Well, we can say one thing about oft-troubled Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans: She has damn good lawyers.
Jenelle’s attorney, Amy Lawrence, confirmed to news station WFLA that the criminal domestic violence charge against Jenelle, which stems from Jenelle’s attack on her ex-fiance/baby daddy Nathan Griffith in late May, has been officially dropped.
Jenelle did not attend today’s hearing; instead her lawyer represented her in court. Jenelle turned herself into police on May 28 after a warrant was issued for her arrest.
The warrant was issued a day after Nathan went down to the Myrtle Beach Police Station to file a restraining order against Jenelle, after he claimed she showed up to his house, punched him in the face, damaged his truck and tried to break into his home. Things got even stranger when Jenelle claimed that she only tried to break into Nathan’s home because Nathan allegedly stole her phone and wouldn’t hand over their son. She also claimed that he ran her over with his truck (as you do), but she later recanted that statement.
Jenelle’s attorney told WFLA that the expungement papers (which basically remove the arrest from Jenelle’s record) have already been signed, and that Jenelle is “ready to move forward” and graduate from school in a few weeks.
In an interview with the blog Real Mr. Housewife, Jenelle stated that she and Nathan barely speak to each other, even though they are legally allowed to do so.
“There’s not a no contact order in place, but we don’t speak to each other,” she said. “We only speak to each other if we’re exchanging Kaiser. We take turns with Kaiser.”
Although this most-recent arrest was Jenelle’s 15th, she says that she plans to stay out of trouble from now on.
“I think I just learned to actually just stay focused on what is the most important thing in my life right now, which is my future and my goal which is to graduate and to be able to support my kids after this whole MTV thing goes away,” she told the blog. ““I want to work in the medical field really badly. I graduate in July and I’m really excited about that.”
Although Jenelle has had many, many run-ins with the law in her young life, she has yet to serve any serious jail time. Hopefully Jenelle sends her lawyers, Amy (who handles her South Carolina legal issues) and Dustin Sullivan (who handles her legal problems in North Carolina) a big box of candy after every hearing!
22 Responses
I actually wish all of the teen mom girls well. I think a lot of them are struggling emotionally and making terrible choices out of pain. Jenelle was a heroin addict not long ago, and I think she should be proud of beating that. I hope she can continue moving in a more positive direction in the future for her own health and well being and for her sons.
regarding her job prospects, I bet someone that is obsessed with fame, MTV and Teen Mom hires her to get on and get a check? Anyone that appears gets paid. So there is incentive to hire her, it’s just a bunch of people that do the hiring not god. Also has anyone ever wondered if Janelle could be gay? She seems very butchy to me, and maybe that’s why she’s so angry all the time.
@Pat Brown: Just wanted to interject to correct the statement. Not everyone that appears on the show gets paid. In fact, most people on the show (friends, etc) do NOT get paid. It’s very unlikely that a girl’s boss would have a big enough part in the show to get paid. -The Ashley
I know Butch, and he said he gets paid every time he’s on the show, and he also said, any time he was filming they gave him cash to buy cigarettes and whatever else he needed. It’s supporting cast or additional cast. Krystal Amber’s cousin and mother get paid, Shawn probably gets paid, so most people that appear regularly get paid. That’s why they are on the show to get paid. It’s not like they just are there and get filmed, Butch said it’s a major production being filmed, including resetting scenes and re shooting scenes. If Jenelle is filmed at a job somewhere, and it’s the same boss all the time being filmed, the boss would be paid, that’s how it works.
Free advertisement on MTV and JE twitter is payment enough for any sleaze bag associated with trashy JE
Isn’t it weird how all jenelles boyfriends become abusive to her but when the roles r reduced she gets away with it
This girl has a horseshoe up her ass I’m sure of it!! All those arrests and not one significant stint in jail or a real reality check…since she keeps getting into trouble.
This is a pretty random question, but I’ve always been wondering how many persons in the tm2 crew that’s smoking? I know Jenelle for sure and that Leah did, but I don’t know anyone else. But I’m sure there are plenty of them! Maybe you could do some research, if you got the time ofcourse
ty and cate both smoke, hopefully they stopped for the Nova’s sake!
This girl has the frigging Midas touch. She could get away with murder and her lawyers would get her off. Unbelievably amazing that no judge will lock her no good ass up.
This is making me lose faith in our legal system. Lose even more faith, I should say.
I still can’t believe someone is that stupid to purposely get knocked up a dude you’ve only known for two months. Why are people that selfish to bring children into a situation like that?
Guaranteeing herself a spot on Teen Mom 2…eventually they get tired of filming you in and out of courtrooms…
I’m sure the medical community is lining up to hire such a stable and responsible individual.
I was just thinking, “yeah… I’d let her near me with a needle”…
But hey, she has previous experience from heroin!
ty and cate both smoke, hopefully they stopped for the Nova’s sake!
Well, she knows her way around a needle. She was a heroin addict. Can she use that as part of her resume? (being snarky)
lol i hope jenelle does graduate and get a job as an MA……..she will hate it. she will never be able to handle the grunt work
I read that and got a vision of Jenelle screaming at a small child for not keeping their moth closed while having his temperature taken. And then lighting a joint. I miss Keiffer, honestly.
I think her next boyfriend will be Kieffer again.And then they start using drugs again,and Kaiser…well there’s Barbara for.