EXCLUSIVE! Courtney Stodden Opens Up About Her Split From Doug Hutchison & Her Divorce Party

“So long, Dougie!”

Reality star Courtney Stodden is getting divorced— and throwing a party in Vegas to celebrate her impending singledom!

In an exclusive interview with The Ashley, Courtney, who has been married to actor Doug Hutchison since she was 16 years old, discussed her “Divorce Party” and revealed where her relationship with Doug officially stands at this point.

“We’re splitting, so this has been a really difficult time for me,” Courtney told The Ashley. “Doug and I aren’t making these [divorce] arrangements like a business deal. It’s really sensitive and, even though things have been leading in the direction [of divorce] for a while, we are really starting to feel that we are not together anymore.”

Because she got married so young, Courtney says she doesn’t know who she is as an adult woman, and that she is hoping to figure that out now that she is single.

“I got married at 16, so Doug’s been around for so long,” said 22-year-old Courtney. “I look at him as a figure in my life in so many regards. We’re breaking up but we still want to remain in each other’s life, if we can manage to do that after all the smoke clears.”

While Courtney wants Doug in her life, she doesn’t want him at her divorce party, which is taking place tonight at the Crazy Horse III gentleman’s club in Las Vegas.

“I hope he doesn’t crash the party!” Courtney said.

Courtney said her friends came up with the idea to have a divorce party for her.

“I think the party may help lighten things up for me,” she said, adding that she’s only been to a strip club once in her life. “We got married in Vegas in a little chapel with like five people there, so we never had the whole bachelor/bachelorette experience. So this is like a weird reverse version of that– like a single bachelorette party!

“I kind of missed out on the party scene and going crazy because I got married so young,” she added. “I really want to go out and experience life now. I was married from the ages of 16 to 22 and those are the ages you really build your character and I kind of feel like I haven’t had a chance to do that yet.”

After her divorce party, Courtney will be focusing on working on her autobiography, Blonde and Blue, which she hopes to release sometime this year.

“It will be a autobiography and a self-help book,” she said. “I suffer from depression–surprise, surprise!– so the book will talk about that and have a therapist that weighs in on topics throughout the book.”

And, of course, she will be doing more reality TV shows. (She was last seen on Lifetime’s The Mother/Daughter Experiment.)

“There are some amazing shows in the process right now [for me] and I will definitely be doing more TV,” Courtney said. “I am also planning to branch out and do my own lingerie line, perfume, and music of course.” (Who could forget Courtney’s last, um, memorable musical endeavor?)

She said she is also trying her best to keep things friendly between her and Doug during their divorce proceedings.

“We don’t want to be this nasty Hollywood couple that tears each other apart,” she said. “We want to lead as an example for other celebrity couples going through a divorce. It’s making things harder and right now the tension is high, but we’re managing to remain loving and respectful of one another.”

If you’re interested in celebrating Courtney’s divorce, you can head on over to the Crazy Horse III gentlemen’s club in Las Vegas. Don’t forget to bring your $1 bills!

6 Responses

  1. I find it humorous she considers them a ‘Hollywood Couple’. I would mention them in conversation more so as ‘the 16 year old who married that old guy who did something with reality shows’.

  2. You can only pray for this girl. The adults in her life did not do right by her. It looks like she is going to go from one extreme to another. That’s not better.

  3. Why her parents allowed their teenager daughter to marry a man older than her father is beyond me. She, however, is wise beyond her years in the effort to remain amicable and not drag her ex-spouse through the mud. Many should take notes.

    1. I don’t think it was a situation where they so much allowed it as pushed her into it, regardless of what they say. They should be held accountable for abuse and her ex husband for being a pedophole.

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