‘Sister Wives’ to Release Tell-All Book This Spring!

Holy cow! Janelle looks so great, right?!

Fans of the show Sister Wives will finally be able to get answers to all their plural marriage questions when the show’s stars release their first book in May. If you’re anything like The Ashley, you probably watch the show and have a ton of questions swimming around in your head regarding the show.

I want to know how these women don’t lose their minds since they are essentially married not only to a husband, but three other women. That’s way too many feelings to consider!

Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage was written by Kody Brown and his four wives: Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robin and promises to answer all the creepy questions people ask them in regards to their unusual marriage(s).

According to the online description, the book will “reveal in their own words exactly how their special relationship works—the love and faith that drew them together, the plusses and pitfalls of having sister wives, and the practical and emotional complications of a lifestyle viewed by many with distrust, prejudice, even fear.”

I wanna know how these women don’t end up bitch-slapping each other when one of the wives is being a total crapgoblin. I would also like to know why Kody Brown insists on wearing his hair in that terrible mid-1990s semi-mullet. He looks like Zack Morris from “Saved by the Bell: The College Years.”

I do not think these questions will be addressed in the book. This makes me sad.

Other topics to be discussed in the book:

  • How do the four relationships differ?
  • What effect does a polygamous upbringing have on their children?
  • What are the challenges—emotional, social, or financial—involved in living this lifestyle?
  • Is it possible for all four sister wives to feel special when sharing a husband—and what happens when jealousy arises?
  • How has being on camera changed their lives?
  • And what’s it like to add a new wife to the family—or to be that new wife?

If you’re interested in pre-ordering the book, click the link below!

8 Responses

  1. Joanne Cason Miller just wants a free piece of jewelry… lol! Don’t know if you noticed, even the Sister Wives can’t afford their own jewelry!

  2. first of all i would like to commend you all for the show and your commitment to teach people about your lifestyle. i am a huge fan of the show. i am so sorry that your family had to leave utah the way you did. i dont understand how the state can prosecute kody for polygamy when he is only married to 1 woman legally and the other 3 are spiritual unions. if ther public would really look and listen to the details of the show and stop concentrating on your sexual habits, they would see kody is trying very hard to attend to each wife’s needs, spiritual, emotional, psychological, physical and he does it with class and compasssion, not for just 1 woman, but he has a duty to all 4 of them, cannot be easy to do. I admire the wives for being able to not only love kody but each other as well. i am not so stupid to think that ya’ll have a perfect marriage or relationship, but i would be willing to bet its close to it. because the wives are close to being perfect. they exemplify christ like love that we are commanded to do. but i couldnt share my husband with another wife. i am too selfish, petty and jealous. i have no doubt ya’ll struggle with jealousy at times, but i was very impressed with how mari and christine dealt with the issue. i know if we lived close together, we could be very good friends.

    speaking of living close together, if you dont mind my asking, why didnt you have another multi-family home constructed or 2 smaller multi-family homes built? it just seemed the perfect time to get into the type of home you’re used to.

    i wish i could buy a piece of jewelry. my husband lost his job about 6 wks ago and we cannot buy anything that is not a necessity. i wish your family much success, happiness and love.


    joanne cason miller

  3. Is the book being released this May 2012 or next May 2013? I live in Ontario Canada and would like to know where I can purchase the book “Sister wives tell all” Thank You Caroline.

    1. @caroline, it was released in May 2012. If you go to the amazon link on the right side bar of my site (for the ‘Teen Mom’ books), click through that and look up “sister wives book.” It should pop right up. -The Ashley

  4. Christine,
    You have to be by far my favorite.I think that god brings people together how HE wants and who are we to question that.You all have gone through alot.I cant wait to see what comes next.Good luck and god bless you and your family.By the way Solomon is a doll baby.All the kids are absolutly beautiful.Hi truley!!!

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