Best Video Ever! Get ‘Teen Mom 2′ Star Barbara Evans’ Exercise Tips!

Move over, Richard Simmons! Here comes Barbara Evans, fitness instructor extraordinaire!

Jenelle Evans posted this fabulous video of her mother, our girl Babs, taking time out from filming more Teen Mom 2 episodes to instruct some of the film crew on how to keep physically fit. Babs is one busy lady–working full time, taking care of two grandsons (Jenelle’s son, Jace and her other daughter Ashleigh’s son)–yet she still has time to maintain her girlish figure! It’s not easy to stay slim after eating a bunch of doughboys, you know!

Here, Barb reveals a few of her fitness secrets! (Raise your hand if you’ve watched this video over 10 times…oh, just me? Dang.)

Wanna watch a video of Barbara making her famous doughboys? Click here!

Get it, Babs!

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