It’s almost baby time for Big Brother stars Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas!
Rachel, who is due to give birth to the couple’s first child on March 30, has been keeping busy preparing for the “Brenchel” baby.
In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Rachel discussed her pregnancy struggles, and whether or not she plans to return to reality TV after becoming a mother.
Rachel also answered the question that ‘Big Brother’ fans have been asking: Will Baby Villegas have the first name “Brenchel?”
“No!” Rachel told The Ashley. “We know the gender but we are keeping that a secret. People have been saying that ‘Brenchel’ would work for a boy or a girl though, but that definitely won’t be the name we’re giving our child! The baby’s last name will be Villegas, so we joked that we could actually give the baby a name that makes its initials POV [short for ‘Power of Veto’ in ‘Big Brother.’]”
Brendon, however, won’t entertain any name ideas until the baby is born.
“I have been picking out names and going through books but he doesn’t want to hear it,” Rachel said. “He wants to wait until we meet the baby so that we can know the baby’s personality and looks.”
While Brendon’s been reluctant to talk baby names, Rachel confirms that he’s done a great job of taking care of her during what’s been a difficult pregnancy.
“He’s been amazing,” Rachel said. “He’s the picture perfect dad-to-be. He buys me all of my favorite things.”
Unfortunately, Rachel was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during the pregnancy, which she said was “devastating.”
“It’s common in pregnancy, but I cried when I found out I had it,” she said. “I was so scared, I thought I did something wrong. That’s been the hardest part of the pregnancy. When you have gestational diabetes, you have to be more diligent about working out and really limit your sugar consumption. I was working out all the time and was eating pretty healthy, so I was really shocked when I found out I had it.”
With her due date rapidly approaching, Rachel says that she and Brendon have been contemplating their next career moves. For Brendon, that means graduating from UCLA in May with a Ph.D in biomedical physics.
“He’s been working on this for five years, ever since I’ve known him,” Rachel said. “He is looking into working at a few facilities in the LA area.”
For Rachel, it will mean reexamining the roles she takes in the entertainment field.
“It’s going to be really different,” Rachel said of her career after the baby is born. “I’ve done most of my shows twice so I doubt they’d want me back for a third time! Doing a show like ‘The Amazing Race’ and being gone for 20-plus days would be hard. If I’m filming a movie, I can go home and be with the baby, but with a competition show, you have to be away for a month, and I would have a lot of trouble with that.”
Rachel said Brendon has no intention of signing on to compete on another reality show.
“Brendon said he’s had his adventure so I don’t think he’s going to go back on a competition show,” Rachel said. “We’re working on stuff that keeps us local. That’s the direction we’re going in.”
While their future may not include another trip around the world on ‘The Amazing Race,’ Rachel said that the couple’s fans have been very supportive throughout her pregnancy.
“Fan have been sending us messages and gifts. They’ve been amazing, ” she said. “I could not have asked for better fans and friends. It’s the first big brother baby, so the fans are excited!”
16 Responses
Happy for them…..but get off my TV already. I can’t get thru 1 interview w/her and the squeeling voice. eeeckk
So happy for them! It’s awesome that they’re the first BB couple to get married AND have the first BB baby! Can’t wait for the Brenchel baby to be born!
Ugh, just go away! Wasn’t ruining a season of”the Amazing Race” enough?…
I have a better idea; why don’t YOU just go away? Going out of your way to look for, read and comment on an article about someone you don’t even like? Get a life!
Sorry, but they are breeding a future entitled moron. Can’t stand either of them
what a lovely thing to say about someone who hasn’t even been born yet. if only more people were as classy and mature as you!