It looks like yet another marriage from Married At First Sight will end in divorce.
Starcasm broke the news on Tuesday morning that Lilly Vilchez and Tom Wilson, who got hitched during the show’s fourth season, have apparently filed for divorce. According to the site, Lilly’s last name was listed as “Uilchet” on the May 17 filing for some reason. The couple filed for dissolution of marriage in Florida, where they live.
Since the folks at Starcasm were skeptical that they had the right couple (given the different last name listed for Lilly), the site reached out to both ‘Married At First Sight’ stars…and the responses each gave the site seem to point to the fact that they are, indeed, getting divorced.
“We would appreciate for everyone to respect our privacy during this difficult time,” Lilly told Starcasm. “Tom and I are lucky enough to be able to remain best friends and love each other very much.”
“Lilly and I will be making a statement soon,” Tom told the site.
If Lilly and Tom are, indeed, divorcing, that means that all three couples from Season 4 are no longer together. In March, Sonia Granados and Nick Pendergrast revealed that they are divorcing. (The third couple from Season 4– Heather Seidel and Derek Schwartz— barely made it through their honeymoon before they decided to split.)
That leaves only two ‘Married At First Sight’ couples who are still married, out of the 12 who were formed on the show’s first four seasons. (The three Season 5 couples have yet to announce whether or not they are still married.) Season 1’s Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner, and Cortney Hendrix and Jason Carrion are still married. The couples celebrated their three-year wedding anniversaries in March.
UPDATE! Lilly and Tom have issued a statement to People magazine, confirming that they are divorcing.
“After much thought and reflection, and after being married for over a year, we have decided to file for a divorce. This was not an easy decision for either of us because we do love each other very much but sometimes God has other plans,” the pair tell PEOPLE in an exclusive statement. “This is the route we have decided to take, and all we request is that you respect our privacy in this delicate matter. Divorce is never easy for anyone, especially not such a public one.
[We] “remain best of friends and will always be there for each other even if we are not married. We plan to continue to grow our relationship, just without a piece of paper binding us together. We appreciate all the love and support you have all shown us during our marriage and hope you continue to support us during this time.”
(Photo: TLC)
9 Responses
Wow ~ how does someone seem “very gay”? And insinuating that Danielle is a “lezbot”? Your “know it all” attitude sucks. You know nothing about either one of the people, yet you think you have the right to make assumptions about their sexual preference. Get real, your ignorance is showing!
These two didn’t seem to be a good match. She is super girly and likes clothes and make-up and he is someone who likes to live a minimalist lifestyle. They are so different and I don’t think they should have to sacrifice so much about themselves to make a marriage work. The “experts” failed these two.
What do you mean, the experts for this show are awesome at their jobs! I mean, come on, they got 2 out of 12 matches right (at least so far). We can’t expect these experts to get them all right….or 50% of them right….or 75% of them right….or even 80% of them right.
I mean seriously, these guys are match makers and love experts, not magicians!
My sister in law was almost on married @ first sight ATL
She was in the process when it was down to the final people & trying to pair them up.
She didn’t make it
But she also wasn’t paid much at all….
so for people saying it’s all about the money… no. Lol
your sister in law didn’t make it, so of course she didn’t get the big money, she wasn’t on the show. The ones that go on get a 100 grand. Too bad for your sister in law!
I really wish these reality shows wouldn’t pay the people on them ( i.e. teen Mom, Married at First Sight). People should volunteer to be on the show because they want to not because they’re getting money.
Pat Brown…bitter much?
NAH just realistic. When people first got married they died in their 20’s. IF you’re only going to live to 20 something, it’s possible to have 1 mate, but get married at 20 something and stay married to them when you are in your 90’s no way that does not happen anymore.
I’ve been watching this season, Cody seems very gay to me, he’s way too young for this to last, also I think the lady he is paired with could be a lezbot. The other two couples will not last. This couple from last season all the men seemed gay. They get a 100 grand to be on the show, it’s about money, if there were no money I would say maybe, with the money on the table it changes everything. I noticed the experiment now is 8 weeks versus the prior 6 weeks. Like the 2 weeks extra is going to be a recipe for success. It’s amazing that it keeps getting renewed when most don’t last. The two that are still married won’t last until death due us part either.