Cast Reacts After MTV Releases Statement: ‘Buckwild’ is Officially Cancelled

“We wanna raise hell for Shain, y’all!”

The cast of Buckwild has had a rough two weeks. Nine days ago, they were devastated when one of the stars of the show, Shain Gandee, was found dead in his truck. Today, they awoke to even more bad news: their show has officially been cancelled by MTV!

“Given Shain’s tragic passing and essential presence on the show, we felt it was not appropriate to continue without him. Instead, we are working on a meaningful way to pay tribute to his memory on-air and privately,” a rep for MTV said in a statement to TMZ, who broke the story of the show’s cancellation and appears to have found out even before the show’s cast did.

The remaining cast of the show, who were in the middle of filming the show’s second season when Shain died, have taken to their Twitter accounts to express their outrage at MTV, and are desperately trying to save their show. An online petition has been set up by fans to convince MTV to save ‘Buckwild.’ (The Ashley highly doubts that the network will reconsider, however.)

“Thinking of filming for MTV without Shain hurts me clear through my soul but the thought of turning our backs on his dreams is worse,” Cara Parrish tweeted.

“Our fans are amazing. #KeepBuckwildForShain is trending nationally,” she added. “I wish MTV would respect his parents’ wishes & what he would’ve wanted.”

“We want Buckwild to go on as much as you do,” wrote Katie Saria. “Shain would be so pissed about this.”

“The whole cast wants to continue filming and raise ten kinds of hell in Shain’s honor,” Shae Bradley tweeted. “Give you all the best second season ever…or a movie!”

The cast then decided to start calling out the casts of MTV’s other shows, particularly the Teen Mom shows.

“MTV can have shows about horrible parents and horrible influences and we’re just good people having goodhearted fun and Shain was the best,” Shae tweeted.

“I do not see how MTV can keep Jenelle Rogers [of Teen Mom 2] but cancel Buckwild,” one fan responded. (Shae retweeted it.)

According to TMZ, MTV had four episodes of ‘Buckwild’ Season 2 filmed before Shain’s death, but none of those episodes will air. The site is also reporting that a special that was taped two months ago will actually be shown on the air.

(Photo: MTV)



6 Responses

  1. I have lived in West Virginia all my life and it’s an amazing place to live! I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s never boring and we are hard-working people; despite what anyone else thinks I think this show portrayed it very good. We have the best times anyone could ever have and we are very dedicated to our state. Shain Gandee showed it the best and I loved him for that. I think the show will be totally different without him and it might take some time to get used to; but I DEFINITELY think it should continue. From the way Shain’s personality seemed, I think he would want it to continue. He seemed like an awesome, fun, and kind hearted guy. I wish I could have met him. So I say a second season is honor of Shain Gandee.

  2. I kind of feel like if Shain’s parents and the Buckwild cast are in agreement and want to keep the show that it should be allowed. I mean, how is MTV personally affected? The ones who are grieving say its what Shain would have wanted so why NOT continue? In my opinion, of course.

  3. I’m on the fence about this I can see both sides. MTV already get so much negativity when it comes to the teen mom series. So I can see why mtv would what to cut their lost with this show I guess mtv does not want to be call out. Again about exploiting people even thou this tragic happen. When the show was not filming and I can also see how the cast might feel this is not fair. But I think in this situation it just be so tricky if the show was on air again. people would complaint about mtv not caring about shain death.

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