Reports That Kate Gosselin Was Recently Investigated for Child Abuse Surface As Scary New ‘Kate Plus 8’ Trailer is Released

"You're investigating me?! But I'm such a kind and warm person! How can that be?"
“You’re investigating me?! But I’m such a kind and warm person! How can that be?”

TLC released the frightening first trailer for the upcoming season of Kate Plus 8—just days before it was revealed that family matriarch Kate Gosselin was allegedly the subject of a child abuse investigation this past summer!

According to an explosive new cover story of Life & Style, the investigation began after Kate enrolled her son Collin in a special needs program. Kate has spoken in very limited terms about Collin “going away” to learn “coping mechanisms.” The child abuse case was reportedly opened after Colin allegedly told counselors at the treatment program that Kate had been abusive towards him.

“Colin said something to the facility staff and it was reported to Children and Youth Services, and it started the probe,” the source told Life & Style.

Although the magazine states that Collin’s father, Jon Gosselin, was notified that an abuse investigation was underway, it is not known if the investigation is ongoing, or if it has been completed.

Raise your hand if you're just counting the days until these kids are old enough to write a "Mommy Dearest" tell-all about Kate?
Raise your hand if you’re just counting the days until these kids are old enough to write a “Mommy Dearest” tell-all about Kate?

This is not the first time that Kate has been accused of abuse. A former nanny reportedly told the magazine that Kate gave the children “open handed spankings” when they were younger. A few years back, a reporter made claims that Kate abused the children. Jon Gosselin has also made abuse claims. Those previous claims were determined to be unfounded.

The child abuse investigation comes just two weeks’ shy of the premiere of the new season of ‘Kate Plus 8.’ While Kate has always maintained that she is not abusive to her eight kids, the promotional trailer for the new season had many fans on Twitter talking about Kate’s frightening way of interacting with her kids.

The entire trailer is just a series of clips of Kate screaming at her children. We see Kate turn everything from a birthday party to a new puppy to a family game night into a nightmare. Older twins Mady and Cara, now 16, and the 12-year-old sextuplets appear to be completely over their mother’s antics.

During one scene of the trailer, several Gosselin kids make comments about Kate.

“Mommy is so overdramatic,” one says.

“She’s insane,” another tells us of Kate.

The older girls, who have been known to slam their mother on-camera, tell us that Kate insists on “making a scene” everywhere they go.

We are treated to several clips of what should be fun family outings (playing games, laser tag, archery, etc.) but all we see is Kate screaming at her eight kids constantly.

“No one really wants to be on mommy’s team,” one kid tells us. “She’s way too competitive.”

We feel ya, kids!

The new season will premiere on Tuesday, November 22 on TLC. Watch the trailer for the upcoming season below.

(Photos: TLC)

19 Responses

  1. Can’t wait for The Ashley’s snarky episode recaps of this horrible show. I won’t watch it but I look forward to The Ashley’s commentary!

  2. Kate is a money greedy witch! She uses her poor kids to get what she wants. It’s so sad in life. I feel bad for those children! May Peace be with them and show them a great life!!

  3. I can’t wait until the kids are old enough to find their own voice and get the fuck away from this psycho. The only one who will still have contact with her is Maddie because she is a pill just like her mother. I can’t wait for the tell all.

  4. Oh please. I’d like to see anyone else raise 8 kids by themselves. They are well cared for, well behaved (poor Collin, but what do you expect when there’s so many?) People need to leave her alone already.

    1. Kate has *never* raised any of those kids, “by herself”. She has always had hired help, even before the sextuplets came along she had a nanny for TWO kids, and spends the least amount of time possible with them. She’s always angry, always yelling, always controlling and demeaning towards her kids. Even on national television she’s made her older two kids feel so insecure and sheepish that they won’t talk to interviewers. The chick’s whacked in the head.
      Raising kids is hard, no matter how many you have but that doesn’t give you free reign to be an asshole to them.

  5. I disagree. I know Kate gets a bad rap. But we all have to understand different people parent different ways. Her kids are taken care of, healthy and well behaved. You find me a 12 or 16 year old girl who doesn’t talk smack about their mom you are kidding yourselves. She is a mom who wants to be a parent not a best friend. I get it. And just because a person yells doesn’t mean they are an ineffective parent. My mom yelled and had extremely high expectations. It was difficult at times but being middle aged now; I know my mom has my back before anyone else. I know her kids know that as well cause I can tell that just by looking at the show.

    1. This chick *doesn’t have her kids backs though, she’s already proven that even live on national tv. She’s neither a parent, nor a friend. She’s just flat out mean and not well suited for the mom gig. There is a huge difference between being tough and having standards and being an asshole to your kids, she’s the latter, not the former. The worst part of it is the fact that she has had help since her oldest kids were babies, so she literally has no excuse for being a douchecanoe, except that it’s how she’s always been.

    2. Yeah, but most teenage girls don’t have hundreds of hours of footage backing them up.
      It’s not like kids are necessarily *wrong* in their assessments of their parents.
      If you’d have asked me at 16 I’d have said my mom was overprotective. And frankly, if I’d handed the cell phone (in 2006, that I’d pulled out to call my mom to confirm that I’d made it to church five minutes away in good weather conditions after I’d been driving solo the better part of a year) to you, she’d have agreed. And then probably have asked if the tire pressure looked ok.

  6. I used to watch jon and Kate plus 8 and I’ve watched Kate plus 8 and its no secret she’s a control freak. She gets aggregated at the drop of a hat. The kids have never been happy on camera. I wondered why TLC brought her back to tv but then I remembered its TLC. I feel for those kids. They are all just a pay check to Kate. Its sad and I can’t believe it took this long for her to be investigated.

    1. The little ones will be 18 in 6 years and the twins will be 18 in 2 years. I can’t wait to see how she will support herself and that lifestyle once the kids are adults and can’t be forced to be on her tv show anymore.

      1. I agree. There’s only so many books she can write and public signings and what have you. None of that will pay for her big house and that lifestyle she HAS to have.

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