person wrote in Jenelle’s post’s comment section.
“He’s frigging 10! Where were you?!? Or another supervising adult?” another person asked.
This is not the first time Jenelle has been criticized for allowing her kids to roam the neighborhood unsupervised. Back in October, a neighbor told The Sun that Kaiser and his sister, Ensley, were frequently seen riding their bikes all over the neighborhood for hours during school days, without Jenelle or another adult supervising.
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Slams MTV For Keeping Amber Portwood on ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ But Not Her; Blasts Other ‘Teen Mom’ Cast Members
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; TikTok)
27 Responses
I’m all for allowing kids freedom, but I wouldn’t let my 10 year old go to the school park catty corner from us if I’m not at least outside. And we actually DO live in a nice neighborhood. Quiet. No problems. We live down the street from the fire department and the police station, we could literally walk to each in about 5 mins. And I STILL don’t take the chance with my babies.
And why do he have $50.00 on him??? That’s insane.
The poor boy, he lost the lottery when it came to parents. How pathetic and desperate do you have to be to sell a story about an unsupervised child getting mugged at a park by older children?
I can’t believe this idiot still has custody of her children, when will enough be enough? My heart breaks for these children and shame in Jenelle! She literally has nothing to do all day/night and lets her kids run wild. That’s irresponsible and dangerous. I feel Kaiser doesn’t have a chance unless something changes. Jenelle needs to step up and be a mom or her kids deserve to go to someone who will care. I’m not trying to be mean but Kaiser needs a better diet and more exercise, it seems his loser mom is not thinking of his health. I can’t believe in 2025 that no one is stepping in for these children. The last thing Jenelle needs is a man, she has continually put any male over her children and they have suffered due to her bad choices. If August or September was a real man….he would go back to his longtime gf full time and tell Jenelle to focus on her children. It’s obviously no secret he has a gf and they are all about using Jenelle and enjoying all the freebies. I’m sick over this and would seriously like to have a little chat with Jenelle. I’m just endorsing violence but she needs her ass kicked
Vile yt🗑️🍕💩
I won’t worry, as it seems Jenelle E. Legal is on the case. 😂😂
I feel bad for Kaiser but that joke was great.
**January Keen.
August is fugly on the inside and out. Also, what the heck is a ten-year-old doing at the park with $50? Was he buying drugs for Jenelle?
Pretty uncalled for comment
Gee Jenelle, imagine that!! Something happening to your 10 year old child who you let go off to a park unsupervised!!!
I’m sure she’s saying to everyone..”I ran around by myself all the time at his age and I’m fine!” Maybe Jenelle was too busy on social media looking for a new man while Kaiser was being robbed. She’s going to need one if August continues with the steady girlfriend that he’s had since BEFORE Jenelle moved to Vegas to be with him!! I saw the youtube video of Jenelle calling his girlfriend all kinds of names, and the girlfriend saying that she doesn’t care if August continues stringing Jenelle along because “The stupid girl bought August…like…ya know…a really nice, brand new car…and ya know, other shit too!! So why should I care? As long as he isn’t….ya know….intimate with her.”
Ah yes, a bunch of real winners!! I feel so sad for those poor kids, trapped in the middle of all of these twisted, so called adults who are supposed to protect them…..yet no one ever does!!
What You Tube account did you see this?
I first googled ” Jenelle Evans latest news.” a couple weeks ago because I hadn’t seen anything for a while on The Ashley about her or her kids well being. As I clicked through stuff I had already seen on here, there was a picture of Jenelle with a just a headline about August having a steady girlfriend long before Jenelle moved to Vegas and that they are still involved. So I clicked the Youtube link for the story and here was Jenelle having a text war with this girl because Jenelle CLAIMS she knew nothing about them, and the girl fires back about how an intoxicated Jenelle parked outside her house while she and August were having “their time together” and she refused to leave. I haven’t looked since then so I have no idea if it’s still there or not. I hope so!!
What a weird situation. August babysits on the reg while Janelle runs back to N.C. to deal with various legal issues. It’s not like any of the kids have another parent nearby that could at least care for their own kid while she’s out of town. Oh wait…
Daniel is rather unattractive and creepy looking, yet there are women fighting over him? Janelle deserves to be grifted by Daniel and his GF if that’s what’s going on. But once again the kids get screwed. If he were a real entertainment manager, he would have coached Janelle to play nice with the TM producers so she could keep the money rolling in and not insist that Daniel get paid to have his ugly mug on TV. But he’s clearly a fraud and she was fired quickly.
Reason no. 6,451,058 why Jenelle is a fucking shitty mom: letting her TEN YEAR OLD go to a park (in Vegas!…wtf?!) when he is easily identifiable, having been on TV since he was born. Of course he’s a target! Of course he is going to get robbed! My folks live in a “high-end” neighborhood too, but that can mean you’re an even bigger target! Folks in the slums don’t have $50 in cash on hand!! Dumb ass Jenelle, you suck!
I’m all for letting kids have some freedom to roam, but it has to be within reason. Kids that aren’t on TV riding their bikes around the neighborhood in small town where neighbors look out for them is one thing. A ten-year-old that’s spent his life on trash TV and has a Z-list “celebrity” as a “mother” shouldn’t be unsupervised in a city like Vegas while Jenelle and January are laid up in bed is ridiculous.
Anyone know how far the park is from Jenelle rented house?
It is approximately 0.4 miles away which is a 10 min walk and a 2 min bike ride… plus you have to ride along a busy street to get to the park. I can’t imagine that poor little boy running back to his house all scared and panicked in what probably seems like the longest run ever!
Especially since it’s been reported and alleged that she lets the kids drink, vape, and smoke weed. He’s a target for kids who think he might have nicotine or marijuana vapes, or even alcohol, on him. Plus cash. Plus just bullying him to bully him because of 1) all the stories written about him being sad/abused/upset/confused, his siblings running away, his mother and her constantly overlapping relationships with abusive men, his ever-changing living situation (and him clogging toilets and leaving undies on the ground), his Dad being known as a serial-strangler who gives 0 shits about him….and 2) the fact that he’s super chubby and dressed like a dork, in the most unflattering clothing most of the time, in a million highly publicized social media and tabloid media posts/articles.
He’s vaping at 10 YEARS OLD. What does that tell you about her parenting?
When children are unsupervised, there is going to be nonsense. Children should be supervised. Why on earth would a woman like Jenelle, with literally nothing but time, stay home while her 10 year old runs around town? Miss 50 parenting classes should know better, naturally, without even needing to be told, but I guess you can’t teach a female how to be a mother. Either she is or she simply just isn’t. That’s just sad for the kids to continue to be neglected. It is my personal opinion that she is truly undeserving of those precious babies.
Look up the term “refrigerator mother”. Although none of Jenelle’s kids is autistic, the description fits her to a tee. She lets the kids raise themselves and run around town like feral cats simply because she’s too self-centered and too lazy to supervise and actually parent them.
Her kids are in and out of the system and that’s fine with her as long as she has a “man” (if you can call Octembruary a man..) and a little money to blow on drugs, booze and gifts for her DOTM. It’s really sad for those kids.
“Octembruary” killed me.
RIP Amy Too, she lies here, slain by an epic snark…
literally proves even more jenelle’s a sh!t parent especially since everyone been telling jenelle las vegas is the worse place to raise kids and education wise as well
also i was convinced jenelle and august broke up since she stopped posting him every time she goes out and has been posting about not being single anymore in 2025 and “being alone” like she wanted to be praised for it