Exclusive Interview: “90 Day Fiance” Couple Jason & Cassia Hitch Say Show ‘Does Not Represent K1 Couples Accurately’

Jason and Cassia: Still going strong!
Jason and Cassia: Still going strong!

The new season of TLC’s 90 Day Fiance premieres later this month, but before we meet the new couples, we’ll catch up with the husbands and wives from Season 2. One of the most talked-about couples from last season, Jason and Cassia Hitch, were kind enough to chat with The Ashley about their life today, what filming was really like for them, and why they feel ’90 Day Fiance’ is not a true representation of what it’s like to be a K1 couple.

“As a K1 holder, I am ashamed of what they show on ‘90 Day Fiance,'” Cassia, who hails from Brazil, told the Ashley. “They want to make us look bad, making the public believe we won’t get married in the end. They show more fights than love, they want great ratings.”

Jason added that the cameras and constant criticism from the show’s fans made an already stressful situation sometimes unbearable.

“While we are trying to plan our ‘dream wedding,’ we were interrupted with thousands of negative comments about Cassia’s hair and my green pool,” he said. “The show brought a heightened level of anxiety to me and our relationship.”

Q: What was life like for you while filming?

Jason: During our 90 days we were trying to earn an income, have Cassia adjust to Florida, my new house, my father, the 4 dogs. Lest we forget Cassia left her friends, family, job, college, and lifestyle for this opportunity to marry me.

Cassia: Life wasn’t great. We had a lot of distractions and we couldn’t focus on our lives as a couple. Even today I think we cannot focus on only being a couple. We have no privacy, we live with his dad and dogs, and, for a young woman like me, and it can be frustrating.


Q: Did you get more negative or positive reactions from the show’s fans?

Jason: I would say it was about 80 negative-20 positive. If I didn’t make our website www.jasonandcassia.com and open a public Facebook page it would have been much worse. During our 90 days I filmed Cassia and I myself doing everything. I even filmed our Rio trip. The trip according to the show was a crapshoot on whether Cassia would show up. Well, of course she was showing up. It was for an interview with the American Consulate! That, too, is on our YouTube channel. I am allowing viewers to make up their own mind on us and not let ’90 Day Fiancé’ be the deciding factor on how we are perceived.

Cassia: We got more negatives than positives because people are blind and they believe in everything they see on TV.


Q: How is your marriage today?

Jason: Our marriage today is good. We work on ourselves every day so we can value and respect each other more and more. I know Cassia can be a pill. And Cassia knows I am no walk in the park. But we do value and respect each other.

Cassia: Marriage can be complicated. It is not a fairy tale, especially with our cultures being so different. But it is getting better. Being away from the cameras and all the negativity helps.


Jason and Cassia in Florida
Jason and Cassia in Florida

Q: Are you still living with Jason’s dad?

Jason: I would say my father is living with us. My father and I bought this house together. We left Illinois and started a new life right before I left for Rio. Another thing that was not mentioned in the show is that Cassia picked out the house. If our new business stays successful, we anticipate picking up a property for just the two of us sometime in the summer of 2016. Right now business is good and Cassia has plans to attend South Florida University in January 2016.

Cassia: We are still living with Jason’s dad and I cannot wait to move out. I want my own place.


Q: What has changed for you as a couple since the show? Are you still in love?

Jason: Our red poodle, Mercedes passed away and my father is still heartbroken over that. Cassia still sleeps in till noon every day. I wake up in the morning and make her breakfast in bed every day. We have started a gourmet snack business since the show ended in December. It is called www.giftingfun.com. We personalize every box for any reason, any company or any person. Sending a Thank You with a Twist. My devotion to Cassia gets stronger and stronger every day. I am still in love with her.

Cassia: I think we are still in love; not in the same silly love like the beginning, where everything is good, but a mature love.


Q: Cassia’s jealousy played a major part in your relationship. Has that changed since the show aired?

Jason: Cassia is very jealous but she has stopped rummaging through old boxes from my college years just to start a fight. She also won’t filter through my Facebook or Twitter to decide whom I can communicate with.

Cassia: Yes, I am a very jealous person and guess what? I am proud of it. I am not the kind of woman that will let my husband talk with another woman, flirting with him in front of me. We Brazilians can see the future. We know what game you play as soon as we meet you. It is like some kind of power.

Single women should not come to my husband to tell him about their lives as if they were best friends. He was on a TV show—it doesn’t mean you can talk to him. As for the Facebook, I make a big stink when I see he is accepting every people on there. I do not do this. All the other cast members do not accept who they do not know. That’s why we have a public page. You wanna talk to us as a couple? OK. But do not send friend requests to a married man or woman. I would not do that and most Brazilians wouldn’t either.


Q: Do you regret your decision to go on ’90 Day Fiance?’

Jason:  I don’t regret being on the show. I do regret some of the decisions I made throughout the negotiation process with the production company. I gave them too much credit. I trusted them too much. Big mistake. I can say I regret Vegas–everything about it. Cassia and I were married in Hernando County in a private ceremony five days before Vegas. The production company chose not to film that because the story line was Vegas-driven.

Cassia: I am 50/50 on that. Being on the show was not amazing, but it was not too bad either. We met some cool people during the filming and after and we have some good followers on social media. I do not like to call then my “fans”. I am not that special.


One of Jason and Cassia's two weddings...
One of Jason and Cassia’s two weddings…

Q: Do you think the show is edited to make your relationship look a certain way?

Jason: I think the narrative of their show was created long before cameras turned on. Was anything faked for the cameras? No. I said what I said. Cassia said what she said. I will say that some parts were…you will have to read our book. It should be out by January 2016!

Cassia: By showing fights and hiding the fun moments we had with each other, there is manipulation. Are they allowed to do that? Yes. Is that right? I do not know. But in my opinion, ‘90 Day Fiance’ does not represent the K1 couples. This show has a great concept and it will get bigger if is done the right way. I am tired of them making the couples look like they will not work out.


Q: Will we see you on any future reality shows?

Jason: There are a few talk shows I am speaking with now and two game shows. It’s not over yet.

Cassia: I wish it was over. Being on TV is good because you get paid just to be an idiot, but with the money, come the crazies, the stalkers, the liars. I do not think the money is enough for all the stress that being on TV causes.


Q: What advice would you give to the Season 3 cast for surviving the show and dealing with this difficult situation? 

Jason: The show and the aftermath will be etched in your brain forever. Unless these folks have the self discipline to avoid Facebook, Twitter and all social media, they can put a fork in it. I say embrace it. Realize your love story is up to TLC. I hope they filmed themselves enough that their fans can see their real relationship on their websites or Facebook pages.

Cassia: They should’ve got our advice before selling their souls, now it is a little bit too late. But I will give them something. If you see something you do not like on social media, get them back. Open your big mouth and defend yourself (no one will do it for you). Be smart with the words and do not be afraid to use the “block button”. Annoying people deserve to be blocked.

Watch a sneak peek of Cassia and Jason’s “Where Are They Now?” segment below:

12 Responses

  1. They should be thankful for the show..They got like free easy money and her hubby is saying he is still trying to get on other shows games shows…So he is looking for easy money…maybe wouldn’t stand a chance if no one knew who they are from 90 Day and they are talking of writing a book…if they were not on the show…they wouldn’t be writing it and no one would buy it why…and I’m sure there snack business probably sells better just because people know of them from being on the show…really it doesn’t seem like either one of them have a real job like most getting up and going to work on the daily…She wants him around 24 X 7. Most everyday people can’t live like that they have to go out and earn money and have a job job

  2. Is it just me, or does she seem to say the opposite of everything he does?
    “Do you still live with your dad?”
    “We don’t really live with my dad, we may move..”
    “Yes and I hate it.”

    “Are you still in love?”
    “Yes every day, and I get more in love every day..”
    “I think we are still in love.”

    “Is she jealous?”
    “Not anymore, she doesn’t screen my social media.”
    “Yes and proud! I force him to block people on facebook.”

    Never watched this show, but found the interview to be hilariously revealing…

  3. Good luck, Jason! That’s pretty much all I can say.

    She came off as a nightmare on the show, which could have been due to editing. I just spent some time watching their personal videos on YouTube, and didn’t get a better impression. As other’s have said, she’s very abrasive. It’s not just a Brazilian thing as she chalks it up to be. She’s one of those people who will never be truly happy, because nothing is ever good enough for them. I’ve dated some extremely jealous people (but not to her extent), and it never ends well. 🙁

    Her and Jason seem like an odd pairing, but in a way it makes sense. His passive personality balances things a bit more. I can imagine that a man with a super strong personality would be a nightmarish combination. As much as I want to like her, I just don’t find her to be very pleasant.

  4. And this:

    Cassia: I wish it was over. Being on TV is good because you get paid just to be an idiot, but with the money, come the crazies, the stalkers, the liars. I do not think the money is enough for all the stress that being on TV causes.

    Is the best!!

  5. I really disliked them a first, but I think theyre hilarious now….I like that they tell it like it is. I’ll always remember her “You’re so idiot” shirt. I need one of those haha

    Mo and Danielle…now that’s another story. I felt awful for Dani last night…her body language is so defeated. I hope she wisens up

  6. Abrasive is the perfect word for her personality, but I can tell it’s mainly because she hates the show. It sounds like she wanted nothing to do with reality TV in the first place, but he manipulated her into doing it so she would marry him/get money/pay for her schooling. But she’s an adult and obviously wanted a life style he couldn’t afford, so I don’t really feel sorry for her. They are going to get divorced if he keeps pushing reality TV and she doesn’t lighten up. But, for the most part, I totally agree with her! My husband and I joke that we’re funny/weird enough for our own show, but at the expense of our marriage? I’ll live with my in laws again before I do that!

  7. wow. i have NO doubt that they were edited to look worse than they were-but that woman is abrasive. i get maybe some of her warmth (?) gets lost in translation-but c’mon! they were painted as pretty bland and petty with one another and she then basically insults the entire viewing public by saying people ” are blind and believe what they see on tv.” he should muzzle her. shes off putting in every way. and, btw-the “making a stink” comment makes me gag every time i read/hear it.

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