Happy Birthday Barbara Evans!!

Work it, Babs!
Work it, Babs!

Barbara Evans, the cackly-voiced Grandma with a heart of gold (and the true star of MTV’s Teen Mom 2) celebrated a birthday yesterday!

The Ashley would just like to thank Babs for all of the good times (and fantastical quotes) she’s given us over the last two seasons of ‘Teen Mom 2!’ There is no one on television quite like her!

It looks like Babs spent the day with Jenelle and her grandson Jace (and perhaps a few glasses of wine to celebrate?) Jenelle picked out a custom-made charm bracelet to give to her momma for the occasion. (Click here to check it out!)

I think this is a better gift than what Babs gave Jenelle for her birthday: Fix-a-Flat and “jumpa cables…you know…things ya need for ya caaaar!”

Happy Birthday Babs! I would cut off my left arm (need the right to blog!) to get to have one dinner with ya!

One Response

  1. I love Barbara! She’s funny and she can’t help it she has a speech impediment of some sort. You gotta love her – especially since she puts up with so much crap from Jenelle!

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