Teen Mom 2 fans rejoice! Barbara Evans (and the rest of those girls) are coming back to our TV screens next month!
Today, MTV released a (kind of weird) mini-video on Facebook to let the show’s fans know that ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 7 will premiere on Monday, March 21. The video, which simply shows two baby bottles being filled with what we can assume is pumped breast milk, did not show any of the actual cast members. (It’s strange that MTV chose to use a video like this to promote ‘Teen Mom 2,’ considering that none of the show’s stars are currently breastfeeding. And, of course, everyone knows this show is more about custody, boyfriends and vacations than anything else at this point anyway…)
Season 7 is shaping up to be a doozie, so The Ashley decided to put together a list of what we can likely expect to see covered on the upcoming season!
Leah Messer: The biggest issue that Leah has dealt with during the filming of Season 7 (which sources tell The Ashley began around October 2015), is her battle for custody of her twins with ex Corey Simms. As you’ll remember, Leah temporarily lost primary custody of the girls last year, but recently came to a shared custody agreement with Corey. The Ashley’s sources told her that MTV was present outside the courtroom for the cases, so that stuff will definitely be shown. In other Corey news, his second wife, Miranda, gave birth to Corey’s new daughter, Remi, in November, so it’s likely that will at least be mentioned.
Leah’s other ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert, has also been filming for the new season. We will likely get to meet Jeremy’s girlfriend, Brooke Wehr, who he’s been dating on and off since last year. The Ashley is not sure if Leah’s boyfriend, T.R. Dues, will make any on-camera appearances, as Leah has seemingly tried to hide their relationship and even flat-out lied about it during the Season 6 “A Closer Look” episode taping.
Kail Lowry: Big milestones for Kail this season will include her husband, Javi Marroquin, leaving for a deployment, and her continued marital issues. Although Kail underwent extensive plastic surgery last month, The Ashley’s sources tell her that MTV cameras were not present during the surgery, nor were they in Miami to capture Kail’s initial recovery. (In fact, from what The Ashley hears, the MTV suits were not thrilled with Kail’s choice to undergo a very public cosmetic procedure.)
Chelsea Houska: Obviously, the biggest thing that’s happened to Chelsea during the most-recent filming period is that she became engaged to boyfriend Cole DeBoer. It’s unlikely that the actual proposal was filmed, but the engagement will be the main topic of Chelsea’s upcoming segments. (Don’t expect a ‘Teen Mom 2’ wedding, though. As The Ashley previously told you, Chelsea and Cole do not plan to have their wedding filmed for the show.) Chelsea has posted photos of herself doing some wedding planning, so that will most likely make it into the new season.
Jenelle Evans: Jenelle has been basically just been on one long vacation throughout the filming of Season 7. With her trusty new beau, David Eason, by her side, Jenelle has traveled to St. Thomas, Miami and New York City over the past several months. While some of those trips may be shown, Jenelle’s segments will likely also include much of the drama that’s gone down between her and her ex, Nathan Griffith. (She claims he stole her car, he got arrested, he’s taking Jenelle to court for throwing a glass at his new girlfriend…as you do.)
More importantly, though, new Jenelle segments mean that we’ll be seeing more Babs!
The Ashley will keep you posted on more Season 7 details! Watch the season premiere announcement below:
#TeenMom2 Premiere Date Announced!
They're baaaaaaaaack….
Posted by Teen Mom 2 on Thursday, February 11, 2016
18 Responses
Pls notify me what date next month teen mom 2 season 7 comes back on
leah must have taken a hundred more fat meats since filming. cant wait
I’m pretty excited for this train wreck. I’m ready to see how the drama is gonna unfold with everybody. I’m ready to see Jenelle cry and have the most dramatic panic attacks over Nathan, I need some Babs in my life, I’m ready to see what excuse Leah is gonna come up with for losing the girlseses and if they make mention of Addie wandering out of the house, I’m ready for Adam to try and infiltrate Cole and Chelsea’s relationship with another text of a really old pic of them in HS (pathetic lol), BUT they can leave out Kailyn constantly yelling at everybody. That gets pretty old really fast. and I’m ready for Ashley’s recaps…IM FRIGGIN READY!
They used the same weird commercial during this week’s teen mom, but it was for TMOG. I thought it was really weird! Kind of excited to see this season’s drama.
Sounds like a snoozefest.
I recently heard Leah and TR broke it off…true theAshley?
The Ashley has the best recaps. I don’t even watch TMOG i just read here. *applause*
Jenelle has a different boyfriend for every season. She’s always claiming endless happiness that we will see upcoming. But it’s the same sick cycle she repeats. New guy or none at every reunion taping. Please let what’s coming to her finally occur. MTV stop helping this train wreck. In the flip side this looks to be the same boring type season. Just wash and repeat. Since alot of people follow twitter and websites like this it just playing catch up and filling in what we don’t know
I don’t know why none of this sounds interesting – it seems like the same things each season.. can’t the girls come up with new life adventures? I’m glad Chelsea is engaged to a good guy – hopefully the baby talk is GONE!
I enjoy a good shit show as much as the next person, but these girls have got to go. Chels is still super normal (bless her!), Kail is still a selfish bitch, Leah is a backwoods deer cam druggie with Cheeto dust all over her girlses, and Jenelle is stuck in a perpetual cycle of shame- find desperate broke guy, move in, do drugs, stir shit with Babs, several arrests, who the fuck even is Jace?!, rinse and repeat.
Time to hang it up, MTV.
As confessed teen mom addict I may decide to quit cold turkey after this season of OG is over. These girls just aren’t getting any smarter.
My boy Cole is going HAM on Clelsea’s A
I’ve already decided to quit. I’m just going to read the recaps instead lol
so are we not getting another season of 16& pregnant? or they give up on that?
It was report (by The Ashley, I believe) that the newest season of 16 & P would follow a teen mom format. 4 girls each with segments throughout each episode, spanning the entire season, instead of 10ish + with each girl having their own episode.
So it should be coming…but idk when
Out of all things MTV could’ve picked for the announcement they went with that?!
That was just weird. Why not use something related to the age of the kids?