The Couples From MTV’s ‘Engaged & Underage’: Where Are They 10 Years Later?

Note: This post has been updated as of March 2018!

Back in 2007, MTV found a hit with its reality show Engaged & Underage. The show followed engaged couples who were both under the age of 21. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 10 years since the show premiered!

The Ashley decided to do some sleuthing and find out what happened to the couples from the show…  (Watch the original ‘Engaged & Underage’ trailer here!) 

Aussie & Jason:

These “straight-edgers” had their reception in the driveway of his parent’s house and had a metal-core mosh pit for their first dance (as you do). They even got complementing wrist tattoos to show their love.

Marital Status as of 2018:  Divorced. Aussie and Jason lasted longer than most people probably expected. In June 2012, the couple split temporarily but were back together by that August. They are now divorced, and both are in relationships with other people.

Erica & Josh:

Erica and Josh seemed to have nothing in common: Erica was a hot Latina party girl and Josh was a straight-edge hardcore guy. The couple was struggling with their jealousy issues even before they tied the knot, and straight-edge Josh would get angry whenever Erica would have a drink. Another problem? Erica liked to spend money and Josh had none.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. After moving in with Erica’s mom around 2008 to save money, Erica and Josh ended up splitting up.

Cassandra & Emmile:

As the only lesbians to be featured on the show, Cassie and Em stirred up lots of controversy when they decided to get married at age 19. They fought all the time, and their parents were very unhappy that they were getting married. They met on MySpace (awesome) and were engaged after a month (even better).

Marital Status as of 2018: No longer together. Since their marriage wasn’t actually legal (as same sex marriages were not recognized back then), the girls didn’t have to get an divorce when their relationship ended in 2009. Judging from a blog posted to Cassie’s MySpace page, the marriage didn’t end well.

“[The marriage] was a huge mistake…but one thing I do know is that I learned a great deal from being married at age 19,” Cassie wrote. “It’s so strange to be 21 and ‘divorced.’ I was too young to get married…yes everyone was right. The best thing I learned from my experience is what true love is, and that is someone that is willing to make you feel like an equal…not being too good to suck it up and work hard to make it work and still is head over hills in love with you and wants to spend their life with you.  Not to mention someone that doesn’t believe that people deserve to be hit as punishment for stupid little things. Pathetic.”

Cassie is currently in a relationship with a woman named Samantha, and is the mother of two children.

Michelle & Ben:

Michelle and Ben had been together since they were 15, and Ben’s family didn’t like Michelle because they thought she was demanding. The couple seemed doomed from the start of the episode. Ben was sure that, no matter how poorly Michelle treated him, they could make their marriage work.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. The couple’s marriage didn’t even last a year! Michelle wrote in 2008 that they grew apart.

“I tried to make the marriage last. I wanted it to last more than anything. But who I was when I was 15 wasn’t who I grew to be at 21,” Michelle wrote in a blog for MTV in 2009. “Predictable, I know, but I always thought Ben would be a part of my life. People told me not to get married young, I didn’t listen. I never would have listened, because I wanted to be married. I suppose I’m somewhat glad I found out the hard way that it was a mistake. I should have waited, though.

After her divorce from Josh, Michelle got remarried in 2010. She later got her college degree and was last known to be working as an embalmer in a funeral parlor in Florida.

Josh & Mandy:

Mandy was a surfer girl who lived with her boyfriend Josh in Florida. Mandy took care of (but was kind of mean to) her mother, who had MS. She dropped out of college, married Josh and moved to the beach at age 18.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! (Here’s a photo of them attending an event in 2015 together.) Mandy gave birth to their son in 2009, and later a daughter in 2011. Unfortunately, Mandy’s mother passed away in 2014. Josh and Mandy are still living in Florida.

Josh & Ashley:

Josh and Ashley already had two children by the time they got hitched in 2008. At her wedding, mom-of-two Ashley was only 18 years old. Ashley used to be in pageants, but put the tiaras aside to focus on producing illegitimate children with Josh. Here’s the full episode summary if you’re interested.

Marital Status as of 2017: Divorced.

Josh & Bre:

Josh and Bre appeared on the first season of the show, and seemed relatively drama free, compared to the other ‘Engaged and Underage’ couples. Musician Josh was very close to his family, and was determined to make it in the music business.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! These two are still very much in love. In 2010, they welcomed a son and in June 2012, a daughter named Lila Blue. In more recent years, the couple welcomed daughter Gwyn. As of 2017, Josh is no longer pursuing music and is running a marketing company, while Bre is a stay-at-home mom to the couple’s three kids.

David and Lauren:

David and Lauren appeared in the show’s premiere episode. They are best remembered for being the religious couple who remained sexually pure for each other until their wedding day.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! The couple lives in Brooklyn, New York, and ran a non-profit organization called The Love Alliance for many years after they were married. Lauren did some work for MTV after their show, and served as a story producer of the reality show ‘Don’t Be Tardy’ in 2017. David currently works in TV production. In 2013, the couple welcomed their daughter Emery, and in 2016 daughter Dakota.

Chad and Amanda:

Chad and Amanda were featured on the first episode of the show’s third season.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. Chad and Amanda got married in 2008 and had two sons. They had a traditional marriage until 2014, when they added a man named Jeremy to their marriage. Amanda considered both Chad and Jeremy to be her husbands. In 2017, Chad and Amanda (and Jeremy) were featured on a TLC special called “Brother Husbands,” which would showcase Amanda, her two husbands and the five children she has with them. (Click here for more details!) After the show aired, however, Amanda and Chad split up. Amanda is still in a relationship with Jeremy, but is officially divorced from Chad. (Click here to read what Chad had to say about that!) 

Nikki & Josh:

Nikki & Josh were the couple that was married live on MTV in New York’s Time Square in  2008. Several other couples from the show, including Josh & Bre, attended the wedding. They had been together since they were both 14.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! Nikki and Josh are still together, even though they had significant struggles to overcome throughout their marriage. Josh was sent to Afghanistan in 2009, but returned by the time Nikki gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Emelyn, in December 2010. After the show, Josh became a Calvary Scout in the Army National Guard and a jailer in Georgia.

That’s not where their story ends; however. In November 2011, Josh was arrested on two counts of bringing drugs or contraband across jail guard lines and violating his oath of office, after he allegedly provided marijuana and other banned items to inmates.

However, it looks like Nikki has stuck by her husband’s side. In 2014, the couple welcomed their second daughter, Adia. They still live in Georgia.

Maribel & Julio:

Maribel & Julio met in high school. When Maribel’s parents moved the family from New York to Florida, Maribel couldn’t stand to be away from Julio and ran away to be with him, giving up on the chance to go to college. Obviously, her parents were upset and because of this, they refused to come to the couple’s wedding. In the end, Maribel’s father comes to her wedding but her mother does not. You can read their whole episode summary here.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! Julio and Maribel are still together and living in Florida.

“We are cruising & traveling the world like crazy,” Maribel told The Ashley back in 2012. “We don’t want children, so we are taking our time with everything & having fun!”

Krystle & Kiel:

Krystle and Kiel had one of the more memorable episodes of ‘Engaged and Underage.’ Krystle was the bisexual bride-to-be who was living thousands of miles away from her fiance, Kiel, who was stationed in South Carolina while awaiting deployment to Iraq. (He was in the Air Force.) Krystle was living in Maryland, and was worried that saying “I do” would put a damper on her sexual freedom. (Um, you think?) She told her mom that she had been intimate with all of her bridesmaids. Despite her fears that she would be unable to remain faithful to one man, the couple married in 2007. Krystle wore a bubble gum pink wedding gown…as you do.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! Krystle and Kiel are living in Florida and have a six-year-old son named Loki and a three-year-old daughter named Halo. After ‘Engaged and Underage,’ Kiel completed three tours of duty in Afghanistan, while Krystle graduated college.

Jessica & Frank:

These two had been together since ninth grade. Jessica eventually got pregnant and Frank decides to “do the right thing” and marry her. His whole family is against the wedding, especially his brother, who pleads with Frank not to marry Jessica. They fight and break up constantly, but the shotgun wedding ends up taking place anyway.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. The couple welcomed their son, Frank Jr. in 2007, but divorced about a year later, May 2008.  Frank is now married to another woman, and together they have several children. Jessica remarried in 2011, and in 2012 she sent The Ashley an update on her life.

“I am married to my amazing husband T.C.,” she wrote. “He is in the Air Force and I couldn’t imagine my life without him, although I’ve had to on many occasions because duty calls. T.C. and my son absolutely adore each other.”

Jessica and Frank share custody of Frank Jr., who is now 10 years old.

Jake & Jenn:

Jake and Jenn were in a hurry to get married because there was a possibility that Army man Jake would get shipped off to Iraq. They spent most of the weeks before their wedding fighting about everything from wedding favors to bachelor parties. Jake even calls his future wife “Satan herself” after she tries to get him to hang out with her family before the wedding. After the wedding, the couple continued to live in Hawaii where Jake was stationed. Watch a short clip of their episode here.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. Jake deployed in November 2007. In 2010, Jake and Jenn separated before finally divorcing in May 2011. According to a friend of Jenn’s, she moved to South Carolina after her divorce to be with her boyfriend. Jake graduated from college in 2012. In 2014, he was in a very serious motorcycle accident, but it appears that he has recovered. He is now in a relationship and the father of a little girl.

Jewel & Cory:

Cory, then 21, gave up a promising BMX career to marry Jewel, who came off as very demanding on their ‘Engaged and Underage’ episode. She turns into a bridezilla, insisting that Cory build a bridge for her and her bridesmaids to walk over during their ceremony, and use the materials from his beloved BMX ramp to do it. She constantly nagged the poor guy throughout the entire episode, but they still ended up getting hitched in the end. You can read the full summary of their episode here.

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! Cory and Jewel now have four children (two girls and two boys). Their fourth child was born in January 2017. Jewel and Corey run a photography company in Texas together. In 2013, Jewel sent The Ashley an update on her life.

“I just re-watched our episode…gah, I was terrible,” she wrote. “We were young and I was demanding but I look even more demanding due to TV editing…We made God the center of our relationship about a year into our marriage and it has changed our lives–for the better.”

Angel & Christian:

Angel and Christian already had a one-year-old son named Tanner, by the time they filmed their episode. The couple had decided to get married, despite the fact that Christian’s mother disliked his fiance, Angel, because Christian had to give up college and a golf career after Angel go pregnant. It got so bad that Christian’s mom wouldn’t allow him to be at the hospital for the birth of his child! Anyway, you can read their whole episode summary here. They were married of May 2007.

Maritial Status as of 2018Still married! Angel and Christian have added another son, Tristan, to their family, and they are all currently living in California. Angel has a makeup vlog on YouTube, and Christian makes appearances on it from time to time. You can check it out here.

Ashley & Byron: 

Ashley and Byron’s episode mainly dealt with their struggles to get their relatives to accept their relationship. Both of their families were against them getting married because they were different races and religions. When Ashley and Byron arranged for their families to meet, it was pretty much the most awkward dinner ever caught on film. The couple frequently fought and even came close to calling the wedding off the night before they were supposed to get hitched. Despite all of the obstacles against them, Ashley and Byron still got married in December 2006. Watch a small clip of their episode here!

Marital Status as of 2018: Still married! About two years after she married Byron, Ashley wrote a blog for MTV that talked about how their families have come to accept their marriage.

“As for our families, we are good,” she wrote in 2008. “Byron has gotten closer with my family and I have gotten closer with Byron’s family — not as much as I would like, but hey, what can I do but just keep trying? So for those who thought we would not make it, all I have to say is “HAHAHA!”

Byron and Ashley are now the parents of two kids. The family lives in California.

Chantel & Jacob:

Chantel and Jacob were a memorable couple from Season 1. Jacob’s family was thrilled that the couple was getting hitched, but Chantel’s family was less-than-excited. In fact, Chantel eventually left her mother’s house and moved in with Jacob due to the tension that the wedding caused. In a memorable scene, Chantel lets her future mother-in-law give her a bikini wax (on camera!) days before the wedding to prepare for the wedding night. (Um, awkward, anyone?)

You can read the full episode summary for Chantel and Jacob here.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced. Chantel and Jacob filed for a legal separation in June of 2010. They divorced soon after. In 2012, Jacob got remarried. A year later, a relative of Jacob’s wrote to The Ashley and revealed that Jacob regretted being on ‘Engaged and Underage.’

“He told me that doing the show was the biggest mistake of his life and that when she was walking down the aisle he knew it wasn’t right but felt pressure from MTV crew and his family,” Jacob’s relative wrote.

Jacob and his new wife welcomed a baby in the summer of 2013.

Amanda & Chris:

Amanda was a devout Mormon, and, at the time the episode was filmed, Chris had recently converted so that he could marry Amanda. Amanda and Chris were married inside of a Mormon temple, which meant that Chris’ non-Mormon family was not allowed to attend the ceremony.

Marital Status as of 2018: Divorced.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Myspace, Facebook)


44 Responses

  1. I went through a stage in my early 40s where I didn’t watch TV for about 10 years. I fell of the wagon a few years ago & all I watch is reality trash. It’s like being an alcoholic & binging on Mad Dog 20/20. My brain has turned to mush, I’m losing IQ points daily & I’m so disappointed that I missed this pile of trash, I could cry. Bring on Amber & Matt’s Marriage Boot Camp episodes!

  2. I would love an update on Chris and Amanda. I remember watching them back in the day and thought how poorly she treated his family

  3. Just a couple of things I happened to notice as I was reading:

    For Jessica & Frank, you said they had a son in 2007. Later you say that son is now 7 years old. So either you typed the year he was born wrong, or the kid is 9.

    Also, for Angel and Christian, you said they had a one year old named Tanner when they filmed. Then you said later they added another son, Tanner. I’m really hoping that was a typo and they didn’t actually give both of their kids the same name.

  4. My brother is married to Aussie’s aunt so I knew they had divorced but I’ve always wondered about the rest.
    Amanda was so selfish, she didn’t care that his family couldn’t attend. That’s why I’m an atheist. Nobody and nothing would ever stop me from being at my kids’ weddings. Who would want to be a part of something that excludes people for not believing the same as they do?! Not me!

    I’m surprised so many of them are still married.

  5. so happy there was an update! i loved that show! i remember i did not like that Amanda chick at all…the way she was basically hyperventilating and blubbering like a toddler because she wanted her wedding in that temple, and didn’t care that Chris’ family couldn’t attend….she was way too selfish. I did think they would last since he converted for her, but i’m not shocked they didn’t. I don’t think anyone would’ve been able to handle her antics for the rest of their life.

  6. I am surprised so many couples are still married. Thought these kind of marriages were doomed to fail statistically.
    Maybe, the success rate is so high cause very few of them married cause there was a child coming?
    Could “doing the right thing” be the wrong decision for everyone involved often, statistically?

  7. Tiffany and David were also on this show. They have five kids together now and they just moved to a new state. I hadn’t seen them on the other post about this either. Her name on instagram is thisisourbliss

  8. Tiffany mommytothree on YouTube was on engaged and underage. Her husband’s name is David I do believe. He’s in the military. They are still married and expecting baby #4. They have a daughter Aubrey, son Austin, and another daughter Brooke. The new babys another girl. By the looks of it Brooke was like 4-5 months old when tiffany got pregnant again.

  9. This is awesome! Haha, glad you were a fan of the show! I was too even before we were on. It was a pretty cool experience being on the show. They are airing new episodes on Logo now for any other fans of the series.

  10. Yes, Chris and Amanda update please!!! I wanted to reach through the screen and shave her pretty blonde hair.

    1. Yes! 16 & Pregnant has this and a ‘Ryan’ surplus. Actually an oddly specific list of things.
      If a daughter of mine ever says “Josh’s Mee-Maw is giving me a ride to the ultrasound tech info meeting”, I’m bracing myself because deep inside I know she missed the standard three days of birth control and we’ll be shopping for a preggo prom dress.

  11. Update about Chris and Amanda, please?? I think we’re all dying to know how that trainwreck went down!

    Also, I’m glad Josh & Bre and Ashley & Byron are still together. It seemed like they were both realistic about their expectations.

  12. what happened to maribel and julio? i loved that episode and she said at the end of theirs that they had some important news hmmmm……..

  13. Jenn and jake are still together. I am friends with her on facebook. They were the couple from cleveland i believe, but lived together in hawaii. He was in the US army

  14. Yea Josh and Erica weren’t even good together as a couple. We told Josh not to do it. Honestly I feel that he only married her because of her physical aspect. Any guy lucky enough to have a girl that turns heads will make him get cocky. Josh is a good guy though. Gotta love having your friends on MTV LOL

  15. Angels mom Suzy is one of my facebook friends. Angel and Cristian are still togeather and had another boy sometime ago!!

  16. Whatever happened to Chantel and Jacob and why did Chris and Amanda divorce did he final come to his senses.

    1. I am Jacob’s cousin, Jacob and Chantel are not together anymore. She woke up one day and decided she didn’t want to be married, was no longer in love, and basically split town. Jacob is doing really good. He has a great job, house, and family and is dating someone who seems to make him a lot happier.

  17. Chris and Amanda are divorced. David and Lauren are still together and living in Brooklyn, via david’s twitter.

    What about Angel and Christen and Chantel and Jacob??? or Maribel and Julio??
    You should do more updates, this show rocked!!!!

    1. I am wondering about Chris and Amanda too. Amanda was psycho. I can’t believe they are divorced since she was so religious. She was ugly and he could do a lot better.

      1. I think Amanda is ungrateful, unfair and a BRAT!! I wish I could use other words. I’m glad they ain’t together poor Chris done everything for her changed his religion for her etc. I can keep goin all day long. I mean that brat didnt even take Chris’s feelings into consideration when he wanted his parents to be part of the wedding. I wish he would have asked her what would’ve happened if the tables had turned and her parents weren’t allowed to see her get married and your right that brat is ugly lol

  18. Ashley & Josh from Florence KY are not together anymore & working on a divorce. Ashley is also ENGAGED AGAIN to another guy!!

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