Warrant Issued for Arrest of ‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans Following Fight with Nathan Griffith

Nathan and Jenelle were all (rave mask) smiles just days ago...
Nathan and Jenelle were all (rave mask) smiles just days ago…

The saga of Teen Mom 2 stars Jenelle Evans and her ex-fiancé/baby-daddy/fellow law breaker Nathan Griffith just got a whole lot stranger.

The couple, who split months ago, were apparently attempting to reconcile. After talking back and forth on their Facebooks last week, Jenelle and Nathan  were seen together at the EDC Festival in New York last weekend. Jenelle even posted a picture of her and Nathan smiling together while raving. However, that happy reunion was apparently short-lived. The pair had a showdown at Nathan’s house last night, causing a warrant for Jenelle’s arrest to be issued.

Jenelle’s lawyer, Amy Lawrence, spoke to Us Weekly regarding this whole mess.

“I can confirm that there is a warrant out for Jenelle’s arrest for criminal domestic violence, stemming from an incident that happened last night,” she said. “She is not taking any charges out on [Nathan].”

Jenelle’s lawyer stated that Jenelle plans to turn herself into the Myrtle Beach Police Department tomorrow.

The Ashley is going to attempt to explain what happened between Nathan and Jenelle, based off what was written in the official police report (which The Ashley has seen).

Yesterday, Nathan walked into the Myrtle Beach Police Department and attempted to get a restraining order against Jenelle. According to the police report, Nathan claims that Jenelle showed up to his house, called him and told him to come outside because she was damaging his car. He claims that Jenelle made the call in order to confirm where Nathan’s been shacking up since their split, and that Jenelle smelled like booze during her visit.

Next, says Nathan, drunken Jenelle began to hit him in the face, but he refused to hit her back. The fact that Nathan wouldn’t get into a physical fight with her allegedly “enraged” Jenelle, causing her to grab Nathan’s shirt (or whatever neon wetsuit top he happened to be wearing that day) and attempt to choke him with it. (As you do.) She also started clawing his neck with her fingernails.

Of course, all this clawin’ and chokin’ started to make a ruckus. Nathan’s neighbors came out, saw the pair fighting and tried to get things settled down. Jenelle refused to leave his house, says Nathan, and tried to charge her way into his apartment. Nathan closed the door on her eventually, leaving Jenelle to start screaming that Nathan was holding their son, Kaiser (and, more importantly, her iPhone) hostage inside his apartment.

According to local newspaper WMBF.com, the warrant states that Jenelle is wanted for first degree criminal domestic violence.

"Damnit, Jenelle! You stretched out my favorite wetsuit top!"
“Damnit, Jenelle! You stretched out my favorite wetsuit top!”

Of course, Jenelle had her own version of how things went down. Her rep told TMZ that it was actually Nathan who attacked her. Tweets from her “Official PR” Twitter account were retweeted on Jenelle’s account this morning, telling her side of the events.

“For those asking, Jenelle was at Nathan’s to pick up her son. Nathan stole her phone & refused to hand over Kaiser. This is how it started,” one tweet read.

There was one more tweet sent out by the PR account (and retweeted by Jenelle) today; however, that tweet has since mysteriously disappeared.

“Nathan ran over Jenelle with his truck before the incident in the police report. Jenelle is seeking charges & is ready to get the truth out,” it said.

Even more shocking? Jenelle’s lawyer now claims that Nathan didn’t want to press charges against Jenelle and that he actually feels sorry for her!

“[Nathan] will do everything that he can to get these charges dismissed for Jenelle,” Jenelle’s lawyer told Us Weekly. “He understands that she’s hurt because they’ve broken up, and he’s dating somebody else and things escalated in a way they shouldn’t have. But he does not want her to have any kind of criminal consequence for this.”

This is not the first time Jenelle and Nathan’s clawin’ and scratchin’ has made national news. Back in March, Nathan was arrested on a domestic violence charged after a nasty fight with Jenelle. That fight took place while an MTV film crew was present to record scenes for ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 6. That charge has since been dropped against Nathan.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)





15 Responses

  1. I don’t care what happened to these two this time. All I want to know is WHERE IS JENELLE’S LAWYER DUSTIN?!

    1. @Notmyusername: Dustin only handles Jenelle’s legal problems in North Carolina. She has another lawyer for her South Carolina arrests. #JenelleProblems -The Ashley

      1. Haha, of course she has two of them. Should have considered that, that she’s often back between different states. Just as long as Dustin is still around!

  2. He shouldn’t have created the report like that. He clearly has been lying to Jenelle and acting like they were going to reconcile and be alright with no intentions of following through. White girls don’t do near what a black woman would do to an unfaithful, deceiving, lying man and they get in all types of legal trouble. Men, don’t cheat and lead ppl on. Jenelle really just looking for a real man to hold her down. She needs to stop and start loving herself first, but that’s her personal battle…mugshots won’t help her.

  3. MTV really needs to step up and stop with enabling these losers. They are all losers, period end of story!

  4. He feels sorry for her? Then why did he go to the police dept in the first place? If you don’t want the cops involved, don’t call them. What a girly man

  5. She’ll probably get away with this like she gets away with everything and it makes me want to barf. How can this level of trash have no consequences ever?

  6. I’ll be up bright and early to see mugshot #15 tomorrow!*

    *jk, I’ll just wait for the Ashley’s hilarious writing skills to accompany her pic.

  7. Jenelle must have forgotten that Nathan was living with someone when she met him. He put his girlfriend out so he could move Jenelle in. It’s karma.

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