UPDATE: One of The Ashley’s WEtv sources has given more back info on the story below! The source tells The Ashley that WEtv was initally not going to allow Jenelle to film the new show because she was pregnant, but Jenelle and her lawyer eventually got permission. The pregnancy is not the reason for Jenelle not appearing on the show. The reason she will not appear is that her mother, Barbara Evans, backed out and decided not to do the show.
Since only Jenelle and David Eason were willing to appear, WEtv approached them to appear on their other show, Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, but they declined. The source tells The Ashley that there’s still alot of friction between the network and Jenelle’s camp.
Everything below remains true:
WEtv just did a Teen Mom switcharoo!
Last month The Ashley broke the story that Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans was going to star on a new reality show on WEtv that would involve Jenelle, along with her soulmate David Eason and mother Barbara Evans, getting family counseling on-camera. The show is essentially WEtv’s answer to VH-1’s Family Bootcamp.
As The Ashley told you, Jenelle & Co. had signed contracts this summer for the show and filming was set to begin in October. However, Jenelle and her family will no longer be appearing on the show. Instead, Farrah Abraham and her family will be appearing!
Today, Farrah’s father, Michael Abraham, announced that he and Farrah were heading to Los Angeles to begin filming a new show that, according to a source for Real Mr. Housewife, is a “new show concept and it’s something that’s never done before.”
Michael told Real Mr. Housewife that he and Farrah will be on lock-down for a few weeks while filming the “mystery” show.
From what The Ashley hears, that show is, indeed, the same show that Jenelle was supposed to be on. Farrah and her family, who are never ones to turn down any reality show, will take the ‘Teen Mom’ slot left open by Jenelle’s absence.
What’s more, Amber Portwood announced on Twitter today that Farrah was the network’s third choice to appear. She confirmed that she, too, was approached by WEtv to go on the “Family Bootcamp” show, but passed because she’s still recovering from her recent plastic surgery. She also stated that she has no desire to continue doing random reality shows just to gain more fame…unlike one of her fame-hungry co-stars.
“I just passed on a certain show because of my surgery so they went to the 3rd choice to take my place..wonder who that was lol??” Amber tweeted, before retweeting a fan who suggested she was talking about Farrah. (In case you’ve had trouble following along, Jenelle was their first choice, followed by Amber, and then Farrah.)
“No shade…well maybe a little bit of shade haha,” Amber tweeted. “This would be the 2nd time this has happened…I love not being a reality show puppet.
“I never strive to be a millionaire or famous I just want to make sure my family and future is taken care of and we’re happy and healthy,” Amber added.
Anyway, as The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle was not happy that she had been cast aside due to her pregnancy, and had even ranted on social media about suing WEtv because of it. As stated in the update above, Jenelle eventually got the network to agree to let her film while pregnant. The Ashley’s source tells her that Jenelle may be in legal trouble with WEtv if she does not appear on the show!
Stay tuned– this story is going to get much more interesting!
(Jenelle Photo: MTV/ Farrah Photo: The Ashley)
50 Responses
If this bootcamp has the same format
as marriage bootcamp, Farrah would make Tara Reid look like a princess. Can you see Farrah in one of the obstacles races or getting dunked in a pond?
They need to stop giving Farrah air time
Farrah’s obviously not as loaded as she claims, if that was the case she’d not need the MTV pay check.
She’s just an idiot living beyond her means, in a few years time she’ll be broke.
Not sure why this comment was repeated
Amber, I dearly hope that wasn’t Plexus you were on. That stuff is crap and unhealthy.
I wanna know who in their right mind gave this chick another dog. And how come we NEVER see her dog on the show?? Prob cuz its locked in a cage somewhere for 23.5 hours a day… This girl should not have animals, let alone more children… But that’s none of my business, tho…
Backyard breeder???
And who is going to be taking care of Sophia for the several weeks Farrah and Michael will be on lockdown. Oh that’s right, Sophia has been “doing her own thing” since she was 4.
Why must Farrah ruin everything with her appearance? Is there no Hollywood blacklist anymore?
Michael locked in with Farrah somewhere. It will be wet & wild! Michael will wet everything with his crocodile tears and Farrah will throw stuff around.
And Debs is involved too?
When you wake up tomorrow thinking you don’t feel like working cause your job sux, remember things could have been so much worse. Imagine being a part of a production team filming Farrah and her crazy and disrespectful family.
Deb’s “Infectious Disease Doctor” boyfriend will be waiting on standby for Farrah, just in case.
Seriously though these two chicks and their psychotic families can probably make interesting tv but if they left reality world, they really wouldn’t be missed. Trading one for the other makes me effin laugh. Makes me laugh even more that Farrah aka butt hole in the porn world was second choice……Farrah if your reading this, your slipping, to Jenelle nonetheless…
That. Bullshit everyone. Likes jenelle more than farrah
Amber, Farrah, Jenelle…. They’re all trash. All reasons for NOT watching their shows and just reading recaps on The Ashley instead lol Disgusting, vile, lower than dirt white trash hookers.
Absolutely!! The 3 worst in my opinion. The most nonmoms of all.
Sure Amber… Farrah might have been this TV shows third choice, but YOU will always be your old deadbeat “Dad” fame whores third choice.
I don’t understand what your comment means?
I’d like to know too. Doesn’t make any sense
When Matt was looking for victims on twitter, Chinelle and Ferral Boobraham were his first and second choices but they didn’t bite, Amber was his third choice and took the bait. Matt was clearly looking for one of the damaged girls, he knows what he’s doing. When Ferral and Chinelle want nothing to do with you, you know you’re scum.
Oh my gosh it would have been so funny if he had ended up with Farrah or Jenelle. Being verbally abused by Farrah and putting up with her insane family or being with Jenelle and her train wreck life and insane family. I hate to say it but relationship wise Jenelle would be the better pick. She treats her men better at least in the beginning. But seriously one of those nut cases is what Matt deserves. He and Jenelle can talk about their various children by different people they don’t support.
And the upcoming court cases. Pillow Talk
He hit on Farrah, and Jenelle, with the same exact “line” Amber fell for. It was discussed between Amber and Farrah a few episodes ago.
Amber was Matt’s third choice.
Thirty is probably more accurate. Cons like Matt are always on the lookout for their next meal ticket/ landlady with benefits.
When the relationship starts to turn a bit sour, they start to chat to other new potentials so they are never homeless for long.
I’ve seen it happening to friends in reality. Getting a call from your BF whether you possibly left a hairclip in her car and such.
I can see him leaving when the show is over and the money dries up. I can also see him getting hwr pregnant, and then trying to take custosy somehow and filing for support lol. As far as partners, I wouldn’t want some 45 year old Teen Mom fanatic for a mate. How weird. If I were Amber Id ask him “You REALLY watched my show? Like for real? Why?” Lol
How about an ex bf bootcamp? Let’s gather the whole group: Andrew, Kieffa, Gary, that creepy dude who she moved in with after 1 week of dating, Courtland and Nathan! That would be soooo much fun!
I wonder when we will see her have a meltdown about this.
Whoops didn’t mean to reply to you sorry. ?
Id watch that!?
Trading one train wreck for another. Will Farrah bring the portapottys with her?
…..I was wondering why Simon was popping up on her social media again…..how many bets he’s gonna pop up on this show because she renewed his contract?!
Simon should treat Farrah like a submissive Muslim wifey and make her wear a burka
And make her stop mouthing off, and stop her dressing like a cheap whore.
Babs had enough of making an ass of herself apparently. She has sense enough to know this quick money isn’t gonna last forever and that she needs to remain grounded, like not showing up on every reality show on cable. On another note, who the hell does Amber think she is to turn her nose up on people and call them a puppet? Ferral Boobraham is an idiot for sure but she and Amber are cut from the same teen pregnancy cloth. Amber forgot where she came from
Good for Barbara…the only one with some sense..instead of dollar signs in there eyes!Smh
That’s one show I won’t be watching it Farrah and her pathetic family will be on.
Farrah done vh1s couple or can’t therapy type shows.. Isn’t this a conflict ? What else came r learn from the brown Simpson clan
If they already signed contracts, can the network legally back out just because Jenelle’s pregnant? Unless there was a clause in the contract stating something regarding pregnancy, I feel like she might have an actual case..
Not that anyone would take her seriously but still.
It likely has a termination clause, that the network can exercise for any reason, at anytime.
I was wondering the same thing. Some of the language in this story is confusing. So the network backed out because she was pregnant, she got them to change their minds, but then Barbara backed out? And how does Jenelle having to appear in the show or face legal consequences factor in if she is no longer the one starring in the show?
Jenelle doesn’t need to go on another show. She needs to worry about getting her sh*t together. Like not taking her 2 year old to the beach during hurricane matthew and practically getting knocked over from the wind. Or maybe about the fact she just got a new dog considering the whole moogan fiasco. She was pregnant and had jace but was overwhelmed. Quit thinking about fame and leaving your family for a paycheck. Put that medical degree to use and save some lives *sarcasm btw*
No respectful physician would ever hire her. The last thing a providers office needs is baby mamma drama in their office. The patients usually provide that…lol
Depends on the charge I know someone a distant relative that has a felony and she is a med assistant what janelle has a degree in. But, that was credit card fraud a violent crime charge and known drug charges she doesn’t stand a chance of someone hiring her. Apparently she was really book smart. Too bad her stupidly took the best of her.