‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: All the ‘Teen Mom’-Related News You Missed Over the Weekend

When you realize you’re incredibly behind on ‘Teen Mom’ news…

After a long weekend, it’s time for you to get yourself all caught up with the latest Teen Mom news!

The guys and gals of Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 have kept themselves busy over the last few days, so The Ashley will do her best to make sure you are up-to-date on all their recent hi- (HIGH! HIGH!) jinks!

Here are all the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom OG’ and ‘Teen Mom 2’ things that happened over the last weekend…

Farrah Abraham was uncharacteristically nice.

Farrah flew down to Miami to celebrate the series premiere of Dr. Miami’s new reality show, which began airing on Friday. The night before the premiere, Farrah (along with a bunch of alums from the ‘Marriage Boot Camp’ seasons) attended the premiere party at the (appropriately named) Tuck Room nightclub. According to one person who attended the shindig, Farrah left her attitude at home and was an “absolute doll” to everyone in attendance.

“She took photos with everyone –and literally everyone at the party wanted to take a photo with her,” the party-goer (who, for the record is not associated with Farrah at all) told The Ashley. “She was the most popular girl in the room.”

Farrah put her surgically altered, um, assets on full display by wearing a short mini-dress with a lace-up top.

Jenelle Evans and David Eason set sail aboard the S.S. Boozer, with Tori Rhyne as their first mate.

Aww, Tori, we’ve missed ya!

Jenelle and David left their litter of children at home on Sunday afternoon in order to go boating in the swamp near their North Carolina home. The ‘Teen Mom 2’ stars brought Jenelle’s trusty pal, Tori, along for the ride. (Luckily for Jenelle however, Tori did not bring her drumsticks aboard!) Jenelle documented the pleasure cruise on Snapchat, and from the footage, it appears that Tori is still just as much the party gal now as she was in the early season of ‘Teen Mom 2!’

At one point, Gilligan Tori falls overboard and has to have David fish her out. During another Snap, Jenelle and Tori appear to be really enjoying their time together on the high seas.

After Jenelle received criticism for her booze cruise, she posted on Facebook that she was “sick of being judged.”

“Deleting all social media because apparently if I hangout with old friends I’m going to mess up my entire life,” she wrote. “Bye.”

At press time, all of Jenelle’s social media accounts were still up and running.

Watch Jenelle’s (now deleted) Snapchats below. (Be aware that the videos contain some naughty language,



Kail Lowry cancelled her book signing and upset some fans.

Kail was scheduled to meet fans and sign copies of her latest book, Hustle and Heart on Saturday at Rowan University in New Jersey, but when fans arrived, they learned that Kail was not coming to the event. Some disappointed fans took to Twitter express their anger at what appeared to be a last-minute cancellation.

“Drove to Rowan to find out Kail Lowry cancelled her book signing…. ok,” one fan tweeted.

Kail insisted that she didn’t cancel last minute, despite how it looked.

“I let them know ahead of time. It conflicted with the boys’ soccer. I’m sorry,” Kail responded to the fan on Twitter.

Apparently, Rowan University slacked on circulating the cancellation notices, which would have been helpful to those who drove a long distance to attend the event.

Last week, Kail’s book signing in Maryland didn’t go quite as she planned. As The Ashley previously told you, two “haters” showed up to meet Kail at the signing, wearing “Team Puta” shirts that also featured photos of Kail and her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin.

Javi Marroquin and his ‘Real World’ girlfriend, Madison Walls broke up. 

That was quick!

Javi’s relationship with Madison didn’t even make it a month! Over the weekend, fans noticed that both Javi and Madison had deleted photos of the other off their social media accounts. On Monday, Javi told Radar that he and Madison decided “to just be friends” but…there is a little more to this story! The Ashley posted new details about the split! Click here to get the dirt!

To read The Ashley’s ‘Teen Mom News Pile’ from last week, click here!

(Top Photo: Getty Images for WE tv/ other photos: Instagram, Snapchat)

27 Responses

  1. Farrah, the “most popular girl in the room”…? Wow, that must have been a room stuffed to the brim with mouthy, classless LOSERS!!! ROFL!!!

    Jenelle wonders why she doesn’t have Jace back? This. This kind of crap right here. The sheer stupidity of this girl… Ugh. And who is David with, anyway? Tori, or Jenelle? It was tough to figure that out.

    I hope Javi can find a real relationship for himself. One with someone who isn’t a C-list actress and who doesn’t have man arms.

  2. Well she is high as a kite and stupid enough to document it… Good job!! I hope someone tag Babs with this evidence before she deleted it.

  3. Thanks for the advice, watched after kiddy bed time.
    Jenelle: Dry it – dry it – you gotta dry it!
    Babs: High- high – you are all high!
    You have become like ya motah Jeneeeelle (crackle).

  4. OK juhnelle I don’t think you were just on booze here the way you were acting seemed like you were on something else. Wasn’t tori recently arrested for drug possession? Hanging out with old friends isn’t the problem. Hanging out with a fellow addict you used with is the problem. I hope the judge sees this behavior before the custody hearing. Jace deserves a mother figure who will be there with him supporting him and making sure he gets the help he needs, not someone who ditches their kids to get high high on a boat with their junkie friend. She is someone who will never change. She repeats the same cycle. I feel so sorry for the 2 children in her custody who may not even have a fighting chance at this point. Babs is not your problem you are.

  5. Jenelle has a custody hearing next month and is stupid enough to record herself drunk/high. THIS is why she will never have custody of Jace. Parents try to be on their best behavior when they are trying to prove they deserve their child back. She doesn’t care about Jace or her other kids. They’re just toys she can play with when she feels like it.

  6. I call horse shit on Kail’s excuse. Was she not talking it up on twitter for the longest time? Would it have killed her to tweet that it was cancelled? I know the answer to that…that’s not my job.

    She had two book signings to attend. She only made it to half of them. And she claimed this week on the show that she’s worked so hard for what she has. Oh really Kail? Tell me about that. Complaining about how she only went to Puerto Rico last summer and didn’t do anything all summer long. You know where I went last summer…nowhere. So before you start complaining how you didn’t take enough trips this year, think about families who can’t take any trips for one reason or another. So ungrateful.

    Oh, and since when is she all “I love Puerto Rico!” and “it’s Isaac’s culture”? Anyone else remember when she got mad at Jo for getting his hair cut because he didn’t look like a little white boy? hmmmmm…..

    1. Yeah, she could have posted something on twitter…like maybe an apology and cancelation notice.

      Also, she skipped the book signing bc it was Lincoln’s first soccer practice. Is that really a valid reason to cancel? He had Javi there – I’m not sure soccer practice is a good reason to walk out on your business obligations.

      1. In this week’s show (why is there a recap show every week now?) they showed her in the one episode where Isaac was playing soccer and she was screaming at him because he was, what 4?, and wasn’t running the right way or something. It was cringe worthy, for sure. Hopefully Isaac isn’t scarred from Mom Hulk yelling at him from the sidelines as he and the rest of the toddlers just have fun.

  7. Oh big surprise, Jenelle leaves her kids (again) to go get shit faced on a boat ? But she’s totally changed, guys!

  8. Well I’m not at all surprised about Javi and Madison. I don’t see how they would’ve worked living on opposite ends of the country and both having children with different people.

    1. Well, Al, ain’t nobody going to fight you over Javi. He’s all yours! xD
      Different people, different tastes, I guess, but I’d rather wait for a kind, gentle, emotionally stable guy to come round.

  9. Why yes Jenelle, hanging out with old friends that you used to do drugs with is usually not a good choice.

    I’m still over here confused as to how Jenelle leaves Ensley all the time to go do stupid shit like this. Parent of the year for sure!

      1. Whilst I agree that Jenelle has questionable parental abilities, please do not group all women who do not breastfeed as bad parents. I very successfully breastfed, however my sister physically couldn’t, and still gets made to feel inadequate by people like you. A baby being fed, is best; regardless of the method.

        1. I have seen people with massive guilt, because they couldn’t breastfeed (because of meds, or infections in the breasts). Hell, even my mum couldn’t do it for long, because her stupid children refused. My brother didn’t even drink at all (neither breast nor formula), so he ended up in the hospital. I am not a mother, but hearing my mum talking about it, she still feels guilty, while WE didn’t want to drink! I understand why Amanda said it and I can see she didn’t mean any harm to other women, but I can also understand, as Debra’s New Wig has said (that sentence lol!) it is a very, very sensitive subject for a lot of women. And to all the women who feel offended, don’t feel guilty for not breastfeeding, people turn out to be just fine and healthy and happy!

        2. I’m assuming your sister tried, and then went with an alternative method. Jenelle probably looked at the situation and decided that she didn’t want to put any of the work into it, and would rather go back to drinking and abandoning her kids for the weekend. I wasn’t vilifying all, or most women who don’t breastfeed, but Jenelle is the kind of person who wouldn’t care enough about her kids to even want to.

        3. I didn’t read what Amanda said about breastfeeding as anything about breastfeeding (good, bad, or indifferent). I read it as, “With all the booze and drugs swimming in her system, I hope she’s not breastfeeding to pass that on to Baby du jour and if she does, she should pump and dump.” And I read the second part as “Nah, breastfeeding would take actual work and having to spend time with the kid outside the presence of a camera and we all know that’s not Jenelle’s speed.”

          1. Exactly! My first thought was “If she’s boozing it up, she better not be breastfeeding” quickly followed by “Nope, that’s not something Janelle would do.”

    1. Dude, she’s in such a good place, but she’s depressed that her mother won’t give her back Jace so she’s depressed so she has to leave her baby with whoever she gets left with in order to feel better. You don’t even know, dude.

  10. It’s good to know that Jenelle is equally terrible mother to all of her kids, regardless of gender.

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