Amanda Stanton Fighting For Custody of Her Kids After ‘Bachelor in Paradise’

"He's just jealous because he didn't get to go on 'Bachelor in Paradise!'"
“He’s just jealous because he didn’t get to go on ‘Bachelor in Paradise!'”

Amanda Stanton‘s time on Bachelor in Paradise garnered her a fiance (the ever-groaning Josh Murray)– and a custody battle with her ex-husband!

The mom-of-two, who spent the better part of her time in ‘Paradise’ sucking face with Josh, is reportedly being taken to court by her ex-husband, Nick Buonfiglio.

According to Us Weekly, Nick filed papers earlier this month in hopes of obtaining 50/50 custody of his four- and two-year-old daughters with Amanda. Nick also wants a reduction in the amount of support he pays to Amanda.

According to court documents he filed earlier this month, Nick is unhappy with how Amanda’s behavior on ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ has affected his daughters.

“[Amanda] been scrutinized for how she has acted by hundreds of thousands of fans, and it has put my daughters in tons of media attention, which I believe is causing harm,” Nick wrote in court docs obtained by Radar Online, adding that Amanda’s fame has allowed her to up her income to about $20,000 a month, thanks to her doing sponsored social media post and other money-making ventures. He feels that paying her $2,000 a month in support is no longer necessary.

“I’ve paid her way long enough — she makes plenty to support herself. I just want her to pay her way, I pay my way, and we co-parent,” he told Us. “Last thing I meant was to cause any harm [with media attention], but seeing as these documents are public record, I should have realized someone would get a hold of them.”

After Amanda returned from ‘Paradise’ with her new fiance, Nick commented to the press that she had changed.

“Before ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ [our daughters] had never been to daycare,” he told Life & Style in August. “Then, as soon as she comes back … they’re in daycare full-time.”

"At least you still have me...and pizza..."
“At least you still have me…and pizza…”

Obviously, Amanda was not thrilled that her ex-husband has been speaking about her in the press. In fact, she recently posted a blog post, blasting him and his parenting skills.

“I became a single mother when Kinsley was barely 2 and Charlie was a newborn,” Amanda wrote on her blog. “I was trying to lose the 40 pounds I gained during pregnancy, still breastfeeding and throwing a pity party for myself while living in a family friend’s house in Malibu. Meanwhile, their father was dating multiple girls he was meeting on Tinder, became a regular at the local bars and was going on trips to Vegas with his friends every other weekend. I remember thinking it was so unfair that he could just break up our family and then go back to living his life the way he did pre-children while my world completely revolved around them.

“Two months after we moved out, I still hadn’t filed for divorce yet…” she wrote. “I actually remember getting a text from my (probably drunk) ex that read: ‘You can’t divorce me… you’ll be 25 & divorced with two kids…no one will ever want you!'”

Amanda and Josh currently engaged and living in Orange County, California, with Amanda’s daughters. The court documents state that Amanda and her ex-husband will go to mediation on September 30 in regard to the custody and child support of their daughters. If necessary, the case will go to court on October 13.

(Photos: ABC)

11 Responses

  1. Here’s what I LOVE about people arguing at this.. It doesn’t matter how much she earns, he’s response for HIS kids, not “paying her way.” By the sounds of this, the children are primarily in her care. So they need somewhere to live, they need food in their bellies and clothes on their back. Throw in some activities or toys if you’re lucky, why should the mom pay for all of it? That’s what child support is, it’s supporting YOUR kids, the ones you MADE. Too many men always cop out thinking the ex is picking this cash for herself or something. Get it together and man up or just go away and be nothing more than a sperm donor

    1. Edit should say it’s NOT about him believing he’s “paying her way”. I just hate how these types of every-second-weekend part time “dads” that wouldn’t even Know what to do with themselves if they had the kids longer then 2 days

  2. You pay support for the kids asshat…and that is till they are 18…there is no such thing as long enough…what a tool

    1. True. But if they have 50/50 custody and she’s currently making more money a month than he is, why should he continue to pay child support?

    2. I think his point is that they haven’t recalculated support to take in the amount of money she is now earning, not that he doesn’t want to pay support. It goes based off both their incomes, so obviously if she is now making the bigger number he is not obligated to pay as much in support as she is.

    3. Also, it didn’t specify child support. This story just says he is looking for a reduction in the support he pays to Amanda. Maybe he is paying alimony to her as well as child support and is looking to reduce that based on her new income.

    1. Ha ha 🙂 I know what you mean, but I understand what she’s saying too. I imagined she was staying at a friend’s because she had to leave her home, no job (or hadn’t worked BC she just had a baby), and had those *delightful* post partum hormones. I can feel for her and how rough going through that might have been.

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