‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: All the ‘Teen Mom’-Related News You Missed This Weekend

“Geez, I missed a lot of stuff!”

Weekends can be busy. Maybe you were out getting “High! High!” with your friends, or even just lounging in front on the couch while eating a tub of Duncan Hines frosting. Whatever it was that you were doing this weekend, it may have caused you to miss some of the Teen Mom-related news that broke over the last few days.

In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all of the weekend’s ‘Teen Mom’ happenings, The Ashley brings you the “Monday Teen Mom News Pile!”

Here are all the major (and minor but interesting) Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 things that happened over the last weekend…

Jenelle Evans said she’s almost finished with her book.

For years, Jenelle has watched her ‘Teen Mom’ franchise co-stars publish books and, while she has often claimed to be writing her own autobiography, no book has ever actually surfaced. This weekend, though, Jenelle once again brought up her book, and claimed that the Story of Jenelle will be published very soon.

“I’ve been looking over the final read of my book before the final touches and it’s coming together very nicely!” Jenelle tweeted. “Going to be ready to pre-order soon! Had a very great support system and the help of a great team. Putting my very own personal touch in there to share with all of you. #ReadBetweenTheLines #Life #Truth #Childhood #Journey”

Jenelle first announced her “upcoming” book in April 2015, stating that fans could expect it to hit shelves in early 2016, but no book was ever released.

Amber Portwood & Matt Baier had their legal issues lessened.

Last month, it was reported that Amber and Matt were being sued by their landlord for not paying their mortgage, as well for as making changes and causing damage to their home. The ‘Teen Mom OG’ couple denied that they had done anything wrong, and insisted that the whole thing was a big misunderstanding. (Their landlord later agreed publicly with that statement.)

Amber and Matt were set to head to an eviction hearing on Thursday, but according to Indiana court records, the hearing was cancelled and the entire case has been dismissed.

Farrah Abraham showed off her plastic body parts.

Farrah has spent a ton of money to buy the body she currently has– so it’s no surprise that the ‘Teen Mom OG’ star wants to show off her purchases as often as possible!

While in Los Angeles, Farrah called the paparazzi to come photograph her while she laid by the pool wearing a very revealing swimsuit. As she relaxed on a poolside sofa, one of her giant breasts popped out of a cut-out in the bathing suit. The nip slip was, of course, captured in the pap photos, along with Farrah’s famous “Backdoor,” much of which was hanging out of her thong bikini bottom. (If you want to see some of the photos, click here.)

Adam Lind missed his daughter’s father/daughter dance….again! 

For the second year in a row, ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad Adam was a no-show at the annual father/daughter dance at his daughter Aubree’s school. Once again, Chelsea Houska’s husband, Cole DeBoer, took Aubree to the dance, which took place on Friday night.

Want more details? Click here!


To read The Ashley’s “Teen Mom News Pile” from last week, click here!

(Photos: MTV)

37 Responses

  1. Ummmm, so what is Nelly planning to share in her “Dude, this is my truth!” book that we don’t know already?! It’s not like she’s ever subscribed to the school of modesty. Girl IS literally an open book!

    We’ve seen her fall in lust with every soul mate that has ever given her a second look and witnesssd every one of her “fiances” being dragged away by the cops when she falsely accuses them of abuse. She’s been filmed HIGH HIGH on heroin and other illicit drugs. She’s been filmed living out of her car, stealing her mother’s credit cards, and scamming a local food bank. We’ve seen every one of her mugshots and arrests. We’ve seen her beat the snot out of her drumstick armed roommate Tori. We’ve seen her put on her “I’m smarter than I look spectacles” and masquerade as a responsible adult every time she’s gone to court to face charges that were always someone else’s fault. We’ve seen her go to rehab for marijuana, when what she really needs is some hardcore therapy and a reality check. We’ve seen her get pregnant one week, only to have an abortion the next week, and get pregnant again the following week. We’ve seen her give birth to three babies from three different Baby Daddies before her 25th birthday and ditch every one of her newborns a few days after spitting them out to party or the attend “business meetings.” We’ve literally known she’s pregnant before she even realizes it because that’s how predictable she is.

    Quite frankly, the only things we haven’t seen Nelly do are: Treat her mother with respect; put her kids’ needs ahead of her own; and the big finale. . . GET JACE BACK!

    So, unless she’s turned into Mother Theresa overnight or finally grows up and decides to be an adult, I predict that her book will flop like all of the other “truth telling” books released by the rest of the TM cast because no one wants to spend money on her fiction when we’ve seen her reality for the last eight years for free on MTV ??‍♀️

  2. Did anyone else notice catch the lies Kail told?

    Noticely how she was intentionally making Javi to appear mentally unstable to Jo and Vee. Then denying it to Javi’s face. Thank God Vee has some sense, but Kail rolled her eyes like a child when someone says anything she doesn’t like.
    Then she makes Jo tell Javi he can’t see Issac, when Javi has been a great parent to Issac. Then places the reason/blame on Jo for not letting Issac be with Javi and Javi called her out for purposely damaging his relationship with Jo and putting Jo and Vee into their ugly split.
    I don’t know though if Issac was in the basement when Javi came in, I don’t agree with him just entering their house without her consent but I also don’t agree with how Kail handled the house situation. Nor do I believe her timeline of the relationship breakdown,anyways through all this ugliness it’s Issac and Lincoln who are suffering.

    I hate how Kail using Issac as a pawn in their divorce, I get that confused ugly feeling and anxiety and terror. It’s awful, after I got older in my teen years I could see how manipulative one of my parents had been. Some parents view children as property and use them as tools to hurt the other. And it’s awful.

  3. Omg dude, jenelle’s book is going to be such a good read.

    Will there be a never ending chapter of all her arrests and soulmates?

  4. Farrah looks like that one barbie doll that your mum told you not to take in the bath with you, but you still did and now she looks all stanky.

  5. I don’t think anyone cares if Farrah’s nip slip was accidental or on purpose cause honestly she’d live the attention either way. I will support amber when she stops supporting her bum ass fiancé. He definitely is using her, Adam is a douche but honestly Chelsea can’t complain about the awful father status. When he called their daughter a mistake she should have let him sign his rights away, changed her last name and let daddy support her. Instead she pushed and pushed Adam to be there and saddled Aubree up for this mess and she now she’s the error in being so hung up on him. Jenelke she a real joke. She wants to blame everything on her messed up childhood but she will never try to understand what her own mother went thru. Barb was single mom to 3 kids who ran away from an abusive relationship. She gets paid by MTV but keeps her job at the Walmart deli. She took in their kids when they needed her. jenelle will never know what it’s like to be in that position cause she’s got a new man before seeing how raising multiple kids on her own is. I don’t blame barb one bit for keeping Jace. She knows exactly what will happen. Let’s face it, eventually David will run and Jenelle will run home to mommy and have will get his room back.

    1. Jenelle wrote a post on her website titled “Daddy Issues” where she admits that her Dad abused Barbara, but blames Babs for his absence in her life. “There was always arguing and physical altercations in my household growing up, so they both decided to get a divorce and he moved out…I went from seeing him everyday and listening to his soothing singing to nothing but silence at night and my mom yelling at my brother and sister for some reason or another.”

      She is so tragically distant from reality, which is that her Mom saved herself & her children from abuse. Who would read jenelle’s Barbara-bashing book? It’s sickening

  6. Adam is trash for millions of reasons, but I’ll legit never get why MTV decided that, of all things, the father-daughter dance is THE MOST IMPORTANT MILESTONE EVENT EVER. Like, he barely talks to Aubree, is it really surprising that he’s not taking her to the dance?

  7. Adams face make me want to puke. And what else is sick is that he thinks he’s father of the year, and everyones out to get HIM, meanwhile he’s the worst father in the entire franchise….at least Jaces dad Andrew disappeared off the face of the planet and doesn’t tease him wth the false hope of spending father son time together. Adams disgusting….all like Chelseas trying to use Cole to replace me….it’s like YA THINK?!?! Act like a man and a father to your daughter and you won’t need a replacement you dumbass! I dunno which would be worse for Aubree…And his new girlfriend must be an equal piece of shit….she doesn’t try to encourage Adam see his kids…and she’s got a personality that clicks with his.

  8. I’m convinced Farrah’s nip slip was 100% intentional.

    Jenelle’s book:
    Dedication: To my current soul mate, just like the notebook and also, Dustin, the magic lawyer
    Chapter 1: Dude, it’s not my fault
    Chapter 2: I was going to get Jace back, but…
    Chapter 3: I’m clean and Sober

  9. I’m confused. How can you have a mortgage and a landlord at the same time?? I thought they bought that house and that’s why it was such a big deal to be “movin on up” in the ritzy neighborhood… so they’re just renting it??

    1. I’m equally as confused by this. I’ve been confused for about a while now…the last post about it Matt said mortgage, and in the beginning of the post it said landlord. I just gave up trying to figure it out. Her and Matt are just frauds.

    2. I was wondering if it was a “for sale by owner” deal like a rent-to-own thing and they have to build up a certain amount of equity in it before it is “theirs” and there’s no “landlord” involved.

  10. I thinl the paparazzi should charge you a fee if you call them on yourself to basically get a free photo shoot.

  11. Jenelle, #truth? The truth, really? You would call Radar claiming there was demon after you when it would sit right on top of you. Cause you would not have a clue what it was, but it sure would feel very unnatural to you.

  12. First things first, you may have described an actual weekend that took place in my 18 year old Hollywood apartment life with “getting high, HIGH with friends” coupled with eating a tub of frosting…

    …that being said, I hope jenelle’s book is a pop up so she can read the finished product herself. #whatafuckingjoke

  13. Farrah legit looks more like Debz OG in the TMZ pics. That’s not even a joke, I thought they had the wrong person. She has destroyed her face.

  14. Farrah is what, 25? She’s ruined her body – she looks at least 40 now with all of the bad work she’s had done.

  15. Okay @ the Ashley, there’s only 2 episodes left and we need need need your recaps?!? Pretty please with Addy’s sugar packets on top! lol

    1. I also miss the recaps so much! I hope The Ashley isnt transitioning to a news-updates-only site bc the Teen Mom recaps have been my most favorite part of The Ashley and Ive actually been going back into the archives to read old recaps just to get through my week.

  16. 1.) Adam is a douche. Always has been, always will be. That Corvette means more than his own first born.

    2.) Farrah is gross.

    3.) Amber & Matt have serious issues.

    4.) Jailnelle is still delusional and a nutcase. It will never change. -Unless UBT is pushing her to release her book so he has more cash flow.-

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