‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: All the ‘Teen Mom’-Related News You Missed This Weekend

“There’s so much ‘Teen Mom’ news!”

This weekend, the ‘Teen Mom’ cast celebrated Mother’s Day, but the holiday wasn’t the only thing keeping the cast members busy!

In an effort to bring you up-to-date on all of the weekend’s ‘Teen Mom’ happenings, The Ashley brings you the “Monday Teen Mom News Pile!”

Here are all the major (and minor but interesting) Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2-related things that happened over the last weekend…

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra tried to prove that their house wasn’t dangerous and disgusting. 

Tyler had no idea when he posted a video to Instagram of his daughter, Nova, delivering breakfast in bed to Catelynn for Mother’s Day, that he would get a whirlwind of backlash! After Tyler posted the video, fans started freaking out in the video’s comment section, with many noticing how dirty the path to Catelynn’s bed was. Eagle-eyed fans also spotted a fan without its protective cover running literally inches from Nova’s head.

“Guys you have to get a new fans, that one is so dangerous!” one fan wrote. “Baby girl is gonna get hurt. I will buy you a new one!”

“Put a cover on the damn fan before she chops her fingers off,” another wrote. “And pick up the dirty clothes off the floor!”

Tyler decided to post another video in response to all the negative comments about his fan and dirty room. He mocked the people who wrote about his dirty floor and even put his finger in the coverless fan to show everyone that it wasn’t dangerous. You can watch the second video here.

Kail Lowry reached a major life milestone.

A post shared by Kailyn Lowry (@kaillowry) on

On Saturday, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star became the first ‘Teen Mom’ franchise cast member to graduate with a Bachelors degree. Kail posted photos of herself in her cap and gown to her social media account on her big day, and had her sons Isaac and Lincoln cheering her on as she walked across the stage and received her diploma. (A ‘Teen Mom 2’ film crew was there to capture the moment, naturally.)

To read more about Kail’s graduation, click here!

Jenelle Evans continued her epic online spat with her future sister-in-law.

Jenelle spent the weekend trading online jabs with her future sister-in-law, Jessica Eason. It was an online battle of epic proportions, with both Jenelle and Jessica (David’s sister) accusing the other on Facebook of being a drug addict, giving out each other’s phone numbers (as you do), and essentially fighting over which one of them David likes better.

The spat began last week, when Jessica visited with David’s second baby-mama, Olivia, who is the mom of Kaden, the son David is working on getting visitation with. Of course, Jenelle was upset that Jessica went to see Kaden before David did, and that spiraled into the epic online fight.

You can read all of the back-and-forth insults here and here, but The Ashley has pulled one out that she found particularly ironic, considering it was an insult thrown out by Jenelle.

“She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober,” Jenelle wrote of Jessica. “Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

Well Juh-nelle!

Catelynn took a jab at Farrah Abraham’s horse-keeping skills.

Why does the horse have the same pink highlights as Catelynn?

Since most of the ‘Teen Mom’ stars now each have an assortment of barnyard animals, it’s no surprise that they would eventually start feuding over who is the better keeper of said animals. Over the weekend, Catelynn posted a photo of horses out in a pasture, along with the caption, “This is how horses should live! Not crammed in a backyard of a subdivision some city ppl.”

This is, of course, a jab at Catelynn’s nemesis and ‘Teen Mom OG’ co-star Farrah Abraham, who keeps her mini horse Starburst in the backyard of her Austin, Texas, tract home.

To read The Ashley’s ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile from last week, click here!

15 Responses

  1. Love the vain popping outside Juh-nells neck. Classic right there!!
    surprised it hasn’t exploded by now with all the tanties she throws

  2. People are flipping their shit for no reason, other than the fan which could be very dangerous if Nova’s hair fluttered into it, but there was literally TWO Kleenexs on the floor. Which is not a big f###### deal nor the clothes. Their living room looked decent, some toys scattered (normal) and the bedroom had clothes here and there. Which is just a little messy.

    Now IF she had waded through take out boxes, dirty dishes mislaid on the floor, obvious dirt and dog hair on the carpet and if she had to maneuver bravely through mountains of dirty clothes…then you’d be legit to flip your shit. Such is the internet.

    Though I agree about Nova’s appearance, she always looks like a moptop wild child. She’s so adorable too, but everyone knows Catelynn doesn’t have any idea what a good hair style is and neither does Tyler.

  3. I thought Gary was gross telling his daughter he learned about sex with her mother, the kid has more sense than him. Not that being open with your kids about sex is in any way bad, it’s good but Gary was so gross about it.

    1. Gary acts like he was some Amish boy and Amber turned him out. He’s older than Amber so who exactly influenced who? He’s so inappropriate, all of the time.

  4. Tyler and Catelynn are the dumbest people. It’s like they WANT to always get criticism just that they have something to do, talk to “haters” (btw, guys, usually your followers aren’t your haters, they are fans).

    Kail-as I said before, only praise.

    Isn’t it creepy to anyone how Jessica, his sister is fighting with Jenelle, his girlfriend, who he likes better, why does it have to be a competition?! A sister will always stay in his life while a girlfriend well………they are both immature and JE found a perfect full of drama family just like she is.

    Cate is so jealous of Farrah, it’s actually funny, WHY do you have to comment on every little thing she does, obsessed much?! Look, I hate Farrah as much as the next person but her and Amber seem so obsessed with her.

  5. As much as Jenelle talks about being a better person and having grown up and matured, she talks a lot of shit. The constant online bashing of her mother and other people is insane.

  6. I will give Tyler and Cate the benefit of a doubt. I have two toddlers who like to get their own kleenexes. They pretend to wipe their noses crumple them up and carry them around for a while and usually they end up in the floor. I know they’re not used and if I pick them up to toss them they throw a fit. Still clean ur house!!

    1. Who the hell gave you thumbs down for that tame post? Sometimes it feels like the cliques around here are pathetic.

  7. That picture from Jenelle! LOL.
    You just know that is the real Jenelle the kids saw just before those cute instagram pictures are taken.
    Staying out of trouble? Hardly, just different trouble. Fighting and trying to overpower Nathan and Babs is just her new adrenaline fix.
    Poor children.
    I really hope the judge will help Jace.
    Jenelle and Babs should do family counseling first before Jenelle gets more time with Jace. Jenelle needs to stop a lot of things in the presence of Babs and Jace, David too and Babs should learn to communicate her boundries in a better way. I totally get she has had enough of Jenelle’s BS and disrespect but she needs to show Jace a healthy example how to deal with even difficult (/disturbed) people. Everyone involved should be a healthy role model for the children, at least not an unhealthy one and stress factor.

  8. What a messy unsafe house Tyler and cate have!!! Surely they can afford a fan that isn’t a health hazered / accident waiting to happen.

    That child always an looks untidy unkempt mess.

    Poor nova

  9. You know what, I have clothes on my floor sometimes too. And guess what? I have a dog who sheds ruthlessly and sometimes I didn’t get around to vacuuming it up that day. HOWEVER. My problem with the video of Nova isn’t the clothes, or even the fan (though they 100% need a new one or find the cover). My issue is the fact that Nova had to walk through a path of USED Kleenex to bring Catelynn food. So many germs. So disgusting. How hard is it to throw them in the trash? Even if you’re sick and it’s the middle of the night and you don’t feel like getting up 15 times to throw away your used tissues, there’s no excuse for not throwing them away once you wake up in the morning or keeping a old plastic bag from Walmart or target by your bed and just throwing them in there as you use them. To have your child walk through used Kleenex is atrocious. Gag.

  10. Catelynn & Tyler house is exactly what I would expect it to look like. Look, my house isn’t always clean, BUT if I know I’m going to take pictures of an area or film a certain thing, I clean up said area beforehand. How hard is this?

    It also drives me insane with bathroom selfies and there’s crap all over the counter. C’mon man, care a little

  11. Catelynn and Tyler live in filth. Their home is always filthy, their kid is never clean or wearing clothes. Both Catelynn and Tyler are complete slobs. I don’t understand how their house is so filthy when both don’t work or go to school….

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