Another season of 16 & Pregnant has come and gone. (Don’t worry; more pregnant teens are popping out babies on camera as we speak for Season 5 of the show!) Anyway, this season was full of emotional—and sometimes hysterical–moments, and 10 new girls, four of which we will be seeing on the new Teen Mom 3 series.
The Ashley wasn’t able to recap all of this season’s episodes so she figured she’d do an overall Season 4 recap, recognizing some of the best—and worst—baby-daddies we’ve seen on this show to date, as well as other pivotal moments of the season.
If you don’t agree with The Ashley’s choices, tell her in the comments section below!
Best Baby-Daddy: Colin (Devon’s Episode)
It’s rare for us to see a guy on ’16 & Pregnant’ that doesn’t act like a total douche-nozzle. However, Season 4 brought us several stand-up guys that The Ashley would happily choose as her baby-daddy if she were a knocked up teenager.
While there were several in the running, the award for best baby-daddy has to go to Colin, boyfriend of Devon. He was willing to reenlist in the military to earn money to take care of his new family. He not only works two jobs but also shares in the responsibility of taking care of baby Landon. Plus, he actually treated his baby momma with respect, something we never see on this show.
Runner Up: Ben (Hope’s Episode)
Although at first Ben seemed like he was going to be just another crappy ’16 & Pregnant’ guy, Ben did a complete 180 during the episode, and really stepped up as baby Tristan’s father. He took such good care of Hope during and after her pregnancy, and was adorable with the baby. Ladies, these guys are keepers! Don’t let them go!
Worst Baby-Daddy: Devoin (Briana’s Episode)
We viewers watched as poor Brianna realized that she got knocked up by a total crap-goblin. Her baby-daddy Devoin ends up completely ditching her and their daughter, Nova, despite the fact that Brianna wants him in their lives. He agrees to meet them at a restaurant, only to stand them up. This guy joins Chelsea Houska’s baby-daddy, Adam, Nikkole Paulun’s baby-daddy, Josh, and several others in the ’16 & Pregnant’ Douchey Dad Hall of Fame.
Runner Up: Matt (Alexandria’s Episode)
Drug addiction, arguments and a really bad choice of hairstyle earn Alex’s baby-daddy, Matt, the runner-up award in this category. Being that poor Alex had to chase him down the street while she was in labor to get him to come to the hospital with her is just one example of his douchery.
Most Supportive Mother: Tina (Sarah’s Episode)
What teenage girl wouldn’t love to have a mother like Sarah’s?! She has an extremely close relationship with her daughter (she even does her hair and makeup for her every morning!) and was there to support her when times got rough. Tina was there for her Sarah through the pregnancy and helps her get through the tough time after her crappy baby-daddy, Blake, leaves her.

Most Cut-Off Shirts in a Single Episode: Mackenzie’s
Never has there been such a display of strangely shorn T-shirts as there was in Mackenzie’s episode. Mackenzie’s baby-daddy, Josh, had a habit of cutting the armholes of his shirts almost completely to the bottom, exposing a bit of sassy nipple and chest hair. (Why do people do this?! It seems to be a trend in several Midwestern and Southern states! Can someone please explain this to me?!)
Others may try, but will likely never come close to mastering the art form of T-shirt cutting like Josh has done.
Cutest Baby Name: Tinleigh Louise (Sarah’s Episode) or Mollie Mays (Katie’s Episode)
The Season 4 babies were almost all saddled with…interesting…names never before heard on the show. From Brianna’s daughter, Nova Star, to Mackenzie’s son Gannon, the names had everyone wondering how the hell these girls came up with their children’s names. (This is not to say that the names were bad; I like unique names for children, just for the record.)
Anyway, The Ashley particularly liked Sarah’s choice of name for her daughter, Tinleigh Louise. It was unusual but the middle name made it sound completely adorable. Another favorite was Katie’s daughter’s name, Mollie. It was simple, sweet and reminded The Ashley of the lovely Molly Ringwald from the movie “16 Candles.” (Who doesn’t love her?)
Most Heart-breaking Episode: Kristina’s
While we saw a lot of sad things happen this season, no episode comes even remotely close to Kristina’s in terms of being heartbreaking. From losing her fiancé while she was pregnant, to dealing with a ridiculously hard pregnancy, poor Kristina was put through the ringer. Her strength was very inspiring though.
Runner-Up: Brianna’s
While not as sad as Kristina’s episode, Brianna’s had several tear-jerking moments, particularly watching her realize that she’s been stood up by her baby’s father when she goes to meet him to try to work their relationship out. Also, watching Brianna’s sister struggle with her decision to have an abortion was also very sad.
Worst Example of Man-Bangs: Matt (Alex’s Episode)
Oh, Matt. I don’t even feel bad about making fun of you because you acted like a complete creep-muppet to poor Alex throughout the entire episode. Your sweaty bangs really made my day.
Runner Up: Tyler (Jordan’s Episode)
Tyler was sporting quite the interesting ‘do during the filming of Jordan’s episode. While his man-bangs weren’t quite up to par with Matt’s, Tyler did put in a good effort.
Funniest Episode: Myranda’s
If there’s any episode The Ashley wishes she had recapped, it’s Myranda’s. Just Nanny’s zany zingers alone made Myranda’s episode was full of recap-worthy material. I’m just hoping Nanny shows up at the Reunion with Dr. Drew because, not going to lie, I’m kind of in love with her.
11 Responses
Around her everyone wheres cutoff shirts like that. Even some girls for sports!! We live in Iowa!! I love the name Tinleigh! I didnt really like Gannon at first but then I realized I love it and its one of my favorites beside Carver!!
“exposing a bit of sassy nipple and chest hair” ahaha that made me giggle 🙂
why did my comment get deleted… =( I just said there were 12 girls and Katie’s daughter is Molli J…
Ok…never mind on this comment…my first one just didn’t show up when I looked earlier
As sad as Kristina’s episode was, I’m not sure how bad I feel for her since she got married less than a year after her “soul-mate’s” death.
I have to agree that it just seems weird to remarry SO quickly after her situation, but I did not make in 5 minutes in without crying, and spent most of it crying. Plus the recap of the Teen Mom girls, the flood gates kept going haha.
I am curious though, if she was living with her Aunt & the brother to her baby daddy (I cannot remember his name at the moment, sorry) If she really did stop allowing his family to see him, when did she move out? Why would she do that if they were supportive? Not only did the family lose a son/brother but she ripped away the only piece of him they had left…
Who are you to judge how quickly someone moves on or how they deal with things? Everyone deals with situations differently. Don’t be so quick to judge someone if you’re not in their shoes.
Also- if you’ll do a little research, her child’s father’s Mom openly accuses her of “killing” her son. She worked up a whole story to go along with it that Kristina’s family took him on that vacation to kill him off so they could take the baby. Unstable much? Would you want your child around people that are accusing you of killing off your child’s father?
Like I said, don’t be so quick to judge someone when you don’t know what they’re going through.
I am sorry but I wasn’t “judging” her, I just didn’t understand her situation enough to know and was curious.
Also I clearly ASKED these question because I do NOT know…. Hence the question marks at the end.. My life does not revolved around these girls so I don’t spend countless hours researching them to know. So before you jump to the defense mode, chill a little first.
There were 12 girls, Mackenzie, Katie, Briana, Jordan, Kristina, Devon, Sabrina, Sarah, Myranda, Alex, Hope, and Lindsey.
Katie’s daughter is Molli J, not Mays…
Maes is her last name
Oh yea…I thought his name was something else for some reason, maybe because theres too many names with the first letter J, Joey, Joey, and Jo…thats a different name, Molli J Maes, thats cute!