Roger Mathews Shoots Down Rumor That He Proposed to JWOWW

"Deny, deny, deny!"

Yes, I’m writing about these people now. Yes, I feel bad about myself for it. Let’s move on….

This morning the New York Daily Newsnew blog Confident@l announced that several anonymous sources had tipped them off that Jenni Farley (aka JWOWW) and Roger Mathews are engaged–and have been for a while! So began the perpetual media circus, with rumors even shooting up that Roger and Jenni were planning a double wedding with actual engaged couple Snooki and Jionne LaValle. (It would be like “Brady Brides” only with self-tanner and lots of cussing!)

The story goes on to say that the couple has not announced the engagement because MTV producers are making them “save” the big reveal for filming of the second season of Snooki & JWOWW, which is currently in production.

Jenni has remained suspiciously mum about the engagement rumors, but Roger has taken to his Twitter account to dismiss the rumor, telling one follower that asked about the engagement, “This is news to me. Babe do you have another tall, dark and handsome boyfriend named Roger?”

He later followed up with, “Lol. Yes. I proposed with an invisible ring. She’s waiting for it to appear before she will give me an answer. If you recall the good ol tabloids had my name wrong for the first year and a half of us dating. #reliablesource”

The Ashley‘s take on this? While The Ashley is always wary of any story that uses an anonymous source, she believes that this story is probably true, despite the fact that Roger is denying it. From what The Ashley knows about MTV production, they are notoriously strict with their contracts, and their stars are expressly forbidden from revealing anything that could be used as a major plot line of their show.

Also, Roger and Jenni aren’t stupid. Why would they confirm this story now, and lose out on the major bucks they’ll get from selling the exclusive “I’m Engaged!” story to one of the tabloids down the road? (MTV would have to be in on this decision, of course.) The fact that Jenni has not commented on the rumor also adds suspicion.

In the end, do we really care? These two break up so often that if they ever did make it to the chapel, I’d be laying my money down that one of them storms out mid-ceremony and calls it all off.

Update: JWOWW and Roger have confirmed their engagement to In Touch magazine! (Naturally, they had to make some money of the big news by selling a confirmation interview and photoshoot to a tabloid.) You can read about the engagement and see a pic of her ring here.

(Photo: Twitter)

4 Responses

  1. Seriously. Do you not think people read other blogs? You’re writing is exactly the same as Patrick Valone’s. God, unnecessary

    1. Um…perhaps we have similar writing style? A hard concept for you to grasp, I’m sure. You’ve never met someone with a similar sense of humor to your own? -The Ashley

  2. “These two break up so often that if they ever did make it to the chapel, I’d be laying my money down that one of them storms out mid-ceremony and calls it all off.”

    I think you’re confusing them with Sam and Ronnie.

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