Cell Mate of Recently Jailed ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Nathan Griffith Speaks Out

jason sasbon
Nate’s cell mate, 38-year-old Jason Sasbon tells all!

What do you do if you find yourself arrested and in the same cell as a reality TV star? Well, if you’re local South Carolina hoodlum Jason Sasabon, you sit there and listen as said reality stars spills his guts to you, and then you run to the tabloids!

Three days ago, Radar Online published a story that featured an exclusive interview with Jason, who was the cell mate of Teen Mom 2 star Nathan Griffith. (As you’ll probably recall, Nate was arrested on March 5 for allegedly getting violent with one-and-off fiance, Jenelle Evans. He claimed that Jenelle had set him up for arrest.)

Anyway, Jason, who himself was jailed for domestic violence, claims that he and Nate not only shared a cell while both were waiting to be transferred to Horry County jail, but they also shared a set of handcuffs while they were being transferred via paddywagon. During that time, Jason claims that Nathan told him what really went down between him and Jenelle the day he was arrested.

According to Jason:

  • Nathan and Jenelle were fighting because Nathan has been meeting up with some slimmie from Virginia on the regular. Nathan and said skank met up in a hotel, a massage was given and then Nate “ hit it up.” (That’s trashy hoodlum speak for “They had sexual intercourse.”)
  • Nathan is in love with the Virgina girl. (Let’s face it, Jason seems like the kind of dude who knows true love when he sees it. If he thinks Nate is “madly in love” with this chick, we have to believe it.)
  • Jenelle and Nathan’s fight broke out after Nathan was sending Snapchats to the Virginia Slimmie. (They were probably just pics of Nathan’s pecs and videos of him cutting his tank tops. What’s the problem?)
  • Jenelle freaked out about the Snapchats (as you do) and an arguement ensued. Nathan felt the need to try to rip the engagement ring he gave Jenelle off of her finger, but she  resisted. Jason said that Nathan “paid a lot of money for the ring and he wanted it back.” The ring brawl ended with Jenelle bruising her wrist and finger.
  • Nate was more concerned with the Virginia Slimmie knowing that he was still with Jenelle than Jenelle finding out about his other woman. (Um…you people are on a TV show. It wouldn’t be all that hard for her to find out.)
  • Nate is only sticking with Jenelle for the time being because he’s hoping the “charges won’t stick.”
  • Apparently Jenelle likes to bite (now we know where Jace gets it!) Jason claims that Nathan showed him “some pretty vicious scars from bite marks, big, giant, open mouth bite marks” that were the result of Jenelle’s aggression.
"Well hopefully ya not gonna go date this Jason characta, Juh-nelle!"
“Well hopefully ya not gonna go date this Jason characta, Juh-nelle!”

The Ashley has verified that Jason was, indeed, booked into the jail on the same day as Nathan, and was there the entire time Nate was so technically, Nathan could have told him all of this. (The Ashley is not confirming what Jason said is true, simply that he did actually have an opportunity to be around Nate.)

After the story was published, Jenelle wrote on Twitter that she did not bite Nathan’s back, and that it was actually her pal, Tori, that did the biting. (Um…?!) She said that Jason was lying about the story.

Anyway, it is well known that both Jenelle and Nathan have a working relationship with Radar Online. Many of the stories that appear on the site about them are actually sold by Jenelle and Nathan, or someone that’s working with them. It is possible (and to be clear, The Ashley is not saying this is what happened) that Nathan asked Jason to provide this info to Radar to get the information out there. Nathan is currently under contract with MTV and therefore cannot do unauthorized interviews. This is The Ashley’s best guess as to what happened.

This saga is surely far from over, so The Ashley will keep you updated!

(Photos: Facebook, Horry County, MTV)

15 Responses

  1. 1 – This Jason character looks like a real stand up guy, and considering him and Nate were both in there for DV chargers I wouldn’t doubt they spent the whole time whining and building each other up and claiming it was all the woman’s fault
    2 – I say this as someone who believes Janelle is completely deranged, has no impulse control, is most likely abusive to these boyfriends relentlessly until the point they fight back and she speed dials the cops
    To sum up: They are all trash and need to stop.

  2. MTV needs to up its game and have a show starring Jenelle’s former beau Kieffer and Butch Baltierra, father of Tyler. Throw in Michael Abraham, Farrah’s dad, and you’ve got comedy gold.

    1. This idea is amazing. I actually find myself missing Kieffah whenever I watch the show. Of all the loser hanger-ons shes forced us to watch her having severly unhealthy relationships with, the green hoodie was by far my fav

  3. Uh…who cares? They are the definition of dysfunctional and it’s never going to change. I feel bad for those little boys.

    1. I don’t think she does. Most sites report that Baby Kaiser Roll lives with Nathan’s Mom and Janelle just borrows him to play mother when MTV is filming

    2. I bet if nathan leaves Janelle completely then she wouldn’t want much to do with the baby.She’s just pawn him off and try to find a new man.

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