Wedding bells will soon be ringing for yet another Teen Mom cast member!
Amber Portwood recently opened up about her plans to finally get hitched to her longtime fiance, Matt Baier, telling E! News that she and Matt have a wedding date in mind.
“[We’re getting married] this October. Ideally October 10 because that was the day we met in person for the first time,” she told the site. (Wasn’t that the day Matt moved into Amber’s house as well?)
As you may recall, Amber and Matt had planned to get married last October, but the media circus that ensued after the discovery of his multiple illegitimate children threw a wrench in their plans and caused Amber to postpone the wedding.
“Everything got thrown on the back burner when that stuff happened,” she told People last year. “You’ll see us working through certain things together and you’ll see us talking about marriage and what we’re going to do.”
Earlier this year, Amber launched her Be Forever Haute online boutique, and now she plans to design her own wedding dress.
“I’m thinking of something with a late 40’s to early 50’s style,” she told E!
Amber, now 26, will soon add a makeup line to her boutique.
“I started the boutique because I was getting requests from ‘Teen Mom’ fans all over the world about my outfits and makeup,” she said. “Having an online boutique was the best way I could reach everyone.”
Matt is, of course, supportive of Amber’s business endeavors.
“I’m so proud of Amber’s business and, more importantly, how far she’s come as a person,” he told E! News. “When she sets her mind to something, she exceeds everyone’s expectations.”
Matt was, no doubt, thrilled to be able to bask in all of the MTV money that Amber has made over the years via her time on ‘Teen Mom.’ According to Amber, though, she’s prepared for the day her reality TV fame comes to an end and those ‘Teen Mom’ checks stop rolling in.
“I’m a very kind person with a big heart and when ‘Teen Mom’ is over, it’s not going to be the end of my journey, but the beginning,” she said.
Amber is not the only ‘Teen Mom’ girl to use her MTV fame to start her own business. Her rival Farrah Abraham has many endeavors, including a yogurt shop, a children’s clothing boutique and a successful line of vibrating butts and vaginas (as you do). Maci Bookout runs a clothing line with her husband Taylor McKinney, and Kail Lowry has launched several online clothing lines.
(Photo: MTV)
33 Responses
I hope MTV cancels the show before their wedding. Amber and Matt think their gonna get an MTV funded reality tv dream wedding. If the show doesn’t film or pay for the wedding I guarantee the wedding won’t happen.
Hm, is she knocked up yet? If not, wait a few months until they are closer to the wedding, then she will NEED to marry this asshole. You will be one of his victims Amber too, you will realize it when it will be too late.
Amber can’t be serious…..as soon as the show’s over, Matt’s gonna be out the door! She better have a prenup
I guarantee she won’t make him sign a pre-nup. She’s too stubborn and wants to prove everyone wrong that he really HAS changed. She won’t admit she has some doubts and she knows if they do a pre-nup it will leak to the internet.
Amber and Macy do not have clothing lines. They sell clothes in online stores, which is different. Unless they are actually sketching, designing, working with teams to put material together to form a garment then they do not have lines. They are just slapping their logo on wholesale items and selling to the public. I doubt any of these girls are actually designing the products they’re selling so they don’t have clothing lines, they just sell pre made products.
Her wedding plan should be to pull Matt out of that giant imprint his butt made in the couch she paid for and toss him out!!
I am so sick of hearing all the “…journeys” they are on. All the mom’s are a “journey”, which is code for I am a huge f-up and if it wasn’t for the MTV Teen Mom franchise exploiting my kid(s) and me, I would be in jail or on the streets, or god forbid get a education and/or get a real job that involves real work.
I just don’t understand her store. She said people all over the world(blind people, maybe?) were asking about her outfits so she opened a store. Now are the clothes she sells her own creation or someone else’s? The clothing people were asking about were obviously NOT her designs as she didnt have a store then. Why didn’t she just give them the link to Wal Mart or The Dollar Store when they asked about her outfits? Is her “haute” store selling other stores clothing or what’s the deal? I’m confused! She is such a f-$king fashionista!!
I will say this…Amber has really cute stuff on her clothing line. Most clothing companies these people start are fugly (ie leather pocket shirt anyone?) but she’s got cute things! I’d actually buy some of it.
too bad she fell for that dickweed Matt.
Lmafo all day long!! Matt is supportive of her business endeavors!!! No shi* that’s more money in his grubby old man hands!! It’s way too late to say wake up Amber!! She sure is making this bed she’s going to be sleeping in, or shall I say couch..
I really wish Amber the best and hope she is successful with her endeavors. But what the hell does she see in Matt? Complete loser and he isn’t even attractive. Middle aged, no chin, flabby belly etc. At least when Jenelle picks a moocher they are somewhat descent to look at.
lol, no chin! I never noticed before but now it’s all I will look at when I see him.
Matt is a dope. Unless he heading out to a ball game, lose the lid for christ sake, and turn it around. Grown men don’t wear their baseball hats backwards.
Your eyes trick you into thinking jenelles men are somewhat attractive then they grow weird hamster tails out of their head and you realize how disgustingly douchey they look.
Does anyone else think it’s weird how every guy jennell has had she tells him everything about her previous relationship and she wants the new man to protect her from the previous fling. If it’s your ex, their name should stay out of your mouth. It’s horribly rude and inconciderate.
You forgot to mention that stupid Lion King shirt. I judge all people over the age of 10 who don Disney clothing. Ditto for guys who wear NFL “letterman” jackets for their favorite team. Don’t they remember that in school you must earn a jacket and varsity letter by PLAYING on the team? They don’t give those out to the fans on the bleachers.
I don’t know what’s wrong with disney shirts. I wear character shirts all the time. Because I don’t usually have to wear a bra with t shirts. Un less you are talking about just men lol
Ha, I going say, I have a Lion King shirtibought in 95 that I still occasionally wear… But I like wearing hand me downs (they usually have their own story). But I doubt Matt cares that much about his clothing ?
Jenelle’ soul mates of the moment only look mildly attractive compared to the rest of the cast of trolls on the show. With the exception of Cole. He is just a strange anomaly.
I used to date a paramedic and he said that people with no chins are more difficult to intubate. So that’s what I think about whenever I see someone with a chin like that.
You forgot farrahs furniture store…so random
It’s sad that Amber is unable to see what a user Matt is. I know a lot of people that lied to themselves about partners before, so I can sympathize. I hope that if she does go through with this marriage she gets a very tight prenup. I still wish her the best.
I pray shes never able to reproduce with this piece of shit.
So, Oct 10th is the day that met and also the day that moocher moved in…lol. I like amber, but being with Matt is just a terrible decision. It’s almost like she’s staying out of spite.
I’m getting married October 8th and it was my biggest fear jenelle would too. HOW are these two still together? Amber is out of her mind!
Of course mooching Matt is supportive of her on line endeavors because that’s money in his pocket.Matt bagged himself a sugar momma! Gary: keep Leah away from them. Now she can pay some good child support money. I hope that someone advises Amber to get a pre-nup!
Amber, please stop.
Very kind person? Big heart? HAHA, maybe if she remembered she actually had a daughter that would be easier to believe.
Or if she hadn’t pushed Gary down the stairs. Or adopted a bunch of pets and then refuse to take care of them. I’m trying to think of one instance where we saw Amber’s big, kind heart. I can’t.
You say Matt has a bunch of illegitimate children? I say a bunch of perfectly good children have an illegitimate father.
It’s just crazy that nothing that has come out about this guy Matt has made amber want to call it wuita. She really is stupid.
Whether they break up tomorrow or 20 years from now. It will happen.
Hey Matt…what are your plans for the future?? Nothing? Awesome!! Keep doin you!
I hope so. I think at this point, she’s in so deep w him that she doesn’t want to admit defeat and how horribly she’s fucked up.
Wow,did I really type wuita lol I meant quits.
lol I read that and was like “wtf does wuita stand for?”