Spencer Pratt all but confirmed this week that he and wife Heidi Montag remain on bad terms with Lauren Conrad after Lauren failed to show support for the couple, who recently lost their home in the California wildfires. Despite nearly all of Speidi’s co-stars on The Hills recently taking to social media to show their support of Heidi’s music, Lauren has been radio-silent– and fans are dragging her for it!
As The Ashley previously told you, Heidi and Spencer’s house is one of many that has been destroyed by the wildfires currently burning in Los Angeles. (Heidi and Spencer were fortunately able to evacuate safely before their home caught fire last week, though they later shared videos to social media of their residence ablaze, as captured by their home security cameras.)
In the days following the couple’s devastating loss, Spencer began promoting Heidi’s 2010 album Superficial on social media and encouraging fans to stream the pop tunes as a way to help his family rebuild what was lost in the fire.
Earlier this week, former stars from ‘The Hills’ and Laguna Beach– including Kristin Cavallari, Brody Jenner, Whitney Port, Audrina Patridge, Lo Bosworth and Talan Torriero– took to social media to do their part in promoting Heidi’s music, with Lo even offering Spencer and Heidi a partnership deal with her company, Love Wellness, even after Spencer threw shade at the vitamin business on TikTok just days earlier.

In the wake of the MTV stars rallying to show support for their former castmates, a TikTok creator by the name of Shennaigans posted a video calling out Lauren for not stepping up to do the same, despite Lauren having a historically tumultuous past with the pair– specifically Spencer– both on- and off-camera.
In addition to calling Heidi’s former BFF and roommate a “significantly petty person,” the creator criticized Lauren for remaining silent amid Heidi and Spencer’s tragedy.
@shennaigans Lauren Conrad is showing us who she really is. #laurenconrad #thehills #heidimontag #spencerpratt @Spencer Pratt @heidimontag support them by streaming and sharing Superficial!
“ … No matter what went on with some TV show, what’s happening in real life is real life,” the creator argued. “And Lauren knows that Heidi and Spencer have young children that they’re doing a hell of a job raising … .”

While there were comments on the video from fans who agreed with the creator’s take, quite a few also defended Lauren’s decision to stay silent on the matter, citing things like Lauren’s minimal social media presence (i.e. the fact that she doesn’t have TikTok), as well as her past feud with Heidi and Spencer. However, one of the standout comments came from Spencer himself, who wrote “Facts” on the creator’s TikTok, suggesting he, too, is bothered by Lauren’s lack of support.
Speidi supporters have even made their way to Lauren’s latest Instagram post to voice their disappointment that Lauren isn’t supporting Heidi.
“Sad that you still can’t put your ego aside after all these years and be there for your old friend, Heidi, who has just lost everything,” one person wrote in the comment section of the post, which is from September.
“The silence is loud @LaurenConrad,” another wrote.
Before essentially cosigning the statements made about Lauren in the TikTok– and seemingly before Kristin, Brody, Whitney, Audrina, Lo and Talan posted their videos encouraging fans to stream Heidi’s music– Spencer had taken to the platform to share his unfiltered opinion on the people in his life who had yet to publicly promote Heidi’s tunes, claiming there were “a lot” of individuals who fell into this category.
“There’s a lot of people I know that haven’t posted Heidi’s music that I’m not only gonna block on social media, but in real life [as well],” he stated on TikTok. “And then, God willing, when I’m rich and famous, I am gonna burn them down … .”

Spencer claimed that he was “trying to keep it cool” despite the fact that the “list [of people] is growing.” He also assured followers that he was continuously checking the videos he was being tagged in on social media to keep up with who has and has not supported his family since losing their home.
“ … How hard is it to post a video playing some of Heidi’s music?” Spencer asked. “Even if you don’t buy the song, you can for free get it off of TikTok or IG.
“ … Soon I’m gonna start naming names I think, because I have a pretty crazy contact list … and I’m just gonna start going down and I’m gonna name names,” he continued. “It’s on.”
Despite Lauren– and according to Spencer, a lot of people he’s close to– opting not to promote Heidi’s music on social media, Spencer’s persistent posts on various platforms has resulted in Heidi’s 15-year-old album and her song “I’ll Do It” to trend on multiple iTunes Charts.

A close friend of Spencer and Heidi’s also launched a GoFundMe (with a fundraising goal of $100,000) for the couple last week which, as of Friday afternoon, has raised more than $130,000 in donations towards its (now) $200,000 fundraising goal.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; TikTok)
46 Responses
Neither of them paid for house it was his grandma house. There are more worthy families that need support. Like family where dad stayed back with disable son so son wouldn’t die alone both died. They could use everyone help and there not out here whining bout what they lost from house.
Lauren is not going to promote some music created by someone with absolutely zero musical talent.. she has class ok. She doesn’t do stupid things for attention. She won’t promote this to her fans because it’s not good music.
Lauren Owes the Pratt nothing. I hope she ignores this ridiculous demand from someone who has never been even courteous to Lauren.
Spencer was being interviewed by a certain magazine the title is SPENCER PRATT IS RAKING IN THE DOUGH FOR RECOVERY, anyway in the interview he asked fans to donate directly to him, hmmmmmmmmmmmwonder why
Dear Spencer,
Your wife can’t sing & her music makes our ears bleed. Stop trying to push her onto us, it’s horrible & atrocious. Nobody wants to hear it, let alone pay you for it. Pimp her out again, that’s your best bet for saving your precious “hustled to get this” home.
Peace, not…..
Lauren owes them nothing! He spread rumors about her that could have really affected her career. I’m sorry they lost their home & all of their belongings, but they are not the only ones affected by this. Maybe Spencer could try getting a job?
I cannot believe people are actually falling for this and going to LCs page to “call her out.” For what? Lauren already got Heidi a paycheck once and she/they blew it! Those two have spent more money in minutes then I’ve made in my whole life by bad decisions and poor planning. Give donations to the working class people, not the work-phobic.
Lauren has too much class to even acknowledge these two con artists. I don’t know if ya’ll know this or not but Spencer and Heidi started a filthy rumor on the Hills that Lauren had a raunchy sex tape she supposedly made, the whole thing was a lie started by these two losers.
I’m well aware. I didn’t even go into that because I think it is criminal that these two idiots are begging for money as if they haven’t had EVERY opportunity to have a good life and a rainy day fund. If you want to buy rocks to decorate with that’s your business, but don’t even start grifting as if you are helpless and unable to work. These 2 are one of thousands without homes right now. Those other people don’t have a shitty album to get clicks from.
People have been rendered morons by the the internet. As planned.
Oops. Meant to post that as a reply to Vampire.
I wouldn’t promote her shitty music either lol 😂😂
Maybe log out and seek professional help
Give me a break. Does this POS still not realize if it weren’t for Lauren, no one would have ever known who these 2 people are??! Good grief. How about get off social media and get a REAL JOB! After all the money they’ve blown through over the years, it’s apparent they’ve learned nothing.
I am so glad that most of you see them for what they are! They should have never been living in that expensive house! They don’t have jobs! Move to a smaller home! I will not give them a dime!!! I read about people saying they feel sorry for him. I tell them to watch ‘The Hills’…you will see how awful he is!
The comments on here have restored my faith in humanity. So thankful that many are seeing through this adult child
Conrad owes them nothing.
Has anyone noticed that when Speidi lost their house, and every penny they own, Spencer get on social media and starts to literally cry for help. BUT as soon as the money started rolling in with gofundme, and other donations, Spencer reverted right back to his old self again. He starts with his bs about Lauren and naming names, blah, blah, blah. Those 2 are fake a hell. They will NEVER change!! ✌
Wake up people and TAKE YOUR MONEY BACK. Spencer is a real POS.
her bra size will tho
Heidi and Spencer have been narcissists for years. Maybe the two of them should have thought about their karma when they spread rumors about LC having a sex tape when they were on The Hills. Take the hint people don’t support you that’s why your reboot of The Hills was cancelled. The two of them need to get real jobs cause selling crystals isn’t it. Get over yourself! Spencer acts like people are scared of him when really people couldn’t care less about him. They would have money to fall back on if they weren’t reckless with their paychecks from MTV.
If Spencer has an extensive contacts list full of people who are not supporting him or Heidi then why doesn’t he just reach out to them personally instead of making threats to people online. If you’ve got a long list of names in your contacts of people who haven’t helped you out then that should tell you that those people don’t f**k with you anymore and perhaps you should move on with your life. If Spencer thinks calling people out publicly is going to gain him more donations he’s wrong its only going to make people hate you more. The two of them should look inward & ask themselves why those people don’t support them.
Dude, you called her “Beef Curtains” and made up all other sorts of crazy rumors to publicly humiliate her. And you’re doing it again NOW.
Who the hell is donating to that GoFundMe? I never watched Laguna Beach or The Hills, but aren’t they both from wealthy families? Weren’t they only “Hollywood broke” (i.e. still living in a big house with a lot of luxuries and not actually wanting for anything)? There’s plenty of normal people that lost everything and now don’t have two pennies to rub together while they struggle to figure things out, but this bum is whining because his wife’s crappy old music isn’t being promoted by every single person he’s ever met, including somebody he was apparently a monster to. Those two need to get real jobs and a dose of reality.
NOPE! And instead of getting jobs they lived in his parents basement. Lets make sure the IRS keeps track of the money they bring in and make sure they pay taxes on it. PLEASE people DO NOT GIVE ONE DIME TO THIS POS.
Unfortunately, the money being donated to him is all after tax, so it’s not really reportable. He’ll do something stupid before long though, they always do.
Thank you, Meg, wasn’t sure how that worked.
Spencer just proves that he is still a whiny, tantrum-throwing, entitled POS.
Lauren doesn’t owe them anything, they haven’t been friends in probably 15 years….
I feel bad for everyone who lost their homes in LA and I’m happy people are supporting and streaming Leighton and Heidi’s music.
If the friend feud wasn’t documented on a TV show, no one would be concerned. I don’t even hear about people I was friends with 15 years ago if we didn’t keep in touch or were no longer friends.
I am proud of all the commenters seeing through the BS.
I have a frenemy that I had a Heidi/LC fallout with and the best thing I ever did was to walk away and stay away. I am sure LC. Is doing something philanthropic for the southern CA fires too.
His own sister wants nothing to do with them,what does that tell you!
I know you are talking about Stephanie but the elusive Pratt sibling who wants nothing to do with either of them cracks me up!
Why would she support them? That would be so fake of her to do, They aren’t friends at all. I bet if she did show support then everyone would be talking negatively about that too. She doesn’t owe them a thing. Like if my enemy posted about me, I’d find it weird! From what I have seen she isn’t result that active on social media anyway.
People PLEASE DO NOT GIVE A DIME TO SPENCER he made life a living hell for LC Also, I don’t know if ya’ll know this but neither one of them have worked a REAL job since The Hills, he relies on her to promote stupid products, they both are a real POS. Keep buying from Lauren’s clothing line and home goods, excellent selections and quality.
She doesn’t owe them anything. They act so entitled, they should be grateful anyone helps them out instead of threatening people to promote them for free. Maybe sell some of those healing crystals they hock for over 1K each.
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you Spencer.
I’m sorry…what?! No one is obligated to help the Pratt’s by plugging her bad music. If anyone chooses to do so then perhaps Spencer should hold on to his crystals that he sells for a shit ton of money and be THANKFUL & GRATEFUL.
Isn’t it time for Spencer to grow up and be an adult for once, he’s lucky that people are helping, he doesn’t have to call out and name names, GROW UP!!!
If the role was reversed, and LC lost her home, I bet they would make a generic post saying something along the lines of karma. It’s a tragedy they as well as many others lost everything but seriously? Grow up.
“Hey Spencer, you are a real asshole, you don’t ever try to force donations on someone”.. Remember, YOU AND HEIDI HATED HER, DRUG HER NAME THROUGH THE MUD, NOW YOU WANT TO FORCE HER TO GIVE YOU MONEY, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. People please do not donate a dime to these two con artists.
Perhaps she’s doing us all a favor by not promoting shitty music
Two people who were awful to everyone, including their own families, expect everyone to fix their issues…
They’re so dumb, from what I’ve seen he actually thinks it’s cos her music is good & people are finally realising! So I predict they’ll take any funds raised, and go broke again investing it in her next album.
She can’t sing, that is why the album was a flop. I have never heard so much auto tune in my life. After this article he put out, now I hope it blows up in his face.
And the IRS will be after their ass for unpaid taxes.
This is a really terrible situation for many Californians. Do we see these two grifters helping in the community or caring about literally anyone but themselves (ever)? There are people out there who are truly struggling and the entitlement of these bottom feeders is disgusting. It sucks you lost your luxury real estate, but we owe you nothing. No one owes you anything.