EXCLUSIVE! Meet “16 and Pregnant” Season 5 Star Aleah!

Season 5 girls
Meet Aleah!

Since The Ashley has made it her mission to find every girl that will be appearing on the upcoming fifth season of 16 and Pregnant, she would like to exclusively introduce you to Aleah!

Aleah, who hails from a very small town in Missouri (but now lives in St. Louis) has a story that we have never before seen on ’16 and Pregnant.’ Although her episode will focus on her pregnancy and the birth of her daughter, Peyton Reianne, she was already a ‘mom’ long before MTV ever showed up!

Eighteen-year-old Aleah is also helping to raise her boyfriend Shawn’s young son Noah. Although Noah’s real mother, who just had her third child, is still in his life, but according to a friend of Aleah’s, the two women do not get along and Aleah has stepped up big time to raise Noah.

“She is a special kind of person,” the source told The Ashley. “I asked her why she did the show and she told me that she [wanted] to let people know how hard it is to be a teen step parent and be pregnant with your own child.”

Aleah tweeted her sentiments about Noah a few days ago. “Being teen parents of 2 is hard, but Noah has made it much easier by being an amazing big brother.. He will forever be my first baby,” she wrote.

season 5
Aleah and her boyfriend Shawn are holding Peyton’s sonogram photo.

Unfortunately, Aleah had a very difficult pregnancy. Like Mackenzie Douthit of Season 4, she is a diabetic, which caused a ton of complications with her pregnancy.

Before she was induced, Aleah spent time in the hospital being monitored. She delivered her baby girl, who weighed in at 7 lbs, 8 ounces, despite being three weeks early, on December 13.

Aleah also got her schooling in order before the baby’s arrival. After leaving high school, she got her GED and now takes college courses, although she has put school on hold to adjust to life with a newborn, according to the source.

Season 5
MTV filming Aleah’s baby shower.

MTV has been spotted filming her episode in St. Louis, as well as the small town she hails from.

“There was a concert in the beginning of November [called] Concert in the Corn and she had two camera people and a few other people just standing there watching them film,” the source said. “Everyone was taking pictures of her and asking her questions.”

An MTV film crew was also present at Aleah’s baby shower, which took place on November 30.

“I can see why they chose her,” the source told The Ashley. “She has a lot going on.”

Aleah  will join the following girls on the fifth season of ’16 and Pregnant’:

Maddy, a Illinois teen who has major relationship issues with her daughter Aubrey’s father.

Autumn, a high school sophomore from Virginia who gave birth to her son Drake just months after her teen sister delivered a baby.

Karley, a married girl from Utah who recently gave birth to twin girls. The Ashley will be exclusively revealing more Season 5 girls soon, so stay tuned if you like teenage pregnancy goodness!

Aleah already has a Facebook Fanpage. Click here to “like” it.

UPDATE: MTV has finally confirmed Season 5, and has given it an air date of Tuesday, April 29! Click here to see a sneak peek of one of the new episodes!

32 Responses

  1. hi just want to tell you that you live and not die .my husband had kindey promble but he always say that god is going to bless them. prayer work you need to ask god help you you .don’t give up on yourself you have childen that love you so speak live to your self. god is the anwers to everything don’t give up . praying for you love bev

  2. Did Aleah give birth to TWO children?? I thought she had one biological child and the second child was born to an ex-girlfriend of Josh. Isn’t that correct??

  3. I think that if they decide to do another Teen Mom they should follow Aleah’s story and Karley’s story
    Just sayin

  4. This is bullshit considering I knew aleah, they been planning having a baby together for a long time. They tried and she even had ovulation kits. So she can’t lie and say they weren’t planning a baby when they planned her the whole time.

  5. Mtv doesnt “leak” anything also they dont even know if there will be another teen mom until 16 & pregnant airs and tjey get the ratings

  6. I don’t have to defend myself to anybody, but I will say this–my pregnancy was not planned. I didn’t know if I would ever have children due to health problems.. We already had a two year old at the time & weren’t even considering having another. So quick to assume & you don’t even have a clue..

    1. But you are, defending yourself. Clearly. You can’t blame people for assuming when if you were to step back and see how it looks to the outside, you’d probably come to the same conclusion. Your reasoning for doing the show “to show people how hard it is to be a teen mom and a teen step mom” doesn’t hold very much validity when you’re now 18, a mom to 2 and a step mom. By choice. It just would be nice to see the girls of 16&P to start actually learning from the choices they made at 16.. instead of continuing to make the same choices at 18. These girls DO know how babies are made right? One accident, okay, fine, it happens.. but two? Not buying it.

      1. Hahah. Believe what you want. It doesn’t bother me. Peyton being conceived was a freak coincidence. But why do you even care??? If it’s not you–then why does it matter? I’m making something of myself unlike some of the past girls. Buying themselves new cars instead of saving accounts for their kids. You–you one person–does not bother me w your assumptions. I look at these comments from time to time for a laugh. (:

        1. You signed up for a TV show that’s aired nation-wide.. so while it may not affect me, it still warrants an opinion from anyone who watches the show. So no, it’s NOT me, but it is still a TV show that’s broadcast to other 16 year old girls that shows that “hey maybe if I get pregnant at 16 I can be on a TV show, and then if I get pregnant again by the time I’m 18, I can prolong that 15 seconds of fame a little bit longer!”. You put yourself in that limelight, you chose that path, no one else did that but you. Conceiving the first child could have been a freak accident, yes, but conceiving the second? Another freak accident? When you now already had 2 children to care for? Still not by choice? Not buying it. BUT, to each their own, good luck with that.

          1. Hahah. I’m not going to keep saying it over & over–so buy whatever you want to. If you don’t get it by now; then you just won’t. A lost cause, but there’s so many other people I can help not want to end up in my predicament. If you don’t understand the concept of the show; that really sucks. But some people do understand the concept & that’s what matters to me.

  7. I’ll bet you ANYTHING that Aleah, Karley, Autumn and Maddy will be cast for Teen Mom 4. They never seem to leak information about 3 or more girls from 16 and Pregnant before a season starts unless a spinoff were to happen. Last season, they leaked Katie, Mackenzie and Alex’s information before their episodes aired, and all three were cast for Teen Mom 3. Not saying that’s what it is, but that’s what happened last time and I think that’s what’s going to happen now.

    1. @AJ This info was NOT leaked by MTV, just to be clear. It was a result of a hefty investigation by The Ashley. MTV had nothing to do with any of the girls being revealed! They are actually probably pissed about it. -The Ashley

  8. I’m so proud of you Aleah you have come far since our days in high school! You’re doing it big Hun and for all the right reasons!

    1. You’ve got to be kidding me, right? THIS is why we continue to have teen pregnancies. You’re really gonna say “good job, you’re doing it big?” REALLY? For being on a show about teen pregnancy.. that’s “doing it big” where you come from? And no.. it’s NOT for all the right reasons. So ridiculous.

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