EXCLUSIVE! More Details on “Homeless” ’16 & Pregnant’ Season 5 Star Jordan

Meet Jordan and baby Evie!
Meet Jordan and baby Evie!

The Ashley has been in a 16 and Pregnant tizzy over the last few days because the Season 5 trailer was recently released! (Apologies to my readers that don’t care about this show: The Roundup will be back to normal very soon covering other shows!)

The Ashley has been putting together the puzzle to try to identify all of the girls in the trailer. (Click here for photos and details of almost all 12 girls).

Anyway, one of the stories that stuck out was regarding a girl who, along with her baby’s father, ends up having no where to live while she’s pregnant. In fact, in the press release sent out by MTV announcing the season, one girl is described as, “the popular girl who gets pregnant and ends up homeless.”

The Ashley can exclusively bring you more information about this girl and her fascinating story. Meet Jordan Cashmeyer! (And, yes, for those of you counting, this will be the series’ third girl named Jordan!) She hails from the Baltimore, Maryland area and graduated from high school last year, making her a bit older than some of the other girls this season.

jordan 16 and pregnant“I have changed so much since finding out I was pregnant,” she tweeted in January. “I guess you kind of have to have a different mindset when you become a mother.”

It is not known how or why Jordan and her boyfriend become homeless, or how long they are without a place to live.

Baby: Jordan gave birth to her daughter, Genevieve Shae Taylor on March 7. The baby weighed in at 7 lbs., 5 oz and was born healthy. It appears that Jordan was unsure if she wanted to keep her baby when she first found out she was pregnant, but she ultimately decided to parent.

Baby’s Father: Jordan has been with her daughter’s father, Derek Taylor, for just over a year. He graduated from high school in 2012 and is 19 years old. Despite what we saw in the trailer, they actually appear to have a pretty happy relationship. Unlike some of the other Season 5 girls, however, Jordan has no plans to get married to her baby’s father any time soon.

Jordan’s episode will likely be one of the last to air this season. To learn more about the other Season 5 girls, click here. The new season of ’16 and Pregnant’ starts on Monday, April 14!

UPDATE: A Facebook fan page has been created for Jordan. Click here to check it out!

(Photos: Instagram)

5 Responses

  1. this has to be one of the dumbest girls who’s come on the show. first of all they didn’t kick her out, they kicked her baby daddy out. it’s not like her baby wasn’t gonna ever see her dad again. and they were struggling so hard, they had to depend on a baby shower to get things for their baby and they still didn’t have a permanent home. like it was that complicated they should’ve just given her up for adoption

    1. they actually broke up and moved back and she became a stripper while her parents have custody of her baby now

  2. Okay so I’m neighbors with Jordan’s parents and I knew Jordan before the whole baby and Derek thing. This really pisses me off because she is totally lying. Her boyfriend was kicked out because he bad mouthed her parents constantly in front of Jordan’s siblings. This was uncalled for because her parents put out a huge effort and even made two extra bedrooms out of their family room just to house them. Her parents also were intending on throwing her a baby shower until she went off on them and said she never wanted to see them again. This is when Jordan and Derek called the cops and made a huge scene because they thought they were entitled to all of the baby shower gifts previously purchased. Either Jordan just wanted a story or MTV made her say it. Either way this story if totally FALSE!!!

  3. This is one girl who really pissed me the hell off. Her parents kicked her baby daddy out..NOT HER. I don’t know how else did this entitled brat expect her parents to act. After learning your teenage daughter is pregnant. Then she drops out of school and so does he. So now neither one of them have nothing to offer that poor baby. Why didn’t he just go away to school on his scholarship and visit her and baby on his free days. Then she could’ve stayed with her parents and still went to school and got a part time job. That way in the end both of them would have their stuff together. I understand you want your kids dad by your side but let him go make something out of the opportunity he was given. You only get that once in a lifetime. Now they’re stuck dragging that baby around living off of people. She needs a reality check, All he did was play video games and all she need was complain about a situation she could’ve gotten herself out of. How STUPID.

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