‘Survivor’ Contestant Gervase Peterson Revisits Horrifying Season 1 Bug-Eating Challenge

grubs challenge
It’s Drac-Gervase!

Thirteen years ago, Gervase Peterson stared down at a plate of grubs (aka beetle larvae) during an eating challenge on the very first season of Survivor. Poor Gervase managed to get the wiggly phallic-looking bugs down, but appeared to be completely traumatized by that challenge.

On last night’s episode of ‘Survivor,’ Gervase came face-to-creepy-insect-face with another set of grubs.

“Aw man, you know I can’t eat those!” Gervase told host Jeff Probst when he found out what was on the lunch menu.

Still, he was forced to shovel the grubs down his gullet (anyone else think they look like a GloWorm from the 1980s? No? Just me? OK…)

Unfortunately for Gervase, this act of bug-eating, like the one back on ‘Survivor: Borneo’, proved to be for nothing, as he wasn’t able to get the grubs down faster than his opponent, Monica Culpepper, who ended up winning the immunity challenge.

Last night on Twitter, Gervase recounted for his followers just how disgusting his “meal” was.

Wanna watch Gervase shovel down grubs during the first season of ‘Survivor’ back in 2000? Click here!

(Photo: CBS)

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