Today in ‘Teen Mom’ Court News….

Jenelle's Hottie McHotPants attorney explains legal proceedings to his client before going into court. (Naturally, MTV filmed it all.)

Another day, another court date.

This seems to be the norm for some of the Teen Mom/Teen Mom2 stars. In fact, there’s so much to report when it comes to the legal happenings of Amber “AMBO” Portwood and Jenelle Evans that The Ashley doesn’t even try to cover everything! She just writes about the good stuff.

Anyway, if you care, Juhhh-nelle was cleared of four charges stemming from her October 2010 breaking and entering shenanigans. (The one we saw on the finale of ‘Teen Mom 2.’) According to this article from a local North Carolina news outlet, the person that filed the charges against Jenelle failed to show up for court numerous times so the judge dismissed the charges against Jenelle.

She’s not out of the woods yet, kiddies. The spawn of Baaaahbra will still have to go back to court on May 24 to face the charges set against her from her recent teen mom-on-teen mom catfight. (You can read all about that here.) However, according to her attorney, “Jenelle has met with her probation officer twice in recent weeks and has passed a drug test each time.” If she can stay out of trouble for a year, she will have a charge of marijuana possession dropped from her record. Keep up the good work, Jenelle. It would be great if you could prove us all wrong.

AMBO also hit the court yesterday to deal with the charges of felony domestic battery and child neglect charges stemming from when she attempted to beat the crap out of baby-daddy Gary Shirley while being filmed for “Teen Mom.”

She must have caught a glimpse of her outfit in the mirror. Who lied to you, girl?

The prosecutors of the case offered a plea deal which would have prevented the case from going to trial (and the possibility of AMBO going to jail.) Apparently, she rejected the offer, which consisted of 90 days of house arrest and two years probation. According to this article,  she did so because the deal “wouldn’t allow her to do her job as a mother.”

AMBO was very upset as she left the courthouse yesterday, and was comforted by baby-daddy and punching bag Gary. He laid a big wet kiss on her outside the courthouse.

Gary has been vocal in his opinion that the charges against AMBO should be dropped, however so far that has not happened. The judge also refused to lift the ban on Gary, Amber being around each other while Leah is present. (He did, however, make a special exception for the pair so that they could appear on the “Teen Mom” reunion special together with Leah…which is odd.)

Now let’s talk about what’s really important here: WTF was AMBO wearing to her court hearing yesterday? Dressed in her very best clubbing outfit (courtesy of Miley Cyrus’ Wal-Mart line, I’m sure), AMBO showed up in a poufy bright pink dress and leggings. (She did have really cute shoes though.) Maybe this is how they do it in Anderson, Indiana, but in most of the country, you generally should dress demure when attending court, AMBO.

You can see more pics of AMBO (and her HO-tastic outfit) here.

(Photo: Facebook, Daily Mirror)

3 Responses

  1. and amber looks like she just dont give a crap about her kid she just doing it to get a celeberity thing… and atleast janelle is trying (: teen mom 2 is my favorite show(:

  2. i am a teen mom to(: im 17 years old with a 2 year old named jason.. and i hvae been there with my baby daddy and some girls and my ex and his girls. but its not worth it trust me(:

  3. to me it seem like Jenelle is really try but Amber seem like she doesn’t care and she think she can get the celebrity treatment and just walk away without getting any consequences.

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